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, ..� <br /> � • .,� <br /> '. �4. • ' . . . . <br /> ���"'� 'r'� � N <br /> y <br /> • 1 <br /> 1. . � <br /> 1�3- lo�s2 <br /> carxkmna�lon or a�her ukin�aP�ny put of the Property,nr Por convey�nce ln Nou of ca�dann�tiaa,�ro herobY wi�ned�nd <br /> dudl bo p�id to Londer. <br /> In �hc cvent uF A �dnl tekfn� of tho Property,�ho pnxeeds ehd� be apP�ied �o tbe sums,aa;urod by this Sacurity <br /> In++�rument,whclher or nw then due.with any caces�paid to Borrower. In the event of n parti�l•t�{cin�l�nf�tho Property in <br /> which tho fuir markct vnluc of�hc PropeAy immediutcly bcfoR the�alcing ia e.Nual to or greatac th�.tho+oulnau�t of�hc�ume <br /> �ccured dy.thi9 Security Instrument immediutely befare tha takinp,unk�rs Borrowcr and Lendor otherµ��agree in wr�tin�, <br /> the xums socured by this Secudty Inotrument aholl ba rcduced by the amount of tho pmceedc mu111pIiAd by the following <br /> ' A� fr��iun: la)thu total wnaunt of the sums securcd immediately F+efore the�eking,dividad by(b)iha fair,murket velue of tho <br /> Property immediutely bePare thc teking. Any balonce shull bc paid to Barmwer. In tho evSnt of a p�rtial tak�ing af the <br /> Property in which �he fair.rnurket value of the Pmpedy lmmediately 6efote tha taking is loss th�ut thp umaunt of�he suma <br /> securcd immediately befare the tta;ing, unlass Bornawer und Lender otherwisa agree in writing or unless applicabla law <br /> o�herwise providea,the proceed�chall be applied to the aums securcd by thia Secu�iry lnstrumant�whother or not tho suma ar�e <br /> then due. <br /> If ihe Rrapetty is ubandoned by Barrower,or if,uftcr natice by Lender to Bamower thAt tho candcm�ar offers to make <br /> un uwarrl ur seule u c1Aim for damages,Borrower Failc ta respond to Lender within�days after the data 1he+notice is givGn, <br /> Lender is uuthorized to collect und uppiy the its option.either to restaralian or rapair of tha PropenY or to the <br /> surns securad by thie Security Inatrument,whe�her or nat then due. <br /> Unlass Lendar nnd Borrower wherwfse ugrec in w�iling,ony upplicutian of proceeds ta princip�l,shall nut extend or <br /> ,�;* .y pc►stpane tha dua dute of ihe monthly puymenla neferred[a in paragraphe t and Z ar change tha umaunt af•such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Nat�Releasedi Forbearance By l.ender Nat A W�iver. Extensian of the tima for payment or <br /> ' •" �`,�,v � „r.; mcxlificution of amc►nl�.otinn of the sums secured by this Securlty Instniment g�untod by Lender to any suaceasor in intercst <br /> .,�;.=,, .. af Borrower shall not operate to the liubility of tha orfginvl Barrower or Bomnwera successarx in interest. L.ender . <br /> au"•''�•.f.�'"� shAll not be rcyuired to commence pmccedings oguinst uny succexsor io interBSt ur refur�e tu extend time for payment or <br /> ,r,;t;;� � � ' � othervvise modify pmortization of the sums secuned by this Security lnstn�ment 6y reason of any demand mede by the original <br /> . ' Bo�rower or Borrowerk successo�n in intares�. Any fo�bearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a <br /> ' � .�„� ,� waiver of or preclude tha excrcise of uny right or romedy. <br /> �°"�" � 12. Successors and Assi na Buund�Joinf pnd Several l.tabilitys Ca-signers. The covenants and agrecments of this <br /> "~"'�'"'''`�`� � ��' Security Instrumern shall bindund benefit the successor�nnd a�signs of Lender and Bamawer,subJp�t to the provisions of <br /> ' �, pnmgmph 17. Borrowerss rovenunt�und agreements shall be jaint and seveml.Any Borrower who co•signs this Security <br /> ' ' `' Instrument bul does�at execute the Nota: (�►►is co-signing this Secu�ry lnstrvment anly to martgage,grnnt and convey that <br /> �:� � • , B�ROwerk intareht in the PropeAy under the�erms of�his Security Insnument; (b)is not penonally obligated to pay the sums <br /> ;�: • secured by thiF Security Instrument;und(c)ugrees that Lender und any othar Borrowe�may agme to extond,modify,forbeer <br /> i,•. or muke any nccammodations with regord to the tarm.of ihix