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s• <br /> �ri.�c <br /> r h4�im:�• .... , . >.:i., <br /> , � ' ' •,*�ir :1r��A�c..,,��r�'�..._ . . . <br /> ' �.,��..�•.��,. �F.. <br /> '�:�i " � �.�� <br /> - �.,�:-.;�;;.�:_ �� i0'y�'r <br /> i <br /> S. Natar+d o� Pmperiy lmunuKti• &�rruwcr xhnll kcep �he impmvements now exirting on c�reAper crocted on the <br /> - Pmperly inxurcJ a�oit►►t lor�.+by tirc, hru.�nlM includ�l wi�hin Ihc term `cxlendal covernge'wixl any iMher tw�rrd�, includinR <br /> _.�. , Il�wxi+or il�x�ling, fi�r which l.cnJer rcyuirea inhuran��c. This inxurance hhall lx muim�ivai in�he amc�unls anJ for 1he pc�iods <br /> �• Ihs�t l.cixlcr n�uircr. T1M in�urnrK�conicr pn►vidiaB�he iorurat��II hc rh��Kn by p��rruwcr�,ubj�Yt t�► l.cnde�r�uppn►val <br /> ic:RlR�v.�� <br /> ;•'�'','��'• ` � wl�irh�hull �xd he unrcaumuhly withluld. If Hnnuwcr 1'ail�lu nwim++in cuvcrugr dckritx�l uh�wc. L.rt�Sar may. ut Lc K <br /> ��S+Y�t .... <br /> �.:�.`-'t': -�~:~• opliun,obtuin ruvcrugc to prWu:l L,�tuler'x right�io tik Pu�pctty in a:corJuix�wi�h p•rrugruph 7. <br /> 'x � �`.L�'.-'-�=- � All inwrunrc pallcicx ond rcncwulx riwll be urccMyt+lc lu txnJer anJ xhall include p r�taixlunl mortgage cluu�e. l.enJer <br /> •""''��"' �.' = .; .. tihull I�v��he right ta hnld thc pnlici�s And rencwuly. If lxnJcr royuirc..F�muwcr xhull prompQy givc tu Lcixler aU rc�eipty of <br /> ��`�,�- •� � � paid premiumx AnJ rcncwal M►tice�.ln the evcot of I���x,&�ROwcr Kiwll �ive prompt nc�tice a��he iacuran�Y r�i�r wNl l.encicr. <br /> ,,�x,, ���. . l.cixicr nwy nmkc�nx�f of la�a if nnt maJc pn,mptly Ny Born►wcr. <br /> �Cl,�_ � , ', Unle�r l.endcr uml Burruwer uthe�wisc uRrcc in writing,imurancc paxecd•r s�hull Ik app11�Y1 t��rc�t�rnli�m��r mpuir of thc <br /> . ,�1 ��.•�„�t,., :�;Y Pn►peny dw�wgal,if�ho rrau�ralian or repuir i�ca�M�mirully feu`iMo un+l I�:nder'x�urlly i.not le+�ened.If ihe r�toratinn o� <br /> •3. � ' ' rcpair ix tiW ecoix�micully fcu.�iMlo ar l.cixicr'� .r•c�uri�y w�wlJ hc Ics�enod,Uw innuranrc pnx���J.shull he appliexf�o thc sums <br /> r,,,r•..., �t�ny,•: •. . <br /> � � � � �ccured by this Securiry Inrtrumem. whcthcr or n�H �hcn duc, with any cares� p;iid to B��m�a�cr. If&xroa�cr abandnns ihe <br />��!:^y� , ,t � Propeny, ��r dacc not antiwer within 30 JAy�a�xuire fmm l.c�xlcr�hat thc iorurancc curricr ha�affemd u�x�Ue u cluim, then <br /> r . /r � l.ender n�ay c�llect the insunnca proceedti. l.ender may use �he pnxecJ. t�► re�ir �ir re+lorc �ha Pr��peny or to puy sums <br /> f` ,:• �• recured by Ihis Securiry In.slrument,whether or not then Juo.Thc�1►�duy peri�xl will t►egin when Ihe nntice is given. �. <br /> Unle`s Lender aMl li�irmwer ulhervviw ugree in w�i�ing, uny applirudun af proceeJti �o p�incipul shall md eatend ar <br /> � pnstpnne thc dua dota of�he mamhly payments refcRed a� in p•r�gruph� 1 und 2 or changc the amount of thc paymems. If_ ,"' <br /> • � under pumgraph 21 Ihe Pmpeny is ucquired by l.ender, Bormwer'x right to uny inwrrnre pnlicies and pnx�ls rewlting from ��+� <br /> damogc to the Propeny prior�n�he a��yuiaitiuu ahall pncti ta L.cmdrr to thc cx�ent nf ihe wm.