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<br /> periods that Lender requirca. The insurancc corrfer provldin�Ihe insuruncc xhall 6e choscn by Burrower RubJect to Let�dcrh
<br /> approval whfch ahall not be unreasonably withheid. If Bwrower faila ta muintain covera�e deyc:riix;d ubave,l.ander mwy.�t
<br /> L.ender's op�ion.abt�in covemge�o protect Lenderk�ighte In thePn►�eAy in accixd�neo wfth pum�raph 7.
<br /> All lneuranco policics und renewals stwll be ocreptabic to Len�leer wd siwll im;lude a smndartl mrntge�yr clAU�e. Le�uler
<br /> xhall have the rlgfu to hatd�he palicies and Rnewulx. If Lender rcquircs.Bom�wer�:hnll promptly give�o l.rndcr r11 roceiptx
<br /> of paid premiums and mnewul notices. In thc event af loss. Borrower shull Qive prompt notice w the inrurwKC cwrrier and
<br /> l.endar. L.ender may mnke proof of tos.�if not mude promptly by Borrower.
<br /> _ Unlass Lender und Barrower otherwis;e ugree in writing,inrurwice prcxeeda shull bo appli��d ta rcN�x�tlun or repuir of
<br /> �j the Ptoperty damuged, if the netilonlion or nepair is economirully feasible und Lendcr4 sc�-uo�y is not Icx�rnc�!• (f d�e
<br /> �storatlon or nepair ia nc►t ecax►miaally feusible or I.e�er's security wcwld be le�rened,the insurArne paK�eeds sshwll be
<br /> , npplied to Ihe sumg secured by thiR Securily InEtrument,whe�her or not �hen due. with any excesx p�id ta Borrower. If
<br /> Borrower obnndans the Prv��eny,or dces nm anxwer wUhin 30 dnya a�c►tice fmm L.enckr tho��he insurance eurder hac
<br /> off'ered to seltle a rluim,then Lender may collect ihe insurance proceeds. Lender muy use dte ptoceed4 ta repuir o�rcxtore
<br /> tho Hvpeny or to pay xums r,ecured by thiR Srcurity Instnimem,whother or not then due. Thc 3U�day period wlll be$in when
<br /> -- ttie naice is giveo.
<br /> .,v,� Unless Lendor and Burrower e�tharwi�+e agtee in wriling,any opplicA�ion oi'proceeds tu pdncipal xhnll not extend or
<br /> postponc the ducs dutc oE�he monthly 4oayment»mferned ta in parngmphs 1 wHi 2 or change ihc wnount of the puymentx. If
<br /> �, _ � �.,.y.. , . under paragraph 21 the Prupetty is acquired bv L,endcr,Borrowari ri@ht ta any insurnnce policier and praceed4 resulting
<br /> t'= from d:�ma e to tha n to the uc uisitian shAll .�sti to Lender lo Ihe extent of Ihe aum�secured by thi�Securily
<br /> ... `�....�` '�'• � �!� Y P�+' 9 p•.:
<br /> ,';•:.." . •" �:..,;�,:.�•�:.•:..:.. Ins�rument immedialaly prwr to the acquisition.
