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<br /> S. Hwrd ar Prop�rly Ia�e.�orrowa th�l1 keep the improvementa �Tow wci�o�r��te a aeeted oa tbe
<br /> Praperty inwRd�Inu laa by llro. iiazud� iixluded within tho tenn "exteeded wvar�e' �nd�ny otkr h�z�rdi� includlu4
<br /> nooa.a naoai�, (or wbich Londer requircs inwranoe.Thl�inwrmce slull be m�i�wlned in the�rnouou md for the pe�lod�
<br /> thrt Lender reyuina.'fhe intur�x carria providing the inwr�noe�hall be choscn by Bomower wbJect lo Lender's�pprovd
<br /> which th�ll �wt be unreawn�bly withheld.If Borrower fiile to maintain rnvero�e dacribed�bovo� Le�dor may, u I.aidor'�
<br /> option.abWn aover�e to protect Le�der's riQhu in the Propeity in Accordwrce wUh�wragnph 7.
<br /> All insuruioe pollcie��nd rcnev►+�Is�hall be aoceptable W Lender And �twll include� stu�d�al mong�ge cl�use. l.et�kr
<br /> sholl have the dght w hold the policic8 and renewale.If Lendee�cyuires, Borrowcr shWl promptly givu to l.endcr�II rca;iptu ot
<br /> p�id premiunu�nd rcnewd natia�,In the event of locs.Horrower rlWl�ive prompt ratioe to Ihe Insunr�oo c�r�ier and I.erider.
<br /> Lender may m�ke proof of loss if not mdc promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomower otherwi�e agrea in writing.incuronco praeeds shell be applied to r�aton�tion or repair of the
<br /> Property d�ged.lf 1he restoration ar nepair i�econanicaily feasible And Lender's security ia not lessened. If the restoration or
<br /> nepair is not economically fe�siDk or Lendar's sxurity wouid be lessenad.the incuranoe pr000eds siwll be appliad w the sums
<br /> soeuted by this Soeuripr Ins�ud�u. wbetder or not ttien due.with an}i exox.cs paid ta Borrower. If Borrower abandonc the
<br /> Property,or does na answer within 30 dsys a notioo from Lende��hat tbe i�uranoe curier hAS offero3 a satte w claim,then
<br /> Lender may colloct the insurance proaeda. [.ender m�y use the proceeds to rep�ur or astore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> sxwed by this Socudry Ir�uument,whether or not thc�due.The 30-day period wiil bogin when the ndioe is given.
<br /> Uakss It�der xnd Borrower otherwise agrce In writing, nr�y Application of pracads to pdncipal stwll not eateod or
<br /> i postpor�c tfie due date of the monthly payment�rcfemed ta in pat�graphs t and 2 or chu►ge the nmount af Ihe paymcnts. If
<br /> ���1� under puagraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender�Bamawer's right ta any insurance policies and ptuceeds resulting from
<br /> `: s:ti,�. derrwge to the Property prior to the acyuisidon shoil pass w l.ender to the extent of the sums secuned by thi�Se�wcity Instrument
<br /> ;�, immodiately prior to ihe sicquislUon.
<br /> �• r ,:. ,, .•. 6.Oocup�ocy�Preservatton, MAiateaance and Prntectlo�e+f the Property;Borruwer's Lonn ApQIIcs�Uorr,I.ea�el�olds.
<br /> . .. �1-'F� �-..I..�k� �
<br /> ; ��� �-�: Borrower shall occupy,estabiish.and use the Property as Bortawer's p�incipa!residence within siaty days�fter the execution of
<br /> �"� �Y PY PenY as Borrower's principal resicl�►�e for at Izau one year after
<br /> �, .. �.�,.:,: '�:' this Socuci Instniment and shall wntioue�o occu the Pro au
<br /> ' . ,;r`•ii.,-, .. ,...: a..
