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n' ' `' . a� <br /> . !�� <br /> TOQETH�R W11'H�11�he improvements row or hercatlor eroctod on�he prapeAy,+ud ail�me.�t�'��.ud <br /> fixturca eaw or hercafter p pan oi �he property. All rcpluements and �idition� ah�ll alw bo covered by �hii Secudty <br /> Iw�lswnau. All of U�4 foncQoia�is refcrrod to io th�a Secudty InstNrnenl.�IhA,PropenY " <br /> BOItROWER COVBNANTS thnt Bormwer is Iww�lly�aisod of 1ha cueW hcrcby oonveyod md hss thc right ta gnnt Rnd <br /> rnnvey i6a Propeny ancl �Iwi�he Propeny f� unencumbend, cxcapt tor encumbr�nces at rxord. Borrower w�un Ynd will <br /> defend genarally ttie tiUe to the Pmperry agoinst oll claims and domande,aubject ta any encumbr�ncea of rccord. <br /> THlS SECUR[TY iNSTRUMBNT rnmbina�uniform caveniu►ts for muional use and non-unifa�n cuvenants wilh limited <br /> v�rlatioav by jurlydictiun!o can.gtNute a unifortn securiry inxltument covering real propetty. <br /> UNIFOItM COVENANTS.Borrower wid Lender covenaut and agroe as followa: <br /> 1. Pnya�ent oi Princlpd aod loterdi �poY� ���k Charges. Borrower shwll pmmptlY paY when due the <br /> principnl of and interest on�he deM evWenced by�he Nate and any{xepaymant,und luu3 ehc�rgea due under the Nc�te. <br /> 2. Fut�de tor Twcea wd Ia�au�ace. Subject to applicablu low or tp a wduqn wafver by Lender, Bormwer shall pAy to <br /> l.ender on tix day m4nthly paytnents arc due uncler thc Nwe,untit tha Nat�t ie pAfd in fiill. a sum("Funds")for. (ul yearly twces <br /> and ucscsament9 which mny attuin prioricy ove�thin Securiey Inetrumem ar a lian.on,lbs Ar+vpe�ty:(b)yearly Icaschold payments <br /> or gmund rents on the Property.if any;(c)yearly hazord or propeny inxurAnce premlumR; (da yearly flaad insurance ptemiums. <br /> if any; (¢)yearly tm�rtgage inxurance premlum.g, if uny; and(fl any sum.g puyublu by Bnrrower to Lender, in aocordanoc with <br /> the provisio�oi paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mnrlgag@ fnsurnnce premiums.These items are called"8scmw Items.' <br /> Lender may,at any tims,coll4ct ond hoid Funda in an amount not to exeeed the nuulmum amaunt a Iender fa� A fodcrully <br /> rcluted mortgoge loan may require For Borrower's escrow account under the fedeml Real Estate Settlement Prucedures Act of <br /> . � , ,, 1974 as amBndod from time ta tima, 12 U.S.C. Section 2641 er sey. 1'RESPA'), unless anuther law that applies to thc Funds <br /> ..M h�°•..•�'1h r,ets a IKcser amount. lf so. Lendor may, at any time. edluct nnd t�c►Id Funds in on amnunt nat ta excced the lesser amount. <br /> Kal. .;' <br /> � �;``����"�'1� i,ender mn eRtimate t�e amount of Funda dua �n th�b�axls of current duta end reasonablo estlmates of expenditures af future <br /> ,; ,� Y <br /> .�s� �� � Escrow ltemc or dhctnvigc in eccordancc with a�licublu law. <br /> •• `` `°..'..`...:` The Fundg shull be held in un instiwtion whn,se depogits ars inKURt�! by a federal Agency, in�trumcntality, or enti�y <br /> �,�, �;t�;.,_=�: �:�;,��;�: (inclu�din�t i.enda�,i[Lcnder is such an inslilution)or in uny.�ed�srr! Hume Laan Bunk.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay Ihe <br /> f�.. M1.Tt�'r'�.... .-�l..�'��'. , <br /> � � • ' • Escn�w [tea�a. L.cidar mAy not chnrge Borrawer for holding nnd�plying the Funda,annually analyzing the escraw account,or <br /> '',� =:;f .;;'r:;,' :�, ;� <br /> , �.��.,,T,,,,,H.;}.:;;., ;�� . veti�jiag tfie Bscrow ltam9, unl�te.v L.ender p�ya Borrower inturest on the Fundw und applicablc law permits l.ende�ta make such <br /> ••-•> -� ��^���, ,�"` a cha�ge.However, Lendur may require Borrowar to pay a ona-time charge for an independent real estate taa reporting servicc <br /> 'y;�r,7.�. ..,..y':. .. <br /> :� •'•,:'�� f' ' � ' used by l.ender In caonactic�n. with �hics lonn, unluss applivablc luw provides atherwise. Unl�s an Agreement is rnadc or '• <br /> ,.,.:,; .., :,r;:,.. <br /> ' ?'�:,t t, applicable law require+�int3rest tQ be pnid, L.endur shull not be required to p;ry Borrower any intcrest nr enrnings an the Funds. <br /> � •,,';:y:�',��.':;�r:''-:.'