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<br /> ° Q!� 10803'7
<br /> 17.T�er ot tbe H�nperty or a BeneAcbl Interact Ia Borrower.If WI ar any paliHf'the Prc�er►Y Q��nY inton�t in it
<br /> f�sold or transferred(or if w bcneficiwt intercst in Barrowar is soW or transferral end Burrowcr ia not a nwtural persun)wGhaut
<br /> Lencler's prior wdtten rnnsent, Lcncicr rtwy. at ita option. roquire immodiAte peyment in full of pil aums savred by thir
<br /> Socurity Instrutnent. However.lhi�optiaa slwll iat be exercised by L,endcr if oxercfse i�prahibitod by foderal law iw of Ihe dAte
<br /> � of thia Socudty Insuument.
<br /> If lxaler eaarcises thi�option,Lender shall give Borrower nWice af�cefe�tian.The ndice shell pmvide a period cf nat
<br /> Iess than 30 days from the date the notice ic delivercd or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums r,ocurcd by Ihis
<br /> Sccurity InRlrurnent. If Banowcr fails to pAy these suma pdar to the expirntion of this period. Lender may invoke any remeclie�
<br /> -permittad by this Securfty Iastmment wi�hcwt futther notice ur demand on Barrower.
<br /> t8. Barrower•s Itight to Reinstste. If Borrawer mcetw cerloin conditiunK. Bc�rmwer shall huve tho �ight tu have
<br /> enforcement of this Secudty Inctrument discontinued et any time priar ta the earlier ot�: lu)5 days tor such uther peri�xl as
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatemenl) beforc sale aP the Propeny pursuant to any power of sale conts�ined in this
<br /> Secu�ity Instrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those candiUons ere Ihut Horrower:(a)pays
<br /> I.ender all sums which then would be due under thia Secu�ity Inctrument wid the Note as if no accelerotian had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenantF or agrecments;(c)pays ell expenses incu�l in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including, but nat limited to,reasonable attome�s' fees; und(d)�akes such action as l.ender may reasanably require to ussune
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender x rights: in the Propeny and Borrower's abligalion tu pAy Ihe sums secured by
<br /> this Security Inslrument shall continue unchunged. Upon reMrtutement by Bnrrower, this Security Instrument uml the
<br /> ohligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effective t�iP no Acceleralion haci accurtod. However,this righl ta reinstnte shall
<br /> not upply in the euce of accelerotion under parngrnph 17.
<br /> !9. Sale of Note; Ch�e of I.oan Servker. The NWe or a panial intemst in the Nota (u�gether with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one ar mors times without prior notice to B�rmwrr. A sale may result in s�change in the entily lknown
<br /> ,. J as the"Loan Servicer")thut rnllects monthly puyments due under the IVote und this Securiry InrYrument.There nlsn may be one
<br /> ' or mare chonges of the l.oun Servicer unrelated�o n sule af the Note. If there is u chunge aF the l.oAn Servicer, Borrower will be
<br /> -- . ti���,-,�;�,' given written natice of�he chxnge in accordnnce with parug�ph 14 above and applicuble luw. The natice will stute the name and
<br /> �' � �• address of the new l.oun Servicer und the add�x to which payments shauld be made. The notice will also contain uny other
<br /> �� �' +"�'x":t;:"'.�.�, informution re ired b A I�cable law.
<br /> ;,�.t,,, -..�� .,,�-�;•;�� 9� Y PP�
<br /> •.. ' - 2A. Hezardous SubsWncec. &►rrower shall not cuuse or perniit thc p�esenre, use, dis,posal, storage, or relca.tie af any
<br /> �:��`'-�• - Haznrdous Substanres on or in the Property. &�rrower shull not da, nc►r ullow anyane elr� ta do, nnything affecting the
<br /> f zn
<br /> r��`;{.••`"�••"� ' �'j• Property that ic in violation of uny Env�ronmernal luw. Thc prccecling two sentences shall nnt upply to the presence.use, or
<br /> � � . ,!'� • ,;^ stnrage on Ihe Property af small quuntities of Hazs�nlaus SuhsWnces thut ure generally reco�nizeci to be appropriAte to normal
<br /> , ''"'��"� ""`�' residemial uses and to maintenence of the Propeny.
<br /> '•'s:�.�;; , ' &►rrowcr shull promptly give LenJcr writ�cn notire of any in��estigution. rlaim,demand,luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> � ° ���� ����� govcrnmental or regulatary ugency or privutc pany involving thc property and any Huzurdnu�Substunre or�nvironmental 1..�►w
<br /> ;' ° of which Borrower has actual knowledge. if Borrowcr Icurns,or is notified by any govemmemal or rcgulatory au�hurity, thut
<br /> .��•, �• • ' ' nny removal nr other remediation of uny Huzurdouh Substance nffectin�the Prapeny �s necestiury. &�rrower shull promptly take
<br /> - �' ��'''`� nll necess�uy remediul •�ti��ns in accordonce with Environmentul Law.
