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_ ti <br /> t.t <br /> n .,� �„�, 1 �Tv�� ' ..,;�i. <br /> `.:_ <br /> �93' 1OB03'7 <br /> d. Hwrd or prope�ty Irw�npce, Burtow�r Rtull kap thc impmvememr mw ezirtin� or han�fkr erectqd on tpa <br /> Prapeny inwnd a�afnrt lans� by firc, hwrdr includod wi�hin�he term "cx�endcd coverA�c" wd any dher hazard�, iqal+uRinp• <br /> fl�ads or flaodin�, for which Lender requlra inrurAnce. Thi�Insu�wu�e xlwll l+e muin�lned in th�amuu►u.r�rwl far tkut pa�k�cbi <br /> tiwl I.cnder rcyuirr�. The inxurw�ce c+��ier pmvlJing tlu inxuauxe�i�ull he churen by&irrower rubjecc to I.,enclv�'s u�rc}wul. <br /> which�h�li ni�l br unrciw►rwbly withhclJ. If Borruwcr fuil+� ta maintuin covcragc dcµribM!uhuvc. L,c�wktr nwy,u�. LatxNtr'x <br /> upiun,uMu�ln covert�e t�pnHcYt L.ender's rlgh�s in�he Pn�peny in u�cur�nce with purugraph 7. <br /> All iacurance polfcia ond rcnew�+lr rhall de Acesp�obie to l.enJcr and xhull include a n�undurd murtyoge cluuKC. l.�et+clut' <br /> shall Iwve the�Ight w hald the pulicics ynd rc�rewals.If Lender requfrcx,&�rrowcr shull pronyHly givc t�� L,cn�l�r ull recci{Nw al <br /> pald prcmiuma wd �enewal ncHicea.In the everu of Ims.BoRUwer xhall�{ive pron�pt nu�icr to ihe lnsurara:e currle�wnd 1�t�4tr, <br /> a� Lender may make proof��P los�if nut ma�le pmmp�iy by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lendar and Bomawcr aherwfsc agrec in writing, Insuroncc pracceds shall bc upplied tn reator�tion or repa�lr,af Uta <br /> Propeny danwged, if the reFtamdon ar repair ix ecot�micaily fcaxible pnJ L.em3er's s�urity is nw lesscned.If the restuntlKlr+,ar <br /> repulr is nat ocanomfcully fea�ible or Lender's accudty would be lessenod. �he insurance pr�xeedx shsdl br u�liad to thu wunm <br /> rjeecured by this Se�-urity In�trument, whe�her ar n�t tben due, with nny excess paid ta Barrawer. If&xrower abun�Gfne�he <br /> Propeny. or d�es not answer within i0 Jnya a noticc from Lender that the inauranre carrie�hus offered to scttle a cluim.,tftan <br /> l.ender may collect Ihe insurance pmcec�J�. L.ender muy ur,e Ihe praceedn 1n repair or rectnre thr Praperly or w pay Apfi14 <br /> stiecured by Ihis Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�duy period will begin when ihe notice is given. <br /> Unles.a L.ender und Barrower olhetwise agree in writing, any application af procced� to princlpu) shull nnt ext�tad ur <br /> pos�pone thc due dote af tha manthly ps�yments ref¢rred to in paragmphs 1 und 2 or chunge tha wnount uP tha poym�:nu►. if <br /> ' under pnrngraph 21 the Pivpeny is w:quired by L.ender. &�rn�wer's right to any inxurance policlas and proceeda reeulcin�•P�um <br /> ,��, " ,�'� cisimage to ths l�+openy prinr to the acqueaition shall pnss to l.ender lo Ihe extent of thQ sums aecured by thiK Srcurity 1aAwuument <br /> i <br /> t�.,.. . ��,�3i'�' immediutely p�iartotha acquisitiun. <br /> � '��'Y.ti;��":..