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<br /> coodemnAtlan or dhcr uki�ul Nny p�ul af�he flroprhy.nr fur cunvoywnce in li�u M'cwMlemnrtion,rro horeby w�ri�ned�nd
<br /> �F�wll bo p�fd a l.ender.
<br /> In �hc cvent af�tdrl �ukfnp ot tl�e P�uperly. thopcvccedx rhrll br �pplir,�! �o tho ►umx �ecuad hy �hi� Securi�y
<br /> Insdumem, whetber or not�hen duc,with n�y excess paid to Borrawcr. in�hc event oP w piutial alcin�of�he Property in
<br /> which the fair mw�ket value af the Praperty immsdiately befu�e the tuking ia cyuaf to or grewter than the amuunt uf thc KumA
<br /> socured by thig Socurity ins�rument immediately 6efarc thc tuking,unlesw 8orrower and l.cndcr otherwir,e agree ln wd�ing,
<br /> the»umx securcd by this Sxurity Instrurnent shall be reduced by�he umiwnt of thc p�oceeds multipUed by ihe F�Ilawing
<br /> fruction: (a)the total emaunt af the sumw sccurcd immediately befare the toking,divided by(b)the fair market value of�he
<br /> Property immedfately before Ihc teking. Any balunce ahall be paid to Bormwer, lo tF►e evem uf a partial �aking af thc
<br /> Property in which the Fair market value of the Property immediately before�he taking is less thnn the wnount of 1he hum�
<br /> securcd immedix�ely before the t�icing, unless Borrower ond Lender othcrwise ugrc,� in writing or unless applicable luw
<br /> othenvise ptavidos.the praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Insnvment wlxther or nat ihe sumx ure
<br /> `'�� a then due.
<br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Bormwer,or if,ufter notice by Lender�o BoRawer that�he condemnor offers to muke
<br /> an award or�ettle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond ta Lender wi�hin 30 days after the dnte the no�ice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and upply the proceeds,at its option,either ta restaration or repnir of the Propeny or to�he
<br /> aums secured by lhis Securfty Iostrument.whether or not then due.
<br /> ` ' �" Unless Lender and Borrower otherwiye agree in writing,nny n plicutian oF praccedx tu principal shall not extend or
<br /> � �
<br /> poxtpona 1he due date of the manihly puyrnents referred to in paragrop s 1 nnd 2 or chunge the amount af such paymems.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbeamnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensian of the time far puyment or
<br /> ,,, : mcxlification af amortfzation of�he sum4 secured by this Security Instn+ment grnnted by Lender to uny succegsor in interest
<br /> ' of Bornower shall not operate to relet�e the liability of�he orfginal Botrower or Borrower's succes�one in interest. l.ender
<br /> •�"a-�� - shall not be required to commence pmceedings ugainst nny succesxor in interest or refuoe ta extend �ime for payment ar
<br /> »'��5��':�'�,'a�.�':ti;:'-,
<br /> . ,t,h` �.�,,, ,` � atherwi.ce modity omonizsition al the sums secumd by Ihis Security In4trument by reuson af uny demund made by the original
<br /> ���_•, Bortower or Barrower?�succes+ors in interest. Any forbearnnce hy Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall na be u
<br /> 5 �';7x`'�'�'`� ';�� wniver of or preclude Ihe exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 't��;��•• �,.'�.. ;;• �;:;'°�•' l2. �auceessors and AssiRns Bound=Joint aad Several Liability;Casi�ne�. The covenunts und�grcemen�s of this
<br /> ;i;�'}�`�`"-`•;� ' �~��r:" Security Instrument shall bind and bene�� �he successon und u4signs af Lender und Borrower,subjecl ta the provixinns of
<br /> '��:�' • ' ��'���•-`���`"•+'�` purngraph 17.Borrowerti cavenunts nnd agreemen�s tihull he joint nnd ,everul. Any Banawer who ca•signs this Security
<br /> � '�++�'�'�`�`.'�4`�''•�'�"t�����:V�� Ingtrument bul dcex nat exeeute Ihe NcNC: la)is ca-zigning Ihic Security Instrument only ta monguge,Frant und convey that
<br /> .! . :,:.t1i.:>':;'. �a
<br /> ,���r,;;;;. ,,,:rr;�,,��;,:�,;�;� BorrowerE in�rrest in thc Propetty under Ihe�erms of Ihis Scrurily Inrtrumen4 Ib)iti nat perxonully c�t+liguted to puy the tium.r•
<br /> ;ti• ••,�„{���'' secured by thix Security lns�rumenr,and(c1 agrees tha�Lender und any��thcr Bonower muy u�ree to cxtend,modii'y,fbrbeur �
<br /> � :+rl�{._„ " ' '��i`u�.4.5' or muke any uccommodution4 with regnrd to the terms of thix Securiry Inxirument or th� Note without tha� BaROwer's
<br /> ,r.,;:. • `s�;;,ali�r�;�.{:;.?J::�'';;;�k�.�:;, consent.
<br /> ' ����t��'<<;r;�.,}�'�:�::,;;•'t��, 1�, l.oan Cbar ex. If the loun secured by thi� Secu�ity Instrument i. suhject to u law which sct�muximum lo;�n
<br /> ''� �:�.��.:�...
