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<br /> S.Hs�ud or Ptoperty la�unaoe. AarruMar st►A?.!keep the ir►�provement�noM e�istin�or hereatter erected on
<br /> ehe Properey�nsurod�pin�t lor by tira.lu�cdr inc�tl�aA within the term"ertendad coven�e'and any oth�r hszud�,
<br /> �i includin�pood�or tloodin�,tor�vWch 1.«rdar rre��quir�ls�neucance.Thi�ituuance dull be m�intainod in the amauna
<br /> and tor the per�ads th�t l.endec i'aquiras.'I'ho inau��curim'Pravjdin�tho in+�unnce�lull be ohaon by BarroMer
<br /> suMjoct ta LmKler'�approvd whtch slull nat be ununw�ontblY wiW�eld.li Borm�rer taii�w mdntain oov�ea�e daodbed
<br /> �t �bavo.Lendec rruy.at l�ender'�option, obt�in oov�q.to protect Lende�'s ri�ht�in sha PropereY in a000rd�noe Nleh
<br /> �� Pua�n�h 7.
<br /> AIi ;neurance policias and reneM�ls�t�ll ba�a�pW�ble w Lendar snd ehatl include �etand�rd maMp�a clau�o.
<br /> Londer ehall h�ve the ti�ht to hold the palidts an� reaeM�l�. It Landerroq ulros, HorroMer �ull promPtl9 �ive to
<br /> ; I.ender all roceipta ot paid promiums aad renuwal natican.ln the event of loe�+�8orro�er eFull gi w prwmpt not�oe w the
<br /> inwr�nce arrier�nd Lender.Lender m�,y make p�wt ataoae it not mado promptly by HorroMer.
<br /> ��•' � "' Unlaas Lender u�d Borrowec otherariae a�rae in writin�.inauriuwa proceeds eh�ll be�ppltad to roswntion or�r
<br /> ,..•Y�...-
<br /> � ot eha Property d�ma�ed,it the n�swr�dan vr rap�tt is econamically te�slblo and I.ender'x eecurity ia twt IeeBenod.l the
<br /> �._.�,���, , restoredon or repir ie r.ot econamtally feaeibla c�r LandePe aecw�Ity aould be Imsanod,the insuance pmceode ehdl be
<br /> � appliad to the sums exured by this Socuricy lt�trumont,.whetber or not then due.with�ny o:ce�e p�id to Bomowa'.lt
<br /> Borrnwer�b�ndone the Proparty.ar doea nat uvtaa�Mithin 30 daye a notioe irom l.ender th�t the insur�nce c�rrier hse
<br /> � ' �. �' -' ot�ered to sottie� cleim,then Irender rnyr collact ttu�.insurunw procee�ds.Lender m�y use the prooeeds w rep�tr ar
<br /> A , -.41r'w4E{•w:'sa�
<br /> .�'.�:• raetoro tho PropertY or to psy sums e�curad by ehia&eawity Tmtrumer►t,whether or not then due.Tha 3Q�d�y poriod NIII
<br /> �, ��. � F�...,.v. :• be6in ahen the notice ie Qiven.
<br /> ,i,ta �.��� Unlaes Lander and Horrower othecwisa��ras 1n wttitina,u►y application ot prooeeds ta principd shall not oxtend or
<br /> pastpane tho duo date ot the monthly p�yments ratectx�d to in phs 1�nd 2 or chango tho amount o[the payments.
<br /> ..-��, �; . s.- :." Yt under p�a�►ph 21 the Proparty is scquin�d bq L�ender, o�rro�wer's ri�ht w �ny insutance policies�nd pr�aeeds
<br /> !. �'��. • " ' neulting fmm duna�e to the Prapect,y priar ta tbt,ev9uisition ehall p�s to Lendar to the ertent ot the eume aecured by
<br /> thia Secur�ty Inetrument immodisuly or w tb�acquisition.
