. „ ,
<br /> 1 •A� w ..Mtr.M J .
<br /> y' y 4 �.Y.� ."'�.`al
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<br /> peYmentr mr,y no lon�er bo teguirod. �t tAo oplfon ai't.ender. if mon�ape inwrwrcc c�►vcragc(in'tha� nt and ior Iho pedod
<br /> that L,erxler requines)provided by an insurcr qrprovoJ by[.ender Aprin becomes�vailohlc and ic ubtrlood. Borrower�hall p�y
<br /> �he premiums roquirod to maintain maRpnQe imunnco in effact,ot.ta provfde�luss reservo,untll tho requimtieru for mort�e
<br /> inwrancx endg in acoard�nce with�ny wri�ten�roement betwoen&►rmwer and l.ender or epptic�ble I�w.
<br /> 9.In�pectfon. L.endar or it�wgent ms�y malca rcawn�blo rntr�es upon�rtd incpeclions of'the Propeny. I.e�wtar dwll sivo
<br /> Barmwer notice at Uw time of or prior to�n inspocllon spocifyfn��onable�u�c for thc inspcction.
<br /> 10. Cw�dempAtbn. The proc+oeds af any �wud or cl�im fur dumwgea,diroct or cons�'quentiAl. in amnahiun wlih�ny
<br /> candemnatian ar aher tukina of any p�ui af�ho E'ropecty.or inr canveyar�ce in liou�f.wadamnution. we herehy acsi�reod and
<br /> �twll bo paid to Lendcr.
<br /> In tho eveat of a tott�►11 tnkfng af�ha Pro}xrt�r,lha procoeds ahall be applied to�ha sums socurad by thls Security lnr�rument,
<br /> whether or nat then due. with a�y excess psdid ta&►rrawer. In the event af a pwtial tnkinp of.tltA Prnperty in which thc iqir
<br /> market value af tha Property immodistely beforc the tuking ia equal to or g►eatsr thwt.lha xnx�unt of'the sum.g socurod by this
<br /> Suu�ity Instrument immodiataly befam tho takMg,unless Barrower and L.ender othetwisa ogree in writing, �hc surtw sccutad by
<br /> this Secu�iry lnstrument ahall be reciuced by Ihe amount of Ih8 ptoceeds. muUiplial by the following fraction: la)ths tcua!
<br /> amaunt of the sums seeured immodiutoly befare tho tuking, divi�iod by(b)the+ Fuir murket vulue of the Property imnted�ately
<br /> befoce the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a panial taking aP the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> market velue of the Property immediatsly before the taking is lass than thc amount of tha sums secured immediAtely 6afore the
<br /> taking, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agn�e in wd�ing or unlesa applicabla loa�ath��'wise pravid�ss.the procaoda shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Inst�ument whethor or nat the sums ure Ihvn dua.
<br /> If the Prnperty is abandon0d by Bortower,or if.after notice by I.ender to Reirmwer th�t�the�andemnar affers to mAke an
<br /> � awnrd or setde a claim for dumages. Bon»wer fails to respond to Lender a�)ihln�30 dt►yx uflar th�dste the notice ia given,
<br /> , w,. � I.ender is authodzed to cotlect and apply�ha pmceods,at ils option,eithor tn rastarntian or rapair af the PropeKy or to tF�wms
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument,whethar or na th�n due.
<br /> �`�:"�" Unless Ixnder and Borrower otherwire ugmx in writi�g, any ppplic�ti�n af prc►coeds to principal shull not eatend or
<br /> ::::L;;j:,...;,K:�y•
<br /> postpone the due date of the manthly pwyment�refamed tu in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of such paymen49.
<br /> �,...�,�„fi'•.':� ` Il.Borrower Not Releasedt Farbar�nce By Lender Not a Ws�iver.Extensi�n af thc time for payment or madification
<br /> u�'�' of amorti7atian of the sums secutrd by thla Seruriry Instrument granted by Lender to�ny successc►r in intefest of Borrower shall
<br /> 4"�,�.�"ic �lsy0,,.:'�:'�:;:f
<br /> =�.; ;-••� • not opernte to ralease tha liability of tho ariginul 8orrower or Barrower's succeswirs in interest. Lender shall not be rcquired to
<br /> `�� �'r"�� ' " , commence prnceedings againsl any successcir in inre�e�t or refase to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortiwtian
<br /> �1��. y:,:' .
