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<br /> at the option of Wnder, it martp�e ineurance covoia�e (in the amount end !or the� od that Lender requir+es)
<br /> providad by�n in�urer�pProved by Leoder ipin becoma��vail�ble and I�obWned.BonoMer ah�l)p�y the premiums
<br /> requlred w m�intain mortp�e iruunnce in ettast,ar w provide• lae� aserve. untii the requiroment Ior mortp�e
<br /> intu�noe e�tds in�oordancx�vith�ny Nritten���eomont betweon Borrawor�nd Lenda�or applicaWe 1�M.
<br /> 9.Iq�peCtlop.Lander or its��ent m�y m��e raeonable entrtas upon�nd inspeotione oi the PropMy.Irander�hdl
<br /> Qive Barsowpr nAuce ot the time ot 4n pKI�►r to�n inepeocion specltylnQ reaeonable cause lor the inepection.
<br /> 10. Can4amn�tion.Tha pt�aoeeda at any awerd or cl�im for d�m��a,direct ar wneoquent��l.in conneotion Nith
<br /> ., �ny condomn�tiaaor.othar ykin�ot•�ny pRrt ot the Property.or tor conveyance in lieu oi condemnation,aro hereby
<br /> aeri�nad�nd�hdl ba p�id ta l.andor.
<br /> !n tt►e event nt o totnl,takin8 ot the Proparty. the pracoeds shall bo applied W thn aums secured by this 3ccurity
<br /> � Instrumont,whethar oc nc►t than due.with my exceas p�id to Borrowcr,ln the event ot a p�rti�l W�inQ ot the Prope�ty in
<br /> whiah tho fsir msrkot veluo of thp Property irnmedi�toly betoro the ukinQ ie equal to or�roater th�n the amount ot the
<br /> sums eeourod by this Seourity ln�trumont.immadietely beioro the takinQ.unless Horroaer and Lendor otherwlse aQree
<br /> in writing,tha sume soauned be chie Seaur�ty Inatrumont ehdl be roduced by the amount ot the procaecli�multiplied by
<br /> � +�"��; tha idlowln�t�ation;,(w)tha total omount oG tha sums securod immediauly before the uking.dividad by(b�the tair
<br /> '�`� ��'�w�:r.-,�C. merket valua of the Property immcdletely betoro tha u�ing. Any bslence ehsll be p�id to Aorrower.ln the event of a
<br /> � ' �-"��; p�rtial tuking ot tha Property in whfah tha[air mnrkat vdue of tha Proparty immediately betore the hki��ie leee tlum
<br /> ..''� � �Y��� �.�,� the smount of tha auma secured immadlntaly bafone the tsldn$,unlese Barrower end Lendar otherwfse a�ee in writin�
<br /> '.M':,...• : ,.,Ir
<br /> d �-•�'�� - . • ��: or unicea �pplicAbla lea othe�wlaa provides, tba pnaca�de shell be applied to the auma seaured by thie Seaurity
<br /> �'`�� `i� Inatrument whBther or aAt tha aums are than due.
<br /> N�,•-�• . ;�`-�4�"�';�"�`� It the Praperty ia abAndoned by Borrow�r,or iP attar notice by Landar ta Borrower that the condemnor otfera to
<br /> .. .'�A.�t. make�n �ward or satde e aleim for damaBae, Bortorvcr iails to respond to Lcnder within 30 days�iter the date the
<br /> ,�• � . _ notice ia given,Lendar is author�xcd to collect and epply tha proceeds�at itaoption,either to troewratton or repsir ot the
<br /> � � '_; :. Aroparty or to ths eume secured by thia Security lnstrument,whather or not then duo.
<br /> °, � Unl�ss Lender and Borrower otherwise ag�ee in writing,any�ppliooti4n af procads to princip�l ehell not extend or
<br /> � ' postpona the due dew ot th6 monthly paymenw reEarred to in psra@raphe 1 and 2 or chm�e the �mount ot euch
<br /> . . - P�Yments.
