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<br /> 'POOE11iEtt WITH tll�he improvemenu now or heroaRer erocted on tha p�operty,and all e�l5u.��ppu�2
<br /> �od fkturea now or hereaRer a p�tt ot�he propaty. All repl�ccnKnt�and addldons�hd!�Iw be covard by tt�3�curlty
<br /> InRUUn�ai� All ot the fors�oia�is Rferted to ia�hi�Secudty ln�tnunent u the"Property."
<br /> BORROW�R COVENAN'I'3 that Bomowa f�I�wfully�ei�od oP lhe eiWo hercby convoyed�nd Iw�the ri�h1 to�ant
<br /> and convey the rty and th�t the Property is w�encumt�erd.cxcept for encumbr�ncc�of rocard. Bortower wurana uid
<br /> will defeM Qwxnl y the dtb w the Pmpetty�inu tll cWtm�nd deniand�.wbJect�o�ny oncumt�nce�of rocad.
<br /> 7'HiS 3F.Cl1RITY INSTRUMEIY7' combineR unif�rm rnvcmntA far nalkmel u+k uid n�x�•unfform covauMs wi�h
<br /> ` Ifmited wrl��ions by jurisdictiao w con�titute a unifbrm rocurl�y insmuncm c�vc�in�rcal prupaAy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrowcr and Lender cavcnanl iutd���ec w+fallowR:
<br /> 1. Prsmeot of Principd and Inte�sti Pnep�yment wid l.�t�Clu�. 8orrower�hull PromI�Y P�Y when duo tlro
<br /> princi�of and inteKSt on ihe debt evidenced by tiw Note wid any preppymont aid lale chargex dua under Ihe Note.
<br /> I�Ladr tor 71uca iutd I�ruraacG Subjtct ta ap{►licable luw ar to a wrlttcn weivcr by Lender,BcKrowtr rluQ pry to
<br /> Lender on the day monlhly paymentx are due under�he Note.unt�l�he Notc ia pnid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yeorly
<br /> taxes and assessments which may attuin pdority aver thia Security Instrun�ent us�lian on Ure fkppeny:(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> paymenls ar ground rents on �he Propcny. if eny: (c) yeody hnwM or Property in�uranoe promiums; (d) Yeady flood
<br /> insuronce pnmiums. if any; (e) yenrly mart�ugc lnsurance prcmlums. if Any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> Lender.in accordance with the provisions of pnragraph 8,in lieu of�hepayment of moAgage insurance prcmiume. These
<br /> items e�e celled"Fscrow I�ma." l.ender muy,at uny time,collect and hold Funds in nn amaunt not tn excaed the maximum
<br /> ;�•. amount a le�der for a federnlly rclsted mortgage Ioan mey requi�Por Borrower'e escrow account under the fodera! Rea!
<br /> ' I; Estate Settlemanl Procedwes Act of 1974 us umended irom time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unleae andhcr
<br /> '�. � �F�:•, , law that applies to the FLnds sets a lesser amount. If so,l.endcr may,at any timc,collect end hold F�nds in an amouot not to
<br /> �"•`':�"?:':J" u. ."�•;:.`: exceed the lesser amount. L.ender may estima�e Uie amoun� of PUnds due on the busia of cument dwa and raconabk
<br /> ��{ estlmetea of expenditurea of future Escrow Itema or otherwise in ecco�dance with applicable law.
<br /> . �..,�� ...:..':i_...1
<br /> � • ��� The FLnds shall be held in an institution whose deposit4 are insured by a fedcral agency. inspvmentelity.or endty
<br /> R�::�..,:. . . • (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institu�fon)ar in any Fedeml Home Lowi Bank. l.ender shall apply the Pu�d4 to pay
<br /> �;"';.;:,.,• * - U�e Escrow items. Lender muy not charge Borrower Por halding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing Ihe escrow
<br /> � � accoun� ar verifj�ing the Escrow Iteros, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the FS�nds and applicable law permjts
<br /> , � ' Lender to make such a charge. However.Ixnder may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge ior un independent nea!
