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<br /> �xp�n�� inaarr�d by Trust�� and B�n�lloiasy, �r •i�h�r o!
<br /> th�a, by r�s�on o! suoh sation or prooa�dinq (inoludiaq,
<br /> •` without liaitation, r���oaabl• s�ttorn�ys� l��� and oxp�as��),
<br /> J;, wh�th�r or not �aoh acation or proa�sdinq i� pros�aut�d to
<br /> �t judg�ont or d�oi�ion.
<br /> �, 3.10 ind snilication. i! e�n�fioiary is me�el� a
<br /> � '-::�� party d�l�ndant to a�ny litiqation conc�rninq this D�sd o!
<br /> � ��- Trust or th� Propsrty by Trustor, thon Trustior �hall
<br /> �K irid�mnily. d�=ond and hoid �n4liaiary harml�s� grom ali
<br /> � .. �.�- _. iiability by r�aaon of said litiqa�ion, including roesonabi�
<br /> �n`t ' 'r' attorney�� loes er�d �xponsos inaurrod by eonaliaiary in any
<br /> ,,,;_�,:_ �.,,,;.:. ouch litigt�tion, whath�r or not any �uch iitiqation is
<br /> -`'y;;,,� pro4eauted to juagta�+nt. Y! Honeliaia►ry aommenaes an aation
<br /> against Trustor to entarc� �ny o! the tarms hereo! or beaauoo
<br /> °=-� . ��,,-.',� . .°:� o! tho broacb by Trumtor o! any o! tho tenas hareol, ar !ox
<br /> �`�"�' �" -�`'�' the reaovery ot any aum seaured bareby, Trustor shall pay to
<br /> iy �. ., '�, .,
<br /> � Benetiaiery reaaonable attorneys� leea and expense�, and tho
<br /> :��,;,,;,.,,.... . . � right to suah attorneyo�' lees and expensas shal l be deemed to
<br /> �' . , � have aaaruad on th� comm�ncamont o! auch action and ahali bo
<br /> ' enlorceAblo whether or not auah aation is pxoseautad� to
<br /> _ � �udgment. I! Trustor breaahes any term of thia Deed o! Tru►at,
<br /> � �� rights hereund�r, And in tha eve�t o! such employment
<br /> � „ „ • .;��• tollowing any breach by Trustor, Truator ehall pay Henelici�ry
<br /> �����;';. � reaeonable attorn�ys� feea and expenses inaurred by
<br /> �°i�:>�`� . ' Benefiaiary, whether or not a» action is actually aommonaed
<br /> • � �.; ' � ' �`�• nga�inst Trustor by reason o! braach.
<br /> —.��--�,-----�,:�.:
<br /> .-.: �F,;r 3.11 waiver. The obligations and liabilities o!
<br /> :;�;,;�;�'� � �� •, Trustor hereur�der ahali in no way be released, disaharged or
<br /> � ” otherwise aPfooted (exaept aa expressly pravided herein) by
<br /> . ",,:�� raason ofs (i) any damage to or destruction of or any
<br /> � � • condemnation or aimilar takinq ot the Property or any part
<br /> • .. ".� thereclt (ii) any restriatio» or prevantion of or in�erPerenae
<br /> �_ �;. ;;° . <� with �ny use� of the Broperty or any part thereof s (iii) any
<br /> �;j �;t'�'`: title daPect or enawabranae or any eviation from the Property ����
<br /> �f . or any part thereo! by title paramount or otherwise; (iv) any .
<br /> , f bankruptay, insolv�nay, reorganization, composition,
<br /> (f adjustment, dissolution, liquidation or other like prooeedinq
<br /> � relating to Benefioiary, or any action taken with respeat to �
<br /> � this Deed of Trust by any trustee or receiver of Beneficiary,
<br /> ; or by any court, in any such proceedinqt (v) any claim which �
<br /> • Truetox has or might have against eeneficiarys (vi) ar�y �
<br /> � ''..I detault or failure on the part of Beneficiary to perPorm or �
<br /> comply with any oP th� terms hereof or of any other agreeme�t �
<br /> , with Trustort or (vii) any other occurrenae whatsoever, k
<br /> whether similar or diseimilar to the foregoing= whether or not F
<br /> � � Trustor shall have notice or knowledge of any of the �
<br /> foregofnq. Sxoept as expressly provided herei�, Trustor �
<br /> ; � waives all rights now or here�after conferred by statute or � .�
<br /> otherwise to any abatement, suspension, def�rment, diminutior�
<br /> • �.,,
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