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<br /> ;;,i TO(}gfHBR WITH dl tha improvementa now or here�ttor eroctod �n t�he propercy. and �II auementa,
<br /> �ppurtenmoes,and firiuro�noM o�hero�fter�p�rt of the properi�y.All ropl�oemann and additfons�hall�liw be ooverod
<br /> by eiue Seourlty Insvt�ment.All oi the toro�vin�i�roterrod to in this Security Instruntent+�t the"Property.'
<br /> BORR0INBR COVHNAN7'S th�t BorroMer i�I�M�ully�oi�ed ot the at�te hereby conveyed�nd has the�i�t►t w
<br /> �nnt�nd oonvcy the Property md that the Property is unenoumbered,eYCept tor oncumbranoes of recnrd. HorroNer
<br /> w�rrants uid Mitl detend�anerally the title to the PropertY�pinat tll aldme ud demand�,wbjeat to any enoumbranoa�
<br /> ot rocord.
<br /> !��`�^ "� THi3$ECURITY INSTRUMBNT oombines unitorm covmunta for nationai uee md non-unitorm coven�nte Nith
<br /> ..,,,��.,.
<br /> _��. �,:w � limited wd�t�one by Juriediation to oonatituu�unitorm aecurity inatrument coverin�roal property.
<br /> n"'"3�"�� � iJNIPORM COVBNANTS,Borrower and L�mder covetwnt and A eo as tnliow�.
<br /> • . .��.;:.::`�.-;��:�� �'
<br /> :.,zmi►.�.�� . � I.Payment ot Principsl�nd lntere�t;Prep�yment�nd l.�te Char�e�. BorroMer�hall promptly p�y whon due
<br /> ''�"""�'f: . _ the principl ot and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note md my prep�ymeM md lato ch�rQea due under the Noto.
<br /> . .y ..•" " __.
<br /> ` � ' ` ' ' �� 2. Funds tor Ts:ei md In�unnce. Subjxt to applicable lew or to�w�itten w�tver by Lender,Borrower ehdi
<br /> ; �• �:.?�°'. pay to Lender on the day monthly pymar.ts�ro due under the Nou.until the Note is p�id in full,a sum("Funds")�or.
<br /> ;. � , (a1 y�rly tatas and aseessmente whiah msy�ttain priority over this Security Instrurnent�s�lian on the Property;(b)
<br /> yarly le�sehold p�yments or gmund rents on the Property,it any;(c)yearly haz�rd or property insunnce premiums;
<br /> �� '��'�'°:' o �' (d)yarly tlood ineurance premiume,ii my;(e)yearly mort�a�e insurance premiums,if u►y;�nd(t)any sums psyabla
<br /> - , - •, #_ :z. � by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with the provisions ot pera�ph 8,in lieu of the payment ot mort��e insurance
<br /> '��. ' , . '' '' premiuma,Theae iteme�re called"EscroM Items."Lender m�y��t any time.coliect md hold Funds in�n amount not
<br /> ''��; ±�'� �.�i,;�c:.��,:� to exceed the m+ximum �mount �lender tor a tcderally rel�ted mortgaee loan m�y requiro tot Aonower's escrow
<br />���' • ac�count under the federal Ral Est�te Settlement Procodurcs Act of 1974 as amended irom time to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br />� � , Sectioe 2bp1 et a�q, ("REBPA"�, unlese�nother law that applies to the Funds seta a Icsser amount.It eo�L,ender m+�y.
<br /> � • at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to e:ceed the le�ser amount.Lender may estimate the amount ot
<br /> . `' Funde due on the bisis oi current dtta and raeonable estim�tes ot e:penditures oi futuro F�crow Itema or otherwise in
<br /> , ° avcordance with applicable I�w. .
<br /> ^ The Punds shall bo held in m inatitution whoae depo�ite�ro insu�ed by a[ederal��ency.instrumentality,or entity =•�� , -
<br /> � ' (including Landar.it Ler�der is such an inatitution)or in�ny Feder�l Home Loan B�nlc L.onder shall apply the Funds to . ... '.;.