<br /> :.•:..;. ;. •,
<br /> I :�':,;::�';'x'}r' . "'�;�%+�+�,:,�e4'.'.°/ 6. Occapancv. P��esen�ation. Malnten�nce A�d Protectlon of 1he Prope�ty; Bor�rower's La�� Appllcatbn:
<br /> J ''�•``" Leasehdda. B�x�wer shall•occu ex�ablish,und use Ihe Pm r1 a+Bornower:s rinci 1 re`idence wi�hin sixt ds� s ciRar
<br /> .,:i,it':,;};:,�;. . :.�•.,: ;:;^' PY. Pe Y P Pa Y Y
<br /> y�TiY;..' c. .:� •.f
<br /> �3:���,+ •% k��1•-.,y:•• - the execution of thia Srcw�ity Imuument nnd shall continue to occupy Ihe Pmpeny ar Hormwer's principal rcsidence for at
<br /> �'`•: •��.j:; .:, .. leas� ona yeur afwr the date of occupancy, unlrtix Lender mhenvixe agreex in writing, which can�enl shall not be
<br /> �''!' • � unreara►nnbly wi�hhald,or unlesx�x�enuating cireums�unres exixt which are beyond Bamu•er�con�ml. Bormwcr shall nut
<br /> 1�� ' � dewtroy.dumage or impuir thc Prup�:ny,ullow�he Propeny ro detcrioru�e,or commit wu�te on tBe Pmperty. [iortower�6u11
<br /> ' ,' "�; be in default if uny farfeiwre aciion or prcx:eeding. whelher civil orcriminal,is hegun thut in Lender+good fuilh judgmen�
<br /> could rc.ult in forfuilure af the Prapeny or otherwise malerinlly impair the lien creu�ed by Ihix Scwurity Insuument or
<br /> �; �,,_ ,„_._, , Lender+security imu�ust. BuRUwer muy curc such a defaul[und rein.twe,u�pmvided in prragraph 18,by ruutiing Ihe uction
<br /> � or pnxeedinp tU bc diemi►�xed with u ruling th:�t,in Lender's gc�xl faith detemiinatian,precludex for(eiture of the Bortawerk
<br /> � � inlur�a�� in,the Prapeny or ather materiul impuimkn�of tlx: 8en crcA�ed by this Sccurity� Inytmment or l.ender's securily
<br /> intun3r-t. B��mo�ver tihull also br in defuult it'Borrower, during �hr I�ian uppliru�inn proccsx, guve muleriully fulrx: or
<br /> inaccuraiu inFormulion w statemvnt::to Lender(or fuiled to pn�vide Lender with any mu�crial infcxmaticM)in connection with
<br /> the loan evidenced bv the Notr, includinR, but not limi��d tn, repre.untation� rnnceming Bortnwrr+ occupancy of the
<br /> • Prciperty s►�u principul re�idence. 11'thi,Security Ins�rument i+on u leusehold,enrmwer+haU romply with a0 the provi�iuns�
<br /> oi the iea.e. If Sormwer ncyuires ire liiic tu iiir Pr���rty,ti�Iru,rh�►td at�.i ih��i tii1��hal!nat mcrE:c anle::�l.cndrr agt+ers
<br /> w Ihe merger in writinp.
<br /> , 7. Proteclion oP l.ender's RiRMs in the Pruperty. If BoROwrr failx �o perfom� thc rmenuntz und a�trcemema
<br /> comuined in ihix Serurity In,trument, or Iherr i. a Ie@al pr�xeeding �hu� may si�nifirunlly a(fect Lcndcr. rights in thc
<br /> Pmp�;ny l+uch u�a pr�xeeJing in bankruptc�•,pmh:�te.tcx cundenma�fon or tartcimrr or to�nti�rcc law,or rcgul•riion�l.thrn
<br /> Lcndrr m•ry�M unJ puy fur whatcvrr ix nrcc,+:ir�• to prMCrt �Ik �•:�lu�uf Ih► Pru�rly and Lcrxlcr: nght�io �hc Pro�xrty.
<br /> � Lcnd�r:uc�ionti muy inrludc paying any+wns�ccurcd h�a licn ahirh ha.priurit� o�-cr thi+Srcurit�• Inurumrnl.up�xuring
<br /> in rnun,paying na.onublc attorncy�'Irc.and rntcrin���n Ihc Prn�xn}•���m•rkc rcp•rir.. AUhou@h L�ndcr muy�•rke artian
<br /> � ' �, undcr thi�paru�traph 7.Lendcr d�x.nol h�rvr tu du�o. �`.
<br /> a Any anwuntti di,buneJ by l.rndcr undrr Ihi. par.�graph 7 ,hall Ixr�►mc aJJiti��nal �kht ul'Horn�wrr.rrurcJ b�� thi�. ;a`
<br /> ,?��� . Srcurity Inxlrument. Unlen.Borruwrr aixl L�ndcr:��:rer lo olhcr Irnn,of paymrnt.thc.r anwunts�hall Ixar imcre+�frnm the �:y..
