<br />_ .i .,�.�.��1 ns�.ti`�-.:, ', ..ti.
<br /> � � 93. ��;�
<br /> !7.'!'rnnder ot the�a'�Ba�dlc�1 Iatei+ak la dorrower. lf�ll or any Mrt of the PropertY or rny interc�l in it
<br /> b wid or trwfened(or if�baie ci�l interat in Hartower is wld or��feRad and Barrower 1�not a naturol perwn)wltiKwt
<br /> I.ender't prlor wrftten oon�ent. Leader rn�y, +u its option. roquire lmmodi�te pryment in full of all sumr sccurod by thi�
<br /> Secudty Irotnunent. However�thio option�IWI�at be exe�ised by I.ender it exercisc is prohibite�l by te�nl law�of 1he due
<br /> of thia 3ecurity Inewmatt.
<br /> it l.ender exercises thir optinn,Lender�hnll give Bormwer nc�tia of�ccelernlion.The notia shrll pmvide a periad af not
<br /> Icss than 30 dnya from tho dato the naUoo is delivered ar mailad within which Barrower muct pay �II wms savred by this
<br /> Secudty Inurument. It Barrower f�flr to pay theae sums prfor ta Ihe oxpiration of this periad. Lender mry Invoke�ny temodia
<br /> permitted by this Securfty�Inslrument wi�lwut further notloe or denwnd on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrowa'o RIQht to Rdpstate. if Borrower moets ceAain conditiona. Borrower shsdl have the right ta hevc
<br /> enfo�ement of thia Secudty Instrument disoontinued pt any time prfor to tho carlier of: (a) S daya lar euch other period�w
<br /> appNcable law may spxify for roinc�atement) beforc sale of the Property pursuant �o any power of �ale canteinod in thie
<br /> Securiry Inatn�ment;or(b)entry of A judgment enfoning thia Secu�ity Inatrumcnt.Those wnditions arc tt�t Borrower:(u)pnys
<br /> Lender all swns which then would be due under this Socudty Inelrument and the Noto es if no accelerntion had accurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other rnvenants or agrcements: (c) pays all expenses incurr+ed in enforcing this Secu�ity Inetrument.
<br /> including,but nw limited to,reasooable attomeys' fees: and(d)takes such actbn as Lender may reasonably require to assuro
<br /> that the lier�of this Sec�urity Instrament,Lende�'sng Ats in the Propeny ancf Borrower's obligation to Qay the sums securcd by
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrumznt shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement Ey Bortower. tlus Secunt�r Instrument end the
<br /> obliguia�s socured herobp st�all r+emai�fully effective as if no acceleratiot�had oecurned. However� this right to teinsiace shell
<br /> not apply in the case of accelern�ion u�ater paragraph 17.
<br /> �u
<br /> 19. Sak ot Notr; Cb�tage af I.am Servker. Thc Note or a panial interest In the Nate(toget�er with this Secudqy
<br /> lnspument)tnay be sold one o�more times without prior natice to Bomawer.A s�le�nay result in a change ira the entity(knawn
<br /> as the'L.onn Servicer')that collects monlhly paymenta due under the Note and this Securi[y lnstrument.71ie�e a1w muy 6e ot�e
<br /> .� � '' a:more chateges of the Loan Servicer anrelatod to a sale of the Nnte.lf tf�e�e ic a change of the L,oan Scrv icer.�rrawe�wi11 be
<br /> • ��'`-� •R givea written natice of the change in accarda�-�ce with paragreph 14 above and upplicable law.The notice will s�ate the name�c!
<br /> �'1'� I r.:�l.f;?>•� ���oi'uhe�ew LoAn Servieer ancl the address to whieh payments should be m�de. The notice will �Iso c�nntain any otber
<br /> �°'�' ' • �,,�„ Y���'�� infomiation requirat bp a�+�+licuble law.
<br /> �•`� ��� '' Z0. HA�rdous SYa19�siAt�. Dvarawer shall not eause or permit the p�esrnce, use, disposal, stor.age,or release of any +
<br /> ' ` Hlazardous Substances �n os in.the Prorerty. Borrower shall not do, nor a99ow anyone else to do, amZhing affectiog the �
<br /> ri.�1�:
<br /> �� ' " Property that is in violation of any �m•ironmentul Law. The prereding two sentences shall nat apply to t�e presence, use. or
<br /> � �'�" storage an th�Prope�ty of small quantities of Hezardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropt�atc to nom�al
<br /> s+�t >
<br /> ��-,�� residentia]uses end to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> , .�; �;°;�� • Borrower shall promptly give Ixnder written notice of uny investi�atian, claim,demnnd, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> #�'� ,fi��,�. ovemmental or re ulato a enc or rivate wt involvin the Pr and an Hazardous Substana or finvironmental Law
<br /> ' �' > 8 8 rY 8 Y P P Y � °PenY Y
<br /> �;�•, ,�». '"'�"'q of which Borrower has actual knowledge. if Borrower learns, or is tatified by any governmental or rcgulatory authority, that
<br /> �Z;;� �"''�"����;, any removal or other rcmodiation of aay Hazardous Substance aEEerting the Praperty is necessary.Borrower shall promplly lake
<br /> � a.'!iucessar;semedia!ections in ac�anct wlth Environmen�ar 1 aw.
