<br /> i.yh. . � . , '.t:.
<br /> � •��; 4��4P�i . ..1.°
<br /> w�.j .t• �,��� ' . ..�+^'.»,�
<br /> yA'; .rxs
<br /> �: .....
<br /> i L�nd�r m�y. �t�nN tMn�. aoMd�nd hald Fpntf�in,�n rnowri nat to pcard tM �wdmwn rrwun�� NndK fa�hdw�fyr rMM�d matp��
<br /> ,lo�n maY nQuY� kX BonoMMr'��arow�oaautlt��uqiN►tl1�Nd�1�l iiMl E��tflMMnt Roo�durM Aat M tY71 u rnwlfNd A'oln tln'N W
<br /> Yn».1Q U.B.C.pe0t N sp.(•RESPA')�unMaw+mMh�►Nw thtl�iM�to t1N Pund�s�{�• IM�omo�rn.N w, Lw�dw�wy.�t�ny tl�, �
<br /> od�ot �nd hold Fund� in m �mouM nat W�d IM Ma�r�rwrnt I.�nd�► nMy �IInMb tM Mnamf d I�a�d� dw on tl» bri� d
<br /> ownnt dtls�nd n�ton�b�N��s M�pm�AMtrllu d iutw�E�ow It�x a othwwM�b�000rd�na wNh�pploid�M I�w.
<br /> 1M Fundr�fW M hNd In �n In�lputlan whtt�•apo�b w Inwnd try�Mdr��p�noY.b�tnwr�ntaMY�a MWty(Y�oludnp Lwbw. II�
<br /> Lw�da N such�n b�lNutlon) a In any F�nl•Humn Lan B�nk L�ndK rhal�ppy th�Fundr to WY th�E�aow It�ms. I.�ndw m�y rwl
<br /> olwp�Baroww tor holdnp�nd �plylnp th�Fund�, �nnu�Y�Iy�InY th� aaow �t, a vwMyN�p tM E�aow Nwn��uni�a l�nd�r
<br /> WYa 8onowa(ntarsst on th� Funds Rnd�ppAatbla Mnv.pernNte L�nd�r to mRk�euoA� ahu@�. Howwa, Lwid�r n►�y nqWn daroww w
<br /> pry�an�tkn�clwr�t lor m Ind�pmdmt nN�at�ta�npordno swb�w�d bI► Und�r In oann�ollon wMb thh b�n�,uni���PpMo�61�Mw
<br /> � ,, provldw otl�xAs�. unlKt an �prwnMnt h m�d� ar appNo�bU Mw n4uin� kiunat lo b� paid. UnrN► ah�N not b� nq��ksd to pry{'-�"
<br /> 8orroww�ny Mt�t a wnhp� an th�Fund�.BoRnwA►�nd L�nd�may�y�r�w n wdtlnp,how�rw.IINt InUnst�h+�N b�pald on th�Fund�.
<br /> L��A�N yN�to BonawK. wlthoul ohiu�pa,�n annu�l��ooauMinp of 1M Fund�, �howinp a�dits and d�bita W 14�Funds u�d 1M purpos�
<br /> lot whkh MeA d�btf to tM Funda was m�de. Tha Runda rrr pMdp�d�s�ddqlon�l i�aurky for�M wma s�cur�d b1►thb S�ewk�Instrun��
<br /> N th� Funds hNd by I.�nder exoNd the amaunte pemdibd to b� h�id by ap�llo�ble bw. Lmdu shr� �ooaunt to BarowK ta th�
<br /> �otaa�s Fund�b �oo�xdanc�wMh Ih��squlrMrronta ot appNmibM Mw. II tM amount o1 itw Funds hNd by Lendw�t any tlm�u not�u�ld�nt
<br /> to p�y th�E�aow RMns wh�n dw� L�ndar m�y su natl��Barow�In w�fln0��nd.b wah aa�� Bortowa shY pryr to LmdK tlu��rt�ount
<br /> � ���` a�payY to m�u uP tM dMoi�nay. Bomiwer.sh�N m�ka up th�dNlahn�y b no ma�tfwn twdve monthN WY�u� �t I.�nd�s wM
<br /> ,,,«,,, .,..`� 't�r dMCl�fl�n.
<br /> ' ��::a'�_•'..-'.?c.,
<br /> . i, .�r: • . {�• �"`2.k' .+ai:.:ebt Up011 p�y111�111 ql 1YN 01 111 �u�ra� s�ourad by UNe Seaurily Inspum�nt, Und�r�h�l pramptiy nlund to BoROw�r�ny Funds h�ld by
<br /> �*. ' y�•;',�;..::•� ,�,�- t una... n, une.r pnorawn 2�. Lmd�r sh�N�aqqkw or se1�thn PrW�e�tY.und«. �rtor to�n•aoqut�ton a..i.ot�n.�on«ty,ah+r avpN
<br /> - . �'}+- �, Yr+L�=:.:;.�t,
<br /> �.�� � - 1'.• +my Funtb Mb by Und�r tl tM tlme at acqulsitlon or s�la�a�msdii�y�hst ths sums sacurad bl►thls S�eu�ity InatrumeM.
