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<br /> ^°� �;-'��''.:: "�; 3. H�s�rd or Property lp�unnco. Borrowor ehdl keep the improvements now arietinR ar horaftcr erected on
<br /> ��; - .. , tfle Prop�rty inaurod��ainst laes by firo,haz�rde included withtn tha term "ortended cavet��e" �nd any ather h�z+�rde,
<br /> a . �.: � � • inoludinQ tlaods or tloodin�.tor which Lender requirea ineurmce.Thia inaur�nce eh�ll be maint�ined in the amounte
<br /> , .� �nd�fo�the perlade ttut Lender requirae. The insurance carrier providin�the irisurmce ehdl be ohaen by Borrower
<br /> .•�=� . • subject w Lender's approval whioh ahall nat be unre�sonsbly withheld.It Borrowar taile to m�intain covea�e deecribed
<br /> ;`� �` •� �� : '�'. above,l.endar m�y,�t Lender'a option,obtain cover�Qe to protec4 Lender's ri�hte in the Property in sccord�noe Mith
<br /> :� : Wra�ph 7.
<br /> t'�z,:;i,,,,;���_. .' .; ,� All insunnce policlea and renowale ehell be�cxeptable to L,ander and shall includo a etandard mort�a�e clauBe.
<br /> " � Lendcr ehdl luve the rl�ht to hold tha policies and renewda, It Lender requires, Borrower shsll promptly �ive to
<br /> �:�.. .. • _ � Lender aU rxeipte ot p�id pnsmiume And reneasl noticea In the avent of la�s,Barrower ahdl�ive prompt notico to che
<br /> .� i n eura nce c a r r ier and L e nde r. Lender mt y m�ke p r o ot of lose it aot m�de p r om ptl y b y Borrower.
<br /> ��ti �:.r.�: �. . , ._, Unle,ss Lender ind Borrowor otherwise�Qree in writing,ineurance procade shdl be�pplied to rcswration or repair
<br /> . � - � of tho Proporty dama�od�it tho rcswration or ropiir ia economically teasiblo and Lender's sacu�fty ie not lessenod.!t she
<br />;4,. . �•-�=� reswration or repeir ia not economically feaeible or Lendee's sacurity would be lessenal.the insucanca proceeda eh�ll ba
<br /> , , �k�'� appliod to the sums secured by this Se�urity Inatrument,whethar or not then due,with any excesa paid to Borrower.It
<br /> - - ° , Borrower abandona the Property,or das not anewer within 30 days a notice trom[.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> • .er ofierod to settle e cleim. then Lender may collect tho ineurance proceeds. Lender may use the�procoods to rapair or
<br /> ' �����, � restore tha Proparty or to pay eume secured by this Security Instrument,ahether or not then due.The 30-d�y periad will
<br /> _ s be�in ahen the notice is given, ,;,>_ �
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borcower otherwise agroa in writing,any application ot pracads to princip�l sholl not extend or
<br /> � poetpone the due data ot the monthly payments reterred to in paragraphe 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of the payments.
<br /> '' if under peragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Horrower's right to any insurence policies and proceeds .:�
<br /> � resulting trom damaga to the Property prior to the acquisition ehwll pass to Lender to the extont ot the sums secured by � "�
<br /> , thie Security Inatrument immedietely pr�or to the acquisition. t'��?h"�'`
<br /> ;;:. 6.Occupsncy.Preservation�Msintenaace�ad Protection ot the Property;Borrower's Laa A�plication; ��.tv;�'�;�'
<br /> Leaseholds.Horrower ehell occu�y,establish,and use the Property as&�rrower's principal residence within aixty days ' '�.�,�
<br /> .�'-..j atter the execution ot thia Secunty Inetrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Horrower's principal � �
<br /> �,�:' � ' ' residence tor at least one year after the date at occupancy,unless Lender otherwisa agroes in writi�g,which consent shall �.�'�����s�.sti .
