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<br /> � cottd¢mnadon or c�ther iWcit►Q of��y part of�he P►o�eAy.or for convoyancc in lieu ot condemn�tion.aro I�eby w�i�ned and
<br /> �hdl 6e paid to l.cnder.
<br /> � In the event ot A toal uking of the PropeRy.thc procoeda slull be appNed to the eums �ecw+ed by thit Security
<br /> lnstrument,whether ur not thrn due,with pny excesa pAid to Aorrower. In thc event oi a parlial takin�of�fie Propeny ia
<br /> wt�icd the fair mark¢t value of�ho Propeny immed�atciy beforc thc tAl:ing fa equql to or greuter tFun tho amount oP the�
<br /> eecurcd by thia Secu�ity Instrument immedfately bcforc the taki�g,unlcsa Horrowcr and l.ender otherwlse agnec in wriiin�,
<br /> the cums�ecund by thic Securily Instrument shall be reducM by the Amaunt af the proceeds multiplied by Ihe followin�
<br /> frpction: (A)the total wnount of the sums secured immediwcly befbre�hc talcing,divided by(b)ttie tair market valuo oP zl�e
<br /> P��erty irunediat¢ly befc�+e the taking. Any balwrce rholl bes puid w Borcuwer. In�tir event of a p�rtial li+lcing uf the
<br /> Pro�crty in which�hc fair market value of�he Propeny immediately befare the tnking is less�han the mm�un�of�he surn�
<br /> securcd immediutely befare Ihe tuking,unle.ss Borrc►wer and l.ender othenvise Agrce in writing or unless epplicable lew
<br /> otherwlse pmvldes,thC procc.�eds slwll be upplial to the sums securod by Ihis Security InsuumerN whether or not the sums ere
<br /> then due.
<br /> lf the Praperiy iR ab�ndoned by Borrawer,or if.ofter notice by Lender to Bor�awer�hat the condemnor offers to make
<br /> an award ar Reltle u cl�im far damages.Bortower iails to mcpond to Lender within 30 d�ys ufter the dyte the natice is given,
<br /> l.ender is nuthorized ta collect and appty the praceeds,at i�s aption,either to restaration or rcpair of�he Prc►peny or to tltt
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unlegs L.ender and Bormwer atherwise agree in writing.Any Application of proceeds to principal shall not eatend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referrc,d to in parogrnphs 1 und 2 or change the amount af such payments.
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Releasedt Forbearnnce By I.ender Not a Wah�er. Extensian of �he time for payment or
<br /> moditication of amortization af the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in ioteresl
<br /> �'"'�•.� of Bamnwer shall not operate to release the liability of'the ariginal Borrawe�or enrrawerk successors in inter�t. Lender
<br /> 'b-'�: shall nat he rcyuired to commence proceedings n�ainst any nuccessor in interest or �efuse to extend time for pc�yment or
<br /> �� �' �°•�w�'�'-'��� othenvise madify amoniu►tion af the gums secured by Ihix Security Inv�rument by reason af any demand mude by the origin�l
<br /> .�� � '�'� C"t� Bormwer or Borrower's successors in interext. Any torbearnnce by Lender in exe�ising any righ[or remedy shall not be A
<br /> . �;��:.�
<br /> ,f;f���� a�'�'�� :��-��• waiver of or preclude the exercise of any righi or remedy.
<br /> �{o�l` �;„�:":�;.�`'i
<br /> ,;���;�}�••�.;t�;;.;, 12. Successors And Assigns Bound;,loint and Several I.labflily;Co-signers. 'The covennnts und agreements of this
<br /> ��i�1;:�"4a,. Security Instrumem shall bind und benefit the succe�sor:c and nxaignx of Lender und Brntower,xubject ro thc provisions of
<br /> ' ''�'��:'•°•� �••���'"�r'`���• parugrnph 17. Bormwerc covenants And agrcement.r•shull be joint �nd xeveral.Any Borrower wha co-rignx this Security
<br /> �'�k��',+. . �.,, , ,
<br /> i y�;t��t�i�"����!��:;s�. Inslroment but dces nat execme the Ncue: (a)is co-�igning thix Security Inslniment only to mongage,gmnt wid convey tha�
<br /> ��•• i�y�; ; Borrower\in�eres�in the Properly under the terms of this Security Instrumcnt; (b)is nat penonally obligated to pay the surns
<br /> . . � . '��'i'zl'_�,:,;..,
<br /> �,•.._ . secured by this Security Instrumcnt:und Ic)ogrecs that Lendcr und uny othcr Borrower mny ogree to extend,malify,farbear
<br /> �r ':�r ..•�•"�'; ,�•4` or make any uccommodutionx with regurd to�he termx uf this 5ecurity Inxtrument or the Note without that Borrowert
<br /> , r; .�-:a»`:.., "ti��. consem.
