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<br /> �perioda Uwt Lender rcquitr.�. 'Rie in�unncc curlar providin��ho inaur�nco�hall ha chosen by Borrower wbject to I.enderY
<br /> � �pproval which�hall not be unreuonobly withheld. IP Bomower fvilR�o m�intdn caver+i�o dekribed�bove.Lender m�y� u
<br /> Lender�opllon,oblain covera�e to prolect l.ender'r�fQhte fn Iho�Ay in nccotdanco wilh parr�raph 7.
<br /> • All ineuranco poNciex and Knrwoln ehall be u�cc�Nuble��L.e r wKi�hnll includo A sta�M mort� o clwRe. L,ender
<br /> sh�ll hRVO the�i�ht ta hold Iho polirfes and rrtKwAlN. lf l.cnder rcyuirc�, [�rrower�holl pmmptly�fvo tu�nder all aceipt9
<br /> of paid prcmium�wnd anewAl nnttceA. In�he event at'lo�x,Aorrawer rchull Qive prompt nwiw to tho inruranco curier�nd
<br /> L,ender. Lencier mAy m�ka pr+�x�f oi I�r.so if mN m�ule pmmMly by durn►wcr. '
<br /> Unkr�a L.etNkr wid Barruwer�KlxrvvlM:ugrcc in writing,inhur,ukc Fx�xecJb shwll ix wpplicd to n;Muradon ar repair of
<br /> tho Propeny dama ed, if thc «atora�lan or rcpuir is cranomically fevxfblc ond L.endcr6 eecurity is aa Iesscned. It the
<br /> - Rstor�tion or repu�r ix nnt ecawmicully fea�ible or l.endcr's secur�ly wauld be les�ened,the Inaurance proceods sholl be
<br /> applied W Iho sums securcd by this Securlty Inrin�ment, whethcr or not Ihen due.with any eacesg paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Bc�rrower abundons�he PropeNy, or dag not nnawer within 30 duyR u oatice from l.eoder �hut �he insurance carcler hea
<br /> offered to seale n claim,then Lender mey collect the insurance proceeds. Lender mey use the praceeds to r or rcat4�a
<br /> the Property or to puy sumr r,eecured by Ihis Secu�ily lostrument.whether or oat Ihen due. 9be 30-day perfod w 11 beQin when
<br /> tho nottcc is given.
<br /> Unkss Lender und Borrower atherwisc ugme in writing, ony applicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postporec the due dcrte of the monthly puyments refcrned to in purngrophs i und 2 ar change the iunount of the payments. If
<br /> under pu�agtaph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Bormwer:s dght to uny insurance policies rind proceeds tesuUing
<br /> from damuge to the Property prlor to the ucquisition shall pass to Lender to the eatent of Ihe sums secured by ihic 3ecurity
<br /> , ln�trument immediutely prior to ihc acquisition.
<br /> b. (kcupwncy, Preservation. MAlntenAnce and Protection oP the P�opeMy; Bon�ower's Loao Applicatb�;
<br /> ,x•. . ;,r+"F'a : Leasehdda BoROwer shall occupy.es�nblish,nnd use�he PropeAy os Borrower�s principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> �� • ' .:~` •� �he executian of�his Security Instrument and shall cominue to accupy the Propeny uc Borrower s principal residence for at
<br /> ti�?Y':';;,:�•;-� least one year after the date of occupnncy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> �'�� � ��_•• • unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless extenuatinp circums�unces exix�which am heyond Borrower's conirol. Bortawer shall not
<br /> r• �` . i �� : destroy.damage o�impai��he Propeny,allow the Pirapeny�o deteriorate,or commit waste on ihe Piropeny. Borrower shall
<br /> . .;;,� be in default if any fort'eitum action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun thot in Lendar's goad faith judgment
<br /> = �r� could resull in fori'eiiure of the Propeny or othenvixe ma�eriully impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrumenl ar
<br /> ,�� ':�;,x�;.�,:n''�::�1�'* Lender's r,ecurity interest. Bocrower may cure such n defuuh und reins�ate,as provided in pamgmph 18,by cuusing the action
<br /> '' � ° ' or proceeding to be dismissed with u ruling that,in L.ender's good fuith detem�insxion,precludes forf'ei�ure of the Borrowe�h
<br /> ;.t., • � interest in the Propeny or other materiul impnirtnen� of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender�s security
<br /> � . '. � ' Interest. Boreower shall ulso bc in defuul� if Borrower, during the loan z►pplic�tion process. guve materially false or
<br /> ; • '' inaccura�e informution or slutements to Lender(or fniled to provide l.ender with pny muterial information)in connection with
<br /> °� the loan evidenced by tha Note, including, but nol limited ta, reprcsenlution�cancerning Bomowert occupancy of the
<br /> _-- '' .,� t , Pro�rt;as e princige!resiQem:. lf thfs Securit}�lnstrumen:is on a lea,ehold.SorrQ:s�es:�ha!!comply+vith a!!the pravsios�
<br /> �' '" '�" • of the lease. lf Borrowcr ucquire�fee ti�le to the Pmperty.lhe leacehold und the fee title�hull na merge unless Lender agreeR
<br /> . . ; to the merger in writiog.