<br /> . � I1. Borrower Not Rele�ead; Forbe�rsaao By Lendesr Not a W�iver.Extenaion of the time for paymant or
<br /> moditication ot amortization ot tha auma secured by this Securat;�Inetrument granted by Lendor to any successor in
<br /> � � inurest o[ BorroN@r ahall not oparsta w relnase the liability of tho ori�ina) Borrower or Borrower's auccessors in
<br /> ' ' ' �' � ;•�:;�'1�', intenst. Lendar shaU not be required to wmmnnac procetdinge ageinst any successot in inuroet or rofuve to exte�d
<br /> • ':;;:,,. . � . ,. ,..Y..:.
<br /> time tor payment or otharwiae modi[y emortization•of the sums secured by thie Sxurity Inetrument by rcason of any
<br /> ' :'''�'�',`�5 � '�,�`;r';7 d6mand made by tha original Borrower or Bnrromar's successors in intenst. Any forbearance by Lendar in exercieing
<br /> ;.,� ,;,.,. , ,� .; . ,
<br /> ,�t r��l•�.' �. .� any right or r�medy shali not ba a waiveer oG or precl uda tha exaroiae of any right or romedy.
<br /> __. � �• ' 12.Succeeaors snd Assigna Baund:Joint and Savoral liebilit�;Co-ai�COer�.The covenents aad agreemants
<br /> r,:�,." _�_ .
<br /> � �� .;;: of thia Security Inetrumeni shall bind and bemafic tha aucce�rs and essi�ns of Lender and Borrower. subject to thc
<br /> �� ,�� �� provisions of psragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and�,grvaements shall be joint and severd.Any Borrower who co-si$ns
<br /> �� �� this Security Instrument but doea not exacutu rhe !�ute: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mort�age.
<br /> , grant and convey that Borro�ver's intarest in che Prnperty unde� Zhe terms of thie Security Inetrument; (b) is not �•
<br /> ; , . petsonally obligated to pay tha eume�secur:c by this Security Instrument;and (c)agrees that Lendar and any other .:�'
<br /> ,,._• &�rrower may agree to ext�nd.modify,fcrbear or make any accommodetions with regard to tha terms of this Security ;;,t:,,
<br /> � ��� Inetrument or the Note without chat Burmaer's consent. �
<br /> 13. Loea Char�ea. IP ths loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a laa which seta maximum loan �
<br /> �!� , charges, and that laa• is tinally incarpreted so tnat the interest or other loan charges coUected or to be collected in ,
<br /> connection wich the loan exceeJ thn permitted limits,then: (a) eny such loan charge shell be reduced by the emout►t
<br /> �+K�n. �ecessary to reduce thn charga w thn permitted limit; and (b) any sums alrrady callected irom 8orrower which
<br /> ' exceeded permitted limirR wi11 be refundad to Bottower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing the t
<br /> principal owed undnr thB N+�t�Ur b�� meking a direct payment to l3orrower.If a refund reduces principel�tha roduction �
<br /> wil)be treeted as a partial prepayment H�ithout any prepayment charge under the hote.
<br /> � 14. Noticea. Any naciae tu 13urro��•ar providod E��c in this Scxurity Instrument ahall be given by dalivering it or by 1
<br /> mailing it by first cIH4a m�i! tminss applieable lax� requires usr oi annthr.r mr.th�xi.'I'he notice ahell be directed to the !
<br /> Property Address or any othar add�+ess 13orrowcr designates by notice to Lender.Any noticc to Lendar shall be given by ��
<br /> tirst class mail to I.endnr's aJd�+ess stnted herein oe any� other addres�L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any •
<br /> ' notice providdd for in thie Security Inetrumentshall he deemed to have been given to Horrower or Lender whan given
<br /> ' es provided in thi�v paragraph� �
<br /> I S. Cfoverninq l.oa�; Se���nbility.'fhis Securit�•Instrument shall be governed by federal law and tha law of the •
<br /> jurisdiction in n•hjch tha Nroperty is lucated. In the�vent that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the �
<br /> ` �. Note conflicts�vith applivabla lats,such conflict shall not affect other pravisions of this Security Inatrument or the I:�ie ' � �
<br /> �. which can be given�ff�sct�rithuut the conflicting provision.'I�o this rnd the provisions of this Security Instrument and
<br /> � the Note arc daclared tn be se��esrabl�.
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