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•• . '�}, — :w:� <br /> � ♦•`� � . . <br /> � � <br /> ,.� �I <br /> . ��r �W�Wt7 <br /> iwno�diat�ly du� a4d payabl• and tb� •aa� •bsll th�s�upoa b�co�a� du� aad <br /> papabl� vithout pt���nt�ne d��nd, prot��t or notia� oi a�y kind. vpon <br /> - bz�aah by Tru�tar• in eh� p�rtor�na� cf any oth�r t�rri or oondition o# th� <br /> tTOt�, D��d of T�ra�t, r�nav�l�, a+odiiication• or •xt�nsion� tb�r�o�. <br /> �wn��iaiari�s nay Qacav,�.d� notia� o! suoh br�aah to Tru�tor� acid Tru�torw �h�ll <br /> hav� tblrty (9Q) day� lrow th� �ailia9 oi suah aotia� to eur� th• br�,rab. <br /> Th�r�alt�s, H�n�tiai�si�a Aay deliv�r to Trast�• a M�itt�n d�alaration ot <br /> d�fault sad d�mand !os •al�. Tru�ta� �hall hwv� th4• poMOr o! •al� o! th� <br /> Propsrty aad if e�a�liai�si�� d�cid� tb� Prop�rty is to bs �old, it •hall <br /> d�po�it Nith Truit� tb�f� Oe�d o! Tru�t and th� t�ae� os not�� and aay oth�r <br /> „ .,� �;;,•.�•-�� docunaat• �vidRaaiaq �xps4ditus�� ��our�d h�r�by, and •hall ds�ivas to Trust�� <br /> a �itt�a notic� ot detault aAd �l�ct�oa to cwus� th� Propsrty to bs �ol.d, aad <br /> ,�� Tru�tN, in turn, �6a11 ps�parr a •i�ailu notia� ia the los� xoqUiz�d�by law, <br /> .,'r • '•� ,� • � Whiab �hall b� duly fil�d Lor seaoad by Tru�tN. <br /> � , :.v• �, , <br /> _ �,-..'E�"�.s.� _'::II�:_: <br /> �. .;� . .,�. �a� ]►ft�s tde lapae of such tim� a� �nay bs r�quir�d by U+� follarinq tih� <br /> �' u �' � �r r�cordatioa oi Notice ot Detault, aad Notice ot Detsull: and Natiae o! Sal� <br /> 7 r ..+d;'.:_ �_ . . <br /> '� havinq b��n giva�. as r�quir�d by lav, Trust��, vitb4ut demaad on Tru�tor�, <br /> �:" , v <br /> ,., ; .. � �h�ll s�ll tbs Psoperty h�r�inb�for• d��crib�d, and any +�nd •v�ry part <br /> ' '�r• ��� th�r�of, in ssps.*.ate parc�ls or �� ma��� a• xh� Trustw muy aleat and in iuch <br /> •� ., osd�s �s Tru�t�• nmp olet�rmin� oa th• dRt• and at ths tiaea and pl�a• <br /> � : �•� designated in •aid t�otic� o# sal�, at public suction to the hiqheet bidder, <br /> ,;;• . � the puraha�� pric� payabia in caa�h in laa�lul moaoy o! tbe ltnitod SCataa a� tbe <br /> . ..r ' t3ne of sale. �h�e par�oA aonduating th� •al� may, for any caua� be oc she <br /> ^'.� " � de�ms �xpedi4nt, poet�oa� tba �ai� froa tim� to time uatil it �hall be <br /> " • °.. � � courgl�tQd and, in ovQry muah aa�o, nokiao o� postponamoat �hall bo qivvn� by <br /> _____ ____ � ����E� e��l����ton ther�ot by �uah p�rson at the tiars and pl�ce la�t appoinEed <br /> •� � ioz th� ual�= pr�vidod, if tho •alo is poetponed tor ].ongor thnn one (1•) dey <br /> �`•'°�. beyond tbe dap deaignatod in tha Notiao of Salo, notice ther�of shall be givQn <br /> :���:�::�:., <br /> ' ' ,.., ,� �'.� iri tha seme nsaanez as the original Notic� of Sal�. Truetee ahell exacuta and <br /> ' E � " • ` �' deliwr to tho purchasor ita Dood aonvaying tha proparty oo �old, but without <br /> , ;r�,,; , <br /> �.:•� ' "�;f any cav�nnat oz warzant, expree• or implied. The recitals in CAe Deed o! any <br /> }•� ,!"��:,�:,'��•• matt4r• os facta Rhall bo conclueivo proof o! tho truthfulnoaa tharoof. Any <br /> ' • `�:' ��".�'�i , perton, inaluding without limitatio�, B�n�ficiaries or Trust�e may purcha�e st <br /> � •''�"��������� tbe eale. said sale shall be conducted nt the rQal eatate fc�rming a part of <br /> �r .-. ? •_;\i�' .. <br /> ,� , ,�.'..; • the Property or at the court houoo in the aounty in whieh the Proporty to bs � <br /> �'w� �';r � �, .;��, �old, or �w�w part thoraof, ie situat�d. <br /> 1 � � <br /> ,.. <br /> : ,;;;';;;.1.. <br /> , (b) wh�n Tru�toe sell• pur�uant to th� power� h�rQin, Truet�� ■hall <br /> '' � apply thQ proceede of the aalQ to payment of the coeta and exp�nsas of i,';��;;; <br /> ' ' "_.� oxarciainq tho powar of aale and o! tho aala, includinq, without limitation, ;(,;;t'..' <br /> - tho paytnent of Tru�tee•s Seea incurred, which Truatee�9 leee ahall not in the ,' <br /> ' � agqr�gate exceed the swn of Five 8undred Dollara (5500.00) plua One Percent !� <br /> (lY) ot tha amount oQCUred hereby and remaining unpaid and then to the itomo �� <br /> - ,� sQt forth in �ubparagraph (c) of thio paragraph FigT� in the order therein <br /> �, . �LBtod. <br /> ; <br /> . • (c) 1►lter payinq the items specified in subparagraph (b) of thia � <br /> � "' " paragraph FiFTH, if the eale ie by Trustee, or the property court and othQr <br /> cost■ of forecloaure and ssle if sale ie pursuant to �udicial foreclosure, the <br /> � . � proceeds ot sale shall be applied in the order stated below to the payment of: <br /> l . � ( 1 <br /> .t � f <br /> : � <br /> , �_. . . <br /> � � . . <br /> - ,�—`--.—.-. : _ <br /> . ;.�. <br /> , � � .. <br /> � � „ <br /> + ' , <br /> � � <br /> i .� ..�. . � <br /> R <br /> . t <br />