AI � � y�:'1 �"
<br /> ..,�
<br /> . �+::. •.�. , .
<br /> ' :��..�� . ''.,�
<br /> � a' ' :.� . .. .
<br /> T�� 7. Probotloll d Lsnd�r's Alphfs In ths Prop��ty. 11 Baroww t�to p«tonn ths oovwwils�nd a� oonWn�d In tha
<br /> ° �S�arNy�M�unMn� a tMnr M • Mp�Y poo�lnp th�t nwiy �IpnMontlY �M�al L�ndw'� �ts b th�Proprty (woh p � proo�q In
<br /> bmquptoy, p�obatr,tor eoedrnwtlon a faA�iwn or a �nforo�Mws a nq�t�Uons),th�n Und�►nwiY do�nd pry lor whWrw a n�o�swy
<br /> �!: w�a.a a�. v�rw a�n.Prop.ny.nd �«,a�r. �qr�a �n u�.P►o�«y. �r�. .a�ron.m.y r�oWa.n.y�w .ny wm...ouna a�.wn
<br /> whloh hu p+fody► ov�►thN 8�ourNy In�tnrn�nt,■PPwkW„ cawt, WY�O►MSa�bt��ttom�Y's IMS�nd wMRN�O on th�PbaMAy b n� �
<br /> • .. , : .. np�in. Allhoupb Lmd�r nr►y Wc��atlon undw Ihl�pwYhPh 7�L�nd�►doa nol fww to do w. i
<br /> My�touatt dMbun�d by L�nd�r undw thl�P�npnPh 7 ih�M MconM�ddllaMl d�b1 of 8ortow�r��ow�d by tAM B�aNlty k�anunmt.
<br /> >.. __•'• lM�� Bortow�r�nd Lmdw qN to othv twms d p�ym�n�th��nouds dW bM►IntwMt kom 1M dd� ol�bw�wn�nt u tM Not� Fi
<br /> "�.1::..rr:a....�'• n�h�nd ehN lo�qy�bM,wNh Int�t�upon nWla Iram LwidK to BoROwv��W�Ino WYmmt.
<br /> ,S ....� 6. AIOPl�ia lMY�IIC�. M L�ndw nt�ulnd ma10�0� Inwnna u � condltlon oi nMkk�Y Ih� b�n s�ound by q�h S�a�ItK
<br /> � - " In�trurtw►t 8onow«'�hM p�y th�phmlu+ns nqulnd to m�k�Wn th�martyp�Inwana In�ff�at. H.far�ny n�san�th�morty�p� Yuwano�
<br /> . .& �� �
<br /> `: „' �. �.,:.:v; cavw�p� nqutnd by LmdK Mps�s ar owM to b�In �fhol� BoROw�r�haM p�y th� pnmium�nquind to obWn covw�� wbrt�nWly�
<br /> _`'`• '�• ' tl�nt to th�matp�y�insuranc�p►wiously N�f�Ot.�t�cost s u batan tl W�q u h r�nt to th�eost ta Botrow�of 1M mat�� Inwrano�
<br /> ::. � �,,�,�.u..,�. �
<br /> '�+�k.�.:�;: :�;,,,t pnviouay In M�. Uom�n �It�t� moit�p�Insur� �pprov�d by Leedw. If wbstantNpy equivd�nt marty�pe Inwnnos covwap� ia not
<br /> 'r'" �°�`•"�:'.• - inaWbM. Barawa�hN p�y to UndK Mah month a wm pwl to ontNvNflh o1 tM y�ulY mo�ty�q� in�w�na prwdum brii�Pafd by
<br /> �..-,:: ...�. , .-
<br /> �,,,• . . BoROww wh�n tlt� hwnnp eov�np� I�ps�d o� eMS�d to b�h d(�d. L�ndK wpl �oapt. us� and M�In lh�s�paymente +��� bss
<br /> � ,,�°;�y.�. .�i rawv� In i�u of mott�p� Inwr�nn�. Lou �v� payrna�U m�y no bnpK bo rxqukr+d. �t 1M optlon ot Lend�r. Y mortpape In�umnw
<br /> - y.
<br /> r r ' '�%a:`!.-���� catr«a0e(in th��mou�rt md la th�prbd that Und�r mrylra)p►ovld�d by�n inaurar apptav�d by Und�r p�Y�b�com�s�vaYbw�nd is
<br /> ,r' ,. q��'�� • "�� aMdn�d. Bortow�r ahM p�y th� pnmtums nquked lo m�NWn morty�y� Inw�no� in df�ct, or W provid� ■ loes nswv�. untN th�
<br /> , id:.':.:�:�::.
<br /> '.f�`�. : . � . . , ` : nqukwnent tor matp�pe bsw�no�w�d�b�oaord�ne�wUh�ny writt�n �g�em�nt MtwMn Barower and Lw�dK a appAeabla 4iw.
