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<br /> TO(3BTHER W[TH all�ho improvemenu naw ar he�Rer enctad on�he properly.and dl euemer►ti3OiippuM�i�arr�a.�nd
<br /> tixwrcs nnw or hereaRer a pwt of thc prope�ty. All r+eplocement� w�d addiUons shall �lao be ooverod by thir Secudty
<br /> lratrument, All af tha faregoin�i�rcferrod ta in thfo Sav�iry instrument qc thc"Propeny.'
<br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS liwt Barrowcr ia lpwfUlly ceiced of the estate hereby conveyed w�d hes the�ight lo g�nt md
<br /> aunvey Ihe PropeAy und that the Praperly is unencumbercd, ezcept for encumbrnnces of reco�+d. Barmwer wA�tN� �td wUl
<br /> defatd generally the liUe to tho Property rgainat all claims arW demendn.eubject ta�ny encumbrancev aP record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covcnAnts for national use and non-uniform cavenants with limited
<br /> vuiWiana by jur�sdiction to con�titute a uniform security instnmxnt awering real praperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and ograe as followa:
<br /> l. P�yment ot Principd pnd Iotenadi Prepwyment and l.�te Charges. Barrower shall pmmptly pay wBan due the
<br /> pdncipal af and interest an the debt evidenced by the Nate an�l any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> a. Flindo tor T�xes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrftten waiver by I.ender, Borrower ahall pay to
<br /> t,ender on the day monthiy payme�ts arc due under the Note,ueuil tha Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly tazea
<br /> rurd�ents wiricC�may aittaio pri��ity over this Se�vrity Imtrument us a lien on the Property;(b)ycarly IeASehold pnyments
<br /> or gmund rems ore the Pru�erry, if any;(cl yeuly hazard or pmperty insurance premiums:(d)ycarly flood insurance premlums.
<br /> if any:(cl Ycarly moitgage insu�r pmmiums. ii aqy:s�nd(i?an� sums payaWe by BoROwer to L.ender, in eccordancc with
<br /> the provisiona of pareg�uph 8,in lieu of the puyment af mongage insar.urce p�emfums.These items ure called "Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender nwy. at any time. callect and hold Funds in an amount not to eacoad the ma�cimum emount a lender for a federally
<br /> alatad maRgage loan may requirc far Borrower's escrow accaunt under the federal Real Eqate Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> . 1974 As amendod frum time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq.("RISPA"),unless anWher law tt►at opplies ta the Funds
<br /> ;i�y.. sds a lesser amewnt. If sn, I.ender may, at any time, collect and hdd Funds ia an amount not to eac�eod lhe Iesser emouM.
<br /> ,.:,�ia.-; Lender nwy estimate the amcwnt of Funds due on the basis of curreM data and rcasanwb[e estimates of expendituros of futuro
<br /> '?� " '� �`��' '1��"'� F.�crow items or otherwise in accordonce with applicable law.
<br /> AtiC, 'Ya.;�''�';.r.,.
<br /> �• '.��a:.;,;p.;;�;;�• T[Y;Funds shell be held in un inuitutian whase deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentulity, oc entity
<br /> �;�.�,,;;,,, » �;� (intluding L.ender,if Lendcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> • ��,Z�,;�Yt,�,. 8scrow Items.Lender may not cha�Be Barr�wer for holding and upplying the Funds,annually analy2ing the escrow account,or
<br /> � ,�,;,..�;;:,.,_;;' veri in the Escrow Items,unless l.ender a s Borrowcr interest an the Funds und a licable Inw rmits l.ender ta make such
<br /> .,"�g�.,:� �' fY 8 P Y pP Pe
<br /> ` '�'��`-' ��%- ' a charge.Hawever,Lender may requir�e Borrower tv pay a oae-lime charge for un independent real eslate tax reponing service
<br /> ,!� }� .�iJS �..� .�'�
<br /> ;�?��� "'"�-• """ ' used by l.ender in connertion wi�h this loan, unless upplicnble law provides athenvise. Unless an agreement is mude or
<br /> ,,.v' 'Qhr -.��,�„`•
<br /> s�.� ^..
<br /> :�''�'��...���:.�- . : �. applicable law requires interest to be paid,I.ender shall not he required la puy Bor�ower uny interest ur eurnings on thc Funds.
<br /> ' ��. '�} �'��"��T '-• Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing. however. Ihat interesl shall be paid on the Funds. I.eoder shall give to Barrower.
