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r . , ,. ' .;.: <br /> � . <br /> ' � `r`' � MY�� .,, <br /> .ar.. <br /> •• <br /> , �7. <br /> '_' �—A� <br /> � . <br /> �:�- <br /> � 93..� 10�84'� <br /> 17.Trnnrfer o1 the Property or o Benefkial IntereW in Borruwer.if ul!�tt any part of thc Pmpeny or Wny intereat In it <br /> -r ' Is�ild or trrnsferroJ(or if u bcncflci�l interest io Barn►wcr ir wld�r trunsPenal and&muwer is not a natural pc�r�wm)without <br /> Le�wlcr'K priur wrllteo canrent, l.ender may, at itr: aptinn. uire immodiale pAyment in full uP oll �um� cecured by thi� <br /> Securi�y inc�rument.However,thir upliun sludl nw ba exerrlsal�y Lemler iP eaenice is pmhibi�ed by faieral luw un nP tho drte <br /> . nf thix Secu�ity Inzlrumcnt. <br /> If l.xnJcr excrciswx this option, L.ertder shall give�m�wer muice af uccelcrntion.The t►olire Rhull pravida p pe�lod oi not <br /> f.} ,,. Iczr �han ill Joy� tn�m thc dute thc n���ice is delivcred or nwiled within which &�rn►wer muat pay ull sumx+�ei:ural by �his <br /> � ;�A�t,�,�•� Securl�y In�Irunkm. li'&►r�awcr fuila tu pay thesc sums priur w thc expirution uf Ihix perlad. Le�ulcr may invoke uny remodie� <br /> pern�iucd hy thf�Seru�ity Instrumcnt wiNx�ut funher n�ui��e or denwnd an Barrower. <br /> . lw.:�.. ,,s...,.: 18. &rrnuwer'e ItiRhl lo Rcinstate. If Burrowcr mern cenuin conJitianti, &xrowcr �hall havc tho �ight to Iwve <br /> - • .•fi" enfiin�cnxm uf thi�&tiu�fty Instrument dixontinued at uny �ime p�ior �o �he eanc�r of: lu) S days 1�►r such Mher perial as <br /> upplicable law muy +.pecify f�r rcln��utement) before �ale ��f tho Pmpeny punuant tc► �ny power aP +ale conluinal in this <br /> ..�' • • Seru�iiy In�,trument;or 1b►emry uf u judgment enfi�rcing ihis S��curlly In�trument.Tho�condi�f�ms ure tha�W�rrower:lu)payx <br /> , a:d �•.�.:;:t, I.e�xler aU�ums whirh then woul�i be dua under thig Secu�ity Ine�n►ment a�ul thc Na�e ar if no ucceleration hal ekcuRed:(b) <br /> „'... .-.�c•. .. : cure,any defuuU i�f uny �Nher ciwenan��ur agnxments; (c) puy�ull expenres incurred in enfi►rcing Ihi�+Securily Inslrument. <br /> - ' induJing.hut nat limilccl u�, reas�mubld uuorneyz' feeti;um1(d)tukcw �UCII AC11011 a5 L.CII(ICI't11Uy fC34SQ�lAIIIy 0.'l�U1fC(O O.GSIIfB <br />�:.� �+'��s''' -• '•'�'�� thut�he licn c►f thi.r Security In�trument, Lender'c righta in tha Pmperty wKl&�nower's obligulion w pay the sums�ecured by <br /> `^' *"'¢" thir; Securny Instrument shall continuo unchuoged. Up�m reimtatement by� &�ROwer, thi� Securiry Instrument end the <br /> ' ol+ligutiam�u�d herehy�hall rentuin fully effective a�if m�ar�rletutio�hud accurred. However,this rlght �u�instate shall <br /> �� _ <br />;r��:-. �'� �. nnt upply in tha ru.e oi urcelerati�m under purugraph 17. <br /> , ' .;,, 19. Srle uf Note= CFumse at' l.oan Servlcer. The Noics��r u puniul inlcretit in the Note Itogethcr wi�h this Sccu�ty <br /> � , � ' In.