<br /> • � '' ' •l:ft� i. I �y�;,. .
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<br /> pwymcniR mAy�IanQer bc rcquirad. rt Uu aption of Lender.if mong��e inwruncc covera�e lin tho�utxwnt+uxt fur�ho pe�iod
<br /> thu Lc�xlar rcquircRl provided by�n insurcr approvod by Lender rgain becomes Nvwilablo u�d iR oMainal. Burrower�11 p►y
<br /> �ho premium►requircd to mainuiin mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a losr reserve,unlil thc requiKmant for maHayo
<br /> inwrance ende in accordynce with any wrltten agraement betwcen Borrower and Lender or applicrble law.
<br /> g,�upe�tiioo. L,ender or it�ogent may make rc�sot�atde entries upan and inapec�ions csf Ihe Prt�ny. l.cmta�chull �ivo
<br /> ''t' r. ,, Barrower notice q�the time of or prlor to nn inxpectian:pecifyin�reASOnable cause for�he in�poction.
<br /> 10. Contkmaation. The proceeds of Any awud or claim for dunwgev,dire�t or const.�quo�tiol. in conna.hion with my
<br /> candemnation or ahe�takin�of�ny paR of the Propeny.or fo�canvey�nce in lieu of condc mnu�ion, wie heMby assi�nal wd
<br /> . - � �twU be paid w I.eixler.
<br /> In�he event af a total�aking of the Praperty.the proceeds shall bc applial to thtl sums soruted by thiR Sccurity In.sttument.
<br /> "��� "�" ' whether ar nat then due,with nny excess paid to Barrawer. In the event af a p�utial tuking of the Pn�perty in which�hc fair
<br /> ����;y""`'"�''�='���, market valuB of the Propeny inunediutely before the wking is equal to or greater thun the amount of the r�uma sa:urccl by�I►is
<br /> '� �� �� � �` � '� Secutity ln�trun�ent immodiately before the tAking,unlcss 8orrower und l.ender athenvise agree in wri�ing,the sums serurcd by
<br /> � y�x''K`y''��' this Seru�i�y In��rument shull be reduced by the anwunt of the proceeds mul�ipli�i by �he follau�ing Prnctiun: Ia) the twnl
<br /> �� .��,
<br /> ��� - annwnt uf 1h�aumti secured immcdiatcly bcforc the wking, divide�f by(b) the f�ir mnrke�value of lhe Property imnmcliately
<br /> c�
<br /> ' �s�:••:.Y.•�•.. � -�-�' beforc the taking. Any bolance shall be paid ta Bormwer. In the event of a panial laking of Ihn Property in which II� fair
<br /> •r�,j �� i.,:..;�:.,. � .�� • •� market valuB of thc Property immediutely before the taking is less Ihan the umounl of the sums securcd immodiutely beforc 1he
<br /> ,, �_:��:.... .. ....���=- luking. unlan.c Bormwer und Lender othenvise agree in writing or unleas applicable IAw otherwlee providec.the proceeds shal�
<br /> I� � , � ' � . be appliecl to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or nat the�ums ure Ihen due.
<br /> , ;, , lf the Pmperty is abandoned by Borrower, ar if,after notice by Lender to Borrowcr tlut the rnndemnar affers to make an
<br /> ;_ , . award or settle a claim ior dartwges, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 dnys s�Rer Il�e dale the nc►tice is given.
<br /> ,• . ,.� ;;;i . Ixnder is autharized to collect and apply�he proceeds.at its option,either to resloration or�epuir of thB Propeny or tu tl�aums
<br /> • sxured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> - � Unless l.ender and Bc►rrower otherwise agree in writing, any application oi proceeds to principul shall nat ea�end or
<br /> � , paslpona the due dnte of the monthly puyments referced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount of such puyments.
<br /> ` ' I1.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Extensi�n of thc �ime fur paymenl or modification
<br /> '� of Amoniration of the sum.secured by Ihis Security Instrument granted by I..ender�o uny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> :•,, .
