<br /> ;�� ���-•
<br /> ; `93- �0��2
<br /> ' � �ppflc�ble I�w may �pocify tar teimpuement?beforo�le of the Prope�ty piu�u�at W�my powa ot wle cantdaed in Wi�
<br /> � Securlry In�trument:ar(b)eatry oP i jud�t�ent eafaciaa thi�3acudty[mtrurnenw 7fio�e caiditlaas�o ttut Honower: (�)
<br /> � p�ys l,ender�II sunu whicb Ihen would 6c due uadec thf� Sacurlty lntwment and the Noue a it oo rcceleration hrd
<br /> � occueed;(b)cwxa any default of ay o�her covenents or n�reemenu:(c)pays all expanses incwted in enforeing tW�Secudty
<br /> � InRtrument, including,but not limitod to. neasonable auameys'fee�:wnd(d) uike� �uch nction ns Lander may reaconably
<br /> � requiro to�ure tlwt�ho��en of this Security Insaument,L,anderk dphta in�hc I'roperty and Bomowerl�obUgation to ppy�he
<br /> wms xocwied by thic Secudry Inawment ahall condnue unchm�od. Upon roiru�atement by Borrower. this Security
<br /> Inswmsnt end the obligatiana�ecurM hercby xhall rcmain fully effaclive ec if no ecetleration fiad occutred. However,thie
<br /> d�ht w rcinstate shall nd epply!n�he case of ecceler�tion under pskaQrAph 17.
<br /> 19. Sde ot Note; Chnage ot I.a�n&rvlcer. The Noto or o�al intcrcsl in thc Noto(wgether wi�h�hia Secudry
<br /> InawmenQ may ba aold one or dwra dmea wilhout prior noUce to arrower. A sale may rosult in a change ln the entity
<br /> (Icnawn as�he"Loan Servicer")thwt collxts monthly payments due under tt�e Nate and�hia Securfry Insuument. Thero also
<br /> may be one or more ch�nges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to r sele of the Note. !f there is a change of the L.opn Servicer,
<br /> Borrower w1U ba given written natice of the change in accoMance with puagrnph 14 above and applicabte IAw. The notice
<br /> will ctute the nume tind uddress of�he new Lonn Servicer and the addness to which ps�yments should be mude. The notla wAl
<br /> Wso contain any other i�fixmation requircd by applioable law.
<br /> 1A. Hwnudau�Su6ctancea Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,atorage.or mlease of any
<br /> Hazandous Substances on or in the Property. Barrower shall not do,nor allow enyone else to do. anything affecting tha
<br /> PropeRy that is in violation of any Environmental Luw. The pneceding two sentences shall not epply to�he presence.use.or
<br /> �torage on the Property of small quantitles of Hazardous Substances thwt arc generally rccogniud to be appropriete to normel
<br /> . :...'i rosidential uses end to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> • •• ' Bormwer shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any invesdgation.clajm.demand,lawsujt or other action by any
<br /> . t�t�'F' ,';�;;.'i�'. gover+unental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the PropeAy a�d any Hazardous Substance or Emironmental
<br /> Law of which BorrowPr has actual knowledge. ff Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or reguletory
<br /> "'� ,, �.,,5-�„• .n,... authodty.that any mmoval or other ramediation of any Hazardaus Subs�ance affecting 1he Rnperly is necessary.Borrower
<br /> -`�" ` �"� � � shap pramptly take all necessary remedial actio�s in accordunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> -y,y' .. + - rY.1lY. N 11
<br /> .�>�::�:wi ='�° As used in�his paragraph 20, Hazardous Substances ere those substonces defined as toaic or hazardous subslances by
<br /> '• . . ��i� r�.. �.•. .
<br /> r .. Environmental Law and Ihe fallowin g subswnces: gasoline, kerosene,other flammabte or toxic p etroleum praducts,toxic
<br /> ..�;�'i.c.. �,..a- '�M �
<br /> �a r�*;�•�;±:::.:......:. . pe�ticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,matedals containing asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioact�ve meterials. As
<br /> ,,.,. ...
