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<br /> � ' �
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<br /> 93-' 1078'�'S
<br /> ,;' ;; . . � _, 16.Horrower's Copy.Bnrrower Rlull be�ivan one aontormed copy of the Note and ot thls Security Inatrument.
<br /> �'� ��
<br /> 17.Tnn�fer oi t6e Yropert or�Beaeticid Interest in Borrowor. !t all or any prt ot the Property or my
<br /> '�� interaet tn jt la�old or tranden+oi or it a bonaticl�l intm�t in Borrower ie sold or transterred md Aorrower io not•
<br /> n�tual person) withont Lender's a�wrltten eaneent,l.ender may,�t its option,requiro immedi�te p�yment in full of
<br /> oli•sum�seoured by thi�Seaueity lnrtrument. HoMever� thie option ehall not be e:eraieed by Lender it eserci�e is
<br /> �:�� prohibited by tederal I�w�s ot the d�te of this Seaurity Instrument.
<br /> ' ""�'± It Lender a�eroiees thie option.l.ender siull�ive HorroNer notioe ot acceleration.The nottce eh�ll provide a perlod
<br /> .'��''"�"� ot not laee thon 30 d�ys Irom tho date the notice ie deltvered or m�ilod within which Aorrower must pay all eums eecurod
<br /> �°-y... �• � by this Sxurity Instniment,lt Borrower bila to py thaee suma prior to the e:piration at thls perlod.Lander may invore
<br /> _ , ,� `'.. _ �ny romediee permitted by this Seaurity inetrument aithout turther natice ar damand on Borrower.
<br /> ''" " o""r - 18.Borr�wer's Ri�ht to Roia`tato. lt Borrower meeta certain conditiona�Borrower shall hnve the rlBht to heve
<br /> �'�"'��:;:'::;-=. ;;� entoroement of this Sxurity Instrument diecontinued at any tlme prIor to the arlier at;(a)S daye(or such other period
<br /> - ����,y;.,!��'� � �- �e•pplicable law may speeity to�roinahtement)botoro sale of the Prop�rty purswnt to anypo aer of eale cantained in
<br /> -c,.:�.:.E�.. � ° ': thie&ocurit Inetrumient;or Sb� entry at s jud�ment entarcin� thie�ecurity Inetrument.Thaso conditions aro ttut
<br /> ki.i� .. �.'� � �troqt� ra� py8�(�((���� eume which than wouid be due under this Securtty Inetrument�nd the Note as it no
<br /> acceleration had ocoun+ed; (b)curoa�ny defiult ot any other covemnte or aQreements;(c) pays all expensas incurrod in
<br /> .;�� � �' entorcin�ti�is Seaurity Inatrument,inciudin�,but not limited to,roason�ble attorneys'fces;and(d)takes suoh action as
<br /> :�•�._
<br /> ' Lendor may reasombly require to aseure th�t the lien of this Security Inatrument,l.ender's rights in the Property end
<br /> a'�`'�•• F � ' ��•�' ` Horrower's oblig�tion to p�y the sums securod by this Secu�lty Inetrument shell continuo unchengcd.Upon reinetatemant
<br /> ° �� `' P ' • ° by Borrowar,this Security Instrumentand the obligat�one secured heroby ehall remein fully aftxdve as it no acceleration
<br /> - ' � � h�d occurred.Howover,thie right to reineteteshill�ot�pply in the case ot acceleretion under paragraph 17.
<br /> • . �� 19.Sale of Note;Chso�e oi Lwa Servicet.The Note or a p�rtiel inurcat in the Note(w ether with this Socurity
<br /> � . � �� Instrument)may be sold one or moro times without prior notice to Borrower.A eale may result�n a chan�e in the entity `.�� '
<br /> �� � (lu�oan�s the"Loan Servicer")thot collects monthly psymenta due under the Note and this Security Inetrument.Thero � •
<br /> ' � � " also may be one or mora changes of the Loa�Servicer unrelated to a eale of the Nota.If there is�change ot the I.oan ry"""w�
<br /> Se�wicer,Borrower aill 6e given written notice at the ch�n�a in�ecardence atth poragraPh 14 above artd applicable law. `�-�s-.,�--�.
