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<br /> paymenu may no IonQer be roquirod,�t the optian of Lender. if mortga�e inaurance cover�ge lin thc prtwunt �'ur the periad
<br /> ttut Ixnder roquira)Provlded by An insuror ppproved by Lender a��in becomes avdlpble and is obWnai. Borrower�hall pi►Y
<br /> the pnemium�roquirod to m�lntain mort��e inwraice in ef�ect,or tu provide p losa reserve.until tho roquimnent for mort�e
<br /> inwnuxx er�in�coqtd�nce with�ny written�grament between Borrower And l.ender or epplicable inw.
<br /> 9.I�pecdoo. l.ender or iu agan may mslce�rasan�ble ent�la upon anci inspectiona af the Property. L�er�der ctull�ive
<br /> Bormwer notice u the time of ar prlar to on inspectlon�pocifying�ensotwblo cauce for thc inspoction.
<br /> 10.Coadnnn�don. The procaeds of any Awud or cloim far dornoges, diroct or consequential. in connaKion with any
<br /> condemrwtion or other takin�of any part of Ihc Praperty.or for rnnveyance fn lieu of candemnutian,arc hereby a9gigrted and
<br /> �hall be�wid to Lender.
<br /> ''!�� In the event of a total loking of�he Prapeny.the proceads chall be applied to the sums secured by thia Socu�ity Insuument,
<br /> whcther or not then due, with Any azcess paid to Borrower. In thc event of a portiel teking of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> muket v�lue of the Property inunadiotely before tho taking is equal to or greater then the umount of the sums secural by this
<br /> Secu�ity Instrument immediotely beforc the taking,unless Borrowcr and Lender othenvfse agree in writing. the sums Fecured by 'r,�
<br /> this Security lastrument shall be reduced by the amaunt of the proceeds rnu�tiplied Dy the following frection: (a) Ihe total �'��r
<br /> w�ouM of the wms socanod idunafi�tel befwre the takin . diviclad b (b1�he far market value of the �aunediuel =l�`•Ft�
<br /> Y 8 Y �nY � 9 ;,..;,.
<br /> pci'orc the taking. My balanee shall be pwid to Bornawer. In the everw of a putial taking of ihe Property in which the fair .,�F�`,•
<br /> muket v�lue of the Property imrnodi�tely before the t�l�ing is less than the t�nxwnt of 1hz s►�ms secured immadiate��•before the
<br /> t�ing, unless Bo�rawer sud Lender athetwise agrac i�wriliag or unless qpFlicable law atherwlsc provides.the pracreds thell
<br /> be a}plied to�he sua�securod by this Seruni�X I�.st�ument whether ar nctt the suins are then due.
<br /> ' '• � .� "� lf the Property is abandoned by Borrow�er,rr if.after notice by I.enJer to Bonowar Ihat the cc►ndemnor uff'ers to make an .
<br /> . �, ;� A�v�ud or settle a cl�im for dunages,Borrower fails to rnspond to I.ender within 30 duvs aftcr the date U�e notice is given,
<br /> �u
<br /> :,� .�;;�,�s ;'Y Lender�s authorizod to ooltect and apply the proceeda.at its option.either to rcstorati�n or repait oi thc Property or to the eu�
<br /> �'-.�' M.�:;.� . .�+r,- � secured by this Secudry Inshument.whether or nat then due. .�,
<br /> ' �i�'*:.::;'�;='�1.. Unless Len�r and Boriro�w�er othenvise agree in writing. any a�s:i��ioa of proceeds ta principal shall not extend or
<br /> r�r���,'� postpone the due datr of tlKe mc�nthl
<br /> t,.;Y y,,,,,,,.,; y payments rcfcrrod to in paragrapAs I und 2 or change the amount af such paymcnts.
<br /> �� " 11.Borrower l�at Rdeswed;Forbearance By Ixnder Not A Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or madl�cation
<br /> „��.•ra�:^x� ,.
<br /> r'�1c' � -, .~;,: ^ of amortization of the sums serured by this Security Instniment granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> ��•'�'�!'.�'�"� � �' not operate to release the liabillty of the original Borr�we�or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not 6e required to
<br /> ��"�'�r�,•'�'�' ' commence praceedings against any succes.4or in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify emortization
<br /> �'•'�'�:.:,:,•,;i_;.':;:?-';: .