<br /> .. ' pay the F�crow Iteme.Lender may not charger Horrower for holding and spp�l3in� the Punds, annwlly amlyzi�g the ' "'
<br /> � escrow�ecount,or verifying the F�crow Itoma,unless Lender pays Botrower interest on tho Funds and applicable law >'�,;a
<br /> �� �. � permits Lender to m�ke such a charge. However, Lender may require $omo�er to p�y a one-time char�e for an �L y...
<br /> • independent ral eatate ux reporting service used by I.ender in connection witl�this loen. unlc�se applipble law pravides
<br /> otharwisa.Unless an agreement ia mitdo or appliceble law requires interest to be paid,I.enda shall not be requit+ed to Y �:>�_
<br /> pay Borrower any interest or amings on the Funds.Borrower and I.ender m�y a�ree in ari ting,however.that interest ,:,���lr;::
<br /> shell be p�id on the Funds.I.ender ehall give to Borrower,without chuge�sn aru�ual iccounting of the Funds,ehowing ,,;. �.
<br /> ` __�j credits and debits to tho Punds�nd tha purpose[or which each debit w the Fw�ds was mpde.Th�Funds aro pledEod ae
<br /> - `—'- "'�;" "--'- additionei security tor aii sums eacured by this Socurity Inatrument. , , :
<br /> ;.�',. �.� If the Funds held by l.ender excoed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,I,endet sh'll account to ±t•.
<br /> � t•'� Borrower tor the e:cess Punds in accordance with the requirem�nts of applicable law.R the amaunt ot the Funds held ,...... .
<br /> � . ' " by Lender at�ny time is not sutticiont to pay the F.scrow Items when due,Lender m�y so notity Bnrrower in ariting,
<br /> d ,'
<br /> �;. •;;�_ and.in such caae Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Hnrrr�wer shall mal�e f : .•,'�, ;:
<br /> ' up the deticiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lende�s sofe discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums socured by thie Security lnstrument,Lender shnll promptl��tetund to Barr�wer � �';�
<br /> ° � any Funds held by L.ender. It,undet paregtaph 21, Lender shell acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the
<br /> } acquisition or ssle of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by i.ender at the time oi uaquisition or salo as a credit : ,.,
<br /> � ageit�st the sums secured by this Security Inetrument. � �� •
<br /> .'�; 3. Applicatioa ot Paymeats.Unless appliceble law provides otherwise,all payments rsceivod by I.ender under ' ' .
<br /> ; paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bo applied:tirst,to any pre�ayment charges due under the Note;second,ta amounts payable
<br /> � under peragraph 2;third,to interest due;tourth,to pnnc�pal due;and last,to any late cherges due undes the Note.
<br /> �� 4. Char�es; Lieas. Borrower ahc+ll pay all taxes, a.�ments,cherges, tines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> r.., � . Property ahich may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payrnents or ground renu, it any. �
<br /> .•, , Borrower ehall pay these obligetions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or it aot paid in th�t manner. Borrower
<br /> . r�hail pay them u��time directly to tha person oaed payrnent.Bono���er shal! psomptly furnish to Lende�all notic�nf -
<br /> � amaunts to be paid under this paragrrph.If Bonower makes these payments directl3•,Bormwer sh�ll promptly furnish ' '
<br /> toLender receiptsevidencing the payments. a�
<br /> � • , Borrower shall promptly discherge any lien which has priority o�•er this Se�:urity Instrument unlesg Borcower. (a) z
<br /> ° ' agrees in writing to the payment ot the obligation secured by th�lien in a manner ecceptable to I.ender; (b)contests in �
<br /> good faith the lien by,or defonds against entorcement ot the lien in, legal F;occ�dinga which in the I.ender's opinion .
<br /> � , operata to provent the enforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder ot the lien an agrcement satistactory to
<br /> • Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property ia subject
<br /> ' to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,l.ender may give Borrower a natice identitying the
<br /> lien. Borrower shsll satisty the lien or take one or more of the actiona set torth ebove within 10 days of the giving oi
<br /> � noxice.
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