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, . . ..,,,;; :<<, <br /> ,�� •��+ <br /> r� ' <br /> f 'R" .! <br /> r, � �'1 _ � <br /> ��� � <br /> . �'_���._ � <br /> �9�' so�t.4 <br /> � perfadx Ihwt t.cnder mynirc�. Thc InrurNncc caRler providing�ho insu�wicc xhall 6e cha.�en by Bortawcr subjcct w[.cnder� <br /> ■ppmu�l which►h�ll aat ho unre�onably withhcld. If 8curawcr iails ta muintuin cavera�o de.vcri�ed above,Lender mwy.At <br /> Lenderk apllon,oMain rnvem�e to�er�I.cndcrk rlghte in�he Propcny in rkcordunce wi�h poragnph 7. <br /> ' All inxurw�ce puNcies tmd renowAl�x!all be Acce�table ta L.ender arnl xlwll Includa a standunl m�ngage cluuse. l.ender <br /> KhAll have Iho�l�h�tu huld Ihe p►Ilcicx wH!rcnrwals. lf l.ender rcyuit+ea,Bnrrower ahall pramptly give to Lender ull rocelp�a <br /> oP pniJ prcmiumx und renewul nwicc�. In Ihe evcnt uf laxv.Banower«hull Qive praropt notice to�he inxurance cairier and <br /> l.endar. I.en�ler may meke proof af loxa if nat madc pramptly by Borrawer. <br /> Unless L.en�kr und partnwer othenvitie ngrc�:in writing,lnsurunce prcxcrdK.rhull t+e applird lo rextomtion or rcqair of <br /> ?• the Property domuged, if the rcxtoratlon ar mpuir ia eranomicully fcasiblc und l.rnder x security is nat lessened. If thc <br /> rcxtoratlon or rcpuir is nat eccmomicully Paavible a�LenderK xecurity would be le4xened,�he inxurance praceedg 4hull be <br /> applied ta the aum� ficcurcd by this Securfty Ins�rument, whethcr ar n��t then due, with any cxceFg pnid ta 8arower. If <br /> Barrowe�Abandona the PropeAy.ur doe� nat unxwer within 30 duyx a notice from I.ender tha� �he insun�nce carrler has <br /> affered to r,ettle u cluim,�hen Lender muy collect the insurunce pra;ecd». l.ender may use�he proceeds ta rcpuir or rcsture <br /> tl�e Property or to puy sumx xecuned by thi�Secu�ity Instrument,whe�her or not then dur. The 30-doy perind will begln when <br /> ihe notice i�given. <br /> Unles�Lander and 8orrower othenvlse agrec in writing,any appliculion of praceed��o principal shull not extend or <br /> poxlpone thc due dAte of ihe monlhly puymen►s refenrd to in pnrrgrapha 1 und 2 or chun�e�hc umount of the puyments. If <br /> ' ` under puragruph 21 the Property is ucyuired by Lender,BarrawerK�ight ta Any intiuronce policicx und proceeds rezulting <br /> iram damuge to�ha Propetty prlor�o�he ucqui»iti�xhull puss tu Lender lo the extent�f ihe sumx xecuted by�his Security <br /> .j -� lnslrument immediutely prior to the ucyuisition. <br /> ,. .