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<br /> peymqKS mry rw lon�er ba raquired.�t the apdan oP[.ender.if mat�e i�uu�noe coven�e(in the anwunt�nd for�he perlod
<br /> that Lender oequi�)provided by�n inwr�u approved by Letder�ain b000�es�vvl�ble md i� dMained. Borrower si�ll pry
<br /> t6e pnmium�requirod w mainu�in moK�e iawranoe in et�ect,or to provide�laa raerve,udll Uie requiramaM tar aiort/�
<br /> inruaaoe ada in�000�d�noe wi11�my writtm�roement 6etween Bon+owa and Lender or appliable t�w.
<br /> !. lwp�etioa. L,ender or ita a�ent m�y m�lce reawnsble cnlrka upon md in�pectioru ot�he Pnoperty.[.ader dWl�ive
<br /> Borrower notla�t�ho tima of or pdar w an inapocdon rpecifyinR rasonable awse for the inipectian.
<br /> �0. Cad�ma��bo. The procads of any�wud or clsiim for darru�es,dlroct ar oon�equent(W. in conr�octbn wl�h any
<br /> condemnadon or other tokln�of any put of tht+1'rc�perty,or for oonveymoe in lieu of oonde�matian.aro hercby�siQaed aad
<br /> �hall be p�id to l.enda�.
<br /> In the evant of a toWl wking of the Propeny.the ptncaoda dwll be appliod to the sums:ecurad by thia Secu�ity Inatrument.
<br /> whetlbr or not then due, wlth any excess paid to Borrowe,r. In tho event of A putiai taking of the Property in which the Wr
<br /> market velue of the!'r�erty immediately before tho teldng is equal to or gaater than the amoun►t of thc sums securod by thi�
<br /> Security Instrument immediat�ly before the taking,unless Borrower and I.ender ot6erwise agroe i�writing. tho sums socurod by
<br /> thia Saudty lastnumnt ahall be rcduced by the amount of the prooaeda multiplied by the following fractian: (a) the toWl
<br /> amouM of the�securod lnunodjate�Y before�t�e talcing, dividod by (b) the fair markct value of the Praperty immodl�tely
<br /> before tho tnlcing. Any balance shall bt paid to Borrower. In tho event of a partis�l teking of the Property in which the f�ir
<br /> ma�et value oP Iho PrupeRy immediately before thc taking is less thAn thc amount oi'tha sumg secured imrrodjateJy befo�tho
<br /> taking,unkss Bormwer and L.ender wt�crwise agrce in writing or unless applicabk law othenvise provldes,the proceede sl�ll
<br /> be�pplied w tips suma r�ecured by thia Security InstnuneM whether or nat Ihe sums are then due.
<br /> �� �� If the Pnoperty is abandonod by Bomower.or if,afler notioe by Lender to Borrower that the candemuwr offers to me�e an
<br /> ` ?;„ aw�d or settle e claim for damages. Bornower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr thc datc the noticx is gtven.
<br /> Le�der is wthorized to rnllect and apply the proceeds,at iis option.cithcr to rostoratian or repuir of the Property or to the suma
<br /> securcd by lhis Sacurity Insnvment,whether ar not then due.
<br /> • `' 'u Unl�cs Lender and Borrower ahenvise agroe in writing, any application of proceeds to pdncipal shall not exteM or
<br /> pc�etpone the due date of 1he monthly payments refenod to in parsiigraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymems.
<br /> • 11. Borr+ower Not Released;Forbearaoce By l.ender Not a Waiver. Extension af the time tor payment or maditication
<br /> ' L 4 , of amoni�tion of the sums secured by this Security Instniment granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shell
<br /> not operate to rclease the liabflity oF U�e original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.I.ender shall not be roquired to
<br /> �. `'�,�.,��Y,,�y. rnmmet�ce prnceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment a�atherwise modify amonizAtion
<br /> �t+ ,•%, of the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the arigin�l Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> :"�'i:': ,+�,�.w. .,,ti;.i
<br /> ' l , ��a �.,; suocessors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any rigM or remody shull not be�weiver of or preclude the
<br /> �,,,,.,:,r�,+;� •'• .,. C7LCfC1aC a�wij�il�jlii Ai'i2iiii�j�.
<br /> ' �`�;.,5•;:'..�s'',;;;:, 'r 12. Succeswrs wid Asdg�Bound; Joiat and Seve�l i.iability; Co-signe�s. The cove�wnts and agreements of this �
<br /> . '•y`.. '��.
