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<br /> 6. H�sw+d ar Propaty I�nwos. Bon�ower �11 keep tha l�qwoalpul� nuw existin� a ben�lter encNd on tb
<br /> Propeny inwrod y�inat las by firo.ha�ud�included wilhln tha la�►�►,�`ex�aaven�e' and any arher hw�. lnciqdlq
<br /> tlaad�or Qoodinp,far which L,ender roquira insurar�oe. Thia inw�npo r1ui11�!►a mwinWned 1�tho anountr�nd for tho perk�d�
<br /> tlu�t Lddcr requirp. Thc inwr�ncc�rrier pmvidfng tho inruaumc eh�ll•bc+ctttiK�t by &�rrowct wbjo�9 tu Lender't�pprovd
<br /> which slull not bc unmasonably wl�hheld. If Bortowor feilw to mpfqtuiq a�vor+►ge.dnscdl�od above,l.ontlnr m�y.u L.atder'�
<br /> aption.obtsin covera�c to pratect Lender's d�hts!n tha prc�eKy In�cCaM�npo wlth pktApnph 7.
<br /> All insuranoa polkler and rrnewals �II be aacc{NAbla to Ixndor ond sh�ll inoluda��tnnd+��d nwrtgage clw�e. l.rncier
<br /> �hall havc the riQht to hold the polici�aM rcnaw�la. If Lenda�roquini.w,Bi►nnw�sh�lli p�rmtptly give to Lender�II roceiqa of
<br /> paid�rcmi�ms and ncncw�l natlar.In thc ev¢nt of lais.Bnrcc�wor shqll�iao pMmpt�aqtiqa.ta Ihe iruuranoo curlesr�nd Larler.
<br /> Lender rtwy makc praof of loss if not made promptly bp Bc�rrowor.
<br /> Unlesa Lender and Barrower dhenviso ngroe in writin8, inwmnae pmoeodN�h�ll bn gp�+lied ca rescoruian ar rcprir oi chc
<br /> Property danwgad,if�hc restoration or rcpair is aeonc►miaally faa�ihl�and Ixndar's r�aoutily 1�ant lassened. If the rpuoration or
<br /> ropair is not ocannmically fwsiblc w Lender's secu�ty would bo lessenad.�Ihp inc�umnae P�aceods slutl bc applied to thc wrn�
<br /> securod by thi� Savdty Instrumrnt. whcther or nat than�du�. with any oaaoss p�id�ta 8c�rmwer. IF Bornnwar obundom thc
<br /> Property,or daes not utawer within 30 dAys e nadae fmm I.enda��hat tha inc�utunae curier has oifaad to settle a claim,then
<br /> L.mder moy aollect the irtsurance pro�eeds. Lend�r mAy ua� thA p►rn�oeda tp rapAir or rcxtore the Propetty or to pay wme
<br /> securod by thia Security Instrument.whether or nat tht+n,du�.77ro 3(Mday petind wlll begin when�hc notice is givon.
<br /> ��; Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agra jn•wrilinB�.any•a}t�lia�uion of pmooeds to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> r t 4 ,,.•
<br /> ' postpnne the due d�te of the monthly paymenta mfernsd to in pwnrgmphc I and 2 or changa �fie amount of the paymcnts. IP
<br /> ; r Y�� under paregraph 21 the PropeKy is acquirod by Lendar.Bnrrowar's dght to eny insurance policics end procceds rrsultiag from
<br /> , �`";,-,��.�.F damag�to the Property prior to the acquisitian shall!pRSS ta,LatHtar to the extent of tt�e sums securod by thia Securlty Instnunent
<br /> �}'�.':;�;��,:;:-_:J.:;�, immedisuely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> �r' �;. �:.�,;;x 6.Oa�u�ancy,Prs,cervation,MAintananee�nd•Pnotcef6un oP the Property;Borrower's Loan Applkadon;l.easetw{ds.
