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<br /> condemnolion or dher tWcin�of nny purt nf tho Property,or i'or conveyancx in Ileu oi'c�ndemnAtion,arv hercby�xxi�ned�nd
<br /> eh�ll be pxid to Lcndcr.
<br /> In �he event of a twrl Islcing nf�ho Fkopeny, the�a rhull be upplied to the aumx secur�ed by thi� Socudty
<br /> lastmment.whether or nal �hcn due, wl�h Any excexv p�f to Born�wer. In the event of a partial toking of�he Pmperty jn
<br /> which the fair murket vwluo of�he Pn�perly fmmediataly befura the taking ia eyual to ur grcuter Ihon thc amount of thc Ruma
<br /> � nccured by thi9 Secur�ty Inalrument immedia�aly beWro�ba wking.unless Barmwer ond Ixnder cHhenviKe agree in w�t�ing,
<br /> � the su�x secumJ by Ihix Security Ina�rumanl ahall bo rcdu�ed by the Lm�wnt of the procceds muldplicd by ths fallowing
<br /> �, fruc�ion: la>�he taol amaunt of�ha sum��cecuned immadfataly befare�he tAlcing,divided by Ib)the fnir marke�value of ihe
<br /> ' Pirapeny immcdiAtcly beforc thc tuking. Any bnlanGe shutl bc paid to Horrowar. In thc event of n pnhfal takiog of Ihe
<br /> � Propeny in which Ihe fair murket volua af thc Proporty immediately befom�he taking is les.r than tba amount of�hc Rumx
<br /> r�ecured immediutely before the taking, unlahx Bormwer w�d L.ender otixnvihe ugrer, in wridng ar unlexx upplicable law
<br /> otherwise provides,lhe pmceedx stwll be upplied to tho suma tiecured by thi�Securi�y Inatn�ment whether ar ncn�ha sumx ar�a
<br /> ,._� : �han due.
<br /> If Ihe Piropeny is obandoned by BoROwer.o�if,ufiur nntice by Lender�a Hormwer that�he cundcmm�r�ffen lo make
<br /> �;' �;�_ r un uword or r:ettle a claim fi�r dumage�+,Borrower iui1K�o renponci t�Lrndar within 30 duya after the date the notice is given,
<br /> l.enckr is authoriud to collect und apply the pn�reed�,a1 its optinn,eitha�to restorucion or m�ir of the Pr��ny ar to tha
<br /> suma r�ecured by thic Security Inntrum�nl,whathar ar mit Ihun dua.
<br /> • ,i. �3 •.• Unlenx Lender und Borrower aherwise agr�in w►iting, ony upplicotion of paicced�to prinripal shnll nrn extcnd or
<br /> •,,.;, ,�.w�a,,. pu.�pcme the Jue Jnte uf the monthly payman�K n:P�med�n in purrgraphx 1 nnd 2 ur rh•rr�ge the amoun�of such paymamK.
<br /> r" , 11. Rorrower Nnt Relewqed; �bap�nce By Lender Not a Wafver. Ex[enwion of thc lime for paymcnt or
<br /> .�v.. ,�„�� malifica�ian nf umoni�A�ian of the sumti+ecured by tbix Securily Instrumem grumed by l.ender to uny tiurcer+or in intere��
<br />� , • of 8ortuwer:.hall mu i►perale to rele�+e tha linbilily uf Ihu ariginul 8artower or BnROwerz surce�yors m inlere�:t. l.endor
<br /> ! ��,� .. s:Bull n�w bc n.�yuired w commcn�:e pmceedingx aguinr:t uny sucressar in interext ar refu+e to ezlend �ime fur paymem ur
<br /> '; . • otherwi,c mexiify umonirutinn of'the�umr,eruned by thir�Securiry In+trument by rruMm�►f uny demand mada by tho ariginal
<br /> �. � . Bormwer or earrawcr..ucce�:�ors in imcR��. Any i'orlx�urrnce by I.ender in exercitiing any right o�remedy shall nol he u
<br /> wuiver uf or pm�ludc�hr exercix af uny righl nr rcmody.
