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, .<..�; <br /> y' �..�r�� <br /> � y <br /> . 4,�I <br /> l1 f�Y S <br /> .• ,•��a-1 /� i�' ,• ' <br /> J •�Itdl <br /> . �93-, so,r9s8 <br /> pedods thAt Lender requirex. 71x ineurunce carrier pmviding tho ineuranco Fhnll ho ch�rRtn by Barrower rubJect to Lenderb <br /> . appmval which shall not bc unreaconably wilhheld. If Bormwer Pwilx�o mwinlain cavcra a de,�rril�ed whovc,l.eider m�y.u <br /> , l.auler�opion,abtpin covern�e to protect LeMerk ri4hls in tho Prn�erty in�ccendnnce w�th prra�nph 7. <br /> All ineurw�cc policies aKl r�enewals shall be a�;coptablo tu Lendrr nnd ehull inalude u��w�dard mwlgego cluu�o. Lender <br /> ahall hava�ho�iQht to hald thc pnNcier w�d�nowalx. If Lendar requires,parn�wor Ahell pnwnplly�Ive�o L.endnr all r�ecclptr <br /> of paid premiums and renewwl notices. In the event of loxs,H�xrower nhull y{ive pmmp�nwica�o�ho inxu�nce caMer�nd <br /> L.endee L.ander may mWco proof of loss if na mado nromptly by Burrower. <br /> Unless I.ender wnd Borrower othenvise agree in wd�ing,insuroncc prcx:eede►.hull he a�►liad to reslorAlion or apwir of <br /> �' the Pra�rty dum�ed. if il� rebwr�iwn or repuir is c�unamicully fc��ibl� anJ L.endc:ri+ µ:�urity ix nut Ic�rcneJ. U Q�e <br /> rcstoratfon ar rcpair is na econanicwlly feu�ible or L.ender�secu�ity wauld ba lecr�ned, �ho inaurancc procecds ahall bo <br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumant,whether or nat �hen due, wi�h any exceax paid to Bamwer. If <br /> Bcxrawer AbAndonx Ihe Prupeny,or dacg not unxwer within 3(1 doy�o natice fmm Lendor that Ihe insumnce caurier has <br /> offered ta settle u claim.then Lender muy collecl the ioxurance proceedx. L.endar moy wse�ha pnnceeds la rcpair or rcstpre <br /> the Propcny or to puy sums rerured by�his Securi�y Inxtrumenl.whether or not�hen due. Ttie:�Q�day period wlll begin whon. <br /> Ihe notice ia given. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower o�herwire agree in writing,uny uppllcu�iun of pn�ce�:da�o principul shall nat extend or <br /> pos�pone the due dme of the manthly puymentti referred to in par.�gr.�pha I and 2 or chunge the umount of the paymentx. If <br /> under pArugraph 21 Ihe Propeny is acquired by Lender, Bomnwerk �igh� to any inxurance polfaiQS and proceedv rceulting <br /> ` from damage to the Prapehy pr�or ta the ucyuisition xhull pusg to Lender to thc cxtent af the xumR r;ecurcd by tMie Security <br /> �!'�`° Instniment immediutely prior to the acquisition. <br /> � ��"�'� '' v 6. Oceupancy, Preservpdon, Malntenance ond PrMectian o� tha PropeMy; Borrower's I.o�an Appllcatioo; <br /> . . ir :;�:... <br /> � Y� l.easeholda Borrc►wer shull occupy,establish.And utie the Propeny us Buaower�prineipal residence within Rixty duyx eticr <br /> ;'�' t.7,�,. • <br /> _ �` ��.r',...;��.'.