<br /> " ' :+�:;«:9^:'.:' . '� Horrowu shqll occu esteblish,and use the Pro rt ag Barrower's rinci residence within siz da s after the execution of
<br /> r.;. • . .��K5,�:.:, PY• Ae y P P� �Y 5'
<br /> • •�;�°: ,:a.:},���;, �his Socurity Ins�rument and shalt continue to occupsr �he Property as eorrower's principal residenoe for at teast one year after
<br /> thc date of occupancy,unless I.cnder atherwise agroes in writing. which consent shall not na unreasonably withheld.or unMss
<br /> ,. , ". ; extenuating circumstances exist which Are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not datmy. damage or impair the
<br /> •. ;:., •,;. .. Propeny, allow the Pmpeny ta deteriorate,or commi� waste on the Propeny. Borrower shall bc in default if any forfefture
<br /> `'=�' � � . action or proceeding, whether civil ar criroinal. is begun that in Lender's gaad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> � ° � , ` Property or otherwise mater�ally im{wir the lien cmated by this Socurity Instrument or l.endar's securky interest. Borrower muy
<br /> _ �'��'� cure xuch a default and reinstate,ac pmvided in paraern�h 18,I,y ceucing rhe nc�inn nr�+mrq,+eil��r�M di�miccwi wi�h�rnling
<br /> . "' � that. in Lender's good 'faith de�erminntion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in thc Praperty or other material
<br /> impairn�ent af tha lien created by �his Security Instrwnent or Lender's se.curity incerest. Borrawer shull alsa be in default if
<br /> Borrawer,during the loun applicalion process,gave muterially fals�or inaccurate information or atatementa to L.ender(or fvled
<br /> � `��' to provide Lr.nder with eny material informotion)in connection with the I�un evidenced by the Note,including,but�ot limited
<br /> ����.' '��t;;���� ta,reprc�sentaliuns rnncerning&�rrower's nccup�ncy of the Pmperty as a principul residence.lf thih Securiry instrument is on a
<br /> " ' ' leaselx�ld, Borrower shull comply with all Ihe provisions oF the IeASC. If Borrower acquires fee�itle to tha Property, tho
<br /> , leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lcnder agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> �' ' 7.Protection oi I.ender's RiRhta in the Property.If Borr�►wcr fLilc[o perfomi the covenarns und ugreements rnntainod in
<br /> ,�' this Security Instnrment, or there is a Ic�ul pmcceJing thut may significundy uff��t Lender's righls in the Property (such as u
<br /> � procceding in bankruptcy,prob��e, for condemna�ion or 1'orfeiturc or tu enforcc luws or regulutionti),then Lender mny du und
<br /> pay for whatever is nuce+,ary to pmtcct the vulue oP thc Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may
<br /> ��I • '`��I� , include a in An sum�: �cured b � lien which huc riorit iwer �his Seruriry Imtrumem, a arin in court, a in '
<br /> P Y B Y Y P Y PPe F P Y B •..',
<br /> * ' `� reascmabl�ueorneys' fcc�and entering an the Pmpeny�a make rcpair.�.Althaugh Lender mav take s�ctiun under this paragraph -
<br /> cc.
<br /> ��';;. - . �,';.:;;�1 7,L.ender does not have to do sii.
<br /> ,,,. .. � .,.;...; ;�,�
<br /> • i;��t Any atm�unt� dishuncd by L.endcr under lhir par:igraph 7 .hall hcrnmc udditinnul debt of Bocrrnver secured by this "•''
<br /> „ � secunry Instrumen�. Unlesx&�rn�wer and Lendrr ugrec to uthrr tem��of pnymem, thetic amowN, .hull hear intere�t from the .��
<br /> ' date nf disbursement ut thc Note rute und xhull bc puyahle, wilh interest, upon notirc fr��m L.endcr tu Borrowcr reyucsting
<br /> � , .. payment. �
<br /> S. MorlgaAe Insurunce.!f Lcrxlcr rcyuircd nxirtg•rge inwranrc a,a ronJition uf muking thc loan s��ured by thi,Security .
<br /> Instrument, &mower rhall pay thc premiums reyuireJ t�� muimuin thc m��ngugc in,ur.�nrc in efPec�. If, fot any rcux+n, the '
<br /> . mortgugc insurnrn�c raverugc reyuired hy Lendcr lup��s or rcascs to b�in riT��.t. BurroN•cr+hull pay the premium,reyuir��i to ...t...•
<br /> � M• t,��• ' obluin coverage �ubst:�ntially cquivulen� ta dre mongugc inwra�icc prr��iou�ly in cff�tit,at a n►�t +ub��antially equivalent ta the '�
<br /> .1; rost lo &►rrower of�he mortguge insurancc pr�ri��u�ly in effcrt, f�ORI:Itl Jlll'f1181C m�mEugr insurcr appn�v��l by Lender. If
<br /> °�•` • subsWntiully eyuivalent mortgutie insurance coerra�c i,nat a�•ailuhle. &�rru��•cr .hull pay to Lender e•rch mon�h a sum eyual to !
<br /> ;� � ; .' one-tweNlh�if the yearly mungagr insurance premium heing paid b�•Rorr�.�ecr.��hcn Ihr in�urancc roeeragr lap.�'d�►r rcaud tn f
<br /> R
<br /> � ; � be in et'fcrt. l.ender will ucticpt.u+c and rel:iin thr.c paynknt.n� u lo., re�en•e in liru of m��rlgaFe iasurance. Los. rrwrvc �
<br /> ,yr? � � ',�`� form 3026 8190 :
<br /> 1 . - . '•�! Payo 3 a�6 � •
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