<br /> � ��••�••^�•�• ����� withaut charge, an nnmuil accounting of the Fuads, showing credits and debits ro the hunds and the purpose for which each
<br /> ,.��"'`'`''�°`"`'"'�'"�`" • debit to the Funds wns made. The Funds ure pledRed as additional recurity for nll sums secured by thig Security Instrument.
<br /> ` . �,� �''� If the Funds held by l.ender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicntile luw,I.endcr shull account to Borcower
<br /> ,,,,. .
<br /> . . . .,i;';'-a„+'� �
<br /> ' ��• � for the excer+s Funds in ncc.brdunce with the requirements af upplicnbk luw. If the unnnunt of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> io .� ' '�L;a�,!. •
<br /> !� � +• `�� time is not sufficienl to p�y tlie Escmw Items when due.I.ender may iso ncHify&mower in writing, aix1, in such cuse Harrawer
<br /> �. �,'' ' ��..r.�•' .. " shall pay to Lender the amouM neccssary to muke up�he defiriency. Horrower xhull make up �he deficiency in no more than
<br /> �-. � , twelve momhly paymentF, At l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> '��'� . Upon payment in Pull of all sums secured by this Security Im�rument, Lender shull pmmptly rcfund to BaROwer uny
<br /> � ° FundR held by L.ender.If, under paragraph 21,I.enJer shull ucyuire ur�11 the Pn�perty, l.ender,prinr to the ucqui�ilion or sale �
<br /> ..+ ' , . • _, of the Praperty, shall apply any Funds hcld by I.ender at the�inx�f ucyuisitian or�►Ie us s�credit ugains��he rums secured by ?
<br /> � ' ,;�,�»�,. .�• this Secu�ity Imtrument. •,;
<br /> ..�� •'� , . ' 3. Appltcatton of PAymentls.Unletiti applirable Is�w prmidc�othcrwixe.ull puymentx re�.�eive�l hy Lender undcr purngraphs `'r:
<br /> � � � � I and 2 shall be a lied: first,to un re u meM char c�Jue under the Note; �econd, lo amounts u able under aru ra h 2: ''��
<br /> ' � PP YP PY e PY P' F P
<br /> : ��1 . • • ; 1��;��.,,� thir+d,to intereu due: fiwrth, to principul due;und lust,to any Inte rharges due under the Nntc.
<br /> �-��•��;� � -�•�• :• � . 4. Ch��cs; Lletls. [3nttmccr shal!pay at! taxes,u�sessmems, churges, finc�nnd impoci�ion�smriho�nhle�o �he Prnprny
<br /> `.� .l !', ,t;' � " which may auain Nrioriry over thi�Security Inslrument, und Icu+chold puymem.or ground rent�, if uny. Borrnwer shall pay
<br /> "'' • these obligations in Ihe mnnner provideJ in purugruph?,ur if nui paid in thnt manner,Burr��wer�hull puy Ihem on timc directly .
<br /> � to the person owcd p:�yment. H��rrowcr.hall promptly furni�h to l.rndcr ull M��irc�ut'umounl.to he paid unJcr�hi+puragruph.
<br /> �'� ��•- � If Borrower makes thc�c puyment�di�ecdy. Bnrr��wcr.hull promptly I'urnixh to l.cnJer rcrcip��rviderning the p•rymcnt�.
<br /> `~ � � �'������ � Bonowcr shall promptly Jischurge uny licn which hu+prioriiy�wer ihi�Srrurity In�trumeni unlc,.&xrawer: fu1 ugree+in
<br /> , writing to the pryment oi the nbligation scrured by thr licn in u munncr urrep�uhlc t�►Ixndcr;(bl ranlcsts in g�wd faith Ihc licn
<br /> ��, .� '?�}�V'�''� • � .. by, cx defends again�� entiir��ement of thr lien in. Irgul pnk��tlin�� which in thr Lcixier's opinion oprrate tu pr4vent the
<br /> '��,��. , �
<br /> %�� enforcement af�he lien:or Irl��'�urc�fram Ihe holJcr of the lien uu a�rerment �ali�tacton•tu I.enJcr wtx�rJin•rting the lien to
<br /> -��'r ' , thiti Sccurity Imtrumenl. If l.ender determine��hai •rny part ul thc Pro�xn�• ir .uhjcrt ta u lirn w•hirh may attuin priiiriry �wer
<br /> r,t.� ; �� this Scruriry In+trument. LcnJcr ma}•givr F��rca��rr a nnli�r id�nlil)•in�,tltc lien. f3��rr�•w�er.hull+uti,fy the lien ur lukr one or
<br /> �• 1� / ' '' . more of the uctiiin.•e�tonh c�i+�►ve withbi 10 Jay of thc giving�d'nutirr.
<br /> � ,
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