<br /> , " ° 12. Successars and Assignw Round:Joint and tieverol Li�bflfty;Cu-signerw. Thc c�►venunl�und ugn.•rm�m�of ihi�.
<br /> '° • :. ,. � Securily In�+�rumem,hull bind und he:n�lit tho�ucce�.son,und n.�.�ignn oP Lender ond som►wer..ubjer�w th�provi�ians oi
<br /> puragr�ph 17. Born�wer:covenimis imJ ugn.�munlh �hull M j�►int und uverul. Any Burrower who co-+igns thix Security
<br /> , li�suumam bw d�xx not�xecu�e�he Nutv: W)i.r ca,igniny thiK Srcurity In.�rument only to nx�ngage,gram ttnd convQy Ihnt
<br /> ; ." BuROwer:inlcrc+t in tho Prupeny unJur Uw t�rm�r�of�hi�S�cuniry Imirumem: Ib1 i�not�r,onully uhliguteJ to}�av�he.umr.
<br /> „ +ecured by thia Security Inslnm�om:und Icl ugrccr.th�u�Lendcr unJ any ather B��RUwer m•ry agnee N►extend.m�xlity.fofiear
<br /> or mukc uny accommodution� wi�h n:�tuni to Ibn tunnx of�hi. Sccuri�y Imlrument or Ihc Nota w�ithnw thu� fi�►m»�•ar ti
<br /> conrxnt.
<br /> 13. L�►un Cha�qer,. If 1hu loan u�cuaKl t►p thiti�:curity In.trunxnt i. .uhjcct ai u luw� which xts mu�imum loun
<br /> charge�..and thut luw is linidly inlurpn:t��J r.o thu1�11►c inlan:+t ur uthcr loan churgc.rollcrtcd ur�o hr r��Ucrtad in ronn�x�ion
<br /> wiih�hu luan exceed th��x m�i���d IimiiH.them �al um�wch loun rhar�r+hull lx rrdureJ by�he amnunt n�Yr�.ary to reducc
<br /> ' � . ` Qw churae to ih��xm�iucJ limil:un�l 1h)uny.wn�.uln:ady collccteJ frum Borruwrr whirh rxreedud permiucJ limi�,will Ix
<br /> i n:funJed ta Bwruwcr. I..endcr muy chixis�ai mukc ihifi rot'und hy nrJucinR�h�prinripal��wed undcr the Nu�c or by muking a
<br /> � dinct F►a}mrnt tu Bu�ru��-c�. 11'a�I'und r�rducc�:principal.thc r�durtiun will hr treut�J vs a puniul prepaymcnt wilhnut any �'.
<br /> pnpaymrnt churQC undur�bc Nulu. 'r'r
<br /> Id. Votices. Any niilicc tn B�rrro���cr pn►viJcd li�r in Ibi. ticcurit� In+trumenl .hull Fk givrn by dclivrring it or by ' ''�:
<br /> . ;��,..
<br /> ;� mniliny it hy tirt cln�s nt��il unlu�,appliuuhlu Itnv myuin.u�r uf anoihcr mcth�xl.Thc notirc.hull Ix dircrtcd to Ihe Propcny '��
<br /> . . AdJntr:+w:uw udlur•rJJn:�• Il��m�a•ar dc,ignul��h�• nutirc�o LenJcr. An� nnticc t��LenJcr,hull tx Eivrn by fint rluti,
<br /> ' ,� .,'� muil to Lrnderk udd�u*.�lutud henrin�ur um����hrr aJdrr,.L�ndcr J�+i�tnale.hy noticr Io Borrawrr. An}•notirr pruviJeJ ti►r �,,
<br /> t#. . in thi�. Scrurily In�bum��nt�•hull�hc ilccmrJ w huvr tkwn �ivrn tu Burcuw�r u� Lendrr when givcn a,pnwiJrd in thi� • ::
<br /> purapraph.