� 6. Uccupaacy, Pre�servption. Mpinteoance And Protectlon of the Properly; Bor�ower's Applicadon; <br /> � � •;. ;�: .,� Ixa�ehoWs. Barrower shull nccupy,es�ubliab,und utic the Pr�rty us 8arruwe��p�incipul reside�ce within r:ixty days af�er <br /> � ��•° •'•�' the execution of this Security Instn�ment�d xhull continue to a;cupy the PropeAy as Borrowcr ti principal residence for at <br /> • ` Ieus1 one yeur nfter �he dnte of uccupuncy, unletis Lender o�hervvi,e uKreex in writing, which consent .hull not be <br /> '�"�`��'�`�'��'•:,� �'' unreavanubly withheld,or unlesx extenuuting circumxtunce�exi�t which nre t+eyand Bormwer's cantrol. Barrowcr shull not <br /> $k.., <br /> ' ;:;;'; � , t�a � destray.dumAge or impair thc Property,ullaw th�Prupeny to dc�crioratc,or commi� wu�te on thc Propeny. Burrower shAll <br /> ��,r�';;'�.�r�j1A��.',..�':. oulddre ult in forfetu�e�of Ihe�Propeny or olherw he1hm itcriullyrimpuir thc�li nRcrenhcd�hy liaeSe un y`ln hrJirmen ear <br /> �:j' ,�;;«; .•; ,{+;� �•�r�,�. Lender s.r•ecuriry intercst. Borrower may curc such u defoult und ninstute,us pmvided in parugruph IR,by cuuxing Ihe uciion ` <br /> ��;�• :��.••�� or praceeding lo be dixmixsed with n ruling� l.ender'�gcxxl i�ailh dotetminntion,precludes forfeiturr of Ihe Borrawer z <br /> .', � • , '��'�� , , - interest in the Praperly ur other muterial impairmrnt ai�he lien creuteJ hy thi;Security Inti�ruimm or Lenderz .e�urity <br /> . ' .�, lnterest. Borrower xlwll also F� in defuul� if Borcowcr, during Ihc loun upplicutinn pracesti, �uve mu�erially false ar <br /> �,:, . inaccurnte information or statementv to Lender(o�fuiled�o pmvicle l.ender wi�h uny mnteri.d infarmationl in conneetion with <br /> ' :.'•+� '" the loun evidenced by the Nate, including, but nrn limited lo, reprc+cntudonx concerning Borruwer� cxcupuncy of the <br /> ` ,.,.,.:�,, " <br /> ! ;•''•�.'.", Property av u principal�+eyidence. If�his Securiry Ins�rument is on u Icuzchold,Borrower�hull comply with All the pn�vixiam <br /> � -- .. uf Ihe ieuar,, li 8orrowcr acqui�r�fee ti�ie�o Ihc i'�c�prny,�he kuschoid und thc icc tide shaff no�merge unlexr Lender ugrecs <br /> � ta Ihc mergcr in writing. <br /> ;� v��Y���>°•` � 7. ProtecNon oP lxnder's Ri�hts in the Prnperty. If fuilti w �rk�rm �hr rovenanh und ugreement, <br /> conlained in Ihis Sccurity Ins�rument. ��r thcn i. u Ie�ul pr�xrrding �hat muy ,igniFirundy uff'ec� Lernkr; rightx in thr <br /> Propeny Ixuch us u pracredin�in hankruptry.prubuie.lix rondemnulian or tiirlcilure or lu�nli,rcr law�or r�gulatiun�l.Ihen <br /> Lender may do und puy for whutevrr i.nrccs.ury w pndect ihc vulur uf�Ix Pruper�y unJ l.cndrr�right,in thc Pr���xny. <br /> • l.cndcr's uctions muy includr paying,�rrurcd by u licn whirh ha�priurity iwrr thi,Srrurily In.trumrnt,up�urinF <br /> �,� � ' in c��urt.puying reux�muble uitomry.'Icc.:md enlcring on dK Pro�xrty lu muhr repair,. AUlx�ugh l.rnd�r may luke uclion <br /> un�kr this puragr•rph 7.L.endrr d��hnvc�u Ju.o. ; . <br /> �f�, Any umuum,Ji�bunrd by l.rndrr undrr�hi,�l:ll'il�!