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<br /> �1) Co�t■ o! any �vid�na� o! titl� psoous�4 ia ooaa�otion Mith suoh �a�l• aed
<br /> � o! any r�v�au� r�quir�d to M paid� (Z) J1Yi �wa tl�a ��cnr�d Mr�byt �3� Tb�{
<br /> +q".
<br /> rwaind�r, i! any, to th� p�r�on or p�r�4ru l�gally �atiti�d th�r�to. �
<br /> saah o! th� parti�� to Lhi� MM ot Tru�L h�r�by s�qu��t� that a eopy o!
<br /> aag Notia• oi ��tault and a oopy of any potia• o! sal• provid�d !or
<br /> h�r�in�bov� b� nail�d to �aoh �uoh party at hi■ po�t oitia� �tdds��� ��t lorth
<br /> � h�r�fa. vpon the occurr�nc� af any d�tault h�r�uad�r, s�a�ticiari�� �hall
<br /> i
<br /> hav� th� optioa to lor�Clo�ur� khi• D��d ot Trust in th� siann�r provid�d by
<br /> L�w ios tb� lorQalo�uuc� a! aiortqaq�� on r�ai psop�rty.
<br /> �"°�r� : Tru�tas� a eiiieall a r�� th�.t: • H�n�tieiari�s na irom
<br /> ,l '��' �ilITB V� Y 9 � 1 Y.
<br /> ti�n� to tiin�, by writ��n inatrum�nt •a�out�d and •ok�owlNdq�d by
<br /> .;.M � ""� ` B�neliaiari��, nailed to Tsv�tor� and r�aord�d in th� county or aounti�s in
<br /> � • Whiab th� 8rop�rty i• locat�d and by oth�rwi�� cctipiyiaq with th� provi�ioqs
<br />- '� � � :,���,z;; '1�. .;�,t oi the appliaable lara of the state of N�braska, �ub�titut� a �uaa���or or
<br /> 5 succot�or� to tho Trust�� aamed h�roin os aoting h�roand�rf (b) 1►lthoagh the
<br /> ,;",�,`'` `� '. •• srutstN, or hi� �uaa���or or �ucw�wr�, may b� �an ag�nt of, or attoza�y �or,
<br /> ,:. , or otherai�• conn�ot�d �rith th� S�n�ficiaries, •ucb gaat shall not be
<br /> •'�'" , ., � a: cozlstz'ued to di�qualify hia to act a• �uch Truetao, nor shall •ucb tact
<br /> �� �, . ' pr�v�nt the Tru�ts� or B�n�ficiari�• from biddinq at s �al� aad buying aay
<br /> �" . , ' � part or ail of th� Prop�rty at any s�lo h�r�undor= (c) Lhat it it •hould bs
<br /> ��i'•,��. n�c���ary or appropriato for tha prot�ctioa o! tho �acurity 6or�by aonwy�d or
<br /> � .. . .,: � �a�ore�ta�nt o! th� debt b�roby •�aur�d, for th� Tra�te� or th� H�n�ficiari�•
<br /> .=,� V: � ' to institut• or bocom� a party to aAy proce�diag or •uit in a oourt of
<br /> .. , baakruptop or probat� or otd�r aourt of q�narel or limitad juriediction, all
<br /> ___ ___— w�ns�s ant! ao�t� QroQ�rly iacurred by �aid Truatee or eaid aenatiaiari�•
<br /> �• ' (includinq raasonabia attornoys• loQa) paid or incurred by aaid Truatoa ar
<br /> `;�<� �;��;�i� .., �� ' . aeneficiari�• in maintaiaing, pro��cuting or dafendiag guch prooaeding or
<br /> :+�• �' � protecting thoir roepoctive right4 h�reundor shall be an additional d�bt
<br /> �% • ��curod by thi• Doad of Trust in lika manner with tha pri�cipal debt h�rein
<br /> ' � d�saribed= (d) Honeficiaries, or their aqente, repre�entatives or worlcRen, �
<br /> '( � ar� authorized to enter at any reaoonablo time upon or in any part o! tho •
<br /> �" Prop�rty for th� purposo of in�poctfng tho �ama and tor th• purpo�� of ��
<br /> ;� . � p�rtorninq any o! the acte it i� autl�orized to perform under the torms of thi• i .:
<br /> ►�� ' Daod oL Trn�t: (Q) any forbearanca by Benoticiaries or Trustao in ex�rai�inq '��"
<br /> �r . , • any right or renwdy 6ereunder, or otharwi�e aftorded by ap�licable law, �hall
<br /> t . ., , not bo a waiver o! or precludo the eaeraise of any such right or r�medy : _
<br /> , hareundar= rimilarly, tha waivor by senefioiarias or Truatea of any doiault of k •
<br /> � Tru�tor� under thi• Deed ot Trust ehall not bo deemed a waiver of any other or
<br /> ' '''� �imilar dofaulta subaa u�ntl occurrin = (!) oxtencion oi tha tima for � �
<br /> . �•'�. � ' 9 Y g
<br /> payment or modificutic�� �r amortcization �f the eums secured by tl�3a Deed of ? '
<br /> ;>,:• Tru�t grantad by senefiaiariea to any saccaa4or in interest of Tru�tor� �hall
<br /> �'• • not op�rato to rQlease, in any manner, the liability of the original Tru�tora �
<br /> �., ,
<br /> . and Trustora� aucceascr in interest. seneficiaries ehall not be requfred to
<br /> commQnco proc�vding■ again�t euch ouccoaror or refu�Q to extend tho tim� ior �
<br /> psya�ent or othQrwisa modify amortiaation of the swes and indabtedness •ecur�d
<br /> � � ., • by thia need of Truat by raaeon of any dQmand made by the original Trustors ,
<br /> + � � and Trustora• aucceaoore in interest; (g) without affacting the liability of
<br /> ,���.;, the Tra�tors cr any other person liable for the payment of the obligations and
<br /> , ' �_ indabtadna�s �acurod by thio Daod of Trust, and without attocting thQ lion or
<br /> ,� .
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