<br /> ;4.;::":°�.�:•�1�iA;>;:'�.:: 9.Applltsatlon of PrymHlts. l�Meae appRtsobte taw aro��;aes athenvl�e, aA p�ym«iss aaw.d by L.nd.r und.r pa.�aphs t and
<br /> �"� '•``�"' ' ',i'�%'"� 2 shaU be appik�d: Iln� ro�ny prsp�yment oherpa4 dae unda tho Note; second,to�mounta payabN undu p�r�praph 2; tl�rd to IntKat
<br /> ��,.t.•,..
<br /> � � ;�?t��;:; •;: due;foutth,to prindpd dur,�nd I�st,to any krta ahargei due under th� Nats.
<br /> !� "'ti:,
<br /> �, � � �,.;�r , 4.Ch�►Q�si U�11� Bwrow�r sh�p p�y�II tax�e,aeaas�menia, cAupea,fMta and k�weltions�tUlbutable to th�P►operty whbh m�y
<br /> ;:.��t,.,, . .,
<br /> `.i::� • . . .r. Ntaln prlotity ovK thle S�curity In�trumant� �nd Iweehald PAY�►ts or pround renta. N�ny. 8onowR sh�1 pay thas obYp�floos In th�
<br /> ,�.� '. ' m�nnw provW�d In p�rspraph 2. or fl not p�id in th�t mpnner, 8ortow�r sh�N p�y thMn on tWn� dM�a11Y to th� paraon owsd p�ym�nL
<br /> '.;:;• � . ' Bartoww sh�A prompty lumlah to L�nder �1 natla�e ot �maunts to b� psid unda thb Wrapr�ph• fl Barow� makh 1Ms� Wyrn�nls
<br /> ;" , , dr�otlY�Bortowar sIW prompty Wmbh to L�nder rnoeipfe w)dennhq th�p�ymmts.
<br /> � � � Bortower�h�N prwnptly dboh�rqa any Wen whlah hae pdanty ov�r this S�curity Msbum�nt unless Bamwu: (�)�On�a b wrltln0 to ths
<br /> M• ' p�ym�nt of tM obYW�Von t�oursd bY the Uen In �mpnnar aoceptuble to Lendw; (b) aonhats In yood 1Wh th�INn by� a dM�da �Inat
<br /> -_ • � anfarcamant ot ths Yen in,•le�l P►oa�edln8s whloh in the Lende�'a opinlon op�wtQ to pnvmt ih�entoro�m�nt of the Nen:a(o)s�aures Rom
<br /> ih� hold�r of Ih� Nen an wpram�nt atl�staatory to Lender subordinaUn�the Yen to this 8ecurily Instrum�nt. I}Lander deterrtAnes that any �,,
<br /> `. {wt oi tiw Prop�ty Is aubJ�ot to� Ilen whlah msry.attain Ariadty ovvr ihla Security Inatrument, Lende►may yhr�Bortow�r a notk�IdmtNyinp
<br /> � '''�• iM Ilen. Bortower th�U s�daty lhe Ilen ar taka one or mo�of tha ncUona sat torth above wRhM 10 daya oi th�yivinp o1 notla.
<br /> � '��,,�'�'�-��" S. H�rd or Proporty Iruwouace. 6orrowPr ahall keep the improvamenta now eMisUnp a h�Re► encted on ihe Prapsry
<br /> , Inaur�d opsinet loss by Ika, Msarde Inaluded wlthln the term 'extended wverape' �nd�ny other hawds, InGudinp 11ood+ o► Acodln9, fa �`..,
<br /> ''� whloh Lend�r roqukee Ineunnw. Th�9 ineuranae ehWl be m�(Malned In th�amounts and for th�pedods thtl L�nda nqukes. The insunnce `• ��
<br /> certle► provldinp the bsurnc� sh�Y be ahoaen by 6onow�r aubjeet to Le�dv's epproval whlah shul not be unraaaombly withheid. If �'L�'�
<br /> BoROwar faBs to maNtaYi cov�ape deoorlbed above, l.andar moy.�t Land�r's oplion, obtaln cov�aya to probot Und�►'� dphts In the '�,�--�.
<br /> ,��r PropMy In accord�na wUh puwpraPh 7.