�i1�lll 7 .hall Ixruroc uddilionid Jrhl ul'Rorn���rr�rcurcJ by Ihi� <br /> � ' ' Scrurity Im�rumm��. llnlr„Borruwrr awJ Lrndcr u�;r.c to alhrr irrni.of pa�mrnl.ihc.r anwum,.hall Iksir in�erc.l t'rnm Ihr <br /> � Jatc o f dix h wumcnt a� t l x Notr rulr an J .hid l I x payu h lr, w•ii h in�crr.l. u�xm n�airr from l.rn dcr lu Borrowrr rcyur��in� <br /> t:^ puymcnt. <br /> ' 8. Morlgaac Insuronce. If l_cixlcr requirrd mun�;atic in,urancr:n a cundiliun��1'making �hr laan,rrurcJ hy�hi. _ <br /> (� Sccurity In+lrumcn�. Rorrowrr�hnll puy Ihr pr�mium. requind tu m:�imuin ihr mon�u�c in.w•anu in cffcrt. If. li�r any ...y <br /> rL'u�un, the m��rlgugr i�t�urutk� «�viruge rryuir�d Ny I.�nder lap+r� or cra�c� 1�� ix in �flecl. Bnrruwrr ,hull puy Ihc <br /> , pmmiwnr rcyuircd �o ohtain co�•crag� .uh.iamiall� cyuivalenl lo Ihr m�ing:�gr imuranrc prr�iuu,l� in rffcrl. at a ru.l . <br /> +uhslantially ryuivalrnl lu�he cinl a► Ni�rrawer ul Ihr num�:a�r m.ur:nue pn�iuu,h �n rtl�c�. Ir�nn:m al�rmatc mon�apr <br /> imurtr upproveJ hy l.rndcr. II��uh.t:nni:dly cyuividcnl nwrlgagr in.ur:uur c���rrag� i.n�,t aeailaMc. Rurco��cr+hall pa�•10 <br /> Lendcr wrh momh u tium eyual tu unr-I�velllh ol�Ihr��arl� murlgag. imuranre pr�mium IxrinE paiJ h�• l3urcuwcr N•hrn ihc <br /> imurancr covcragr lap+ed or rra.rJ lu Ix in el'terl. Lrndrr�+ill arrepi.u��:md rriain ihr.e pa�nunh a�a lu.,rcxn•r in li�u <br /> ot'morlgu�r insuruncr. La..rr.rrvc paynunt�ma�• nu lungcr Ix �h�nplinn ul'Lrnd.r. il mangu�r in.uranr� <br /> , �:..�,'�; rnvrro�r lin Ilx amuun�and for Ihr�xriod Ih:d Lcndrr r.yuire�l pru�ided h� :ui in,urrr appro�rd h� l.endrr�igain t+rrinne, , <br /> uvuiluMle and i.ohluincd.R�irr���vrr,hall pa�Ihr prcmiutn.rcyuirrJ�a m;�inl:iin iuunga}�r in�uranrr in rl l�rl.ur tu pnn idc a � <br /> f : %.'i'�,:`,�; `:1 lo..rc.�rve.until thr rcyuirrnkm liw m��ng:igr in,ur:nxe rnJ�in arcurJanr�auh an} ��niten a�rccmrnt iktw•een Hunu��rr 1 . <br /> ^ � �nJ LrnJer or applicahlr la�v. E <br /> � , . ;�• 9. Inspeclion. Lcixlcr or i�,:�griu ma� m:il,� rca.�m:ihle rmne,up�.n:md inti�kr�iun,ul thc I'r��Exm. I.ender+hall � <br /> . ' i '��i givc F3urn»�cr nuticr a�thc�imr��f or prior tn an in.�xrtion.�xrif�ing rca,unaM�r:iux lur thr in��krli�m. � <br /> j � . III. ('ondemnuti��n. Th�pr�xrrd.��f:im :���arJ��r rlaim li�r dam.��.•,.dire.l��r r�m.�i�urnu:� r��nnrrtiun��ith am <br /> �,���. F � <br /> t ''� • timgleP.undy Fuonlr�We:Freddk��L�cl\IF/►R�11�5fN111F.\'1' 1'nd.�m�l'u��• 9W1 �p,i,r?.,�r,��ii,„ � <br /> `�•• cn.n I.�r,�l4i,uw..t��Irc � <br /> � L�����au �alp�9d6U3U;i n PAt O1�F7n n.n � ' <br /> � <br /> � • I <br /> . � � .�� ----'._.. . .. , _ . <br /> .,�1 ..- <br /> . . '�t <br /> _ /'' . <br /> •,4 ,1 .�' .�`,, . . • . . .. � � ' . . <br /> ..�� .� . � I. ' �.. . . <br /> i � • ;�.. • • ' " , � � . <br /> � ' � � � . <br /> F 1 �/, . <br /> 1 � .. , <br /> T" <br /> h;� . ., • . <br /> � ;. . , <br /> . <br /> ; <br />