<br /> ;;.••.:'��: ;, i;;,,,_.;� of the sums securod by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand rnade by the ariginal Borrower or Botrowers
<br /> '` ' ;'���`.''`s;,�;:,.+'... ;�.�f succa.gors in intcrest. Any forbearanoe by Lender in ezercising any right ar rcmedy shall not be a wafver of or preclude the
<br /> �...,`,_�.:�• : acorciee uf uny righi ur re�naiy.
<br /> •-".� •��:"''-� 12.Sucnssora and Assi as Bound; Jolnt and Sevcral Liabllit Ce-si ners. The covenants and e reements of this
<br /> � , .' �.,�i,;;t,Y��;' 8 9; 8 8
<br /> � . Security Instrument shell bind and benefit thc successars and assigns of[.ender and Borrower, suhject to the provisions of
<br /> , � �wragraph 17. Bomower's rnvenants and agreements shsill be jaint sind several. Any Borrower who m-signs this Security i.
<br /> w- `;,,:�: � Instmment but dces not execute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgege, grant and rnnvey that
<br /> ':. q• ; Borrower's interest in the Propeny under thc terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay t6e sums ����i
<br /> , ., securod by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that L.ende�•und any other Hortower may agroe to extend,modify.forbear or
<br /> • , m�ke any accommodations with regard to the tenns of this Seruriry Instrument or the Note without that Bonower's consent.
<br /> ' 13.l.oua Cbarges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan charges,
<br /> � and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chargc4 rnl luted or to be collectecl in connection with the ••-
<br /> ,� ! `r���� loan exaod the permitted limit�,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by�he umount necessary to reduce the chuge ,'.f��
<br /> • - u;•
<br /> '�� +�c.���i' � to the rmitted limit;and(b)any sums almad collected from Borrower which exceeded rmitted limits will be refundad to 1,��;;
<br /> ',r� .,:.,1:;: . P� Y Pe
<br /> ' �� ;i;'1,:;'-� Borrower. L.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principsl o�:cd c�.ia� ti�c ivote or by making a direct '�."'�
<br /> �; puyment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as u partial prepayment without any �r
<br /> ; �. � � ,;,:., . '" prepayment charge under the Note. .;�;$
<br /> ,;;,,. •' ::i;`.;;� � 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrower provided tor m tnis Securiry Ins[rument sha11 br given by delivering it or by mailing +•.
<br /> "'��'� '" • � it by first clacs mail unless applicable law requires use of unother method.The notice shull be directed ro the Pruper�y Address ;:c�
<br /> !'. or any other address Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to �;�,.
<br /> {,;,. . ,,-�.
<br /> '�9�'' ' Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by notice�o Borrower. Any notice provided for in lhis ,
<br /> ,�::r�;._, +•r ;�. . .
<br /> `s.��;�,�',;: ���'� , Security Instrumern shall be deemed to huve been given ro Borrower or L.ender when given as provided in this psuagraph, `t.
<br /> ''' '''n�' � 'f�'`'` � Severablltt This Securit Instrument shull be ovcrned b fedeml law and �he I�w oP the �+j••
<br /> ,r. ;1;:,;.. ,, _ I5.Governing I.Aw; 3'• Y S Y . ��:,
<br /> l,�u�L
<br /> �;,� ���y�,yti.,;;• jurisdiction in which the Pmpeny is located. In the event thut any provisi�m or cluuse of thix Security Instrument or the Note ;lr;,
<br /> •�`�� :i�.:: yiR,�,�, ..;.
<br /> ,��.;,,; cunflicts with applicable law,such conflict sh•rll nw affect�Hher provisiuns of�his Security Instrument or the Note which cnn be
<br /> .7 ;:�`'�' ' � " given ef(ect without the con0icting provision. To this end the pravisionx of this Security Instrument And the Note are declored
<br /> �`� " to be severable.
<br /> ����';�'�.•' ...;;r.•�.
<br /> �, , • 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given unc conforn�eJ a�py of�he Nkne an�d of thi,Sctiurity In�tniment.
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