<br /> • " 7. Protection oP 4epder's Ri�hts In the Propertv If Borrower fuils to perform the covenams and ugrcemems
<br /> , wntained in Ihis Security Instrumenl, or them is u Iegal prcxeeding that muy xignificuntly affect l.enderE righ�s in the
<br /> Property(such u.+n praceedin€in bankn�ptcy,prol+:ne.Pi�r condemnution or fbrf'ei�ure or to enforce law�a�regulutlons),Ihen
<br /> Lender muy do and pay fur whatevcr i.necc.sary�o pro�er�Ihc valuc�if the Prapeny and Lender.right:c in�he Property.
<br /> �'►� , L.ender i uc�ions may include puying uny �um�securcd h�•u licn�vhich hus priority over this Security Instrumenl,appearing
<br /> • in caurt,puying reuwnublc uuamcys'fces umi rnterin�on the Pm�ny t��mc�ke�pair�. Although Lender muy lakc action
<br /> �• under�his paragrnph 7.Lrnder dnes not hnvc to do w.
<br /> •'��t• ' Any amoums dixhuncd hy Lcndcr undcr this paragraph 7.hull i+cromc additionnl deht of Banower secured by this
<br /> y • Security Insirumem. Unles.Bom�wrr unJ Lendcr aErer tn other tern�ti�►f payment,thesc amuum.xhall t�eur imemxt from Ihe
<br /> ��; �,. da�e of disbunement at the Ncxe r•rtr and tihull Ix puyable,�v�th intcn.t,u�x�n nntice from Lender to Bamower reyueuing
<br /> ` payment.
<br /> � '�;:5;,�,;;,.; 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lrndrr rcyuimd mungaFc insur•rncc a+ii rondition oi m:�king thc loun scrured by thi�
<br /> ; , .. , Security Inurumem. Borrowrr shall puy Ihc premium�rryuircd a� maintain Ihe m��ngugr in�urance in rffrct. If. for any
<br /> + reason, the modFs�gc in�urance rovrrugr reyuircd hy Lendrr lar.r. ��r re.�.c+ �u tx in cftert, Borrowrr shall pay the
<br /> � premiurns reyuired ta ohtuin rovcra�r .uh��antially cyui�alcnt �u tlx rnnnga�e in+ura�xe pre�•iou�ly in ei'fect. A1 8 C05I
<br /> " • substantiully eyuivalem to thr cotl�o Borrow��r af the monpagr in.uruncr pr�vi��u,ly in cfl'cri,1'r��m un ullrmatt mongu�e .." �
<br /> insurer appmvrd b�•l.endrr. It�uh��amially cyuivalcnt mi►ngagr in�urancc ri.vcra�e i�not uvrilublr,Rorrower tihull pay to
<br /> � . Lender c•rch monlh a.um eyuul t�►on�-�wrb'ih��I�hc�•�arl}�mungag�in.urancr prrmium Ix ing puiJ by Hortower when the
<br /> ' ,.. � insurnnce covcragc lap+rd�►r cra.rJ lu Ix in clfc.l, Lrnder��ill urrrpt.u.e and re�ain dic,c paymcnt.u.�si I���.re�ervr in lieu
<br /> ' of mortga�c insurancc. Lo.s re�rrvc paymenh mu�• nu IonEcr Ix r�yuireJ,at thc uption ot' Lcndcr, if mongage imurunre
<br /> � ,' roveragc tin thr amoum miJ 1'or ihe{xri�xl Iha� Lender rrHuire,l pr��vidrJ hy:ui in�unr :,r���,�.a ny I.rnJcr again hecc�mes .;.,�
<br /> ' �., � • uvailable und ix�MluiikJ. Burro��•rr.hall puy thr premiam.rcyuir.d�u muimnin mancage in.uranrr in rffrct.�,r to pro�•ide a
<br /> , !:" ' los>re�ervc,until Ihc Ryuirem��n ti►r nx�ngaEc in.urunrc rnJ.in arcordunre��•ith:m� �•riltrn ugrecmcnl brlween Borrower '.ti��
<br /> andLendcrorapplir.iblr law. '
<br /> ' _ � 9. larpection. L�nder�K i1.ag�nt mu� mal,r rr:i.�,nahle�nu•ie.up�n :md ui,�cuon.of�hr Pnr4xny. Lendcr xh�ll
<br /> ; : ; � give Bort�,urr notire at�he�imr ot'ur prn,r tu an in.�xrtion.prcif�ing r.�a,un,�hl�ruu•e ti�r Ihr in,�xrtion.
<br /> �', %;
<br /> 10. Condemnuliun. Thc pnxrrd,nf any aa:nJ nr rl:um thr d:un:�pc�.dircri ur r„n+�yurnual.in cunnertion a•ith un�� �
<br /> ' tim�:lrlrnnl�-•Fynnklfur•Fnrldk�l�el'\IFI1R�fI\�INI�IF:\'i� •llut��m�t'mruanh V�411 yu�:..+,�/e,/a+�ru �
<br /> �.;� �ir.0 IdW Budurs I umx�.lac �
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