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<br /> (b) Paymant and p�rtoraana� by Trustor o! ail
<br /> ind�bt�dn��� and oth�r obii ations �vid�na�d by that a�st�in
<br /> ciumranty set lor� 3n � to, and aad� a part o!, ttie
<br /> linanoinq 7►qs�a�nt, pursuent to which Trustor qwranti�s th�
<br /> obiiqation� o! GCC arisiaq in cona�atior Mit.h th� ilorkinq
<br /> Capital Lin� o! Cr�dit Not�t
<br /> (oj Pay��nt end p�r=or�ana� o! ull ind�bt�dn�ss and
<br /> otltar obiigations o! Trustor to B�n�liaiary contain4d in
<br /> (i) th� Financinq 1►qr��m�nt and (ii) ths oth�r lirwt�ainq
<br /> Doausantst
<br /> � (d) Payaent by Truotor o! ali amounts �dvanc�d by
<br /> or on bohai! o! Truat�� or Bonaticiary to improva, protaat or
<br /> pr�aorvo ths Proporty or the soaurity o! thia Do4d ot Trusti
<br /> �., � .
<br /> .d.,
<br /> `"y, (ej Payment and pertoraianaa o! all amandtnants,
<br /> � �oditiaations, �xtQnsions, ronawals and raplaaomonts o! any o!
<br /> „�`:4'°'� tho loraqoing (inciudinq, wiChout limitation, (i) aaendmQnta
<br /> . . �� or moditiaation4 ot tho raquirad prinoipal paymont datas or
<br /> .. � - aa the c
<br /> ' '���''- .� (ii) amendments, modilications oxtensions or ranowals at a
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<br /> ,,,. •�� � amendmont, modifiaation, axteneion, renewal or replacemsnt is
<br /> �'x; . .s•_.:....
<br /> �.,;;:;':: '-�-��',•y: ;, :•."; avidanced by a nQw or an add it ional prom isaory �o ts or no tes
<br /> c:n�:,�" ��7N�;,,r,;;.. � �:,�� or snother docsumant.
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<br /> . .;'�+���,,::'� �� �' � Trustor hereby covenants and agrees as lollowss
<br /> . ��:;.t, ;.
<br /> ., .�;:;�.: . , � �� 3.1 Pa�,ent of Seaured Obligations. Trustor ehall
<br /> . pay when due the principal, interest, and all cther amounts
<br /> � due to Heneliciary as provided in the Financinq Aqreement, the
<br /> y No�e� and the other Financinq Doaumentet the principal ot and
<br /> ,�',;�, irrterest on any amount advanaBd in the tuture and securod by
<br /> ,r;: • thig Dend o! Trustt and all other charges, lees and other sums `''•
<br /> r�!�ti;:�� . as providsd in the Financinq Aqraement or any of the othQr
<br /> i"��' ' ��� �. Financing Documents.
<br /> lu. 5 _ � ::r.
<br /> � � � 3.2 Maintenance and Renair. Trustor ehall keap the �'}'���
<br /> . ;�..
<br /> � .,
<br /> , Property in good conditien and repair. ;�
<br /> -Y � � 3.3 Required insurance. Trustor shall at all times '
<br /> � ' maintain in full force and effect, at Trustor's sole coet and ��;-3
<br /> " � �r expense, poliaies of ineurance in form, eubstance, amounte and ,�
<br /> ;��� _ � � . - with companies as required by the Financing Agreement. In the
<br /> �;;�:�:;. � '���,� event of any damage or destruction to the Property, all �
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