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<br /> TOaBI�tER W17N�II the improvements now or haeatter aected on the propenylTi�3�11 ea�emenln,appurtannncat�
<br /> and tixtura now or hemaRer�p�rt of�he prope�ty. All repl�cemenw and addidan�ih�ll�I4o be eovaed by thi�S4aunity
<br /> Inwuw�en�. All of�he faa�oin�is refemnd w in�h1s Security lnwunumt a�dw"Prop«'tY."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANT31hat Bortowu ia lawfully seiaed of the ecl�te hereby convayed and hw 1he dQht ta Qrant•
<br /> pnd convey thep�rop�ty and thot tho Prope�ty i�unencum6ere�,except for encumbrancae of recnrd. Borrower wmnmts u�d
<br /> will dcfend gene�liy Ita tltk W the Property aBainst�ll cldms and demAnds.subjxt to ony cncumbrancer of rccord.
<br /> , THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifam coveaanta for nadonal use ond nan-unlform covenantn with
<br /> � limfted veri�tions by judsdiction to consdtute�uniform cecurity instrument covedng rcal propeAy.
<br /> ..'� UNIPORM COVBNAM'S. Borrower wnd Lender cavenant and ogtee aa follows:
<br /> 1. PrymRat o�Prlacipd qad lnterati Prep�yment sod Ln�e Ch�r�cs. Borrowcr shall promPdy PaY wben dua the
<br /> princi oi nnd interest on the debt evidrnced by�tte Note and any prepuyment and lata chargea due under the Note.
<br /> �E1��[or 7Mxa�ad I�uratxa SubJect to applicAble low or to a written wafver by Lender.Botrower shall pay W
<br /> Lender on the day moNhly paymenta ure due under the Notc.undl the Nae is paid in full,a sum("Fundx")for.(�)yeorly
<br /> taues and ossessmenta which may attein priority over this 5ecurity Inswment as e lisn on U�a Hvperty;(b)yenrly laasehnid
<br /> � payments or ground renta on �he Praperty, if any; (c) ycarly hazard or property in�wance premiums; (d) yearly tlood
<br /> , insurance pnemiums. if eny: (e) Yearly mortgage insurance premiumx� if any: ond (4 any sums payoble by Barower w
<br /> -�!-�� �'-�''�%��+� Lendet.in acrnrdance with the provisions of pivaagtaph S,in Ifeu of�he payment of mortgnge insurance premiums. Tbase
<br /> � s•s u� items are called"Fscrow Items." Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Fundn in en am�wnt nol to exceed thc maxLnum
<br /> ;•.;•� �,... �
<br /> emount a lender for a federally c+elated mong�ge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the fed�e�l IEral
<br /> ��� �'�� Eslate Sealement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from dme to time, 12 U.S.G.�?.6()1 e�seq.("RESP14").unlass onolher
<br /> .. •. B" �'"'�.s�, ; :.'
<br /> . �:;���,� law Ihat applies to lhe FundR sets a lesscr amount. If so,l.ender mey.at siny time,collect and hold Fl�nd.q in on amau�t not to
<br /> ; _ . . exceed the lesser amount. l.ender may estimnte the amount of E•lmds duB on the bnsis of current dat�and [easoeable
<br /> � � es6mates of eapenditures of futur+e Escmw Items or otherwise in accordunce with epplicabie law.
<br /> . • The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, inauumentality,or eudty
<br /> `� �� �,�^. , (including l.ender,ii Lender is such an insUtu[�on)or in any Federal Homc L.oAn Bank. l.ender shull apply the Fundw to puy
<br /> .�
<br /> . .t�-�...:row Items. l.ender muy not chorge Bomawer for holding and applying �he Fund4, unnually anulyzing the escrow
<br /> � � ' uccount,or verifying �he Eccrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower intereFt an �he FLndx and applicablc law pemuts
<br /> . . Lender to muke such a charge. However.L.�:nder muy require Borrower to pay A one-tima charge for un independent real
<br /> estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with�his loan,unlaFw Applieabla luw provides dherwise. Unless an
<br /> ' '�'�' agreement ic madc ur applicable law requires intcrest to be psud,Lender shull not 6c requlred to pny Bomower any intereat or
<br /> .���;�.;:�:�t;,,' . eamings un thc Funds. Bomnuecr and Lender moy ugree in wri�ing,however,that intcrest shaU bc puid on the FLnds. l.ender
<br /> �. S ' . "�;,�"��' shWl give to Horrower,without churge,an annual arcounting of�he F1mds,shawing cnedi�y and debitx to the�nd.v and the
<br /> . ' � � pu�pose for which each debit to the Flmd�:was mude. The �unda ure plwdged as ndditiaial securicy for all sums secun�d by
<br /> this Securiry Insuument.