<br /> , ,�x.,: of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of uny demand madc by the original Harrower or Borcower's
<br /> ,�.^ ;,,. , successara En interest. Any forbearanec by L�.fider in exercising any right or remedy choll nat be u w�iver of ar preclude tha
<br /> � :r' �' exarcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ' � f" � '" �• :.•,ii;:,; 12. Successors and Ass�lgna Baund; Joint and Several Liabilit�•; Casigners. The crnenuntx and ugreementx of tbis
<br /> �' • Security lnatrument shall bind and henefit the successnn and assi�ns of L.ender and Bnrrower, subject to the pravisionx of
<br /> i " � paragrAph 17. Banawer's covenantt+ and a�reementti shall be j�int and neveral. Any Borrower who ca-signti thiy Security
<br /> i, '' Inslrument but daes nrn executo Ihe Nutu: (ul ir.co-signing this Security Instrument only to nrortgage,�rrm anJ convey thul
<br /> �k BoROwer's interest in the Prapeny undor the tunns of this Security lnstrument:Ib) is not perwnully��bliguted u�pny the sums
<br /> �� secur�xi by thix Security Inatnrmenl; and Irl ugrces thut LenJer und uny other Borrowcr muy agrce�o extend,madify,forbcar ar
<br /> make any u�cummnda�iun+����tb rugnni t�►ihc�erm�of this Security Ins�rumcm��r�he N�xe wi�h�wt�hut Bur�ower'�cunsent.
<br /> 13. Loan CharR�. If thc I��un sc�:un:d h�� thix Sccurity Imtrumcnt i. subjcc� to A law which ticts muximum luan churges,
<br /> ' • iltld llli�t IAN� ix�nully inlurpreted u, �hut�he intomst or�dh�r luan churge�cnUccted or to ix�collected in �Ymnectiim with the
<br /> :�, • �' I�an excec�l the pemiiueJ liinith, ihon: ta1 uny>uch I��rn rhurge ,hall tk�tJuceJ by the am�ium nece�ssary to reduce thc rhurge
<br /> �: . to the permittc�i limit: •rnd Ihl uny sum.ulruxty coUcrted frum &►rruwer which excerdcd perniitted limitx will 6e refundcKi to ..�'
<br /> ,:'� Bonnwer. Leixler muy cho��u: t�� mukc thfr�rcfund hy rcducing Ih� prinripul nwed u�xlcr the N���e or My m+iking a dircct ''"f"�"•
<br /> �, payment to Borr�i���er. 11' a refumt r�iu��s prinripul, thc �Kluc�iun will I+c treuted a� a puniul prepuyment wi�huut uny
<br /> ;'.�,� t •• prcpayment charge under tho Netu.
<br /> , i 14.NoN��.Any nai�k to &�rr���rer pr�i��idcJ tiir in thiti Srcurity In�trumenl.hall hc Fiven hy d�livering i�or by nwiling
<br /> it by ftnt cla�.r mal unlo.s upplicahlc lux•rcNuir�.uar uf aoull►ri mclluKl. Thr nuti�t.hal1 hc dircctcd to thc Pruperty Address �,,,�,
<br /> ar any othrr add�ss &urm��cr do.+Nnulc� N�� nutice Iu I.�ndcr. Any noticc to LrnJcr ,hull Ix� given by firtit cluss muil to ;',"�;
<br /> '-?� L.cnder'.addn�tis ,iuted herein �.r any i�ther rddrex� LcnJcr detiignutc.r by n�dire a� B�irrawer. Any nixice pruvidcd for io this
<br /> Y
<br /> ��.. - . ^""�`.• Security lnstrumcm yhull bc dcemeJ tn huvc becn gi��cn���&�rn���-cr ur l.cndcr w•hcn Eivcn u�pro��idcd in thi+paragruph.
<br /> IS.Co��C171I11(� I.AN'; tieveraHllity. Thi� Security In,trumcnt .hull Ix: governal hy icderal law and thc law of thc �
<br /> • �•:� juri�liuion in�rt�kh tlie Prupeny i, I�xruteJ.In the c��rm thai •rn}�pruvitiiun ar rlau.c uf thi,Srrurity Intitrument ��r thc Note `.•..
<br /> �.�r.�'. �''�":=.'•� , cnn0ic�s w�itli upplicai�lc laW.such conllict shnll nu�uffcrt uthcr pru�•i�i�►n.af thi.Scrurin• In�trumcnl ur thc N��tr which can bc '�,:ty,
<br /> t4 i -.
<br /> �'_ • given effi�� H�i�l��ut the conflicting provi�i�m.Te��hiti enJ the nr��vi�ion���f thiti Srruri�y Inr:trumrnt anJ the Nnte ure Jeclared •
<br /> �� z ; � t�i t+e kven�blu. �.;�
<br /> �� ' 16�Bun+oa�er's Copy.Burruwcr,lwl) bc�ivcn unc r�mli�rmcJ cupy uf U�r Notc uikl uf thi.S�:rurity In,trunknl.
<br /> � :.
<br /> �� �;�, Farm 3028 8/90
<br /> �, .. ���� PJp��ol C '
<br /> '�� �. •�'! }' 7
<br /> , ' .%�;:>,+'. :i
<br /> ;.', ,�Y Y .
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