<br /> � � �� 1$. (;u��Qrnin� I:aa►: tiever�bilil�. 7'hi. Scrurin In.trument +hall Ix guv�rnrJ M 1'edcr.�l laa• anJ thr IJN' O��Illt
<br /> � � juriadiutiumin�u�hlch tbc Pr�,�xny i.kxuted. In thr r�cm�hat an� pruvi.iun ur clauu ol�hiti ticruri�� In��rum�rn u�thc Notc
<br /> ,'•� :• am0iclr+will�upplicuhlc law.�unc�nnllirl.hull n�N:dlcrl u�hcr pruvi�i�m,of thi,Serurit� Im�rumen�ar�hc N��tc��hirh run
<br /> ;. nc gi��en rFfcrt W i�hnut thr conllirun�provi.ii,n. 1��thi� cnd Ihr pn,vi,ion,ul thi, ticruri��• In.trumrnt anJ �hr Nuw arr
<br /> • .. Jeclarrd�a lx�t��cr.�Me.
<br /> . ,;', 16. Borro�rer'ti C��p�. Burn�urr,hall Ix gi��n unr�•uM��mud ru�,�i�t Ihr Nu��and uf ihi.ticrw i�y�In.trumrm.
<br /> •;',i".:;;: 17. TransPer oP the P�oprrh or a IRrnrticiul Intere�t in I�orio��er. If.dt�n .m� part uf thr I'ru�xrt)��r am inlrre,t in
<br /> .�. ;7 e1 i..old ar�ran�ferr�d lur ii�I �KI1C�ICI:�� i111Cfc�I 1�1 Burru��cr i. +U�i� uf It,m.lcrr�d:�Od Ku1ri���Cf h Ili►1 :1 I1111UC:1� �*`�a�ll l �
<br /> • ...51 ::}.� without Lender'.prior nriucn run,cnt.Lcnder mn►.:u it,��pti�m. rryu�rc unn��di:ur pu�mrnt in full�H�:dl.um..rrured hy
<br /> '„_ ; . �;(:� thi+Srrurit� In,tnmirnt. Huwr�•rr.�hi.�iption�Indl nut Ik c�rrri.rd h} Lrndrr il c�rrri.e h pnd�ihi�rd hy lidrrul lu��•a+u1 j
<br /> , , . . «E`. Ihe da�c of thi.Srruri�y hi.�rumrN.
<br /> . ,, � If Lcixlrrexrni.r.�hi.��ptiun.l.�ndcr.hull gi«•Nurruacr notirc��I ac�elCl:�Uul�. l�he nuliic�hall pro�'ida:��xri�nl ot� �
<br /> 1�;�'. ' n„t Ic,.ihun�o du��fn�m tik du�c dx m�ucr i.drG�rnd�n mc�ilyd�uthin��hirh Rurn,arr mu,i ra�all,um�,�cured bp ihi.
<br /> ,;' t , Securi�y Imtrumcnt. If Rurru�arr lail, to p:�y �hr.r .um� priur to Ihc c�pirauun ut' thi. �xriuJ. l.enJcr nun in�ukr aoy . '
<br /> ,��,.. renxdie+�xrniiucJ by Ihi,Srcuril�In.lrumcnl w ithuul furthrr nutirr or denuind un Hnrru�«r.
<br /> . � , IS. Bnr�ow•cr'� RiuNf tu Rcintilulc. II Burr����rr m.�rt.rrn.iin i�mdiliun.. Ni,rro��er ,h:dl h:i�r Ihr right tu lu��r
<br /> '� � � rnli�rcemm�t ut'thiti Sccurit� In.trumrni Ji.:ominurd al am limr priur to Ihr rarher��f: �:�►5 J:n.u,r.urh iHlkr�xri�xl u.
<br /> t '� •
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