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�,, <br /> .� . �:,� <br /> . �. "'� �' : <br /> ��...: <br /> ' _ t..�� <br /> ��w�id dl e,a�se��ntr�•� <br /> TO(3EfHBR WITH dl 1he imprnvcmontr now ot haro�ftcr creetal an Iho propeny, +�pP���O�, <br /> and tixtut�w now ar heraRcr r p�r�of�he pra�ty. All replwcomcntx uid�ddi�lom�hall dw be rAr�wl bY thb 9�curl�y <br /> lartrument. All at U�e faro�oia�i�rofemed w In thl�Secu�ity Inurumen���be"Propeny." <br /> BORROWQR COV�NANT3 th�t Barowcr ie Iwwfully�cl�cd af tho o�lwle hct�cby canroycd wid hw 1he�iYht w�nnt <br /> uid convey IhepropeAy�nd�h�t�ho Pm�eily is unencumberod.�xcept tar enoumhrrncep uf rccun�. Bv+YOwor w��au�nd <br /> will dektul�enerd(y ihe Qtk to tho Prt►pchy�ainu�II cl�imr and domwiQy,suhjact�o pny enumlxAncc�of nxunl. <br /> TH13 SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiner unifixm covenantx fix natlnnul u�e ond n�►n-unif�xm covenmtr with <br /> Nmited varlodon9 by Jueisdlctlan ta constitutc a uniPorm�ecurity inctrument covering rowl property. <br /> � UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower nnd l.ender covenant and agrce a�follows: <br /> 1. P�y�nent otPdadptl�ad latereati Prepsymenl pnd Lote Cbwe�. Borrowcr shull prompdY paY wl►en due�he <br /> pdnci of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepnyment end lute charges duo undar�ha Note. <br /> ��nds[or 7kxa iwd Ir�urnoce. Subjxt to ap licable lew or to a wdnen wa�ver by Lender,Bortower shall pay to <br /> iw <br /> Lender on the day monlhly payments aro due under thc ote.until the Noto is puid b full,a sum ("Pbnds")for.(a)yearly <br /> taxes end assesamenu whkh moy ottain prioriry over this Securlty Insuumant oa a lien on the Propertyc(b)Yew'lY�easchold <br /> paymenta or ground rent� on the Prapeny.if any; (c) yewly hor.urd or property insuronce premiums; (d) yearly llood <br /> insurance premiwns,lf any: (e) yeuly mortgage insurance premiums,if eny;and(� any suma paynble by Borrower to <br /> I..ender,in accordarxe wi�h the provlsions oi parugmph 8,in lieu of thu payment of morigage inxurance premiums. 7Uese <br /> �, : � items aro calkd"Escrow Items." I.ender may,at any dme,collect and hold FLndv in on amount not to exceed the mu�mum <br /> �� "'-+'��� � amount a le�der for a federally related mongAge loan may require for Borcower's escrow account under the federal Rcal <br /> • . �- = ' Estate Settlement Procedurec Act of 1974 as emcnded fram timc to dme,I Z U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless enwher <br /> ,,: ;�ts4•� �� ,�, � law that Applies to the F�nds sets a lesser amou�t. If r,a,Lender mAy,at nny�ime,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> � x�w:,'�' �{• �%��'=��'" exceed the amowr. Lender may esdmate the amount of FUnd.9 due on tixs basia of current data nnd rensonable <br /> '"� ' ` �'�f�•�.:�? estimates of ex nditures of fuwre Escrow Itema or otherwire in accordnnce with a licable law. <br /> '���:, ..�? , pe <br /> �'� �'��' �•=`'.'•`:'��".'•'•'�: Thc E�nds shall be held in an instltution whoAe depoaits are insured by a federal agency, insuumentpliry, or entity <br /> ;r,�:�. � � .�w:,,x.,., ..r <br /> ,;, ,,, •••�»-•�.� � ��• (including Lender,ii Lender is such an inadtutianl a'in any Federal Home Loun Bank. l.e�xler shall apply the Funds to pay <br /> %-r.' ' �•�� " �..�� the Escraw Items. Lender mey not charge Barrower for holding and applying tl�e Funds.Annually analyzing Ihe escraw <br /> •`l;"' • � '��c�•:,�;'.�`•r°':� accaunt,or verifyi�g the Esurow Items,unkav Lender pays Borrower intereat on the Funds and applicable law permits �``' <br /> �;��;.y „ .., ,. r,:ti.. <br /> ' ��;����f��•.`;`��`�"::�':'. :; esta eetax re�rtio scrv ce u.�sed b �I.ender in c nncctionrwith thi�s lounW u!��appl�able�w prov�'�des U henvi e�Unleas an ',r.: <br /> �,,�:,"t.. �. ,.. .�+ Po S Y <br /> �';.�`'„. .. ��s;�'.E��t��s���'`�ci;`,�:',�.�,9' ae mingsnon theeFLndsApBoirr wer und L�.eundermay agreein wri�ti g�however�that i tere t�hull bea pa d�on the Fundsn Lender �' <br /> '•-''�r�� {�V,'r�'*�` �"�i r.'""