<br /> ; ..� �'�:''''.,.�-yt�y 13. l.opn Char�c4. If�he loan secured by this Security Inr•trument is subject lo u luw which �ei+ maximum loan
<br /> , rhazgcs,and that!aK•i:.fin:s!!y inlerFretci!::o th»s the interest nr other loan chs:ges cb!lected c:r to be c•e!lerted in c�nrtcct:�
<br /> f � � with thc loun exrecd thc permitted hmitx,lhen, (A1 uny�uch loan charFc shall be rcduc:ed by the amnum necezsary w redure
<br /> �� � . ' the charge to the pertniueJ limit;und(bl uny tiumx ulreudy collerted from Borrower which excceded pemiin�d limi�,will be
<br /> i, � refunded to Borcower. Lender muy chaose to muke thi+nfund by mducing the prinripal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> � • direct payment to Bormwer. If u refund reduce�principul,the rrduction will be�reated us a pani•rl prepuyment wi�hout Wny
<br /> prepaymenl charge under thc Nocc.
<br /> �, � " ' 14. NoUees. Any notice�o Born�wrr provided for in thix Srcurity Instrumen� zhull tx�given by delivering it or by
<br /> . ''`•' , muiling it hy iirxt rlass muil unle�s upplicuble low rcyuirc.u,r�►f unothcr meihcxl.The n�Hirc+hull br directed to the Propeh�•
<br /> ' s AJdretis or uny o�her uddre+x Bixrowrr de,ignatcs by notice to L.endec Any noticc to Lrnder+hnll he givt:n by fint class
<br /> �� '• , � � muil to Lender+uddre��rts►ted hrrein ci�;u�y�Nhrr addR��LenJrr desiFnute+by notice 10 Borruwrc Any ni�tice provided far
<br /> , in tbis Securiry Inxirumrm .hull Ix dccmeJ a� huvc Ixen givrn �o Borr��w�r or l.ender when given ax provided in this
<br /> ��,� j n ;.., Paragrnph.
<br /> ,,:�; I5. (�overning Law; tieverubilily. Thi> Srruri�y Intiirumrnt ,hall t►e �ovrmcJ by teder�l law and �he law of thc
<br /> g;' � jurisdiction io which the PropeAy i+kxuted. In the rvrnt Ihi�t any provi,ion ur rluu.c�il'�hi,Secu�ity Inrlrument or Ihc Nrne
<br /> I•�: ' contlict�wi�h opplicublc luw,,unc�ontlict+hall nut afl'cct ather provi�ion+of thi,Securiry Intitrument or the Note which c�n
<br /> ; .• . , ^ be given effect wi�lwut�he canflic�inE provitiinn. Ti�this rnJ �hr provi,iun+ id'thi, Security In��rument und the Note ure
<br /> � � . ' declured lo bc sevemble.
<br /> . , � -•:;;�.,' 16. Borrower's Cupy. Horruwrr,hull tx gwcn��nc cunfurnKd ropp ul'Ihr tiute:wJ uf thi�Se�urily b��ltw�wnl. .
<br /> . ,. • 17. 7}ancfer oi'the Propertv nr a Beneficiul �nterest in 1�►rrowe� U uU ur any purt uf thc Propr.rty ur any intrrc.t in
<br /> .� ' , ' it i+salJ or trunstertrd lor if u lxixticinl intcrc�l in Borruw•rr i.�o1J or tramlcrrcd and Barri�wrr is nM a natural Fxnonl
<br /> • without Lendcr:prior wril��n cun+rn�.Lrndrr may. a1 it�uptiun,reyuirc immcJiat�puymrnt in full of•rll�umti rccured hy -
<br /> • ' , . this Securi�y In�trument. Hua•evcr,this�ip�ion.hull nut I+c rxrniud by l.enJrr il'cxercix i.prohibiteJ by federrl law nti of
<br /> � '.�' .,�� . ° thr dute ot�his Securiry In.�rument.
<br /> t`�_ ,;•r,� If Lender exeni.rti thiti�ry�tiun.Lendrr�hull givc BaRO�vrr nulicr uf iKC�leraliun. Thr n�Hice sh�ll pruviJ�u prriucf of ,R
<br /> � nat less�hon 30 doys from�hc Jutr�hr notirc i.Jrlivrrcd iir maikd within�vhirh Burcu��.r mu�t pa�all.umti�ccurrd by thi� ;;,,:
<br /> �� �' � Sccurity Imtrumrnt. If Born►wrr fails to pay thc.e,um. prinr lo thc expir;di�►n nf thi� �xriod.Lrndcr may imokc uny '•
<br /> ;�. ,` ,: � . .. remedirti permittrd by Ihi�Securitr In.trument wiih�iu�funhcr nu�irr or drnr,md un Hurruwrr.
<br /> " � �� 18. RorroK•er's Right tn Reinstate. If Hurru��•rr mer�� rchain nmdi�ion,. Burto��rr .hull have ihe right to havc '
<br /> .�t .: � ���!ti+ � • cnforcement of thi.Security lo�trumrm di,r�Hninur�l a� any timr prior to thc �arlicr oi: lui 5 da�,l�tt.urh uihrr�x ri�Kl a, �.
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