•• �he execution of this Security Inawment und shall continue to accupy Ihs Piupeny ux Borrower�s principul residence for at <br /> • ``�;Y�R���• � '�.;%��', leus� one year after �he date of accupancy, unlrsx Lend�r otherwise ugrees in wdting, which consent shall nw be <br /> v'`,v;;�;,;" :': • unreationably unle�extenuuting circumstances exir�which ar+e beyond Bomower�conlral. Bortower shall not <br /> ;.,'�•' • w .. , �.;•.� dex�roy,damuge or impair the Pruprrty,ullow the Property to detericxat�,or commi�wus�c on�hc Propeny. Borrowcr shall <br /> �,�;, :; be in defuult if any farfeiturc ac�ion or proceeding,whe�her civil or rriminol,is Ix:gun thul in Lender's good fuith judgment <br /> .. `�'�i could �asuh in farfeiwre of the Propeny or otherwise mnterially impair the lian created by Ihis Secur�ty Inslroment ar <br /> 'S'•• � Lenderk security interest. Borrower muy cure such u drfault und rcinstate,ax provideJ in purrgrrph 18,by rauxing the activn <br /> ,r�; "."`�` ^� �^'�% or praceeding to bc diamis+ed with�nding thn�,in Lendcr's�xaod faith determinution,precludux Porfciture of the Borroweric <br /> �E,"':'� ' „ �'�� interer:t in tha Pmpeny or other muteriul impnirmem of the lien crea�ed by �Bix Security Instrument or Lender's securtty <br /> ^��'��� '`'�'�• interext. Burrower shull ultio he in defuul� if Borrower, during the lonn applicution praces., guve mutQriully falec ar <br /> .,•:. <br /> `'' �� - > inuccurniQ informution ur stutnments�o Lender(or f�il�d to providr l.ender with uny ma�eriol infurma�ion)in connection wi�h• <br /> "� � , ��r � the loan rvidanced by Iho Notc, including, but not limii�d to, represemutions ronceming Borrower�occup►uicy of the <br /> .: � Pmperty ati a prim:ipal.renidence. If thi�Securiiy Intitrumant iw on a Ieuyehold,Burmwer shall comply wi�h all�he provisinnN <br /> ; ,;.:- �-''����'�;T._� of the les�. !f Borroa�er arqufrY�fee tittc ta the Prce�c:rt,,the leu�hcld und the fee tidr,hu!!nc�mer�e unles.,Lender ag� <br /> ' � •�7:"'� to the merger in writing. <br /> �'' ' �; +�i'�:.: 7. Protectbn oP I.ender's Ri�hts in the Prope�ty. If &�rrowcr f'uilti ta perf'orm the rovenams and agrecmentx <br /> � � �'�?�; contnined in �hin S�curiry Inn�rumem, or�herz is u lugul pnxeeding ihut m�y �ignificundy aR�KI Lenderk rights in the <br /> . . Avpeny(such a.u procecding in bunhrup�cy,prob►tic,f��r cimdenm►uion or forteiturc or to enforce luwti or rcgululionnl,then <br /> ' � . �i Lender may do und pny fur whutuver i, nrcc,sary lu protuct thc valuc af the Propt:ny und Lrnder;righls in the F'roperty. <br /> � � ,1' L�nderK actionti muy includa pi�ying um+wmx serun�d hy u lian whi��h hu,pricxi�y ovrr thix Securily In.�niment.uppeurinR <br /> •tir'.��'� ;� �° in coun,paying��uwnuMla atlumuyti'fers und enturinp on�he Pruprrty lo muke rc:pain. Al�huu�h Lender muy �ake ac�iun <br /> ��' • under thix puragraph 7.L.endnr dix:s rn>t fii�vc tu d�►w. <br /> �n Any amoumx dihNumed N�� L.endrr under Ihiti par•rgraph 7 �hnll Ixrrnnc aJJitiunul dcht ot'Born►wcr�ccurcd by thi� �' <br /> ��' . ' Security Inxinimem.