<br /> �i•,.> . "4'`.� •' 'Si°� `t��%a As used in this pategraph 2Q, "Haztudous Substances" am those substances defined ac toxic or haz�rdous substances by
<br /> i"��' re��' ' ����� "k�"•i Enviranmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerusene, other ilamnuble or toaic petrole�rm Qraducts, toxic
<br /> , •:,.,r..._,.
<br /> "�''�.-�''""''"'•" pesticides and hecbicldes.volatile solvents,mateduls containing a96es�as or formuldehyde,and mdioactive matenals. As used in
<br /> ' �" �• this paragraph 20, "�nvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiaion where the Properiy is located that
<br /> :•.,�,.�..,:,,,...:�,,,.,,;,�;
<br /> � ; .:-.., , relatc to heulth,safet or envirunmentul protection.
<br /> .;.;��.;�..
<br /> '4�;:: NON-UNIFOR COVENANT5. BoROwer and Lender further covenant und agree us follows:
<br /> 'A'�' �����'"'' � `'"'�''' 21.AoeeleraUun=Remedies.I.ender shall give noNce to Borrower prlor to accelerAtion tollowing Borrower's breach
<br /> � ,s��-•••� � �� � of �ny eovenant or ogreement in this Securlly Instrument (but not pdor to acceleratton under para$raph 17 unless �
<br /> . �• =� „� ^� Applkable IAw provldes otherwise).The notice sholl speciiy: (a)the default; (b) the action required lo cure the detault;
<br /> `, � �• • (c)o date�not le�tlwn 30 days from the date the notice is glven to Borrower,by which the dePAUI t must be cured=and .�,..
<br /> ' '°`• � ' (d) lhat failure to cure the default on or before the dete specified in the notice m�y result In ecceleration of the sums
<br /> �?. ��..,:
<br /> ,,. �n�• •� �" ' secured by thls Secur�ty Instrument and sale oP the Property. TAe nodce shall further inform Borrower ot the rlght to •�.�
<br /> ,,;�j�{�� '_•��•�►, • ' .-- reinstate a�ter aaeleratlon And the �Ight to bring A court acNon to asscrt the non-existence oP a default or uny other
<br /> :,;;,;��� � .;���'..::, de�e�se ot Borrower to accelerallon an�f�sale. IP the detault is not cured on or beiore tbe dute spedfled in the notice,
<br /> r, ; :' 'y'+��"'=''� ' l.ender, at ifs option, may require immediate payment fn tull ot all sums secured by this Secu�lly Instrument wltMout
<br /> � ,� .,: •. 'r,,:,�;. .
<br /> >��,' .y:,, .. •�•:�-+�•��t turther demand and may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedics pertnitted by applicable law.l.ende�shall be
<br /> �.,,,:. . �...�.r�._.t . .
<br /> A, . ">.- '" ���r;,;�;;�.�, er�Htled to collect all expeases incurced in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, including,but�nt Nmitetl :,M,;
<br /> ���'��', •�•',;.'�����}��; to,reasoaabte attorneys'fces and rnsts of Utle evidence. •,
<br /> \2�' „ It thepower ot sale is invoked, TnKtee shs�ll record a nadce of default in each coumy in which any part of the •
<br /> ��+" ° Property is I�cated and siwll meil coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by appUcable law lo Borrow•er pnd to �•.:��
<br /> � � ��'� � the other pe�sons prescrlbed by applicablr law.Aiter the time required by appliceble law,Trusteextiall give publlc notke :`.��
<br /> ;�,�• ,�• of sWe to the petsons And in the manner prescribed by appllcable IAw. Trustee. wlthout demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> ;;t '.. ,,.,...::, ., the Property s�t publk auclion to the hlghest bidder at the time And place and under the terms destgnated in the notice oP
<br /> � ' •••��- s�le In oae or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee mey postpone sale oi ell ar any p�rcel ot the �'��'
<br /> :��;:'' t=,. , ,
<br /> 4. ,,,.- Property by public announcement at the tlme and plare of un�• prcviously scheduled sale. I.ender or its designee may �'_;��<
<br /> ;'�� �5��� ' �' puirhase the Properly al any sale. �;;�;,�•�
<br /> �� �,ti,�,, i•, .
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