<br /> 1 �y . dutc uf Jisbunrment u�thu Notr rutc cmJ,h�dl Ix p�iyahl�. wi�h inlrrc�t. upon noticc t'rom Lcnikr t.i Born�wcr reyue,ting
<br /> paymrnt.
<br /> � 8. MurtRo�e Ingurenre. If LenJcr rcyuind nwurt�aEr in.uranrr a,a cundi�ian of mahing ihe loan.rcuRJ hy 1hi.
<br /> � • Si:rurity Intilrumcnt. Bornia•rr .halt pay �hc prcmium. mquir�d lu maintain thc m„rtg:igr in�urancr in rff�rt. It'. for an�.
<br /> , ' nu.on, ihr mungug� in.urunce ruverage reyuirrd h�• Lrndrr lap.r. c►r ccu.r, t�, hr in rt�ferl. Bortu���rr .hull pu} th�
<br /> pRmiumti rrquired Ia�iNtain ro�•rraEr �uh�lan�i:dl� cyui�:�knl lo �hr nwnga�r in�ur:mre �re��iix�.l} in effrr�. :+t a r�nl
<br /> xubtitantiully eyui�:+lent tu�hr ru,� to Burn���cr of �hc mnn�a�r in.urunrc prc�iuu.ly in rlfr�•�.�h,m un aUemu�e munga�r
<br /> intiurrr•rppnw�d h} LrnJer. If�uh,lanti:dh cyun-:drnt iourtgagc in,urani•r c���rra�r i.nui,.:�il.�blr. Ruu��+�rr,h.►II p.�} to �
<br /> l.cnder each munth:i wm ryual�u onr-t��rll�h u(�hr�rarl� mw�tg�i�r in.uranc�prrmium h�•in�paiJ h�•Rum�wcr�vlxn ihr
<br /> , , � insuranrr roverugr lup,rd ur rru.rd lu Ik m rticrt. Lcnder�.ill;a•rep1.u,�:mJ rcl;�in ihr.�p:�.ment.a.u I��„re,�ne in liru
<br /> of mort�agr in,uranrr. Lu,. rr.rr�c pu�mern,ma� nu Hmu�r tx rcyuir�•d.:n �hr ��p�ian ol I.rikkr. d nwngagc m.uranr� .
<br /> � c�►vrruge lin thc anuwnl and 1'ur Ihr�xri�Kl�ha� I.endrr rryuir�,l pro�i�kJ h} :m in.ur�r appr�nrJ h� i.cnJrr:�gain t+cr��mc. f
<br /> ;�` ""� :�vailahlr and i.ohwinrd.Rorr����er,h:dl pa� the pr�mium.rcquir�d���m:�int:iin martg:��e iu,uraare in clfrci.ur ta pr���idr a
<br /> }� �� � lor�re�rrve.until tlx rcquirrmrm ti�r:nungu�r m,ur:n�rc end,m arcurd:inr���i�h cui� ��riurn ugre.�nent Ixturen R�x�u��rr I
<br /> anJ LrnJrr ur appliruMc la��.
<br /> • , , 9. ImpeClinn. Lcndrr ur it�aLent nun m:iL.r r�;i�unaMe rnlrir.u�x,n and un�x•ruun, a�t Ihe 1'ru�krt�•. l.rndcr ,holl ;
<br /> . give Burroacr nntirr al lhe Innc�d ut pnu��in un in.�x.•urn.�x�rit��mg rc:�.�mahlc r.�u.�tar ih. im�xcU�ai. '
<br /> � � � 10. (bndcm�uli��n. 1'hr pr�x•ccd,ul am aa arJ�,r.l:um I��r d:una�:��,.dir�rl ur�un,ryurnlial. �n cunnertiun��ith uny� ,
<br /> SmFl:I.nuiN FunnM\LN�'Frcddir\lucl\IFIIR�II\�'1'NI�IF\'1' lud�nmt'�nrn.im. 4911 �����:��,�r�.�,,�e�.�
<br /> `F.' .. . m�.d I-�\.•Hu,mv h�m.In� � .
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