<br /> k ��i;'t��'�'"�;`'" �� Security lnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigna of L.ender and Hurrower, u�bject to the provisians of
<br /> • •,'•�rtY.:,>,t �
<br /> ' �, ',�,:�,:�.��;;{,��;.;: paragrnph 17. Bunnwer s covenants wid agreements shall be joint ttnd several. Any Borrower w�ho co-signs this Securiry
<br /> �"''�: -' •� �`+`' Instrument but does not eaecute the Note: {n) is co-signing this Security[ns�rument only to mor�gage,grant und comey ihat
<br /> ?� • °���•��`��•�.�'� y`�s- Borrower's interest in the Property undcr�hc tcrtn�c of this Security In�trument; (b) is not persanally obligu�ed to pay the sums :,v;.•,
<br /> 'y: ' � . ...:4 : secured 6y this Securiry Instrument;and(rl agrees that Lender•rnd any othcr BoROwer mny ugree to ex�end,modify,forbeAr or �'�
<br /> • � ��,� make any accommodntions with rcgurd to thc tenns of thi�;Sccurity Instrument or the Note without �hnt Borrower's consent.
<br /> • 13. Loan Charges.If the lo•rn sc�cured by�his Security In�trument is tiubjec�to a law which sets maximum loan churgea.
<br /> ' „�., • ,, ., �• iud that law is finully interpreted x� that the intere.� or other luan rhargeti collected or to be collecteJ in connection with the
<br /> �,•�• , � � • , loan eaceeJ the permiuod limi�s, then: lal uny wch loun charge tihull he reduceJ by the umount necessary �o reduce the churge .?.�;
<br /> �' i ' ., . ` ' to the permitted limit;und Ib)uny sumx ulm,ixly rollerteJ 1'rom Borruwer which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded lo
<br /> ;,?t� • � '" ••; Borrc►wer. l.ender mny chcxne to makc this refund hy reciucing the principul owed urnier the Note or by muking a direct
<br /> �,;1';!'. • �i;:;:;; paYment to Borrower. If •r refunJ r�tilures principal. �hc rcduction will tie treated a+ a pariial pmpuymeru without any
<br /> ,,�,,. _„ .. ,pJ..�•�.��
<br /> .�,.;,.:�. .: •• . {,y�;;,. pr+epaymen�clwrge under the Nute.
<br /> � � � .�.: .,.•ila�
<br /> �,;ri�r�_� . 14. Nutices.Any nuticc w Borrowcr p�u�•iJ�J fi,� i�i thi.S�.tiurity Instrumrnt,hull he�iven by debvermg it or by muiling
<br /> '`"��� � � � it by fint cls�ss muil unle+.applirnhlc law r�yuireti u�c:af unwher methext. The nntice�hull be directed to the Property Address
<br /> . ...•.+V`•,i' .
<br /> ' .. ar any other addrcr� &inawer de�ignatc� h�� notire to Lender. Any rn►lire �u Le�xler shull be given by first clasti muil lo
<br /> .r��`.�,.'.•:::,,
<br /> µ,;,,y.,;, �_,,..,; • L.endcr'ti addresti �tat��1 hercin or•rny other•rJdre�.LcnJrr Jc+iKnatr. by ni�Iic�tn Bnrrowcr. A n}�noticc pmvided for in this
<br /> ;i;i.;�� .. . .���. Security Instrument shull be dcemed to hove t►��n gi�•en tu&xmwcr ur Lcixler when given u+pmvid��i in this pumgraph.
<br /> � ';� IS. Coverning law; 5evernbiliq�. Thi. S�curity Instrumcnt �h•rll t+c g��vemcd hy feJeral luw ancl �he luw i�f the :!�:ti�:
<br /> �-�-:- - • ;lr;�?''. - • , juriuiictian in which the Pmpeny is I�xu�eJ. In thc cvent that•rny pr��vi�iun or cl:iu.e of thi,Serurity Imtrument nr the Nute '•.rt'
<br /> `! � . . c�m8icts with applicablc law•.�urh ranllir�.hall n�►t at'fcct uthcr pruei+iuro of thi.S�curity In�tru�ncm ur thc Notc which cun be ��°�:
<br /> ��' � " given effect without the amflictinF pru��i,ion. To thi�cnJ thc pr�wi.i��m��I'this Srrurity In.trument utKi the Note arr Jerl:ued
<br /> 1� � to tx:xverrble.
<br /> �� � 16. Borrow•e�'s Cop��.Borruwcr�hall i+c givco�i�k runti�rmrd rop�ui the ivut�and uf[hiti Securiiy Inurument. .
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