<br /> �- �.,,,,�,,,t.,,..:,_ ,,,�,.„.:�;�r:. ci�:uge.,uod thut law s f nalty ioterproted sa ihat thc int:rrrt ar cuficr loan chartrs ct�!!erled c�r to t+e ce!lected in c��nnro�inn
<br /> � `� � '•,��'a��:�°•�:;;+��';��"� wilh�he luan exceed Ihe permitted limiis,ttx�n: (u)uny such luun charge�hall he reduced by the umount nece.xury w reducr
<br /> " � , ''�`���" '•��, Ihe churge to�he permiued limi�;u�xl(h1•rny.ums ulrcuJy collecteJ from B��rrawer which excceded prrminrd limi�+u�ill fn
<br /> �• � � refunded to Bonower. Lender muy cha►ne to make thi.refund hy rcduring thr principal�iwed under the Note ur by m;�king u
<br /> dircct paymem tu Horrowrr. li'a r�fund rcduce.principal,�hr ndurti�►n will he treuted uti u p•rnial prrpuymrnt without any
<br /> ' pr+epuyment churge under thr Nate.
<br /> l4. Notices. Any ootic�lu NnROwcr pr�wiJrd liir in Ihi� Security In�trumen� �hull tx givcn hy JrlivcrinE ii�ir hy
<br /> • � , mailing it by finl rlu,�muil unlr�..upplicuMc lu« rcyuir�.u,r uf�mu�hrr mrth�xl.Thr not ice.hull Ix dircr�rJ tn thc F�u�xny ,.
<br /> Addrrs,or uny �Nhrr udJr.,� Hnrr��N•�r�k,ign:i�c.by nntirr iu I.rndrr. Am•ouiicr tu l.rndcr,hull ix�i�•en hy tir.i�I�i�,
<br /> „ ' muil lo LrnJer:uddr�,+.luled hrrrin ur:w�oihrr uJdm„Lrndrr de.��!n:u�•,h�nolicr ia Horraaee Any nnlice prnvidc�l liir
<br /> • • .,�� • in Ihiti Securily In,lrumrm .hidl Ix d«nuil lu h���•r ixcn Ei�cn lu 13urraarr ur I.rndcr w�h�n givrn ��. providrd in Ihiti
<br /> paragruph.
<br /> � • � IS. Go��crnfnu I.uw: tic�•erul�lil�. 7�hi, Svcuri�� In.�rwneni ,hull Ix Eu�•�rn�d hy Icdrral lu�� und tlx I:�w ot ihr .
<br /> ��� juriuliction in which�hc F'n►�xny i.Iik;ilcJ. In thr c«n1 Ih:d an� pru�i.iun ar rlau.r ul tlii,Srruriq• Irninunrnt ur Ilte Nutr
<br /> ronflicl�wilh upplicaMc laa.,urh runtlict.hall nui:dlcrl�Hhrr pr���i,i��m�d��hi.tirrurit� Inrinnnriu ur th�N�Ne w hirl�run
<br /> � . ik given etTcc� withuut thr ccmllicting provi.ioii. "fi��hi,rnd�hr pru�i.i��ii,ul ihi, tircurity Inr�rumcnt unJ ihr N��Ir:�R
<br /> i' dc�l:irrd to Ik�rverublc. , ,••
<br /> f6. fiorrowrr'�Cop�. Bui�uHri.ItiJllx�i�r�iune:unt�nni�d.up} ufth�tiut�.incfut'thi.Scrurit��ln+trumrm.
<br /> , � 17. 7Yanxfer oi the Pruperh�or w Iteneficiul Inlcrc�l in Borrow•cr. If all ur am pan af th�Pru�xn��ur un�•intrre.i in �.
<br /> it i����W ur Irunxl'erred lor il':�Ixnel'irr�l inlerr.l in Horruwer i, .uld ur tran.lrrred ;md Rurra��rr i. nut a na�ural �xrtiun�
<br /> . . . wi�M�ut Lcnder:pri�,r a•�iuen con,rnt.LrnJer n►:��.at i�,„pnun.reyuirc inuneJia�r p•r�mem in lull ut all,um+,crurcd hy
<br /> �hi.Security In,trument. Huwrvrr.ihi,��tinn.hull n�►t F+r rrrrci.rJ Ny Lrn�kr if rrrrci.e i�prohihitrd by Cc�krul law u.of
<br /> � ;''. Ilte dute of thi.Sccurity Im�romcm.
<br /> ..';y,:' If Lcndcr cxrniu.thi,nption.LcnJrr.hall�i�r Bortu�►�r n�nirc ot'ucr�lrraliun. 1�he nut�r��h:dl pru��iJe a�xriud of
<br /> � r' ' . titi�•;' not Ic..�hun 3D duy,fnmi Ux datc thr nutirc i.Jrli�crcJ ur mai1�J��ithin��hirh Rurru��rr mu.t pa� :dl,um�.rrured b} ihiti
<br /> 1,. f~
<br /> a• , S��urity M�trunxnt. If Bun•iiuer li�il. w pa� �he.r .um, pri�ir lo Ihe c�pir:niun �:(Ihi�peri�Kl. Lendcr ma�• im•i�r uny
<br /> :a remedic.�xrmiucJ by�hi.Scrurit�•b�,trumrn�Hi�huut lur�hrr nu�icr„r J�m:uid�m Rorrower. "
<br /> t' c � � 18. Borrowcr's Ri�ht to Reinzlutc. II Borro��rr m�ri. cenain cundiliun,. H��rc��a�•r ,hall havr thc ri�ht u� ha�r �
<br /> f - 3 � '
<br /> ; � enfurcenxrn ot'thi.S�wuri�y In.trumrm di�c�munurd.0 :m� lime prior Iu thr e:u lirr uL• �;u �d:i�,���r,urh i�thrr Exri�xl a� E
<br /> t i..
<br /> sm�l.I•.�a�d. F'annl��Inm'Fi'eddie\luc 1\IFIIN�I I\�YRI�1F.�1 1 nu�nm l'�nruenh V,911 yi,�¢, a„I��p,�¢:��
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