<br /> ' � not be unreasonably withheld.or unless eatenuating circumstences exist which are beyond Borrowar's coMrol.Horrower `" • •� .':��r
<br /> ' . shwll not destroy,demage or impair the Property,allow the Praparty to deteriorate,or commit waete on the Property. ! '!��i'�,,:?�
<br /> • Borcower ahell ba in detault it any torteiture action or praceeding.whether civil or criminal,is be�un that in l.ender's � ;, .
<br /> . good taith judgment could result in forfeiture ot the Property or otherwise matettielly impair the lien created by this
<br /> Security Instrument or I.ander s security interest. Borrower may cure such a detault and reinstate, es provided in "y �
<br /> ��+.� paragraph 18, by ceusing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's gaad faith r ��
<br /> determination,precludes iorfeiture of the Horrower's interest in thc Property or other material impairment af the lien �� _ _ ' i
<br /> created by this Security lnstrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall elso be in detault iP Borrower,during [-�=i�"� :
<br /> the loan application pracess, geve materially falses or inaccurete in[ormation or statements to lxnder (or failed to � . . +
<br /> � provide Lender with eny materiel inPormation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not y • � �'.• 'y
<br /> limited to,representationa concerning 13orrower's occup�ncy of the Property as a priacipal residence. It this Security . � � �
<br /> ' Instrument is on a leasehold, Borcower shull comply with all the provisians ot the lease. It Borrower acquires fee title to i � � •,�,ti•,
<br /> � . the Property,the leasehold nnd the fee title shell not merge unless Ixnder agrees to the merger in writin�. � � . , �' �.
<br /> � 7.Protection ot Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to pertorm the covenants and agreements � �
<br /> contained in this Security Instrument,ar there is a legal pra:eeding that may significantly atfect Lender's rights in the
<br /> ' , Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, tor conJemnation or torfeiture or w enforce laws ar ; ,
<br /> ,�, , re�ulatione),then I.ender may do and pay tor whatever is nece�.sary to protect the value ot the Property and Lender's ,
<br /> rights in th�Property. I.rnder's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hes priority over this �
<br /> ' . Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasoneble attorneys'tees and entering on the Property to make repairs.
<br /> � Although l.ender may take action under this paragraph 7,Ixnder dces not he�•e to do so. •
<br /> ' ,' Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall becume additionel debt ot Borrower secured by this '
<br /> � . Security Instrument,l►nlesg Borrower and I.rndar agree to�ther terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest •
<br /> �� � from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice trom I.ender to Borrower •: �'
<br /> , , � . requesting PeYment. . � .�: ,
<br /> 8. Mortgage lnsurance. If I.rnder required m��rtgage insurance as a condition oi making the loan secured by this � . ' '
<br /> . Security Instrument,l3orro�ser shall pay the premiums rrquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.It,foranp
<br /> � reason, the mortgage insuranee cocerage requireJ by I.ender lapsrs or ceasrs to br in eftect, Borrower shall pay the ,
<br /> � premiums requireJ to ubtain c��verage substantially�equivalent to the mortgage inaurance pre�•iously in efiect,at a cost
<br /> subetantially equivalrnt to the cost tu Hc�rrower ut the mortgagr insurancr prr�•iously in etPeot, from an alternate
<br /> ,_� mortgage insurer appro��eJ b}� I.endrr. li substantially eyuiralent murtgage insurance coverage is not available,
<br /> Sorro�ver shall pa}•to Ixnde�each m�mth a sum eyual to unr-t��•e1Pth ot the yrarl�• mortgage insuranre premium being
<br /> • paid by I3orro���rr wh�n the insurancr cocerage lapsrd��r cratird to hr in rffrc�.l.ender ��•ill accept,use end retain these
<br /> • payments as a loss rrsen�e in lieu of mortgage insurancr. Luss resrr�•e pa�•ment�g ma�• no longer be requirrd.
<br /> ; R
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<br /> i Fam 302a 9090
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