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<br /> ,`�`�v.� ' � �s.
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<br /> 93- io�os
<br /> cba�rq� ot thi� O��d oY sru�t upoa +�np portioa a! th� pzop�stq aoL th�a or
<br /> th�r�totor� r�i�a��d a� •�ouritp ior tb• iuil aAOUat o! ali uapaid
<br /> obl�gatiau. s�ASliaiari�� arY• irow tiiM to tia� and vilh aotic�� �i) rei�a��
<br /> aap p�r�on �o li�bl�, �ii� �st�nd th� w�turity or �Lt�r any o! th� t�rw� o!
<br /> aay �uab obii�ation, �iii) qsanti oth�r iadulq�no��, (iv� r�l�a�� or r�aonv�y, �
<br /> or cau�� to b� r�l�a��d or r�aonv�y�d at aay tia ati s�n�lioiari��� optiod aay
<br /> para�i, pore�oa o! or aii oi th� prop�rty, (v) t�k� ar r�l�a�� aag oth�r or
<br /> additional ��ourity !os any obliq�tioa or ind�bt�dn��� h�r�la n�n�ion�d, or
<br /> (vi) aialc� aa�poaition� or otb�r �rs�aaq��nt� Mith d�btor� ia r�lation th�rwto:
<br /> (b) ia a8ditiion. to tib• right� and pow�r� qiv�o to tb� Tru�t�• •ad
<br /> S�a�liciari�� hea�ia, th� s�n�liaiasi�� �ball b�w all �uoh oth�r ri�bt� both
<br /> in law and �quity ior aoii�ction oi th� ind�bti�da��s ��aur�d h�r�by as it
<br /> �au1d b�v� but !or tbis o��d o! Tru�t= (i) ali aov�naat� aad ayr��swAt• o!
<br /> Trustors. ��E lArth in tbi� D��d o! �ru�t �hall b� joiat aad ��v�ralf (j) tbi�
<br /> ,_{�° ��� I��d o! Tru�ti ■h�ll b� gov�rn�d by th� l�v� o! th� st�t� o! w�bra�ka= (k) in
<br /> � � th� �v�at any one or aos� oi th� provi�ion� aontain�d in thi■ n��d o! �rru�t,
<br /> ""�� or tbs uot� or aay otbsr ��curity iastrum�nt givsn ia aoan�ation titith th�
<br /> w iadobt�dae�s h�r�by ��cuz�d �hall for any r�a�oa b� h�ld to b� invalid,
<br /> . r�� •,��;s�.:� � _•�.•:: ill�qal or unsnforc�abl� ia any r��p�at, suob iavalidity, ill�gality, or
<br /> ., ;r,!:;';ai un�alorc�abiliLy �hall, at th� aption o! eaa�iiaiari��, aot alt�at aay otl�r
<br /> ?r'�9;�,,a:;^..... ,
<br /> �,,,. �c provi�ion of thit Do�d ot Tru�t, but thi� o��d ot Tru�t �hall l� aon�tru�d as
<br /> �:;, if �uch iavalid, ill�gal, or unentora�abl� provi�ioa had aev�r b��n aoataia�d
<br /> ' -ti:tw,.�.,�+.�-��� h�r�in or t6�r�in. I! tb� li�n o! this D��d o! Tru�t is invalid or
<br /> '• �;T,�� , ua�niora�abl� a� to aay part o! th� iad�bt�dno�■ her�by ��our�d or �vid�aa�d
<br /> � •�;:�:s.d`�:���•� ' by eh� Not�, or i! th� li�n i• invalid or ua�atora�abl� a� to any part o! ttu
<br /> ..,�,;,.��, �, .�: p�
<br /> • �*at!i!�S�Y aM^( ' �' `yOp�rty, th� un��cur�d or partfally ��our�d portion o! �uah iad�bt�da��•
<br /> J � `'r��`�"'�'�"�'• �hall b� aoapl�t�ly paid prior to th� paym�at oi th� r�maininq aad ��aur�d or
<br /> � ''•�' ��`'� ` ,� artiall ��cur�d rtion of such indobtodn�s� and all a nto m�d� on auoh
<br /> ,�,;�-.,:�,�.,, . P Y Po . P Y�
<br /> f "- '. ; ft' iad�bt�dn���, ahethez voluntasy or under foreclosure or other enforesm�ati
<br /> � �•;�,ki�::`>!'�:' action or proc4duro, �hall be aon�f.derad to hava beon fir�t paid oa and
<br /> },. ; i;'�:"��;;�,�• appli�d to th� full paya►�nt ot tbat portioa oi such indebt�dnos� whiah i� not
<br /> ��';'{;;;�`,,' s�cured or not fvlly �ecurad by tho li�n ot thi■ Deed of Trust= and (1) th�
<br /> ��� '• � . eov�nant� aad agraament■ contained in thi• Daad o! Trust •hall bind, �ad tho
<br /> �' � � ; b�n�fit� aad advantage� h�r�of ahall inur• to tho re�p�ctiv h�irs,
<br /> � � �xocutor�, adminiatrators, �uccessors and •s�ign� of ths partie• hor�to.
<br /> wh�r�v�r u��d h�rain, the •ingular aumb�r ehsll includ� th� plural and
<br /> �K � ,. . � conv�r��ly, and th� u�e of a�y gond�r shall be applicablo to all g�nd�r�.
<br /> �t• r wh�r�v�r tha torm �Senoficiari�a� io u��d heroin, it �hall includ� th� legal
<br /> � � � �' hold�r or holdar� of the Nota or th� indabtedn��o �ocurod herein, it shall
<br /> i, .•":•:!,•..,, iaclud� th� logal holder os holdoro of tho Note or the indebtedn�s� ��curod :,
<br /> � ' .:'i �-�:: '` h�r�by. .�.ti`
<br /> ,;;,;•.,;,;; '' . .::.. ,
<br /> .. !"i_�,:
<br /> " • . . E T : tTpon writton raquQat of BQnQficiaries oxating that all amounta ��.'
<br /> ' • and irtdebtednoes socured hereby have baen paid, and upon �urrender o! thi•
<br /> � � Da�d ot Tru�t and the Note to Truetee for the cancellation and retention aad
<br /> - ,, upon paymoat by Truatora of Truatee�o faoa, Truatoo ahall raaonvoy Co �y -..
<br /> ,� � Tru�tor�, or th� por�on or poreons legally entitled thereto, without warranty, � .
<br /> �.�. • any portion of Eho propQrty thon held by Trustee heroundor. ThQ recitals in ,
<br /> x :• r�,�;',, such rQCOnv�y�nc• of an,y matters or facts ahall be co�clusiv� proof o� tho
<br /> �; � ?;;,i� truthlulnea� thereot. The 9rantee ot any reconveyance may be deacribad aa ; , ..
<br /> '.#' ' e ; ',�;,;,, .� "tho pereon or peroono legally entitled thereto.• � `.
<br /> �i, � ' ,
<br /> � .
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