<br /> �r � M insurmae poqaies�nd renewata shpY be oaceptabNi ta Londer and aha�indude a stand�rd moAp�ye d�use. Lendx shd h�re th� �
<br /> '4� e to Lender dl recslpts of amiums and nnw+d '
<br /> „pht to hold th� poliolea md ronervela, U I.ender mqubes. Barower shall promptly glv P�P� �
<br /> �� nodoee. In th� avent ot loss.Barower shaY yFra pmmpt notice to ihe Inaurance cartier�nd Lendw. L�ndsr m�y m�ka prool oi loas fl not �
<br /> ' : m�d�PromPUY by Borrower,
<br /> �; � Unless Lender and BoROwer othe►wice aprae in wdting, Inauwnce procoeds shatl 6e appAed to rasto►adon or repak of the Property �
<br /> . ' • domaped, H 1he nstoratlon ar repak I� eoanamlaRy leaeible and Lender's aecurity Is not lesaened. Ii the rastoration or repak Is not � �
<br /> ;�' � � + �cw�omlcelly Iwelbb a lender's seouriy would bo leasened,ihe Inaurance prace�ds sh�N be oppNed to the suma secured by this Security � '
<br /> � • . '�i Inskument, whether or not Ihm due,wlth anp excoss paW to BoROwer. If Bortower ab�ndone the Property, or doea not answer wqhb 30
<br /> � d�yo •noUa from Lander Ihat tha Incumnae aartier hae oHand to eettle a el�im.Ihen Lender rrury eollecl the Insurance proceads. Lend�r
<br /> • � m�y ue�th�procNda to rep�lr a mstare 1he Property or to poy wms ucund by thla SewrNy InslrumQnt, whathK a not thon due.The �!
<br /> � I 30�day p�riod wYl bpin when the na6ce is yben.
<br /> t ! �,i,'•�•,_.' ' . { Unlesa Lender and 8orrawer othe+wlse ogree in wrlling, any appucaUon of proceeda to principal shaN not extend or poatpone the due '
<br /> ��� ' d�te ol the monthly p�ymenls ratmred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 or chenge the�maunt ol lhe payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property
<br /> •� . � Is�aquked by Lenda, Borrower'e�1yht to any Meur�nce po�iclas and proceeds reaufling(rom damaqe to the Property prlor to the�cquitqlon
<br /> ;,
<br /> ; • shaA pua to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thla Securqy I�swment immedi�tety prior to the acqulslUon. ;
<br /> .; ,. � 6. Occupancy, Pnsawation, Mainbnanco and Protoction af tho Proporty; Borrowar's Loan AppUcation;
<br /> '} ' LY�hOld6 Bonow�fr ahs�0 oaupy,este611sh, and uae the Properly as Bortower's ptinclpat resldenco withln sixty days aller the executlon
<br /> :`4'', ' � i of thls Sacuriry loswmmt ond ahap conUnue to oceupy Ihe Property as BoROwer's pdnclpal realdence lar at least one yeor afle►Ihe date of
<br /> � . ,,;�,��� ocoupmcy,uMess Unde�othdwise agreea In writing, whioh consent sheU not be unreasonebly wHhhetd,or unleas exlenuaUny ckcumstsncea �
<br /> . • . e�dst whleh�n beyond Borrower'e control. Borrower sheN not deahoy, damaga or impak the Prope►ty, aYow the PropeAy to deterlorete, or
<br /> _ ��i � " eommfl wasb on iho Proprrty. Bortower aheN be In defeuH tl�ny 1oAefture actlon or proceeding,whethe► clvY or criminal,Is bepun ih�t in �
<br /> , Lendw's yood Wth wdym�nt could resuft In torleituro oi the Property or othenviae rtwterlaqy impak the Aen created by thls 8ecurily
<br /> ;�_ InsWm«►t or UndK's security Interest. Bortower may eure such a def�ua and rein�tate,es provided In parayroph 18,by caueing the actlon ,
<br /> _ �_��._� ...w. � �.u��w�. �.. ��...+..���.......1 I.Y1. .W...wM.�4�n �v�nLulM /nei�fhn� n}1h�Rnm�wwr'x Ihttlrsaf N thA
<br /> —�- vi yivbwirry iu �nr va��oow m �
<br /> .0 �.rn.ry ...w.. ... rwn..o...y..�...�.... ��.�......._'_... r•__'__'_ """'_" " ' ' _' . . �
<br /> � Proparty or otha meterW Nnp�kment ol the Aen createC by this Secmity InaWmenl or Lender's aecurity fntareat. Borrower ahaN olao be in
<br /> � � _ dalwh tl Bortower, durinp the lan �ppllcaUon proceas,qava m�teriaqy lalse a inacourete InlormaUon or sfatements ta Lender (or fafled to
<br /> � � provida L�ndK vrUh any m�ted�l Inlorm�tlon)In connection with the ban evidancad by the Note. includinq,but not Umited to,represenUtlons
<br /> ' eoncanM�o Borrower's ocapmey of ihe Properly as � prindpal resldence. If thla Securily InaWment Is on � le�sehold, Bortower ah�ll
<br /> ''� � eompty wNh �I tM provlalons o1 the leaae. II Borrower aoqulres lee title to the Properly, the leasehotd and the fee t1Ue shaA not merge
<br /> ; � unl�ss L�ndw�yr�ss to ih� maryer In w�t(np.
<br /> 4 -`
<br /> �
<br /> � .. . Form 3U�tl 9,Hu
<br /> < �" F1000.LM0(9lYt) Pape 2 of S
<br /> i . ,
<br /> •
<br /> 97711 lM �`
<br /> , �
<br /> i � -
<br />