�,:�.:; 6.Occupaocy. PreservaUon,Mdnte�nce nnd Prateclion of Ihe Property;BMrowc�'s I,oan ApplicWiaa;l�ee»alrold�. <br /> ���,;;,.;;� � w.�- ,�,� Burrower shall cucupy,eRtnblitih,and u��he Prop�:ny:ui Borrc�wer's principul resiJence within sixiy Juys nftcr�ha exscution af�� <br /> �,. '��;�.�.,,,.,�-::±+�?, this Security 1nF�rument and�hall continue to nccupy tbe Praperly �.v&�rrawer's princip�nl rexid¢r►ce for at I¢ast urte year af'ter <br /> �'�.;i , . ' the Jute of occuponcy,unles.w Lender othervvise agreer in wri[ing, which shull not bc unreuruannbly wiuhhald, or unless <br /> `7.����o,` '~;,-�;,-•�• .�: ,�;�; extenuating circumr,tances exiwt wbich are bcyond Borrower'w cantrol_ &�rce�wer shnlE rwt d¢�troy, ciunmge or imp�ri� the <br /> ',. .. • . Pmpeny. ullow tt� Pro�ccty t�deteriorr�e.or commic wnste an the Propeny. 8urrawc� slwl� bc in dafuulu if sury farfeiwre <br /> v � aclion or proceeJing, whether civit or c�iminul,is be�un thut in l.enJe�x gcwd faith jud�[ment coutd rQeidu ic� forfeiture of the .; <br /> ±� � . ' Propeny or otherwi,e mut��riully impair thc lien cre�ed by thi�Security Instrument or l.endu�x�ccuriy intcrest.Borrower rtwy �y <br /> �� �. cure such o d.tfault und reinstate,ax pravided in pur�grrph I8, by cousing�hu actiwi ix pra�ceeding t�a Me dismiicsed with u ruling <br /> that, in I.end.•r'¢ ncrxl faith deterntinnfi�m. pteCludtF icKfeiwre of Itia Bur�vwer's intare�l in,iha H'openy or other material <br /> .��:.f;'•'^.jt.� impairment of Ihe Ijen creauni. by thia Securicy Inetrum�nt or l.endar'x �ruriry int�:rent. &xrow�r shull �Is�� be in default if <br /> � � . BoROwer,during the loan�rlicutiun proccsti, guv�mat,:rially fulr�or inuc�ur�a�a infivmut;on ur statcments to L.endcr lor fuiled <br /> �: �''���;;:�'i;"! , ' to provid�l.eoder with any matcriul inGx�mat:un)in c��nnectiun with thu Ie:�n evidroc��d by Ihe Note,including.but not limited <br /> "�'; � to,representutc�nti roncernin�Burrcrwer b«�-upancy nf the Ptapc�iy uK a prim:ipul rexid�tnce. !f thi,S��curiry Intitrument i��n� '� <br /> ���,, � . ,,r:�,;;�,. <br /> :�i���� leasehold, Barsewer sholl comply wido att Qic provisi�:nr:of the luu�. I f&srrower urquin.�s fer tide to thc Prop:ny, the <br /> ,... .,:;at�t:� <br /> �``' ` . � leasetx►Id nnd the fec titlu shpH nnt mcrgc unluss I,�txtitr a�rv�c�+io the mcrg�r in•w�itin�. <br /> : � � 7.Pratectbn ot Iw:n�'�t Rip�ht9lte thc i'ropert�.!t'8�►rn�wrr fails to perform thc covens►ntx unJ u�recment,contained in <br /> " this Security Inr,trumen�, or thcr¢iy a Iegol pra:eedin� thul nwy �ignifiruntly affecl Lendcr's right, in thc Pr�ipeny I,uch as u <br /> ,���� � • . prorceding in bankruptuy,prabuta. fi�r ccindemnutiun or fixfciturc iir t��cnfittcc luw�nr rcgulAtians). �hen I.cnder may dc�und �,,� <br /> , ,; • puy for what4ver is necexsary to pmtaet the vuluu nF thc Prop�ny unJ LcnJcr',right+in the Properly. Lendcr'ti uctionti muy •"•�j <br /> �•��s � includc paying any sumk secumd by a lian whiuh.linH prii�nry uvcr this S��urit�� Imtrun�m, appcaring in coun, paying .,;;� <br /> .