<br /> nat operate ta relcu�e the liabiliry oP Ihe original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.l.ender shull not be requit+ad to
<br /> � • cammance proceedings aguinct any succecwx in interest or refue,e to exteixf time for puyment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> of tha sums secured by this Security lav�rument by reawn of uny demund made by the original &►rrower or Borrower's
<br /> succes.wrs in interext. Any forbearance by I.ender in excrcisiog uny right or remedy ahull nat be a waiver of or preclude Ihe
<br /> excrcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> �_ -- - _-- - ---- - t2. �uccessors an� A�r+iRns iiaund; Joini and Seve�i Liabiiity: Casigne�. "i'iiu covr�uu�t, uuJ a�ic�meni;af shis ,,;,,�
<br /> 5ecurity Instroment zhuli bind and benefit the succe+son and assigns of I.ende�und &xruwer, suhject to ihe provisions nf ;
<br /> paragr�ph 17. BoROwer's c�wenants and agreements shull be j�im und ,everul. Any Borrower who co-signs ihi.r• Security '•_
<br /> Instrument bui d�cs rnit execute the Note: Ia1 i,ru-,igning thiti Security Instrumcm only to in�irtguge, grrnt nnd rnnvey that .,f�',-'
<br /> • Borrower's interest in the Pr��perty under ihe tern�s ot'this Security lnmtrument: lb1 i,nc�t porsanully ubliguted to puy Ihe surnc
<br /> y
<br /> ;: '.`, • securcd by thi.Securi�y Instrument: •rixi(c 1 a@rec,thut Lendcr und any othcr Borri�wer muy ugrre to extend, m�xlify,fiirb�:ur or ��;�;.
<br /> �'�� make any:K:romm�xi•rtiuns wi�h re@urJ tu ihe term.of this Securiry Intitrumem ur�hc Natc without thut&irtuwrr'ti consent. -
<br /> ,.. 13. I.�wn Clwra�.If the luan �ecurrd hy this Security Intitrumem i,subject tu u law which+e�+muximum loun charges,
<br /> �:.• ond �hat luw is tinully imcrprc�eJ xi thui[hr im�rr,t ur othcr lucm churgc+ cullrrted��r u�bc rollcrted in canncction w•iU►�hc
<br /> �.�� I�►un cxc��1 tM:prrmin�d limit,, ihen: la►uny,urh luun�hurgc shull hc reJucrd hy llic •rnx�unl neceti+:�ry t�i reJure the rharge
<br /> � In thc permiucJ limit: •rnJ (hJ any wm+•rlrcaJy rollccted 1'r�,m Borruwrr�vhirh exrraf�d�-miiucJ limiiti will txr refunded to .
<br /> &�rrowcr. I.cndcr muy rh�x�K tu ntuko lhiti r�funJ hv rcJucing thr principal ax•cJ u�xlcr ihe Nrnc ur hy miiking u direct �.,,
<br /> �' paynknt tu &►rruu�cr. It' a rrtw�J ralu�:r+ principal, thc r�duriiun w�ill hc u�cueJ u,a purtial pr�puyment aithout uny ' '''�,
<br /> prepaynxnt chargc undcr thc Nutc.
<br /> 14. Notices. Anp nulicc lu li��rrakrr pro�•id�d liir in�hi,Sccurily In�p•umrnl.hull Ik�!i��n hy dcli�•ering it ur hy mailing ,
<br /> il by lint rl•r+�mail unlc.,applirahlu la�� rcyuirc�uu��f unothcr nuth�nl. Thr nuurc,hull h�Jirrctcd �a ihr Pr���xny Addr�h. ��
<br /> or •rny athcr adJre,� E3�rrr�►��cr Jc.ignaic. hy n„tire iu Lrndrr. .Am- nnli:r t�i Lrnder .Iw 11 h� giceo hy tir.t rla.ti muil Iu . .�;.
<br /> l.�nJcr'.:nlJrc.. ��:ucd hrrein ur am ulhrr aJ�r�,. LenJcr dc.i�ua�.•h� nuurc lu Bnrr„ucr. Am n��ticc pr�,�•iJcd ti�r in thi� '` •� .�
<br /> Sccurity In,trumcnt.hull F►�Jccmed to ha�•c fxco�i�rn lu Nurn►u�rr��r Lrndcr��hcn�i�cn a� pra��iJeJ in�hi.para�raph. :�
<br /> IS.Go��crnin� I.uN: ticvcrobilih. Thi. tirruril} In.trtuncnl .hull tk ga��erncJ hy fedrrrl la��� atKl thr la��� ��I'Ih�
<br /> juri.Jiriian in uhirh thr Prupcny i, locaird. In th�� recnl that .un pra�•i�i�m��r .lau�r.,(ths>S�rurity In,trunuut „r 1hc hatr ' .
<br /> � runllirl.with appGrahlc lau.,urh r�mllirt.hnll n���:df�rt u1h��r pru�i.iuo���I tNi,tierur�l� Inalrunxut ur�hr N„tr��hinc �:m o�
<br /> givrn rl'frrt ��ithuut thr r�mllir�ing pr�n i�iim.'I'u thi.end the pr.n i+wn�af�hi�tieruril} In�trum�m anJ �hr Nale arc J�rlarrJ '
<br /> � lo tx����•rraMc.
<br /> • � 16.Rorroaer's Cup�.13��rru���r,h;dl Ik gi�rn une.unl�,rm�J.•��p} ul �hc \utc:ual ul�hi,Securit} In.trum¢nt. '
<br /> Fo�m 3028 9/90
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