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<br /> � 16.Bonower'a Cop ,Horrower ehall bo�ven one contormed copy ot the Note ind ot thie 3ecutity Ir�sttument.
<br /> • 17.Tran��er ot the�ropert or• Benoficid Intoro�t in Borraear. lt�Ii or any psrt ot tho Pnoperty�r my
<br /> ' interost in jt is eoid or tra��cterred or it�beneticlal inureet in Borroaer ie sold or tnneterred�nd BorroNer i�not a
<br /> natural pereon)without Lender'e p�or Nritten oonsent�Lender may,�t Jtaoption,requiro immedi�te p�yment in tutl of
<br /> , df eume eecured by thia Seaurity Inatrument.HoNever� this opt3on ehdf not be erer+clred by L�et�der it eurci�e is
<br /> ' ted b tederrl I�w ae ot the d�te ot thie$ec�rit lnetrument.
<br /> lubi Y
<br /> P�
<br /> Y
<br /> � �a , It Lender exercieee thie option,Lender elull�ivo Hornower noticei of�cooleration.Tho nodca ehall provide a period
<br /> 1,�, :. w,�,. of not lese then 30 d�ys irom thedate tha notica is delivered or mailed within wAich Borrower muet p�y all eums eeourod
<br /> by thie Socurity Inatrumen�If Borro�ret tdle to psy these eume�or w the exp�ration ot thfe pertad�t.ender m�y invoro
<br /> . �M.���ti:_�d; �ny romediae permitted by this Secudty lnstrument without turther notice or demmd on BorroMer.
<br /> . .�,;�,�,�,- 18.Borrowa:'a RiQht to Reiastate.If Borrower meote certain conditions�Borrower ehell heve the ri@ht to luve
<br /> � en[oe+cement of thia Security Instrument dieonntinued at�ny time prfor W the arlier ot:(a)3 daye(or suob osherperiod
<br /> , . �e applaaible lew m�y epecity tor reinstatoment)betoro sale ot the Property purewnt to�nypo wer oi s�le vontained in
<br /> ��� ��� �J� '� thia Securit Instrument; or (b) entry oi a udQment eniorcin�this 5ecurity Inetrument.Thase condittons aro th�t
<br /> ��n.�r:�. '� Borrowor. ra) p�ye Lendor all aume which t�en would be dua undor thie 3eourfty Instrument md the Note as it no
<br /> „�� ��s�"��� �ccelerstion had occurned; (b)cures any detault ot any othar covanante or�Qreemente;(c)pays all expensee inaumed in
<br /> '�^ = � � enforcing thia Securlty Instrument.lncludin�,but not limited to,re�onablo attorneys fees=and(d)takes such action es
<br /> �-��'� � � `� ' Lander may reasonably requfre to assuro thee the lien ot thie Seaurfty inetrument,I,ender s ri�hte in the Property and
<br />�,�� } �� � ''s Borrower's obli�ation w pay the eums eecured by thie Security Instrument ehall continue unchenBed.Upon reinetatement
<br />:;�,,..,.. f;:r ` byBorrower,thiaSecurity InatrumentandtheobliQationssecuredherebyshellrem�intullyottoctivo�sitno�xeleradon
<br /> .: - had occun�ed.Howevec,thia right to reinststeshall not apply in the case ot ecceleration under para�raph 17.
<br /> '+'`�� � � 19.S�le af NTote;Ch�n�o ot Loan Sorvicer.The Nota or a parti�l intareat in th�Note(to ether with thie Security
<br /> ' �'�' " ' Instrument)may be sald one or moro times without prior notice to Borrowor.A sale may rcsult�n a ehsn�e in theentity
<br /> • i . �� (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly p�yments due under the Note and this Security Instrumen�Thero
<br /> 3.� � ' also may be one or more chenges ot the Loan Servicer untelated to a eale ot the Note. If there is s chan�e of the Loan
<br /> ' Servicer,Bonower wiil b�s given written notice ot the chao�e in accordanco aith paragraph� 1�above and applicable law.
<br /> Tha notice wiU atate the name and eddress of the new Loen Servicer and the addrcsa to which payments should be made.
<br /> • The notice will also cantain eny othar in[ormation required by appliceble law.
