<br /> ,, ..,, .. .,
<br /> +� �.v; •;. . - . .
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<br /> ;�; �t the option of L,ender, it mort�e i�noe covera�e (in the amouat snd ior tho period that Laider roquires)
<br /> provided by�n in�ur+er�pproved by Lender�pin bevoma�v�il�ble and is obtained.Borno+ver�hall pry the premium�
<br /> requtrod ta mdnain mort�s�e ineuran�e in etteat,or to provide� laen raorve� until the requirement tor mort�e
<br /> inwranoe endr in�xordanvc With any M�ittan��eement betNeon BoeroNer�nd Lender or�pp1icable I�M.
<br /> 9.Ia�pection.Lender or ia a�ent may mdce ra�on�ble entda upon md inrpoations o-f the Proherty.Lendet�Full
<br /> ble pwe tor the i tion.
<br /> tive at slme oi or or u►�n i on f in rea�ona nspea
<br /> �lve BorroMer no the PrI nepeat! epeai Y �
<br /> �^�' 10.Condemnation.The s ot�ny aN�td or cl�im tor damr�a,diract ot coneequentid.in canneation�►ith
<br /> �ny condemation or othar n�ot any prt of the Property,or tor co�veyance in lieu of oondemn�don.�ro hereby
<br /> ��•�. ariRned�nd eh�ll be pid to Lender.
<br /> 't �ti''��.G•,;a;•�� Tn tho event oI a total u{cin�ot the Prope�ty,tha proceeds e1w11 ba appliod to tha aums secured by thia Socurity
<br /> 1;+����r�_ Inatru�nent�Mhother or not than due,�ith�ny o=oaee patd ta BonoNer.ln the event ot a p�rtial Wcio�of the Property in
<br /> � �-; .��'•���� which the fdr m�rkot value ot the Property immedi�toly beioro the takinQ te eqwl to or�rater ttun the amount ot the
<br /> *�:�s,,�•: .; ., sums eeourod by this Seaurity Instrument immedi�toly betoro the ta{cln��unleae Borrower md Lender otherwiee��roe
<br /> '� '" in writin�,tha aums eeaured by thle Securlty lnatrumrnt eiull be rodu�xd by the�mount ot the proceed�multiplied by
<br /> '�'-''�Qi '"" `"''�`' the tollo�in�trsotion:(a)the totsl amount ot the sums sxurod immediately betoro the takin�,divieied by (b)the fair
<br /> ��"�`�' � ' " ' �� � market value oi the Property immedi�uly betoro the ta{�ng.My balmce etull be paid to Borrower. In the event of a
<br /> �M;;':-,":'�'.;,„ p�t�tial talclea oi the Property in ahich the t�ir market value of the Property immedi�tely beforo the akin�ie lese thm
<br /> ` � ` the�mount ot the sums seoured immediatoly betoro the takin�,unlese garrower and I.rnder otherwise a�oe in wrttin�
<br /> :ys� '`�" "•� '� � '" or unlese applipble laa otherwiee provides, the proceeds ahall be applied to the eums seeured by this Security
<br />_ '�t''�s �� r •�• Inatrument whether or not the euma are then due.
<br /> �`�- ` ' ' '' ''`"� if the Property is ab�ndonod by Borroaer�or it.dur notice by Londer to Borrower that the condemnor oHers to
<br /> �'' Bomowa[aile to nd to I.ender within 30 days after the dite tl►o
<br /> !-� ;', make�n aau�d or settle a elaim for dam��ea, r�pu
<br /> notioe is given,Lender is�uthor�zed to collxt�nd�pply the proceeds.at ite option,either to restoration or rep�ir ot the
<br /> �f Property or w the aums eeoured by this Seaurity Instrument,whether or not thon due.
<br /> , �1 Unleas Lender and Borrower otherwise s�ee in writinS.my application oi proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly payments reterred to in psr��raphe 1 �nd 2 or chanQa the amount of such
<br /> � psyments.
<br /> � � 11. Bono�ver Not Retessed; Forbaraace By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time[or payment or
<br /> �. ,; modification o[�mortization ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> ,;�, . � intcr+cst oi Borroaer etull not operau to roleaso the li�bility oi the original Borrower or Botroaer's sucasaars in
<br /> • interest.Londer ahall not be required to commence proceedings�gainst any suca.ssor in interc�st or retuse to extend
<br /> � � • time for paym�nt or otheraise madify amortizetion ot the sums sxured by this Sxurity Instrument by reason ot sny
<br /> • �� "' demand made by the ori�inel Borrower or Borrower's successors in intenet.My forbearance by Lender in exerciain�
<br /> f �ny r�ght or remedy ahsll not be a waiver of ar preclude the eYercise ot aay right or romedy.
<br /> � - 12.Successors and Aasiaoa Bound;Joiat�nd Several Liability:Co-aiYaers.The covenents and agroements ..
<br /> „ ' � l of this Security Instrument shell bind and benetlt the successors end a�igns ot Lender and Borrower,subject w the , �
<br /> � provisions of para�aph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements ehall be joint and several.Any Borrower who w'signe ' '--
<br /> ' • , ' this Seourity Instrument but dces not exxute the Noto: (a) is co'signing this Se�urity Instrument only to mortgege, �.�,,,,
<br /> � �:.:,; grant and convey that Borrowor's interest i� the Property under the terms ot this Security Instrument; (b) is not
<br /> . . personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and (c) agrces that l.ender and eny other ��'!'_-
<br /> ! " Bdrrower msy agroe to extend,modify,torbear or make eny accommodetions with reyerd to the terme ot this Security �•
<br /> Instrument or the Note aithout that Horrower's consant. �'u`
<br /> 1;.. . � ;�A.
<br /> � 13. Lwn C6�rQes.I[the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a Iaw which sets mazimum lo�n .
<br /> cher�ea. and that law ia tinelly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colloctod or to be collected in
<br /> �'= conneotion with the loan exceed tho permitted limits, thrn: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> 'i'� necessary to reduce the cherge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums elready collxted fram Borrower which �
<br /> exceeded permitted limits will be retunded to Horrower. Lender may cM�o.ge to make this refund by reducing the �
<br /> , ' � principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Horrower.If a retund reduces principsl,the roduction F
<br /> r ' . wil)be treated as e pattial prepayment without any prcpaymen�cnargo under tne tiote. E
<br /> ' 1�1.Notices.Any notica to Borrower provided tor in this Security Instrumenc ahall be given by delivering it or by !
<br /> . meiling it by tirat class mail unles9 applicable law requires use ot another method.The notice shall be directed to the ,
<br /> � Property Address or any other address Borrower designetes by notice to I.ender.Any notice to Lender shaU be given by
<br /> ,� ' ',• tirst class mail to I.ender's address stated herein or any other address Ixnder desigaates by notice to Bonower. Any '
<br /> � ' . • notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Boreower or Lender ahen given i
<br /> � as provided in this patagraph.
<br /> �: ' 1S.Governio�Law;Severability.This Security Instrumentshall be governed by tederal law and the lew of the
<br /> � .' jurisdiction in which the Property is Iceated.In the event that any provision or clause ot this S�xurity Instrument or the ,
<br /> � � Note wntlicte with applicable law,such conflict shell not affect other provisions af this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � which can be given effect witAout the conflicting pro�•ision.To this end the pro�•isions ot this Security Instrument and
<br /> • ' i the Note are declared to be seversble.
<br /> �. ' ` `' I .
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