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<br /> oov�naat• aad aoaditions 6�r�ol, sry�tor� aqrN that �a�liai�rt�� �6ai1 sad
<br /> do h�r�by bav� tb� riqbt, powr and �uthority dnriap th� oontinnaaa� ot tbi�
<br /> DMd o! Tra�t ta aqil�ot th� r�nt�, i��u�� and prot3t� oi tb� ptop�rtp and o!
<br /> +uiy prr�oaal prop�rtp loaat�d tb�r�oa vith or »ithout tak£ay po�����ioa o! t!u
<br /> prop�rty ail�ot�d tl�r�bp� aad Tru�eor� ls�r�by ab�olat�ly +iad naaonditioeullp
<br /> aa�iqa �11 �uah r�nt�, i��u�� and proiit� Eo i�a�l�ioi�si��. �a�tioiari��,
<br /> howvar, 6�r�by aon��at to sru�tor�• aoii�ation a�ad r�t�atioa o! �uch r�at�,
<br /> i��u�• and prolit� �� th�q aaasu� aad papabl� �o loaq a� Tru�tor� ar� not at
<br /> �uoh tisi� in d�l�alt vith r�ap�ot to papm�n� o! any iad�bt�dn��� ��aur�d
<br /> h�r�bp or in th� p�rio�eaaa� o! aay aqs����nt h�r�und�r. opoa aay �uch
<br /> d�lault, e�n�liai�riw� a��p at aay tia�, •ith�r ia p�r�on, bp ag�nt, or bp
<br /> r�a�iv�r to b� appoint�d by a eoust vitbout notia� aad vithout r�qard to th�
<br /> ad�quwoy ot u►y ��curitp ior th� iad�bt�da��� h�r�bp ��cur�d: (a► �ot�r upon
<br /> aad tak� po�����ioa oi th� Psop�rtp or aay parL th�r�of aad in it• orA na�
<br /> �u� !or or oth�rvi�� aoil�ct �uah r�at�, is�u�s and psotits, inoludinq tho��
<br /> �- .. �• past du� aed napa�id, and applp th� �a�, 1��� co�tr aad wxp�a��• o! op�ratioa
<br /> • ��•-�� �»d aoll�ctioa, iaaludiaq r�asoaabl� attora�y•• i���, apon any ind�bt�dn��•
<br /> ��ans�d h�r�by aad in �uoh crd�r a• �n�lioiari�� asy d�teswii.n�� �b) l�a�� th�
<br /> . ; ��.,•,;: -u,,., •aa� or au�q part th�r�o! for euab r�atal, t�x�n aad upon �uch coaditicn� a�
<br /> e�a�liaiari�s� judqn�at map dictat� or t�rninat� or adju�t th� t�rms and
<br /> `� � • ��+-� � r conditioas of aay �ui�ting l�a�� oz l�a���. onl��• Tru�tor� and B�n�liciari��
<br /> ti:,' - b ' .�,��t!'
<br /> �� � � • agrN oth�rwi�� in aritiaq, any applioa�ion o! r�nt�, i��u�� or proiit� to aap
<br /> � �� �a`�'�^'� �• iadsbt�dn��• ��our�d h�z�by •hall aot �xt�nd er po�tpoao tho du� data o! th�
<br /> '� �' "' '� '4� " iastallm�nt payn�nt• a• provid�d in th� N'ot� or ahang� th� aaount oi �uah
<br /> ����r�"���''�r� 111Sti11sN11t/. The �nt�riag upon th� taking po�����ion o! the Proporty, th�
<br /> �" '>�';���`a• '� - eoll�ctioa of �uch r�nt�, is�u�� and proti.t�, aad th� applicatioa th4r�oi a�
<br /> ���� ' `� ��'� :y aior�said, ahall aot vaiv� or aur� any d�iaalt or notic� of d�fsult horout�d�r,
<br /> . ."' : . :. .� , or iavalidat� any act dono pur�uant to such aotic�. Truator� ��signs to
<br /> . • ' e�n�tioiari�s, a� furth�r ��ourity for th� p�rfoz�na� o! th� ind�btedn�t• aad
<br /> ' � obliqation� ��aus�d h�r�by, all propaid rents sad all mon�y� whfch may have
<br /> „ ''•,�.,. be�a or s�ay hor�aitor bo d�positod �►fth Truator■ by any losseo of the
<br /> � .�'� � prop�rty, to ��cure th� paym�nt oi any r�nt or damag�s, aad upon d�tault in
<br /> . Lha partormanc� oi any of tho psovision h�r�oi, Tru�tor� agr�o to d�liv�r �uch
<br /> � • ". r�At• and d�pasit� to H�n�fiaiario�. D�liv�ry ot vritt�a notic� o!
<br /> '' een�liaiaries� exercise of th� right• grantod by this pazaqrapb TsxRD to any
<br /> ���. tenant oacupyi�q tlse Proparty or any portion th�roof �hall ba au�ficiant tio
<br /> �� ' s�quire �aid t�naat to pay seid r�nt to 9onotf.aiariea �:ntii furt2:ar Aotiao.
<br /> 5�"
<br /> � POURTA: i! thoro •hall bo fil�d by or againat th� Trustor� any potition
<br /> �� •� • or proaesdinq s�eking an arrenqsment or composition or ext�naion or any oth�r
<br /> � � i ' roliot undar or purauant to th� Fedoral Hankruptcy codo or any othor •imilar
<br /> �`�? � • � etatnte ae now or hsr�aftar in �ffact. or if th� Truetore shall ba adjudicated ,tsc,
<br /> �}I � � .. "� �'_,,,, ` f�.
<br /> � , bankrupt or ineolvant or any of Truatora• proparty shall havQ bean 4oque�torad 4�� .
<br /> ' and such d�crea ahall have continued undiacharged and nn�tayed for ni�aty (90) �
<br /> ., � � day� after th� ontry thereot, then the whole of thQ Note and indebtadne�• '
<br /> � � ' ��,, horoby aQCUr�d ehs21, without aotico, at the option of tho 8enoifcfario� 1
<br /> '�f':�ij :-�:' i
<br /> � • . _ ,.,,,,�,�;.. .. .. b�aouw dua nnd payable. �
<br /> .. "�;,•"�,.. . , ,
<br /> 4 ; ' � .
<br /> ' FIFTHa upon dofault by Truatore in tha payment of the Note, or any
<br /> '.�.- ` . renewalo, modificationa or exteneione thereof or the payment of any other
<br /> • ,.;,;:,:�,.; . indabtodneot sacured heraby Seneficiariee tnay declare all sums secur�d her�by
<br /> � ; ,,�...
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