<br /> ,�'"_''�:� 9. Insp.ctlon. L�na.r w Ib .Q.nt m.y mtlu n.son.W. anm.s Intp�tio�s a tb.ProP.ty. I..naa sn�ll IN• eonowr
<br /> � 4 - . �"�' � �0
<br /> �oti�ae at tho tims of or to an rowon�hle eauee la tlw insp�cilon.
<br /> e
<br /> . 10. CW1d�m11aGo11. Th� proa�ds o1 �ny �ward or d�kn fa damapa. dMnct or eontequonUal. In conneeUon wilh �ny
<br /> f , condann�tlon a oth�►htdnp of any pM oi th�Prop«ty,or fa oonvy�na N Yw o1 condann�tbn. aro hereby�salpned and�h�l bs p�ld
<br /> to Lendw.
<br /> . . In 1h��v�nl of�toUl Wrhp oi th� PropKty,ths procMds sh�N bo�ppUed to th�aums secured by thls Searfty Instrumant,whMh�r ot
<br /> • � not then due, wfth any exces�psid to Borrower.In the event o1�partlal Wdn�ot Ihe PropeAy In whlah the qir muket valus o1 the Properly
<br /> • . Mwn�di�isly b�iae tM Wdnp b eqwl to a�t�r tFw�tha amount oi the sums a�cu►ed by this 3ecuiNy Inatruma�t immedi�tay 6�fors the
<br /> LIrMp,untaa Bonowar md lander othsrwise�in w►kinp.the suma aecured by thia 3ecuriq�InsUument ehal be nduaed by the�mount
<br /> '� of tha proceed�muWpN�d by th�folowkip ltiotlon: (�)th�total amount th�ot sums secured kwr�edhtey beton the taWnp, dNldrd by(b)the ' �
<br /> P
<br /> Uir m�McM vdue o1 the Ropedy knnedately bdora tM Wdny. My b�l�nee sha0 b�pNd ta Bc�rtawer. In ths wa►t of� p�ial WcYq ot Ihs M .�. _
<br /> ,. " Propaty in whbh ths fair muk�t wlus of ths P►oMAy Immsd4toly balore th�taWny Is lesa th�n the amount of the sums aecu�d knmaditlsy
<br /> � bMon ths Wdnp. unNa�Borrowa�nd Lmd�othawis�apres in wdtlnp a unkss�ppYca�bt�law.otha�wis�provides.Ihe procada�haA be ..
<br /> �ppN�d to the wms s�outed by thb 8�curiry Instrwr�N whethw a�ot th�aums are then due. . �.
<br /> - --- 11 ths p►o�eriy Is�bandon�d by Borrower.a 11,alle►nada by Landu to Bortawer ihd iha wmionnrn uAee:3 to n�lce sn aw�rd ar satdss
<br /> a ckMn for dsnw�es.Bomowa hNs to rospond to Lender within 90 drys after th�date the natbt Is gMen, Lender la oulhorized to cdect�nd � T:
<br /> ' apply Ihe prooeeds,at ib optbn, eqh�r to resto►atlon a rap�f►ot th� Property w to the swns sewrsd by ihls 3ecudly MaMxmnf,whWh�r �»ter�•���•�. �
<br /> '� `1 � or not then due, '����'•`''-
<br /> :'�1,•'�-, 4
<br /> . Unlssa Lender�nd BoROwer othawlae ayree in wridng, any applicalion ot proceeds ta prindpa ahpll not extand o�poalpone lhe due ','f-;::
<br /> • eLt�oi the monthly paymants teteimd to b panigraphs 1�nd 2 or ah�nge the amounl 01 weh p�ymente. ' �
<br /> � � � 11.Borrowe� Not R�I�awd: Forbaar4nco By Lend�r Not A Wi�ivvr. Extention oi the ume kr payment or modi�o�dan .��'
<br /> �� � � � �'� ' of uno�dxatbn oi the aums a�cured by thls 3�curity Mstrument yrant�d by LQnder to any aucc�sor In Ntereat ol 8ortowK aheN nol operate ; ' .
<br /> to releaaa the YtbWry ot the alyinal 8orrower or Borrowe�'s successors In Interest. lend�shal not be►equked to conunence prooeedhqs
<br /> apelnet my sueaeesor In intanst or raluse to extend qme lor paymem or othenvlse modity amoNrdlon of ihe sums aecured by Ihla Seeurity •
<br /> .�; Instrument by reaaon ot �ny denwnd ��ude by the origlnd Bortower or 8onower's auccQaaoro M iniwos�My forbearanee by Und�r in t
<br /> �� exadsinp any dghl or remedy ah�ll not be e walver ot or preciude the exerclse ot any ripht a remedy. ;
<br /> • 12. 8ucoo:aon �nd Assl�ns Bound; Jolnt and Sovaral Uabllky; Co-si�nors. The coven�nts and .yraemant. of
<br /> � '�' , thl� Securfly Imfrument shall bind and benafit Uw succesaors and asnlpns oi Lender rnd Bortower. subject to the provlsione of puaynph
<br /> �� � r�, 17. Borrowar's covananle and eqresments shatl Ee bint and severol. My Bortower who co-sipns this Secu�ity Inetiument but does not �
<br /> � exaoute the Note:(a)la co-slpninp this Security Instn�ment ony to mortgepe, grant,and convey th�t Bortower't inlereat in the Propeily under
<br /> the temia ot thls Seourlty Inatrumenl; (b) Ia nvl personaliy ubNynted lo Nay ll�e suma secured 6y this :ecurity Instrumant; aad (c)ayeea that
<br /> � � � Lender md ony Wher 8orrower m�y a�ee to extend, modNy, IorbQ�r a make any accommod�tlons wfth r�yard to terma ot this Seaxty
<br /> Instrument or iha Note wilhout that 8orrower's eonsent.
