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.. ;?, <br /> ,,,,�,. �-.-- <br /> ,, . .'�.... ; .`. - . . <br /> . , _ ... �.....:.: <br /> � �3- ��'�a <br /> , �pplic�bk Irw may �pecffy for rcinslatement)befom ealc of tho Pniperty punrupnt to�ny power ot'udo conufned ie thi� <br /> 3ecurlty Inurument;or(b)entry ot a jud�ment enforcin��his Securiry In�uumcnt. 7'f�o�e condltions�e tiw 8amower: (U <br /> p�y�l,onder tll sunu which �Iren would bo due under �his Security Inrinunent and�he Noto �r if rw accekradon h�d <br /> occurred:lb)cures any deiwlt af any other cavenonw or a�rcement�:(r1 paY�dl eapenK�incumed in enfarcin�thie 5ecurlty <br /> Inrwmenti irtcludln�,but not limitod to. rea�orwble attcxray�'ixR; pnd(d)takor wch uction w L.cnder nwy ne�onrb�Y <br /> roquiro to as�ure ttwt Ihc lien�f Ihir Security Inslrument,l.endcr�d�6�s in�he Pn►petty and Bomnwerl�obll��tla�w p�y thc <br /> sum� rocurod by this Secudty Insuument shafl cantinue unciian�od. Upon rcinstotemcnt by Barower. �his Secu�lty <br /> Insuumenl and 1he obligations�ecurcd het�eby shall rcmain fully cifa:Uve or if no occelandon hnl accwr�d. However,this <br /> riQht to reinstulc bhull not apply in thc casc of acccicmtion undcr pnm�raph S 7. <br /> 19. S�k ot Notei(.'6ar�ot I.a�n Servicer. The Note or op�t�al intereYt in 1he NWe(to�ethcr with Ihis Security <br /> Inswmenl)mry bc cold anc or morc times wl�haut priar natice ta �orrower. A u►le muy rcsult in a chango io�he endty <br /> ({u�ovm as the"L.oan Ser�icer")that c,ollocts mamhlY paYmcnls due w�der the Noto ond lhis Secudiy Inswment. Tlkre alRo <br /> � may be nne or more changes of the L.00n Scrvlctr unrelated to a sol.:of the Note. If there is a change oP the I..00n Servicer. <br /> Borrower will 6e given wdtten nodce of Ihe clunge in accurdance wi�h para�aph 14 above wid Applicablo law. The notice <br /> wiU etate 1ha name and adilress of the new l.oan Servlcer and Ihe Addrers to which paymente�hould be mada. Tbe natice will <br /> *%� `" alro contwin any a�her Informa�lon required by applicable law. <br /> . ,,` 2p, 11�rdous SubWaoca. Bor�ower sboll not cause or pertoit the presence,use,dispasal,storuge.or r+elea�se of any <br /> °.`'."' HewNous Substences on or jn tha Pro{�erty. Borrower shall nat do,nor allow anyQne else to do. anythu►g affocdng�t�e <br /> ^'���"�t'.�� Property tlwt is in violation of a�y Environmenlul law. The preecding two seolcnccs shall nat apply to the presence,uisc.or <br /> ,�n, ._„ ,_ storege on the f4opeay of smnll quantities oi Haxardoua Substsu�ces that ane generally recoQnized to be appropcia�e to nornwl <br /> �4'° •�°'; °r"• residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> �"'�'�'.� ' " • demond.IAwRUit or other xtion by any <br /> .A.�.,.•,�--s.� r Borrower shull prompUy give l.ender written notice of ony investigaUon,claim, <br /> �`�-,1t",:.',.;'� . govemmental or regolatory ugency ar priv�te party involviog the Property and any Hawndous Substuncc or Environmcmal <br /> .:+, :. Borrower ha.c ectuul knowled e. If Bortower karns, or is notified by any guvernmerNal a regulatory <br /> �•:�: w of which B <br /> �, . I.a <br /> �•.. �'�•� � � �� authority,U�at any removol or other remediation of any Hazardous Subswnce uff'ecting U�e Property is necesssuy.BoROwer <br /> �� � �� shall promptly take oll necessary remedial Actions in accardance with Environmental Law. <br /> ' As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hazardous Subslunces"sue thase substances defined as taaic or hazand�ws subsWnces by <br /> ';�..,.s:w-�:,;���x••�'•�• Environmenwl l.nw and tUe following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or tosic petroleum products.toxic <br /> ' ' � ���'`�': ry " p�sticides and herbicides,volaple solvents,mulerials cantaining atibestos or fo:maldehyde,and radioactive mnterials. As <br /> • i•,.