<br /> ,� � . � eswte tax r�eporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ,� ;�,'�•:� • � . � agreement is made or applicuble law requines interest to be paid Lender shall not be required to pay Barrower any interest or
<br /> ►•.�• �� '�� • � , earninga on the Funds. Borrower and I.ender mny agree in writing,however.thet interest shali b�pnid on the FLnds. l.emlcr
<br /> �•;.:�f_°�!� ., � � shall give to Borrower,withuut charge,an annual accounting of the Flmds,showiog credits und debiGS to Ihe Funds and the
<br /> � ' '� ,. puc�wse for which each debit to the Funds wus mude. The Flmds ure pledged as additionnl secur�ty for all sums secur�ed by
<br /> , this Security Instrument.
<br /> " lf the Funds hefd by Lender exceed the amountr� permitted ta be held by appliceble law. L.ender shall acxount to
<br /> � � • Borrower for the exces.r•Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of ihe Funds held by
<br /> � Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay�he Escrow Item+when due,L.ender may so notify Botrower in writing,and,in
<br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender Ihe umount necessury to mAke up the deficiency. Boimwer shall meke up the
<br /> deficiency in no mar+e�hun twelve monthly payments,at Lender�sole discrotion.
<br /> _ � Upon payment in full af ull xum�,ecured by �his Security Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under parnpraph 21,Lendcr shall ucquire or sell the?ropeny,Lender,prior to the ncquisition or
<br /> � snle of�he Property, shall upply uny Fund�held by Lender ut the time �►f'acquisition or sale os n credit ngainst the sumx
<br /> L,,�. , : secured by this Security lnswment.
<br /> � � � 3. ApplicuNon oP Paymenta. Unless upplirnble luw provides otherwisc, ull payments received by I.ender uader
<br /> ";>:. • paragrttphs 1 and 2 shull 6�:upplicd:1'int,to any prepaymcnt churgcx duc under�he Note:second,�o umounts paynWe under
<br /> ���; � � paragraph 2;third,lo intcrext due;fourth,to principal duc;und luxl,lo uny latc churges due under the Note. ...
<br /> ' � 4. Charges; Liens. Borcower shull pay oU taxes, a�u.smemti, churge�, fine. and impositions �Itributable to�he '��
<br /> ;� ' �:�'•.
<br /> �;" Property which may nttain priority over thix 3crurity Instrument,and Icaschold puyments or gr�wnd mnts,if uny. 8orrower �
<br /> �;;�;:: � shull poy these obligations in thc mnnner pravidcd in par,��traph 2,or if not paid in ihat munner,Bc�ROwer shull puy�hem an
<br /> ��,. .. timc directly to thc penan uwed p�ymrnt. Borr�iwcr.hull promptly fumi�h�o l.enJcr all ni►tires of amoumr to be puid under �.,#
<br /> � . thi�puragruph. IY Hcxmwer mnketi thr�e�wyment�Jircc�ly, Rnrn►wer chnll rrompdy forni.h to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> ,. the puyments.
<br /> • . Borrower shull pramptly diuhurge any licn whirh hu,prioriry aver thi+Securiry In.trument unle+x Borrower:(a1 ugrcex
<br /> . in writing to the payment nf�he obli�!ution securrd by thr licn in u m�nner acrrpwMle to Lender;(bl contests in gex�d faith�he �'3*
<br /> . lien by,or defends uguin�,t enforcrmcnt ot'thr lirn in.Ic�al pr�xredings whirh in thc Lendcr�apinion a�xrutc to prevent U�e
<br /> E'. ' enfarcement of the licn;or(r1 secures from Ihc holucr uf lhc lien an�grecmem,atisfactory w l.ender,ubunlinoting the licn t
<br /> ' i lo this Security Insu�umcnt. If Lcndcr detcrtninr+thut any p�n of�he Pmpem�i.subjrct lo a lien w�hich may attain priority �
<br /> { , � over lhis Security lnsuumen6 Lenikr muy givc Hurruwer a nutice idemifying thc lien. Bcxrow•cr shull satisfy the lien or take �
<br /> . . one or mom of the�ctionc set fonh ahove wilhin Ib day+nl'the Fi�•ing of nalirc. ,
<br /> ' . . S. Nazard or Property Insumnce. Eiurra�arr+hall krcp�he impro�•emrnt.nuw�exi>ting or Ixrcafter erccted.in�
<br /> "� � Propeny insurcd againti�lox�by lirr,hc�arJ.inrluJ�J wilhin thr temi"cxt�ndcJ ru�crrge"and any uthrr haxard�,including
<br /> •,'; r � tluods or floudinp,fbr which l.cnder myuin. in.uranrc. Thi. in.urrnrr.h•rll t+r muintaincd in the amount�and for�he
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