Secunty Insttument or the Note withoot that Borrowerk <br /> '`�� •• � consent. <br /> �• '�,_._ !t� l�p('her�ec. U�he loun securcd by this Securily Imtrumenl is subject to alaK�which sets maximum loun <br /> ' chcugew,and Ihut Inw is finally intcrpre�ed so Iha�Ihe intere.t or other loun charges collect�d ar to be collected tn connectian <br /> (� � ;;:'':;;���r; with the laan exceed the penni��ed{imi�s,then: lul uny surh loan chorge shall be reduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce <br /> �';",' � , %•'; the charge ta Ihe permitted limir and lbl uny sumx ulreudy collerted f'rom sormH�er whlch exceeded permiped limits will be <br /> . �. . refunded�o Borrower. Lender muy chaose to muke thir rcfund by rcducing the principAl owed under the fVote ar by making a <br /> ' direc�payment to 8orrawer. If u reiund reduces primipal,the reJuclion will be troated as u panial prepayment wrthaut any <br /> , ��°!�"��, prepaymeni chnr�e undcr thc Notc. <br /> "'';.�7 14. Notices. Any notice ui Borrower pruvideJ for in ihi�Securiry InstrumeM�:hall�be given by delivering it ar by <br /> �! : ;��;:.:,��� mailing it by fint cla.s mnil unlexx applici�ble luw�quire+u.e of wna�he�method.The natice shall be directed ro the Propeny <br /> �_ 'i'�;;:��:�' Address or an��other addresx 8orro���er designa�es by niNicc io Lender, Any nrnicr to Lender shall be Riven by fin�clnss . <br /> `�� '�` mui)to Lender�udJn�r.xtnted hcrcin or uny other udJrr..Lender naticc to Bw�ower. Any notice provided for .,, <br /> i'�� ' �.'%' in thi� Sccurily Inx�rum�nt shull l+c dcented ta huve hecn given tn Burrower or Lender when �iven ac provided in this <br /> ':j' • � r':;�''�;,. p�rugrupN. <br /> ,�{� `�"� 13. GoverninR L�w; tiever�6Uitv. Thix 5ewriry Imtrumem .hull lx go��cmed by federal law und thc law of the <br /> • �•.•. ,. <br /> �� '' °'' juri.dic�inn in which the Pro�xrty i�loco�ed. In thr evrnt Ihut i+n�•provixion or clau.r of thih S�curiry Inslrument or the Note "i� <br /> � cnn0ictti with upplicable luw.,unc�ontlic��hull noi aff'ra ather provi,iun,of thi.Security Instrument nr the Note which cAn <br /> • ' be given effecl w�ithout the rontlirting pmvi.ion. '1�� thi�rnd thr pruvieiom of'thix Serurily Instrument und the Note ure .+ <br /> declured to tk.everuhle. <br /> 16, Burro��•er'c Cupy. Horr�i��•er,hall Ix given one runlurnuJ cupy ot'the Note und ol th(,Securiry Instrument. <br /> ' I 17. 7MansPer uP the 1'roperty u�a Heneficlul Intcrest in Borrower. It'ull i�r uny pun of Ihe Pmpeny or uny intere�t in � <br /> ... ' �'' il i+tiuld or trun.lerrrJ lor il'a Ixnrtiriul inlrrc,l ia Borro��cr i�.old ar Iramt'ernd and Borrower is not u nuwrul person) <br /> . � '.;�. <br /> �.�.... wilhiwl LrnJcr� prii►r N•ritten am.ent,l.rndcr may,at i�.uptiun.rcyuirr immedi:ur paymen� in full of�11 sums xrcured by <br /> � . •_•.�; Ihix Sccurity Iminmtenl. Huwever,lhiti opti�at+hall niH hr exeRikJ by Lcnd�r if exerci�c is pn�hibitrd by federul luw a�of <br /> . ., thr datc��f thi,Srcurit��In�trumcnt. <br /> '.�.�.•,,; 11'Lender errrcix.�hi>optiun.Lender,hall Eivr Rurruw�r no�icr af arceleru�i�m. The notice.hull provide u period of <br /> � nui Ic,�ihan 10 duy.from thc Jaic thc nutirr i�Jclivcrcd or mailyd��•ithin whirh Burrow�r mu�t puy aU�um�,ecurcd by this <br /> Y . . <br /> Security In>trutncnl. If BuROa•rr fail,tu p,iy �hru .um, priur io U►c expirulion of thi.perii�. Lender may invoke any . <br /> .� ' � n:nxdir,�rmiurJ M•�hi.ticrurit�•In,lrumeni��ith.,u�funh�r nutirr ur on Barrow�r. � <br /> � Ili. Horru��er's RiRht tu Keinstule. II' B��rruNrr mrc�� rrrt;►in cim�iilion.. Burca�►•er shull h�wc the righl to huve <br /> ' ' � � � enforcrmen� uf Ihi.Srrurity In.trumen�di�ron�inu��1 at any timr priur�u Ihv rarlier o1: la�S day.(or xurh other periad a� <br /> 1 � <br /> s , � ;�. tiingle hrnul� ••Funnle\fue�F'reddir)fur l'\IF'tIR�1 1\ti'IRl SIE\T..l'ndurm e'o�en•rm, 9�90 �/r�iq�•J��/n�r,�ta� <br /> . � <br /> � � <br /> : � <br /> � <br /> -- �—---- - <br /> . .� <br /> f1 <br /> �r ' � <br /> � . <br /> f . <br /> A� <br /> �' � � � <br /> . , <br /> � � <br />