<br /> ; �,..,�;„.';.,.,? ;,�..;,;' used in this paragraph 2Q."Emironmental[.aw means federal luws and laws of the jurisdiction whae the PropeAy is lacated
<br /> that relate w health.safety ar environmcntal pratection.
<br /> � '��"�''�'' '. .� ,. NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ;4_��.;�. ,_ � •. I 21. Acceleratioa; ltemedies. Gender sludl glve nottce lo Borrower prlar to accelerodon followtag Borrower's
<br /> �' � breacd ot Any rnvenont or agreement(n thls Secu�ity lnstrument(but not prlor to aocelerwtbn under pAragrs�ph 17
<br /> —' ;t' ' ,.;. ..•, �''. � unless aQplicable law provld�otherwlse). The notice a6W1�peclry: (s�1 We deiault:(bl the acdon requlred w cure the
<br /> ' ' detAUlt;(c)a date,aot kss 16an 30 days from the date the notice is givea to Horrower,by which the detwult must be
<br /> '' ' " � � cund;pnd(d)that f�lture to cure the default on or beforc the date specl(9ed in the nMice ms�y result in acceleradon ot
<br /> �"" ����.`� � � ` • the sums secured by this Security Instrument and snle of the Property. The notice shall Ilirther inform Borrower of
<br /> ; ' �., � ' . the right to reinSWte atter s�ccelerwlfon and the rlght to bring a court action to�ert the non�exlstcnce of p default or
<br /> '; � , � nny other detease uf Borrower to accele�atbn and sWe. If the detault Lc not cund oa or betore the dote specifled In
<br /> � �� "^ ' � the aotke,l.ender at I1s optlon mxy require immediate pAyment in full ot all sums secured by Ihis 3ecurlty lavtrument
<br /> �:,'•�•��,• : "� �� wilhout iurthcr dempnd and may invoke the power of ssele And any other reme�les permitted by appl(cnble lew
<br /> s � � • � Lender sbpll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing lhe remedies provlded in this pa�groph 21.
<br /> '1 ' � including,but not limited to,reasonwble attorneys'fees and costs ot title evidence.
<br /> �� � If the power of sole Is Invoked,7�ustee shall record a notice of dePault in each county M whtch any part of the
<br /> '�, . � ; , Property Is locnted und shall mall copies af such notice in the ma�ner prescribed by applicablc law to Borrower and to
<br /> � •�' ; ' ' the other persons prescAbed by applicable law. After the time required by appllcable law.7lrustee shall�ive publk
<br /> �.4"�.� : ' • notice of sale to lhe persons and!n lhe manner presedbed by applicablc law 'll�ustee.wllhout demend on Borrower.
<br /> ��'�� •� ` � �' ehall sell the Properly at publfc auction to the highesl bidder at the ilme and plece and under the terms deslgaatcd ia •
<br /> • ;� �; ••��`'''" the nolke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any order 1Yustee determines. 71�ustee may pastpone sale of siU or any ��'�
<br /> �"'• �'` `.� � pArcel ot the Properly by public announcement wt Ihe Nme And plACe of any prrviously scheduled snle. Lepder or Ite `
<br /> "t;'� „ . . . ." designee mav purchasc the Prnperty at any+�xte. .''
<br /> , %'• Upon recelpt of payment of Ihe prlce bid.71�ustee shall deN�•er to the purchs�ser 'Ifustee's deed conveying the
<br /> �� '�� . Property. The recitals in the 7�ustce's decd shall be prima fack evidence oP the trulh of lhe statements made therein.
<br /> ��r; ' ' 7Fuslee sholl apply lhe procecds of the sale in the iollowin�order: la 1 to all cost��nd expenses of exercising the power
<br /> ;4
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