+`ttir•:���.i. <br /> � Bornryer and l.ender:nuy agrae�t,howevcr, thul intu�ast shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender yhull givc to &►rrowcr, <br /> r�_ "'�'"'°"�+ '�:''t����'��`"' wit?�aut charge, un annuul uccountirut c�f the Funds.showinR cre�its and debits ta the Funds and the purpose far which each <br /> , -- .,� ? �.:...:......:.�. .:; <br /> ;, h,,'����. ; debit to thc Fundx wLK mndc.Thc Fur+ds ure pl�•dged as udditi��nal.ecurity for all sumti urured by this Secutiry iostrument. <br /> �.;;� �,�" ,!'%1�.�:,.. � If the Fu�dx h�tlJ by I.cnder excced the amounts permitted to be held by applic+�ble law, l.ender xha11 accoum to Borrower <br /> � � �� for the excesti Funds; in accordunce with the rcquirements of upplicable luw. If the amount of the�unds held by l.ender at uny <br /> � • . • . time iw mt sufficient ta puy thc�.urou ltems whcn duc. l.cnder moy xo n��tify &�rrowcr in writing,und,in such case Bnrrower <br /> [ ... shall�pay to L.ender the unx�unt n�c�sury to make up the deficiency. &�rrower shall make up the deficiency in no more then <br /> � twelve mnnthly paymems,at L.enJcr'ti solc di.r•�retiun. <br /> , Upon payment in full ��f all .um� recured by this Security Instrument, l.ender shall promptly refund �o &�rrower uny <br /> i: •. Funds held by Lcndcr.lf,under para€ruph:I, Lender+hall acquirc�tt.cll thc Propeny,C.endcr, prior to the acqui�cition or sale <br /> � of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds held b}• Lrnder ut thr time of ucquisitian or�ale ac a credit against the sums secured by <br /> � � � Ihis Security Instrument. :,,; <br /> �. ,� ' • 3.Applkution uP P�ymeatg.Unks.applicublc luw praviJes utlxrwi.c,ull paymemz rcccivcKi by L.ender urxler par,agrnphs <br /> ,�: .� � ' ' I und 2 shuN bc u�lieJ: tirs�, to uny prep•ryment churge.Jue under the Noie; �er�►nJ,tu�mountx payuble undcr puragraph 2; <br /> ' _ � � third,to interest duc; founh,eo prinripal duc:unJ lust,to uny latc ch�rgcz due undcr the Nwc. <br /> •�r"r •' '. � '' 4.Chat�es;I.iens. Horr��wcr shall pay ull tuxc�,uwties�mcnts, charFcs, tincs and imp►sitionr attributable to thc Pmperty <br /> ;�;.,, R ; •�.•, which may attuin pri��rity over thi� Sccuri�y Instrumcnt, und Iruutx�ld payments or gnwnd rents, if uny. &�rci�wcr shall pay • <br /> �x, , - •� :'.�i.�.:' these ohligatinns in the manner pro��idcd in par:�groph?,��r it'nnt pnid in thai munncr. &�rrawcr shall puy them on timc dircctly 1 �, <br /> � ! ° �' N�thc pers�n��weJ paymem. Barn�wer.hull prampdy furnish�n l.enJer ull n��ticrti of um�,unt.�n lx paid unJcr thiti par•rgr�ph. <br /> ��"�� • lf&�rcowcr mukc�thcsc paymcnts dirc�U�•.&�rru�ver+hull promptly fumi�h ti�LenJar rcr�ipt,eviJenring thc puymcnt.. '�,� <br /> ^' Borrowcr.hall prumptly dischargc uny licn which hu+priuri�y ovcr thi.Scrurit� Intitrument unlcs.&��ruwcr:1a1 agr��c� in � <br /> � °• '.' „ �. ' •;. writing ta thc puynkm��f thc ahligation,crurcd hy�hc licn in u munn.r urrcptahlc�a l.cndcr:(hl rontcstti in E�xxi f'•rith thr licn . . <br /> . t�° .�i1,,,�f�,:�:� <br /> + `� .... �y�4 Ay. or defe�xlti aguin.rt cnforccmcnt af thc lien in. Icgul prihccJing. which in thc L�ndcr'� upiniim u�xrale h► prcvenl Ihe �,:. . <br /> �3, � `�.•��'+�, . cnfi,rcen�nt of the licn: or Ic)�ecurc.fram�hc holJrr ot'thr licn un ugrcrment.a�i.faru►r� tu Lrnder,ulx►rdinating thc lien tu p��� <br /> �� ' • lhis Sccurity Intitrumcnt. If lAnJrr detcrminc, th.�� :my pan uf�hc Pruprrt� i,whjcrt in :i lirn ��hich ma�• altain priorit} u�•rr f� <br /> ;;�. � this Sccurity In�trumcn�. IAnJrr inuy Eirr B��rru��rr a n��tirc iJcnlit'�ing �hc lirn. &�rrowrr.hull .ati,l'y Ihc licn ur t•rkc unc or <br /> "; , , .' ., more of Ihc acti.�m cr1 f'orth ulxwc within 10 day.i�f'thr�!i�in���I nuti�c. �� <br /> '� r�� ',� � � Form 30Y8 9/80 4 <br /> r <br /> �, ; - Ppe?018 E <br /> :� ' '� , �. <br /> .F:t � ' <br /> �`• ,. <br /> ..� <br /> . . ... . <br /> . , . , <br /> . r� �, _.._ <br /> �.; � ��•: : . . _. -:--.._ , . ....���;r(i!�:i�r:-�+��. . . _ . <br /> .;,: , „ „ .,4,,•. <br /> , ,�,I` , . :� . :,.;�,.;s , <br /> ,,`: <br /> 1 <br /> �� � �: ,., , • <br /> ' : •� , . <br /> �• ., . <br /> tt "� � ,, <br /> V • <br /> �; �r .... . . .• . .� <br /> I � � .. <br />`' .. • !� ' ' � � . 'f�. .. . <br /> . 1 <br /> ' <br /> �, � ' <br />