<br /> The notice will etate the eeme and address of the nea Loen Servicer and the�ddresa to ahich psymcnts ahould bo msdo. � � >
<br /> • The notice will also contein any other information required by applicsble law. ;.J; �� '`;
<br /> - 20.Hsaardous Substaaeea. Borrower ahall not cause arpermit the pr�ence,usa,disposal,storage,or raleasa ot . -
<br /> ., any Hszudoue Subetancea on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,�or allow anyone olse to do,anything atfecting
<br /> ,. the Property thet is in violation ot any Env�runmentall.Aw.The preceding two sentences shall nat apply to the presence.
<br /> ' use, or stonge on the Property ot small quantities o[ Hazetdoua Subetances that are generally recognized to be �''r. '
<br /> appropriate ta�ormal residential usas and to rnalntensnce of the Property.. '_
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written natice ot�ny iaveatigat�on.cleim.demond,lewau�t or other action by °'�`•��;��� .
<br /> � any governmental or regu�letory agency or private party involvin� the Property and an� Hezardoua Substance or `,�;;,•
<br /> Environmentsl Law ot which Borrower hos actual knowledge.It Borrower learns,or ia notif�ed by any governmental or '�:;�::�' .
<br /> , regulatory authority� that any removal or other romediation of any Hazardous Substance aifxting the Property is ,.. '.�"
<br /> � necessary,Borrower shal)promptl�take all necess�ry remediel actione�n accordence with Bnvironmental l.aw. -'���`�"�''�'.
<br /> . —__ _, – As used in this paragraph 2i1 Hazardous Sub�t,un:rs"�ro tho�e sub�tances de�ined as io�;ic ot hazardaus substanccs ��--"' •'
<br /> � �.,,..�c�:.–..:-�,�:
<br /> 7' .'��.. by Environmentsl I.aw and the folloaing substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toaic petroleum products, t ' ,;�.
<br /> � toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing esbestos or formaldehyde, and rad�oective ;
<br /> matenals.As used in this psregraph 20,"Environmental L.aw" means tederal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the � �
<br /> Property ie located that relate to health,sefety ar environmental protection. � . ;, t
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'TS.Borroaer and Lender furtharcovenant and agree as foUows; i -
<br /> 21. Accelention; Remedies. Lender shell Qive notice to Borrower prior to acceloration tollowin� ; ' ;•"-�-•� j
<br /> Horrower's breac6 of�ny covenant or a�reemoat ia this Security Inatrument (but aot prior to scceler�tion • -�� �
<br /> �; under pera�raph 17 ualess�pplicabla law provides atho�wise).T6e notice s6sll spccity: (a)tde default;(b)the n•
<br /> ' �ction requirad to cure the default; (c) a date, aot lesa t6�n 30 days from t6o date t6e aotice is�iven to ` � `ti''
<br /> ��.� � Borrower. by which the dotault must be cured;and (d)td�t tailure to cure tho default on or before the date `
<br /> • � specitted in t6e aotice may result ia acceteration ot the sums secured by thiat Securit�Iastrumeat and sale ot �•:
<br /> � � the Property. The notice shall turther inform Borrower ot the right to reiastste siter�cceleratioa and the � .
<br /> ri�ht to brin�� court�ctioa to assert t6e non-axistence of a det�ult or any other detease of Borrowor to i' ' • �':,
<br /> � acceleration aad s�le. It the detault is not cured on or betore t6e d�te specified ia th�notice. Lender. �t its ' �
<br /> option, may require immediate p�ymeot in Iull ot sll suma secured by this Security Instrument wit6out
<br /> turther demand and may invoke the power o� sale �nd �ny other remedies permitted by applicable law. . '
<br /> ' ' Leoder ehsll be entitled to collect dl expeases incurred in pursuina the remedies provided in this paraeraph
<br /> �� • 2i.iacluJia�,but not limitcd to�reasonable atlorneys'tees and costa of tltlee��idence. �
<br /> . If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of detault in each couaty in wbich�ay psrt oi
<br /> • � t6e Property is locsted and shsll mail copies ot such notice in the mannar Qrescribed by applicable Isw to
<br /> ' Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by appiicable Isw, e�tter tho time required by applicable law. •�
<br /> ' • � Tru�tee s6all give public notice oi sate to thepersons and in the msnner p�e�scribed by applicable law.Trustee.
<br /> . � without demsnd on Borrower,shdl sell t6o Property at public auction to the hiQhest bidder st the time and
<br /> � ;,,r;i.���'� '. . place aad under t6e terms desieasted in t6e notice ot sale in one or mort pucels and in any order Trustee ,
<br /> determiaes.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any psrcel ot the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> �. � time and place of any previously schedulad ssle. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property� at any
<br /> ' ssle.
<br /> � F�rm 302! 8/90
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