��`:::' ' used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Luw"means fedeml law4 and laws of'the jurisdiction w h ere t h e P r operty is lacuted <br /> '4�'� ''�'��'' • that relate to health.snfety or environmental protection. <br /> ..,,.�. . <br /> !' '�. • . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.ender fudher covenunt and agree as follows: <br /> �' 21. Accelcratlon; Remedies. l.cnder shall give noNce to Borruwer prior to acaeleratlon tollox�ing Rorrower's <br /> �, . breacb of s�ny covenant or agreement in lhis Secu�tty Inslrument Ibut not prior to accelerattoo under pwrp�ph 17 <br /> �' unless applicable law provWes olhenrise). The notice s1u�U spocify: (n)the detault:lb)tl�e wctlon requlred to curs Il�e <br /> '�-_-._ - '• ' � a=ln�elt;{s�e dete,niN Ic�a Ifwn 30 days from the dnte the notice(a Riven to Borrower�by w6k6 the defpWl must be <br /> ;_;., TT--T_- ''� cured;and(d)that tailace to cure the default on or beforn the dwte speci8ed in the notice ms�y resWt ia accelerndon ot <br /> � ' ' � • � 1he sums secured by tAis Security Instrumeat and sale ot the Property. The notice shWl fl�rlhe�intorm Borrower ot <br /> • the right to retnstate afler acceleration and the rlqht to bring A court acNon to asserl the non�extstence ot a detAWl or <br /> ;,;:.��'� any ot6er defensc of Borrower to accelerxtioa aad sale. 1�the default is not cured on or before the dste speciQed in +, <br /> .�..".,�.. tlw notice,l..ender at Its opNon may require immediate payenent in NII otall sums secured by 16t�Security Instrwnent <br /> �� � without f'urldQr demand and mny invokc the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by appikablc law <br /> I.ender shell be entitled lo collcct all expenses incurred in pursuin�the mmedies provided la thi� pora�raph 2�. <br /> �,, including,but not iimited to.reaconeble attorneys'icPr and rosls oPti/le evidence. <br /> f If the power of s�ile Is invoked.7lrustee shall record a nMice of deiault in each county in whicb any part of it�e <br /> q�'� � � Property is lacated pnd ehall maN copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applkable Iww to Borrower ond to <br /> S� the other persons prescribed by opplicable I�w. ARer the time requfred by applicnble Iww.7lrustee shaU(�ive publk <br /> , notice ot sale to tho porsona pnd in the menner prescrlbed by Applicable law. 7tiruslee�wilhuul demand oo Borrower. ��� <br /> ' shoU sell the PropeMy at public Auction to the highest bldder at the time And place und under the terms designated in <br /> � the notice of sale in one or more parcels und in any order 7Yustee determintw. 7lrastee mpy postpone eAle of all or any <br /> " parcel oP the Property by public announerment at ihe time and plpce oP Any prevtously scheduled xnle. I.ender or its ,,.,., <br /> .�;', .. � designce ms►y purcfiase thc Properly at any sule. :�� <br /> ' � ' Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid.7Y�uvtee shall deliver to the purchwser'11�ustee's deed conveyfnq lhe � • <br /> . `�i;;:. �f Pruperty. Thr rcclisl�in the'IYu�tec'.v dccd shAl!br prima facte evfdence of the trulh of the st�temenls m�de therein. 3• . <br /> - ' , 7�uvtee ahall apply Ihe proceeds oP the rulc in the following order: Ie1 to ell wsls aad expenses of exercisiag the power <br /> � r. . ,. <br /> ' ;:,;•. <br /> .� , <br /> : : <br /> i * <br /> � „' • <br /> 1 � <br /> i� . �. , <br /> �• . . <br /> t.+ <br /> ' ;'� _•.-,- --- - , <br /> } . <br /> ' � _.. 1�---- --- <br /> it <br /> ) . <br /> ; .. <br /> �' � , • ,� . <br /> ,. 4 <br /> � <br /> . . <br />