<br /> p . .. ' 6.Ooaupsncy.Prasorvatian, +��iataaenr�o�nd Protoctton ot the Property; BorroWer's Loan Applicatloa;
<br /> �.;; •., ° I.esseholda. Borrowor shell occuQy.eetibtisi�.and use the Property as Horrower's principsl residanca within sixty days �
<br /> etter tha execution of this Secuunty Iru�-tn�ment snd ahall continue w uccupy the Property as Borrower's principal
<br /> �� residence tor at leaet one yeac�[te�the data ot oceupancy,unlesa Lender otheraise a�raea tn writinB,which consant ahall
<br /> ea t
<br /> � � nat be unrcasonsbly withheld�ar urtlasa extenuatin�c�rcumstsncesoxist which�ro begond Borrower's control.BorroWer
<br /> � �� ahtill not destroy,dsmsge or impair ttxs Property,aUow the Proporty to deteriorate.or commit waete on the Propert .
<br /> ' � � Borrower ehsll be in default if�ny farfeiture actian or proceedin�,whether civil or criminal,is be�un that in Lender�s
<br /> � . � good hith judgment could rosult in forteitun of the Property or otherwiee meter�elly imp�ir the 1 ion created by this
<br /> • ` ^ � Socurity InetrumeM or Lender's sacurity interest.Borrower may cure such a default and reinst�to. �e providod in
<br /> . p�rngraph 18, by caueinQ the aGtitm or proceedin� to be dismissad with a rulinQ th�t, in i.ender's �ood taith
<br /> � � determination,preciudea forteitur�o�thc Borcower's interest in the Property or other material impairment o[the lien
<br /> _ - ---_—-- created by thie Security I�t�umcni�.r I.en�'s�curity it�terest.Bosrar:er�ha!!a!�be in defavli if 9orsowec.during
<br /> �. s``���'�� � the loen applicetion pnacesA, gava materially false ar inaccurete i�formatian or statements to Lender (or failed to
<br /> provide Lender with any mpteriel information)in cannection with the loen evidenced by tha Note� including, but not
<br /> ' limitsd to,representations conc�rn3ng Borrower's occupancy ot the Property as a principal residenoe.lt this Security
<br /> ;:, lnstrument is on a le�ssahold,Bormwer sha11 comply with all the provisions ot the lease.l�'Borroaar acquires fee title to
<br /> ' tha Property,the leasehold and tho Fee ti tle shell not merge unless I.ender agrees to the merger in writin�.
<br /> • 7.Pratectio�of Lendor's Ri�bts in the Property.If Borrower teils to portorm tha covenanta end agreements -
<br /> � , contained in thie Security Iostrumrt►t,or thero is a lega) praceedi�g that may si�mticantly affoct Lender a rights in the
<br /> � Property (suah es e proceedinQ in ban�ruptcy, probate, far condemn4tion or fo�feiture or to entorce laas or
<br /> regul�tions),then Lendor may do and p�y for wh�tover is n�ry to protect tha value ot the Property and L,ander's �. . .
<br /> ,�� righta in the Property. Ixnder's �caions may include psying any suma sxured by a lien which his pnority over this
<br /> + � Security Instrumrnt,appcarin�in court.prying reasonable attorneys fees and entrring on tho Property to make repeira �
<br /> ' Although Lender may take action under this piragr�ph 7,Lender does not have to do so. ��
<br /> Any amounts diebursed by i�nder under this paragraph 9 shall bacome additional debt ot B�rroaer secured by this
<br /> ' ' . Socurity Inetrument.Unless Horrovler and Lender agree to other terms ot payment,these amounts shall bear interest ;
<br /> - from the date ot disbursement nt�Uxs Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice trom Lender to Botrower i
<br /> ' requesting paymmt. �
<br /> 8.Mortj�� Insunneo. It Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of making the Ioen secured by this �.
<br /> Security lnstrument,Bottawer shull pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurence in eftect.It,[or any
<br /> � reason, tho mortga�e insumnca covcrAge required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in eftect, Borrower sha11 pay the �
<br /> • pramiums required to obtain coverage substentially equivalent to the mo�tgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> . � substentially equivalent to th� cc�t to Borrower of the mortgage in.surance previously in etfect, trom an alternate
<br /> � mortgeYe ineurer approved by Lender. It sub�tantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,
<br /> � � ,.;ti�`"�!�+, � { Borrower shall psy to l�ender each month 4 sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being
<br /> , � paid by Borrower when the insurance coverege lapsed or ceased to be in etfect.Lender will acrept,use and retain these
<br /> , � � payments as e loss reserve in lieu of mortEage insurance. Loss reserve paymente may no longer be required,
<br /> � �
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