<br /> _ -_ _— !€the Funds held by l.�n�k�ezcced the amounts perntitted to bc hQIJ by uppli�ublu luw, Lender shall uccount to
<br /> ; � Buaower for the eace�s Funds in accordance with tMe�eyuiremcMs of applicabla luw. If ihe amount of the Fund.+held by
<br /> , . l.cnder ut any�ime ia not sufficient tu puy the Eccrow Items wtkn due, Lend�r mny�� nwify Borrower in w�riting,und, in
<br /> • such cur+e Bom►wer sholl p•ry ta Lender the amoun� nece�wry to muke up tha d�ficirncy. Borrower sh�ll make up the
<br /> deficiency in no more�hun twcive monthly payments,ut Lenders u►le dixcretie�n.
<br /> Upun puymant in full of�Il sums u�cured by thiw Sccuriry Inatrumun4 LcnJur shAll prompUy n:fund to Barrower any
<br /> � ' `� �unds hcld by Lender. If,under paragraph'1,l.cmicr shull acquire or xell thc Property,L�:ndcr,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> • .., :.�::
<br /> sule of Uta Properry. shull upply any Fundx held by L.:mlar at thc time �+f acyuiaiti��n or�ulu as a credit aguinst the sumx
<br /> � ;�,�;�%;'� secured by thiw Security Inswmunt. '
<br /> )` ' 3. Applicatbn of Paymantx. Unlasx apnlicablc luw providc, othcrwitie, aIF puyments received by Lender unJer
<br /> �9�u. puragrapha 1 and 2 xhnll bc uppliud: fin�,a�am pr�puymr.nt ch��rge�duc undcr thc Nut�:second,to umoun4c payuble unde�
<br /> t~t pnragraph Z;thini.N�int�sreh�due;Wunh,tu prirx:ipul due;und luhi.w uny lutr churgeti due under the Notc. 'i�!!.
<br /> 4. Churgoo; Untu+. Bur�owcr �hull puy all taxcs, a��c:r:+m4nt�,, churgc., finc� unJ imp�i�i�ions uttributable to thc .�
<br /> • �•�• Property which mny a��uin priority over thifi Sccuri�y Inr�rti�nent,und Iuu�eholJ paymcntn ar gr�iund rent,,if su�y. Borrower
<br /> ' • .'s" :,' shnll pay the�c obligutinnH in thc munncr pruviJed in par�graph ?,nr if n�H puid in thut munncr.B�xrowcr shrll p•ry them on -
<br /> -� � , ��'` time directly to the penim rnved puymem. B��+YOwer.hull prcmplly f'umiNh•io LenJrr all nuticrs of•rmnunts to bc p�id under
<br /> , � � thi�pAmgruph. If&�rrowar muk�ti thc�s puyment►+di�+¢ctly.Burtow�cr sholU pmmptly furnixh to Lcnder receiptx evidencing �
<br /> . ,,,. � che payments.
<br /> � �''"� ' Durmwer shull promptly dfrx:hnrgc any liun which hu, priuriw nvcr thiti i'iacunty Inr.trumcnt unlesx Bormwcr:lu)agrcc+
<br /> ������'�'� in writing to the payment ut'the obliguti�m scrun:d by thc lien in u m anncr accrptuhlc u�Lender.�bl camests in good faith the � •�'
<br /> • lieo by,or defends ugaimt cnforcemem oT the licn in.IrFul ��r�xcedinN+�vhi�h in Ihc LcnJcr:opinion oprratc ta prevent the
<br /> "' ' � � enforcement of thc lien;ur(cl+erure�fn�m thc holdcr of thc licn un ugrvemcnt.•rti,l'•rrtury tu Lcnder sutx�rdin•rting the li�n
<br /> ��;�. � � to this Security Instrumen�. If Lender detcrminc.�hut any pun of�hc Pn>�:rty i++uhjcct to a licn w•hirh rt�ay uttain priority
<br /> .,.,A•; r over Ihis Security Instrument,l.endcr muy give BoRUwcra rn�tire iJcntifying thc licn. Bnrrowcr.hull.a�ixfy the lien or tnke
<br /> �� • ' ' � ane or more af the ac�ions.et forth ubovc within 10 day+of thc gi�ing i�t'niHirr. �
<br /> , •:�..'�. �;i• 5. Hazard or Property Insursmce. B�ttrowrr.hall krep ihc impruvemrnl.nuw cxi�ting or Ixercnftcr crected on the f
<br /> . ''''' Property insurcd agvinst loss hy Sire,hu�arJ+incluJeJ wi�hin thr Icrm"rxirnJrJ ruvcragc"anJ any uthcr h�u.rrd.r•,inrluding
<br /> ��., • floods or tluadin@, for which Lender rcyuirex in�urance. Thi.intiuranrc .hull Ix muintaineJ in ihc amuunts and for thr
<br /> � - �
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