<br /> 13. L0811 Chpl�i. Ifthe lo�n aecured by ihis 3ecurity MsWment Is aubJec1 to a law wh�h sets m�ximum loen eharyes,and Ihat T
<br /> • Irw la &iaAy Inte�pMad so Ihat the Interest or olher loan cherges coNected or to be coMected in connecdon wflh the loan exceed the r
<br /> permllted UmRa,tAen; (a)any auah loen chargas shell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce Ihe clw►ge to the pertnmed Omit;and
<br /> �. ' � ;; (b) any aums �I►erdy coNected ham 8ortower whleh exceeded perrt�lted IYnNs wIN be retunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to moke
<br /> . � ihia reWnd by reducinp the prindpel owed unde► Ihe Note or by m�king a direct payment to Bortower. 11 r refund reduoes princlpal.iha .
<br /> ` ��I reduatlon will be treated�s a paAitl prepayment wNhout eny prepayment cherge under the Note.
<br /> • �'.��'' 14. NOtIC�4. My noUco to Borrower provlded ior In lhis Security Instrument ahall be given by delNertng it ar by maiNng M by ilrst
<br /> � ;J claaa maN unl�ss opptlable I�w requires use ot enother method. The notice shell be dkected to the Property Addreaa or any other�ddress
<br /> IBotrowe►desipnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sheY be given by 11rot class maN to lender's addresa ataled he►eN or any
<br /> . other addroaa Lender deslgndea by nodce to 8ortower. My notice provided for In this Security InsWment ahaN be deemed to hrve been
<br /> ' � . given to Borrower or lender when given as provided In thla paragrepA.
<br /> � � . � 15. Oov�r11111Q l.�W; SYVOrabllity. This Secu�ity Inatrument ahall be govemed by federal I�w and the law o( the juNadictbn In
<br /> ; wh)ch the Property Is boNed. In the event thnt any provlsion or cl�use of this Securhy Inshument or the Note conflicts wllh applitoble lew.
<br /> � � ,,• ' auoh aonNct eh�N not �flQCi other provlsfons of tMs Secur4y InsWment or the Note whieh can be given eilect without ihe eo�Aictlnp
<br /> • . : ..,.
<br /> ,;. ,,�.:.. • ;,;:; proviston. To Ihis end ihe provisiona o1 Ihis Secu�ity Mstrument and the Note are declared to be aeverable.
<br /> ,�!', .•,� 16,Borrow�r'o Copy. Borrower sh�N be given one confo►med copy of the Not��nd of this 3eeurily Instrument.
<br /> -- ��.:..—_. . - — - - - — —
<br /> . - F--._.;. . . 77. Tf�ns1�I Oi tfl�lROpef[y or p oYnYltciii iOlYrYi[ in oRiVMiri. ii■a v�Giq pi�i�i i:�o�P�yen?r �P iuj:ivae5i h�
<br /> ' � k Is sotd a tnnef�rad(or N a baneflclal Interost In Bortower Is sold or transterred�nd Borrower fs not a n�turel peraan) withoul Lender's
<br /> �` piior wrqtan consent, L�nder m�y, �t Rs optlon. requlre Immedlate p�yment In h►II of aA awns aecured by th�s 3ecurfly Instrument.However,
<br /> ' {_ thfs opUon shd not be exerdsed by lender tl exe►dse Is prohlbited by federal I�w�s o1 the date of thh Security Mswment.
<br /> � �� N landar exKdaas thla optlon. lender ah�N glve Borrower notlee ol occekratlon. The notla shaY provlde a perlod o1 not less than 30
<br /> � d�ya trom th�dat�th��otics Is de8verod or rtwAed wNhln whlch the Borrower muat p�y aN sums a�cured by thls 3ecu►i1y InsWmenl. 11
<br /> , f
<br /> , Bortow�►hfls lo p�y these eums prlor to the expintbn of thla pariod. Landar may Invoka any remedfes penNtted by thls 3ecurqy Instrument
<br /> i ' vdthout IuAh�►notlw a drnmd on Barower.
<br /> , F...n, i�12e 9,^7��
<br /> i
<br /> a 1 I F/ppp.�,►iAp(py11 Paq�• 1 ot S
<br /> . �
<br /> ' I
<br /> 9Jt3�.LM �
<br /> I �
<br />