<br /> ,..�.:;,;�5��,��` the dete of occupancy.unless Lender olhenvise agrees in writing, which wnsent shall not be a�nreasnnably ��ithheld.or unless
<br /> �'�•- � • � extenuetiqg circumstances exlst which are beyoncl Borrower's conlrol. Botrower si�all not desuoy, elamage or impair the
<br /> ;��.;1.�.+?s'•�f�.;;r.;�a�:
<br /> ti�,., � :��� . Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or rnnomii waste on Ihe Property. BorroR•er shall lx in deGult if any forFeiwre
<br /> :�c��:.:=:� �''� ;,�;. action or pra�ooding,whether civil or criminal.ia begun that 1n Lender's goad faith Judgment could resuk in forfeiture of the
<br /> - �=- •t��.•,', .,•: k. Property or aherwise materfally impair the lien crcated by thia Securiry Instnsment ar Lender's security i nterest. Horrower may
<br /> w�F ,':r.;1='�s � ,-
<br /> ' ��:��s�,��:-�,.;� curc such a deiault and reinstate,as provided in puagraph l8.by causing the action or proceeding to be diamissod wilh a ruling
<br /> - ;.,., , . iiwt, in Le�ier'� gooa.iuitn determinalion, preciudes forf'citune of�he &►rrower's intercst in the i'ropeny or oUter tnaterial
<br /> �'`'''. ' � � imp�irment of the lien ereuted by this Securl�y Instrument or [.ender's security interest. Borrower shal l also be in dePault if *'
<br /> s. ;: ,. , � . ; � , Borrower,during the la�an appllratian process, gave materially felse or inaccurate inforn�ation ar stalements to Lender(or failod
<br /> � , f, . to provide Lender with�ny material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> ��� ' " � to, ropresenwtions ca�cerning Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Secu dty Instrument is on a
<br /> �� . , leasehold, Barrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. lf Harrower acquires fce tille to the Property, the
<br /> . � �. " . ' leasehold end the Pee title shall not mergc unless I.ender agrees ta the mergcr in writing. -
<br /> • ., ,� �� 7.Prot�etiot�of I.ender's Rights in the Property.lf Borrower fafls ta perform�he covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> , , lhis Securi[y Instrument. or there is a tegal praceeding that may significantly affect l.ender's rights in the Propeny (such es a
<br /> . � , praxcding in bankn�ptcy,probate,for coidemnatian or forfeiture ar lo enforce lews or regulations), �hen L.ender may do and ., ,
<br /> �';' � .' , 6- pay for whatever is necessnry to protecti the value of the Property and C.ender's rights in�he Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> r � i�:':.` � include paying any sums secured by a lien which hac priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in oourt, paying ...�_
<br /> ,'?T�'� � � , res�.sonuble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Al�hough L.ender may take action under this paragraph .,:;,
<br /> 4��„y� .,,?. , 7,l,ender does not have to do so.
<br /> ';_ _ • . Any anwunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of&xrower serured hy �his �•.a..
<br /> . s Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment, thesc amuunts shall bear interes�from the i:�� �;,
<br /> .. date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting �+;:'•,
<br /> `� payment.
<br /> ';�i, _ , 8.MortgAge Insuranee. If l.encier requlred mortgage inwranre as a condition of msiking Ihe k�an se�vred by this Security
<br /> .r:xa'
<br /> ,;'.��;:�;�,' •� . • Instrument. Horrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Ihe mongage insuranct in effect. If,for any reason, the � �
<br /> °, ' mort a e insuronce covera e re ued b I.ender la ses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall '
<br /> B B 6 9�� Y p pay the premiums�equired to
<br /> t '1 �• �, � ;•� � obtein wverage substantially equivalent to�he rnongage inaurunce previously in efPect,at a cost aubstantially equivalent to the '�';'i
<br /> - d cost ta Borrower of the mortgage insurance p�eviausly in effect, from un ulternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> `ts'�� • subswntiall wvalent mort a e incur�nre rnvero e is nat uvailable.Borrowcr tihall a to Lender es►ch mon�h�sum equal to
<br /> .���; •,• Y e9 � B B R p'Y .
<br /> ,:s:;. , ; one-twelph of the yearly mong•rge insurance premium k+eing paid by Borrawer when thc insurance coverage lapszd or ceased to
<br /> ��4; � • � be in effect. L.ender will accept,use and ret�in these paymen��as u Irns resrrvr in lieu of mongage insurunce. Lozs reserve
<br /> � x ,
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