�nimcn�l nwy tx���W.►nr�►r m�x�timer wi�h�►ut prin�n��ti�r a�&�rr��wer. A�rle m;ry ►isult in u change in tha entity(known <br /> � u.tlx"L.oun Scrvircr")that rull�Y�,momhly pa��mem�+due undcr thc Nrnc:uu1 this S�ru�ly lostn�n�rm. Thcre al�n�ay be ane <br /> � ° or m��rc rhung�of�he Loan Servicer unrelated tu n xalo of the Natr. If�here i.a rhange oi'the l.i�un Servicer. &►rrower wlll be <br /> given a•rinen n��lire nf�he chunge in urrorJanre N•ith pu�Fraph 14 ulx�ve and upplicuble law. The nod�r will slute the nume and <br /> addre�. of�he new� I.oun Servicer and�he uddn�.s to whirh payment. should he m;ule. The nMire will s�lx►comuin uny ather <br /> infomwtNm reyuireJ by applirahl�luw. <br /> 20, fWtiardoav Substances. &�nawer shull not cau.c or �r►nit the pre�,ence, use, dispossd, �turuge, or releure of uny <br /> . Hu•r.�niuu� Substunre. un ur in the Prupany. &�rroacr �hull nut di�. n��� aUow :�nyunr el,c �o Jo, anything offecting thc ,:�i <br /> . � Pmperty �hut iti in violution of•rny Environmen�ul l.uw. Thc prer�wling twu tientcnrc,.hall not �pply w thc pn:nencc, u+e,or <br /> +loruge on�he Pmprny uf+mall quuntitie.of HauarJou,Sub.wnreti thut urc g�ncn�lly r��ogni�eJ to be appropri�te ta nornwl a'�� <br /> rc�r,idential uk�.anJ ai muintenanre uf the Pn��ny. �� � <br /> &inower.haU prumpUy �i��e Lender wriacn nutice ul'any invesUgal'lon. rlaim.drmand, luwtiui� or other action by any <br /> ' Fo�•ernmcntul or regulutury agenry ar privat�s pany invulvin�e�hc Prop�:rt��uiui uny H:�anfous Sub.lsmcc ur Envinmm.nts�) Low <br /> of w�hkh &irrowcr hu+urluul kn��wlcJgc. If&mow•rr Irnrn,. ur i+autificd hy uny guvcrnmcntul ur regulutory autharity, 1ha1 <br /> any removol��r uther remcxliu�ion��f uny H:u•rrJuur�Suhatancr•rtTectin�c ttrt Pr�►prny i+nc�rstiary. Ru�rowcr+hull promptly take <br /> ull nea:swry ►emcdiul urti� ucrnrJunrc a�i�h Envir�mn�ntul Luw. � <br /> _—___ — _.__,__ A� u.eci in thi. �atneroQh ?0. "H:uarJau� Suhtitancc+" •rrc tho�c .uh.tanr�w Jrtin�Yl ar u�xir i�r huiurJou�xubtituncey by <br /> Environnxntul Luw �nJ thc li►Iliiw�ing ,uh,tunrc.: ga.��liix�. I�rn►,rn�. uth�r Ilunun•rblr ar luxir pclrulewn pr�Kiucl.r•. toxic <br /> pr�liride+and he�biridc..vulaiile.�ilccnt,. mul�rial+runtuinin�t u,tx:+l��,or Ii�rnulJrhyJr.and raJioactivr mu�onal+. A.u+ed in <br /> Ihi.r piiragrrph Z0. "F.n��ir�mmcntal l.uw" mrun� IcJeral la�v. und luw� i�l tlx juri�dic�iun w�hcrr lhr Propeny iti I�k�te�l �hat <br /> relate a�hralth.wfet�•��r em•ironmcn�ul pr.,t�rti�,n. � ', <br /> NON-UNIFORM CQVF.NANTS. R�m��w•rr and L�ndcr furUtrr cn�anant wxl agt«►U�iw,: a <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedi�h. I.ender�hull ui�c nutirc In Rnrrm�cr prl��r lo ucceteratiun folloa�inR fbrrower's brcach <br /> oP anv covenant or a{�reemenl in this tiirurih In�lrument Ibut nut prlur to uccelen�tiun under puraRraph 17 unlCSs <br /> appllcable luw proridev other��iticl.The notire�hull sp��aif}: lul tha d�i'aulit Ibl INe uctian r��uired tn cure the detault; <br /> Icl a dute,not Iexti than 10 duyti Prom th�dute Ih�noticc i�ui�cn lo Bi�rro��er, h} wMch the default must I►c cur��d; and � <br /> �.: ld► thut tailure to cure Ihe dePuuU un or IKfurc the dute.p�rifl��d in the notice mu� n�ult in uccelemtiun of the�ums �,:'?:�1; <br /> .�� s��rured by thtx Sarurih� Imlrumenl und +ulc ot Ihc I�nqxrt�. 7'h� uoti�Y .h�ll Yurthcr infonn If��rrn«cr of Ihc rlRht tu �,,;'•'. <br /> rein+late niter acccleratinn and the riuht to I�r6�u u court uction to u��crt the nun-c�irtence of u defuult or un}• other <br /> dePen+c oi Born�ecr to acrclerulion und +rle. IP the dePuult i� nut cured ��n ur Ikforc tlK date,p�rificd in thc notl��. <br /> , I.ender. at its option. mu�• n�yuirc immediulc pu�menl in Pull of ull �um� xrun�d Dc Ihf� tiiruril� In�:trumcnt wilhnut � <br /> i'urther demand and ma}�imoke the puwer ul'.ule und am o�hcr renuYlitti �nnlu��l b� upplicul►Ic luw. Lender shull be <br /> • entitled tn rolkrt uU expen���incurrcd in pur.uinu�hc r�mediiw pro�id�K!in IUi�para�;raph 21.imludin�e.Iwt not limilcd <br /> to.reawnuBle atb►rnr�•s'fr�w und ro�ls ot'tiUc c�idcucc. � <br /> IP tlrc pm�cr nf w�lc i+ Imoked. Trutitec .hull nrord u nutice uf drf�adl in curh rouul� in «hich nm� paM oP 1he ; <br /> 1'rupert�� Iti I��cated und�ha�ll mall cupie�nf.uch nntice b�the munner prcxcrihi�l h� uppllrLlile lua to Bnrro�ver s�nd tn ; <br /> �. ' the othrr prrw►ns prexrilxal b� upplicvble lua.,�fter the ILn�rcyuired b► :�pplica�hle lu��,Tru�t�r tihull�li�c publir nutice . <br /> �' • . . . oP zuk to thc pcnom und in lhc n�unmr pn�cribctl b� uppllcnblc 1•r��. 'I'ru.tir. «ilhuut dcmund on liurrowcr. shull xll <br /> .' ' �;;";,. !:, ;�.:: ,. the Propen��ut pul►lic uuclion to Ihc hiuh�yt biddcr ut Ihe liuu und placc vnd under the ter�n.d�hiknoted in the nodce of • <br /> ` >,.:� ;;� �' salc in onc or morc parccls und in un,r urdcr 'I'ru,tcc dc�crmin��. "1'ru+t�r mu� ��.I�iui,ulc oP ull or an} purcc) nf'Ihc <br /> � ;!';•; ';., . Propertr N�• puhlic unnouncemeul ut Il�e time and plure of�►m pre�i��u�l�• ,ch�rlulcd .ulc. Lcnder or it. d�wi}�n�Y mu� <br /> � � �����,:`` •. purchu.tie thr 1'roperi}•at un� salc. <br /> , . , <br /> j. <br /> � Form 3028 9�90 <br /> F�,�����,u <br /> � .�• <br /> 1 i . , � ,�. • <br /> . . � <br /> ��' . ' <br /> '� r <br /> . �.. , . <br /> • • !r <br /> l� <br /> � <br /> ' t . � <br /> � ' <br /> � � <br /> 1 <br />