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<br /> ,; � -�fi�� DEED OF TRUST
<br /> .. •.:;;,;:�r;���: .,
<br /> �•�"":''".,..�.. ' THIS DEED OF TFiU9T("3�awlly InsbumK+t'�Is m�d�on S�at�mb�r 14th .1995
<br /> ' F�. . �:��C:r;���+:. .
<br /> ,,, .� . .. ., Th.wstor Is-!::�-- �,Morton and K�tldNn�s MoRon Huebei� snd Wit�
<br /> (`� `: (•8orrowK�.
<br /> I Z'.:::... ... .�,.Y �.
<br /> ;.C;;;�,; `.'', The wstN is u.a�.,.,��w...� .,�e+.,........a Trud�nd S�vin�s Assocl�tlon 13tlL�nd"O" StrNt Unaol�,NE
<br /> .,'� � .,
<br /> ,. s��r�:,f*•+� y
<br /> :.��•:;�t�'� � . 99608 (T�ustee'),
<br /> L� � �
<br /> �;; . " . ' �� Th•b.n�noWy W Th� Ov��l�nd NrNond B�nk of Orand Idmd ����
<br /> • _ „ b o►pmlz�d�nd�otlttktp und�►ths 4vrr oi'1'1��llnff�d Sta1�a of A111�11Ca .r11d whos�addrMS b
<br /> " °� � ` , �Q4 W�tt Thlld 8bNt arand Isl�utd NE 88801 ('�«��'1�
<br /> -- . donoww owas�.w�aR tn..pdnapel.um ot��o�•'�s•����ly� i�iuttd��ti i�nd oo/i0o
<br /> ;� Oollus(U.S.i 84.600.001.This deb�
<br /> �,;' ia evkknoed by Bortower't�ot�d�ted th�a�me dwte aa thia 3ecudty Inatrumeot("Nota'�,wh�h provid�s lor monthly p�yments, wqb the tul
<br /> , ' � debt,q not p�id a�le►,due and p�y+�bl� on Ootob�r 1 2029 .This Sscurily Inatrument�wuns to Lender.(�)the
<br /> '''•'�'. ' npayment of lhe debt avlde�iced by 1he Nota,wNh tnteroat,and aq renew�la,extenalona and modiflatlons oi the Nots; (b)tlw p�yment oT�
<br /> . othe►sums, wNh inlereq, advanced under panprAph 7 to proteol the aecurtry o1 this Securityy InaWment; �nd (a) the pe�fomwnce o1 ,�
<br /> ' ur
<br /> � ,� . . ' Bonoww's cov�ru�Me and�yrs�mN►t�. For thia purpaa�, Bortowx knvoo�bly prante and convey�to Truatee,in Wst,wflh pow�►of enk, �,�.
<br /> ��: . the totowinp descdbed properry�ocated�a Hall County,Nebmaka: ,,...
<br /> ' ' �, Th�South�rl Thirtwn and Four ToMhs Foot (S13.4') of Lot Nino (8 and tlw North4rly FtRy-Two and EIpM , .
<br /> T�r�ths Fwt�N52.8') ot Lot Ton (10�,In Block Elovon (t i), M Wod�ark AddRion to tho City af Qr�nd
<br /> •, Ff i � ' bland. Hall Count�t�N�br�sk�. ,:���
<br /> ,i.�
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<br /> .;. •
<br /> . . c.�
<br /> 9 ;' f
<br /> • . .. �
<br /> .. . i
<br /> . . ,
<br /> In lhe went tNa loon Is determined lo ba Inellpible tor Loan Ouaranty by Department of Veter�n'a ANaira, ihls mthe lo�n mey 6e ,
<br /> � � • declared due �nd p�yabl� at the opdon of ihe mortyayee. The addendum to Deed of Trust atUched hereta and executed of even date •
<br /> � - herewBA la Ineorponted herein md tho covenmts and agreements of the addendum ah�ll amand �nd suppleme�t the cove�ants and
<br /> f ` ' , �pr�n�nta of the Deed of Trust as H the addendum were paN hareof. �
<br /> �l � which h�s the�ddroes a11028 N. 8harldan Avo.. . 1�rand laland.
<br /> (�„ r � ; . , Nobraek�88803 (.'Property Addross't): C�
<br /> ! ' , Zlp Codc
<br /> °;' , � • ' TOC�tEET1iER VYRH dl(mprovNnenis now or hereafter erecled on ihe property,and all eaaementa,appurtmances, and flxturea now a
<br /> �'' . ;�' here�Rer a part of the property. M repkcements ond addidons ahaA be covered by thls Seawity InsWmaH. AU ol the forepolnp is relerted
<br /> �J ' M In thls 3ewrity Inatrument aa the'Propeity'.
<br /> ;� '" �•� 1 �. BORROWER COVENANTS lhat Borrower is IawluAy nelsed of ihe eatate hereby conveyed and h�s the right lo g�nt �nd convey tM
<br /> � �•"� � � Pra rnd that the is unancum6ered exc t tor encumbrences ol record. Borrower wanants and witl delend enaa the title to
<br /> ; j ,.,•.,;: : � P�h �p�Y eP Y W
<br /> � i' ';;..�. '' , ihe PropeAy ay�inat aH cWms and dem�nda,sub�ect to any encumbnncea of record.
<br /> ..�.,t . ':..i ,
<br /> ,'!; THI9 3ECURIIY IN9TRUMEM combine�unNam covananta for natbnal uae �nd non�unHomn covenonta wlth IlmHed vuhUons by
<br /> � �� �uriadl�ifon to constltute�uniform securlty inat►ument coverkig real property.
<br /> � � �•�'-'��- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lende► covenant and ayree as IoYows:
<br /> '� � . 1. Paymont of Principal and Intorast; Prop�yonant and Lato Chargoa. Bor►ower shall promptry pay when due me
<br /> � prindprl 01�nd Mtar�st on the debt e+ridenced by the Note and any prepaymenl and late ch�ryes due under the Note.
<br /> ` ,. 2. Funds for T�xos and Insuranc�. Subject to �ppNcab�e law or to e wr�nen w.wer by�ender, Bortower ahaN pay to Lender
<br /> � ' on th�d�y monlhy paymcnts ue due undx the Note, until the Note is pdd In(uN, a aum ('Funda')lor. (a)yeuly taxea end aaaeumenle
<br /> � '' which rtwy dlaln pilorily ov�r this 3ecurity Inatrument aa a lien on Ihe Prope�ty: (b) ye�ry leaeehold p�ym�nts or qraund ►ents on Ihe
<br /> � `•. _ ProPeNy R�ny;(o)Ys�fY hatard w P�P�Y Fnsurance prcmtums: (d)Ye�ry Itood Inaunnce prsn�luma,H my: (e)Yurty mortq�ye �nauraaee
<br /> pnmMens,N�ny; �nd (Q�ny eums p�ysWe by Borrower to Lenda,M�ccordance with ihe provinbna ol p�r�qniph A. 1n Neu o1 the p�yment
<br /> F( of mortp�ye intunnc� pnmiums. Thea� Rems ue calad'Eacrow Items.'
<br /> � /' . NEBFJISKA•S�pl�F�mlry-F�rwe hW/Fredtlie h4c UNiFORM INSTRUAAENf Form JoZ9 9Ao
<br /> � F�OOp.UNO 14fo11 Pape t ol S
<br /> (• � ' ,
<br /> + •
<br /> � .
<br /> . �
<br /> - . ! 93191.LM ,
<br /> � �
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