<br /> ' 20.Hazsrduus Subat�nces. Borrower shell not cause ar}�mit the rescnce.use,di i,stora e, or rolease oi • ���"
<br /> P sPosa � � : ,::....: ,
<br /> � • any Haxardous Sub�tances on or in the Property.Borrower shall�ot do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything attxting ��:�s`:•�
<br /> ' the Property that is in violation ot any Environmentel law.The precedi�g two sentences shall not epply to the pmaence,
<br /> '����' ' , use, or storage on the Property ot small quantities of Hazardous Substances thet are �anerelly recoenized to be
<br /> . ��� .`� � ' oppro�priate to normal residential uses and to meintenance oi the Property..
<br /> • Batrc,wer shal l promptly giva Lendar written notice o[any inveatigation,claim.demend,(aweuit or other action by
<br /> '' � any governmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Haznrdous Substence or
<br /> Environmentsl Law ot which Borcower has actual knowledge.It Borcoaer learns,or�s notif�ed by any�ovarnmental or
<br /> regulatory authori ty, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardoua Substsnce afiecting the Property is
<br /> nec�sary,Borrowershall promptl�take all necessury remedial actione�n accordance with 8nvironmental I.aw.
<br /> - =_ -- _ - - eis usai iu ti�ics peragrnpL �f. Iieisrdous Suhstances"ara ihasc substanr.�defined�toxic or hszsrdo�substances
<br /> by Environmentel I.aa end tha tollowing aubstences:gasaline,kerosene,other flam mable or toxic petroleum products, ,
<br /> toaic �esticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials conteining eabestos or tormaldehyda, and radioactive ��;. . .,:��.:.;.�.
<br /> metenals.As used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentsl Laa" means tederal laws and laas of the jurisdiction where the ;� �s���•_ `
<br /> � Property is located that relate to health,saPety or environmental protection. :-��'
<br /> NON'UNIFORM COVCNANTS.Borrower and Ixnder further covenant end a�ree as tollow� �:1..�T
<br /> �, 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lendor shall �ive notice td Borrower prior to accelention tollowing .
<br /> . Borrower's breacb ot any covenant nr a�reement in this 5ecurity lostrument(but oot prior to sccelerstioa
<br /> ' under paragrsph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise).The notice adall epecity: (a)the defsult;(b)the
<br /> �� action required to cure the det�ult; (c) a date, not less tban 30 d�ys from the date the notice is�iven to ^
<br /> '1'' Borrower. by which the dehult must be cured;and (d)that f�ilure to cure the default on at betc•re the date � � Q�
<br /> specitied ia the notice m�y rasult ia rcceleretion o�the sums secured by tdis Security Iastrument aod sale ot f' �`•�.
<br /> 1 ' � the PPOperty. The notice shdl further infarm Borrower ot the right to reinatate after acc�leration aad the ''��
<br /> ri�6t to brin�� court action to assert the non-exiatence ot a defautt or aoy other deteaso of Borrower to C . �:.:�
<br /> ' acceler�tinn and sde. It th6 default is .^.^! ^::r�� or. �:�c.°c:::l:e dste specified in the notice, Lender.st its � � •
<br /> option, may require immediate pay•ment in tull ot all sums secured by this Security Iastrumeot without • `
<br /> � turt6er demand snd may invake the power of sale and any ather remediea permitted by appiicsble law.
<br /> I�ender chall be eneitled to collect all erpenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in t6is para�raph '� •
<br /> , 21,iacluding.bu t not li mited tU,reisonable attorneys'tees and costs of title evidenco. � "
<br /> If the pc>t+'er ot sale is in�•uked.7'rustee shall record a notice of default in e�ch couaty in which io y•psrt ot
<br /> ' the Proporty �s lacated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner Qrescribed by spplicsble law to � ;.� �
<br /> Borrower snd to the othcr persuns Prescribed b�•applicable law. Aftcr the t�mc required by applicsble law. , .
<br /> 1'rustee shall give public notice of s�le to the persons and in the manner prescribed by apPlicsble law.Trustee.
<br /> withuut demand un 13c�rrower. shail sell the Propert�•at public auction to the hi&hest b�dder at the time�nd
<br /> ' place and under the terms designated in the nc,tice of sale in one ur more parcels snd in an��order Trustee
<br /> . determines.Trustce may�post�►onc sale of�I)or any parcel at the Property by public ar.nouncernent at the
<br /> . . ' time sod place��t any pre��iously scheduled sale. I.ender or its designee may purchsse the Property st sny
<br /> � . sale. .
<br /> � '�
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