•? " shall give to Bormwer.without annuul accouming of the Funds,showing credits und d�.bitv to the Fundq and the <br /> }:���' '.�c�i.'�,"'� � '' u se for which each debit ta the Funds was made. The Funds�e pledged as additionnl security for all suma secured by <br /> i';� ' tPhi�curity ingtrument. <br /> -- . If tl�c F�ssds tuld by ixnder exceed she smoun�.� peran4n�d �� hc held hy aQplicable law. L,ender shull account to <br /> ? � Borrower for the exeess FLnds in uccordance with the requ�cemenrx of appiicuble law. If the amount of the�und.v held by <br /> ' Lender at any time is rwt sufficient to puy the E+cmw liemti wh�n due,l..ender muy w notify Burrower in wri�in�s,and,in <br /> � such case Borrowcr shall pay to Lendar the umounl necer�ary tu make up tho daficiency. Burrower 4ha11�make up the �� <br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve nwn�hly payrnems,at Lendark�:olu di�cre�inn. <br /> � ' Upon payment in full oi all zums necured hy ihi�Securi�y Innlrumaoi,Lendar shnll promptly�¢fund to Burrowar any <br /> ° FUnds hcld by l.ender. li,under parngraph 21. Iw:nder xhull acquins ur�c.0�ha Ptvperty,Lender,pri��r���ihe acquihition or <br /> �f .� sule af Ihe Rt�pcny,�h�ll upply uny Fund�hcld by I.enda�u�thc�ime c�f ucquisition or wle ati a cnidib aguintit �ha sums <br /> securedby Ihiw S�tiurity Imtrumem. <br /> t�' 0 3. Applkation ot Pra�ymen4�. Unlc,. applicublu luw prc+viJc.aeherwi,e, ull puyments receivrd by L.ender uixier <br /> �`�� �. ; prrag�phx I und 2 �h�ll hc applied:tir,t,tu uny prepuymm�t churg�.duc unJer�he Nole;Kcond,to omoumw puynble under •..,�, <br /> � p•rragn�ph 2;Ihird,tu intcrr.t Juc;fuunh,���principal Ju�;und lust,to uny lu�c churgec duc undcr the Note. <br /> � 4. CharRes: I.Icnv. Bo�rowcr �huU p:�y ull tuxcr. ur�.�c.+mcn��, churgc., linc. und imp�i+i�iom uttributablc t�► thc <br /> ;1.� �� � Propen��which may•rtwin priari�y uvcr�his Sccurity Inr,uamcn�,und Iru�:ch�dd puymentr�or gn�und mnts,il'ony. Borrowcr <br /> ' +h•rll p•ry thcsc��+ligati�� thc munncr pruvidcJ in p��rugraph 2.��r if M�t puiJ in�hu� munncr,Burn�wcr+hull puy them on <br /> � �' time dirccUy�to the�ruwn a�veJ paymcnl. Bmro�ecr.hnll promptly furni.h i�►Lender ull nmirc+ot'umountx to bc puid under <br /> , thi�pnragraph. If Bixmwcr makc.Uic,�puym4nla din:ctly.13um�wcr shull pmmpUy furnish ai Lcndcr mreiptx evidencing <br /> • - the payments. <br /> Bom�wer,hall prumptly di.churge uny lirn w•hich hu.pri��rily ovcr thi�Srcurity In+trument unle+.r B�ttrowrr.(ol ugree+ . <br /> ,,�, in writing to thc paym�nt of thc ohligati�m recu nJ hy thc licn in•r munncr arcrptaMc w Lendcr:lb l ront����in gaal taith thc <br /> IKn by,or defend. •rgain�t�nforccmem uf Um Ilcn in,k�ul pnxceJinti.which in Ihc l.�ndrr:upiniun��{xr�te to pmvent 1he <br /> `:� enforcemcnt nf the lien;or Icl+crur��from ihc halJer ul'ihr licn un ugrermen��u�i�f•rrtaq•to l.enJer sulwniinminF the licn <br /> ''•� � . to this Security Intiwnxn�. If L�ndcr detenninc�thul uny pun ot'ihr Pn.Exny i.whjrri tu a licn Whirh may�ttain prinriry � <br /> ~ � ovcr�his 5ccurit}�Inctrum�nl.Lrndcr muy givc�Bnrtuurr u n��tirr iikntifyinE the lien. Hum►wcr.h�ll satisfy the lien or tukc <br /> �{, .: • , onc or morc of Ux uction�.cl ti�nh uixivc wilUi n IU duyti uf thc�i�•ing af rnuice. <br /> ;,t 5. H�wrd or Praperly Imcuranee. H�iRUw•er.hull hcep thc improvcmcn�.nuw�exi.�inE or hercalicr emcted on thc M <br /> ti: ' Prup:n��insurcd again.t lux�,by tin,hn�uni�inclu�kd w�ithin thc�enn"cx��ndrJ ru��cr�gc"und any�ahcr h•rzard.,inrluding ( <br /> i': ► tloods or fl�wding,for whirh Lcnder n.�yui�ti in,uranrr. Thi. inwrance.hull Ix muintuinrJ in the amounts and tix�he <br /> t � �, • ' <br /> ,i ' . Form J028 919D �/wiAr 2��)A pu�r�i <br /> � <br /> .�. �.,1;��� .. :� <br /> . ' <br /> ' •,�;', ,. <br /> � <br /> 'i . <br /> y � � __'____'"' • ' .I _ . •Y-':1t�: ... . . <br /> 4 � <br /> . '� . <br /> R�R[b- �� � . _ . " 1 .. <br /> -�_'; _T.�i'r'__'_" .. '.- . <br /> .1`�. � <br /> t •. "�)�� � ' � _ <br /> . ,1 •1 . <br /> �� ' ? - ,f•, � ., - . <br /> � K , i' . . <br /> i:' � • ' <br /> , , <br /> . �' . <br /> I � � . <br /> r, ' . 1 . <br /> , �} , � . <br /> i <br />