�:;,,�s E.�- -� rer.�nablr at�orneyti'tae�and cmarinp on the Pnjperty a�mukc repain. Altluwgh Lrnder nwy tuke uc�ion undcr thi.r• parugraph �..� <br /> �:` • , .;��-:'1.r•-' 7.L,ender daes not have 10 di�Mi. <br /> ;f}, ���`'i'`.'�„ ' "�,� Any amounl�, dii.i+unai by L�ndcr under �hi, para�r�ph 7 �h•rll i+cca:ix udditHmul JcM uC &irrowcr kYUreJ by this �• <br /> �,i,.,.''.• �"t'., . ��; Security Innirument. Unle.s&irn�wer�nJ l.ender agrec U�other trrni+of paynknt, tlx+c amount� ,hull tw:ar intere�t fn�m the , <br /> `'� ''.� ,>;::.�_i`��� ' ' • .�;� dutc of diybursement sN Ihe Note rute �nJ shull tx�payablc, with intcrc�l, uEr�n no�kc fr�►m L.cnJ�r to W�rrowcr requeuing <br /> • ., ;•.a.,y . �. payment. ��; <br /> :,;.�,.: <br /> t�-;rr;�'`.t, $.MortAs�ge In4urance. li'l.cnder reyuir�d numgagc intiuru�wc a.a runJi�inn c�f nWkin�the luan u.�ured by Ihi,Sr.�urity ,..�t' <br /> .�,�,~;;' �f y��?� ... Instrumem. &�nower �holl pny ihc pr�:mium� rcyuirrd to muin�uin �hr mongaKe in,urancr in clTixt. It'. I'nr any rraum. the � . <br /> ' `� mortu;�ge insuruncc covcruge rcyuire�l by L.ender lap�c.r ur cruu� ���Ix in�I'I��t. Bnrr��µcr.hull pay thc prcntium�reyuircd to <br /> `!,�� '� �' :.l;r •;t � obtnin rnvera e subs�nntiull c urv�lent to thc mon a c in�uranrr r��inu+l �n effcrt,at a ru,t wh.tuntiall r nul�nt tu thc <br /> �:;;,�.,� • �.,1s��; R Y q � F'F P '' Y ) 4u• . . <br /> ` �" °',s�"�`'•? rost to Borrower�if thc mongagc imuru�kr prc�•i�� in c[litt. frum un a1t�rn:Uc nwrtga�r in.urer upprcn•�d hy I.�:nJcr. If <br /> � ��'•`.'� ruhstuntially cquivulenl mnrtguge in+urunrc ruvrru�c i. nut ucailaMe,Burrower .h•rl1 �y tu Lrndrr cach monlh•r tiwn cyuul 10 <br /> ',�; � . .! one•tweltih oT Ihc ycarly mimgagc intiu�uncr premiwn t�eing paiJ hy Burru��•cr whcn thc inwranu ru�crugc lap�d��r ccascK!lu I�;. � <br /> �I', � ;•;;, ., be in cffec�. l.ender will accept,u.c and retain tlk�c paymrm�u� u lu.+ n�rrvr in liru ut' mungage inxur•rnrc. Lu., rrun�e <br /> �� ,;�� t <br /> Form 3028 9180 �:•� <br /> �.a. . P,�,.�.,�a .. <br /> � <br /> � . s .. � <br /> I,,'.. Y ' �' <br /> t :i <br /> '`•� bii. . l--r.J`r,:i,,;-r,7:�; " .. •��;.. . ' .. . •}1•::;i��r,:C�r;Mt:iihi�,�i;r:;,. . . ` .�` ', �1 <br /> ., �c... . . . � . . . . - . , <br /> Yi . , , <br /> t� . . <br /> �'. .1 �- - ------ . .. .. . <br /> �' ' � . <br /> (�,�.� ., .. ' � .i� <br /> i � .. . . <br /> � • ' o .. . ,.�• <br /> r . <br /> r.; , 1 ..�.: �.. . , <br /> . � � , � <br /> s,. <br />