�ttrawer und Lrnder ugrec to uth�r tcrnu ul'pu}�mrnt,the.e umounk.hall hcur intrrrst Prom thc ' ,� <br /> ti f� •. � , datc of dishursrmenl ut tha Nutu ratu nnd shall Ix pay.�Mc.wiih�imute+t, up�m notirr from Leixier to Borrower reyuea�ing ;;;�_` <br /> _, � puymem. <br /> i�;.:- , •• 8. Mortsage In�urAnue. U'l.xnder requircJ mungugc inr.urtmcc:��u ronJiliun of mnkin� the loan.erured by thi� <br /> 7 � � Security In,tn�mcn�. Barcmver�hnll pay thc prcmium+ rcyuirrd tu nu�imain ihr m��n�ugr inwrancr in effect. If. 1'or un}• f,,,,,� <br /> ' - reurnn. the mon�uge intiun�ncr covewg� requin�d b�� LenJer laptic, or cci�,c, tu Ix in eftecl. Borrawer tihall p•ry thr ..;:�. <br /> premiums required tn ohlnin cuvcr.�ge tiuh�t:mtiully cquiv:drnt to thc m�mg+iNe imnrancr in ri' a cost <br /> ' , . ' xubxtuntiully thc ci►.�tc�B�maw•cr�,t the mongagc in,uruncr in rfl'ec�.frcim an ultemate murt�a�c ��,'� <br /> ..��, insun�r appmveJ by Lrmkr. If suh�.tnnti:dly ryuiridcnt mort�eugc insivancc ruvrra�c i.not avuilahle,BuRawrr.hull p:ry ta ��;��� <br /> ` �' ' ' ' � Lender euch�manlh u�um r u+d lu une•twelfth uf�he �url m��n � r in�uranrr rrmiwn Ikin �id h � Bortower when th� <br /> �F.;'." ., . 4 5' Y S'F P �P� > <br /> ���':'�,= insur,�nrc covrru�c Iap,.eJ iir rca�rJ w hc in cflcrl. LrnJrr��•ill�ircrpt.u+r anJ rrtai n thr+r pa}mcnt,.�.u lon+R,crvr in liru <br /> ~;:: • of mongugc inwrunrc. Lo�x rc+rrvc puymrnt,muy no lungrr Ix nyuireJ.iu Ih<<�pliun of l.riHicr. it'uk►nga�tc in,ur•rncc ':lM1: <br /> � ���,����'_`:t � coverage(in the amnunt und ti�r Ihr �xri�xl thui l.rndrr rryuire•1 providcd h�•un in.urer approvcd h�•Lcndcr a�tuin lxcomc� �•.�_,�:. <br /> uvuilublc unJ ix obtuincJ.Burn�a•rr,hull poy thc prcmiunu rcyuirrJ to maimain mortg��ge imurancr in cticct.ur tu pruvidc u <br /> 1� �`c,��� �,�`.' , <br /> . � A ,. ` loss re�ervr,until�hc rcyuircment ti�r mun�eu�er in�urancc arconlancr w•iih um ��•rin�n agreemen�Ixtwern Born�wer <br /> `` � and Lemlrr or upplicublc luw. <br /> 9. Inspecdon. Lcndcr or it�aFrnt mu)'mt�kr rr.i+unahlr rrnri�.u�xin and in.�xrliun.ut Ihr Pru�xny. Lend�r�hull E <br /> . give Bom�wer nolicc at the tinu uf nr priur m un inti�xrti�►n+�xrifyin�e rea.unablr rauu li�r Ux in.�xc�iun. ' , <br /> �.,, ,��� I0. Condemnotiun. Th�pr�,rrrd.01 anp:iN:ud�,r rl:um ti�r d:mia�!r..dircc��,r rnnncction with an} ' <br /> i <br /> � ,'1��:. Sm�lcl•rmdy• F'unaM\Iue�Fraddk�llucl'\IFIIN�11\ti1'Rl'11F:\'1' 1'nd�muCa�.nam. 990 qn��r?njn�ti�i�•�� ' <br /> �.�. � . <br /> `•, � �aac�a►r xu.wM.n ru��w�n� ■ � <br /> � r - � Tu uner 1:uY, 18U4!qU93Y.1 f 1 FAl 1i1147f1611.11 <br /> . '.��,.� . ��. � - <br /> . ..�.�.;�_, .���-; . . <br /> �.,n, ,'' � .�''' <br /> � •ti 'Fu ' � . -_- -�-- --- .. - .. - . . . . r <br /> a.:,. <br /> , � r---.___. . <br /> , � . <br /> i . <br /> �` , <br /> � <br /> .. . . <br /> �; � <br /> �` �� � . <br /> Y� <br /> 1 �,• . � . . <br /> . , { <br />