<br /> ;�,,,;..� ..1 . . ,.> ., «
<br /> -- As uscd 'tft th'ss F3t�gsetAh 2Q• !�lNn�dm��Suhslances" ure th�ne subs�ance+Jefincd as tuxir ur hu�.�rd��u�substunces by
<br /> • ' �nvi�onmentul l.uw und the follo��•ing substunce�: gu�olinc, keroacne, othrr flanmiuble or toxic pe�roleun� prcxiuct+, tnxic
<br /> ' ' pesticiJes unJ hcrbirideti,v��latile sol��ent�,mutcrial.c�►ntaining u.br�to,or forn�aldchydc.and radinuctive muterinls.As us�Ki in
<br /> • � this paragraph 20, "Environmentul LuW�' mcuns feJerul luws und luws i,f thc jurisdictiim whcre Ihe Propcny i, I�irs�tecl thut
<br /> ; J relute tu hculth,wfe�y or cm�ironmemal prcNCrti�►n.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM C�V�NANTS. Bormwcr und LenJrr funhcr rovcnunt and agrec u.fi�llnwti:
<br /> .. . 21. Acceleratinn;Rem�di��s. I.ender Shall Ri�•c notire to li��rruwer prior tn acceleratlnn following Burrower's breach
<br /> • � oP any covenant ar u�reemcnt in thix Security In�trument Ibut not prG�r to acccicration under para�mph 17 unle+.c
<br /> ;> • applicable law provides othenvi�el.The nntice shall sp�rifv: lu)the deiault;(b)the actiaa required to cure the ckFault;
<br /> ,.' (c)a date,not Icws than 30 da�•s Prum the dute the notice ix kiren lo liorro��•er. By�vhkh the dePault must be cured;and
<br /> �t , ld) lhat i'ailure lo cure the default on o�IxPore thr dat� sp�Yif�ed in the natice m�� result in accclaratiun of the sums
<br /> ' secured by lhis Sccuritv Inylrument and sulc nP thc Propert�. The nmicc+hall further infi�rm Burru�vcr uP the rlght to
<br /> reinstate aiter accelerntinn And the riRht to brin� u c��un uctioi� to asxK the nnn-exixtence of a det'ault or any other ' ,�
<br /> �" deiense of Borrower to accclrration �nd�ule. If the defuult is nut cured on or IKfiire the dale sperified In the notice. '�„
<br /> I.ender. ut it4 option, muy requirc immcdiatc payment in Putl oi all sum.,�run�d b} thls ticcu�ity In+trument H•ithuut •��
<br /> ;1�: further dcmand wnd may invoke thc poNCr oi wlc und an�•other remcdi��pcnnilted b� applkaMle lae. Lcnder shall be ,�:
<br /> � � '" ' entitled to collecl ull cxpen!ses incurred In pursuin�the remedie+provid�d in thfs purakraph 21.includinR.Nut nnt limiled
<br /> ; �� . to.rea+onnblc altornev.c'fecy and cost�of title cvidcncc. •
<br /> . ., IP ihe p��H•cr of sale is imoked. Trurt�M tihall record u nutice uf dePuult in cuch count� in which any puh of the �
<br /> � '• PrnpeH�• i+I�maled und shall mail ropi��of�uch noticc in thc munncr pr��ribcd b�•upplku�dc laa� tu Rurrotirsr und tn
<br /> , '. ','.�•}�' " thc othcr pe�nnr pr�wrrfin�d b�•appliculilc la��.APtcr thc timc rcquircd b� uppliraMc lua.Trust�r xhull�i�•c puhlic noticc
<br /> of tiule to Ihe penon�xnd in the manaer prrxcrihed b� upplicable lu��.Tru�t�r. ��itlmut demand on Bnrr�►HCr. shall xll
<br /> .•u
<br /> � thc 1'rnperty ut public uuclim�to thr hiuh�wt blddcr at thc timc and plucc und undcr thc Icnn,d�wiuuehd in thc n�Uirc oP
<br /> +ule in��ne or mnre purcek und in am ordcr Tru�tec d�tcrmin�w. 7'ru�k�mu} p►xtpx�c�ulc oP ull ur anc p,�nel of lhe �,'�
<br /> ' . .•u
<br /> , ��s� ' properl�• b�• publir annowKemcm ut Ihc timc und pluce of an} prc�•iou��} .ehedulcd �ule. l.cndcr or its desi�tne�� may
<br /> �'� ' ' purchase the Property�al any salc. �
<br /> ��� � , `
<br /> ,� �
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