�secured by thix Security Instniment V:j�2�� <br /> " , immadiately prior to the acquisi�ion. -<r•�� <br /> � 6.Orcupancy.Pi�eservation�MAintenance And PrMection o�the Property: &�rrower's I.onn AppNcation; l.easeholds. <br /> . &►rrower shull occupy,e��ablish,anJ u,e the Propeny us&umwer'.pri�uipal re+idenre within,ixty days after Ihe executinn of. <br /> � �hia Securi�y In�trument and shull rnntinue to occupy �he PmpenY us Bonower'ti principal residenre for ut Ieast�me year afrer F ' <br /> • � the daia of accupancy.unles,L.ender otherwik agrees in writing, whirh am�ent tihAll Mn be withheld, or unless �.f�; ' <br /> � extenuuting circumstAnce� exist which �re bryond Bnrn►wer'. �mntri�l. ��rmwer shull n�u dectn►y, damuge or impair Ihe <br /> Pmperty, ollow the Propeny to deteriorate, or cammit wL�te on the Propcny. &�rrower +hall he in defAUlt if uny forfeilure <br /> � � �_ uction or pro��iing, whether civil or criminul,is hcgun tha� in lxnJer'y g�x�d f�i�h judgmem cuuld�e+ult in forfeiture of the �,,..�„� � <br /> •• Propeny ur atherwis�e muterially impnir Ihe lien creuted by this 5��curity In+trument or l.ender'�+�xurity imcrest.Borr�wer may '� <br /> cure such u defaull And rcinstate,us providcKl in p�mgrnph IS,by the wction or proceeJing to�r di,mi�xYi with a nilinF <br /> - ---�:`;'�;�_---_ �hut. in [.ci�irr'� ti�KNS fniih deic:miin�iit�ti. prccludc.; !'or!'eilure e�f thc Borrnwcr', inter�t in thc Pr��ny or rnher material <br /> . impairnient of the lien created by �his S�:curity In+trun�rnt ��r I.cnJcr'++eruri�y imcr��t. &►rcow•rr.hall ul�bc in default if � <br /> ,,�':.: . <br /> � Borrower,during�he loun appliration prc�cet�,guvr nz•rteriully f'ul.e or inarcuratc inliirmution or.tatemrnls to LenJer lor failed .;rw,�'��r:' <br /> to provide l.ender with nny mntcrial infiirnuti�+n1 in ranncction w�ith�hc I�►an cviJcnrcJ by the Note,iixluding,but ni�t limiteci r.�,,ia�: <br /> . . to, representations cnnrerning&mower's�xcupunry af�hr Prapcny a�u prinrip•rl r�hidrncr. If thi.Scturily In,trument i+on a � . <br /> • Icas.:holJ. Bormwer shull c�m�ply with ull Ihc pro�•i�iom uf the Ic•rtir. 11' &►rr��wrr acyuires fec tiUe to the Propeny. the .., <br /> leu�ehold und 1he fce ddc.hull n��t mcrgc unles�IsnJrr a�:rc�.tu�hc mcr�:er in w•riting. „°' . <br /> • 7.Prntection of IAnder's Ri�htx in the Pr��pert��.If fi��rraw�er 1'uil.�o�xrGirni the c���•enam.and agrecnxnt�mntuineJ in - <br /> 1, � . thia Security lnxtrument. or�hcre is u Ie�al pr�kc��lin�! �ha� may .ignitic•rnd�•vlfrri LsnJer'�right�in the Propeny I.uch ax a � <br /> ,+; proceeding in bunkruptcy.prabatc. ti�r ronJcmnutiun ur li►rlciwrc ur tu enliurc luw.��r regulation�l, then La:nder may Jo ond .. <br /> ! ,' puy fnr wha�ever i,nece�.;�n t��prat�ct the valur ui�he Pr�� rt •anJ l.cnJrr'+ ri�ht. in the Pro n l,end.r'.artian. ma � <br /> P� > b P� Y• Y t • .�'�;..; <br /> include payinF uny sum� tiecured hy a lien whirh hu. priuriq• u�•er ihi. Securit� In,�rumen�, appeuring in rourt. paying ! <br /> ! rcusnnahlc uuomcyti' ire.and emcring an�hr Pro�xn�•�a makr rrpair.. Alth��u�h l.enJer muy take artion under thi�paragroph �. , <br /> � <br /> ' . 7.l.endcr doc+n�►t hswc tu Ju�o. ' .�`•. <br /> , Any •rmoums dishuned h}• L.rndcr wider �hiti para�raph 7 .hall hc��mu u�kli�iunul Jeh� �►t' B��rrowcr .�cured by this ;•, :,�� � <br /> Securitp ln,trumrm. llnlr++ &+rrou•rr and t.�ndcr:ignc t���uh.•r��•nn. nl'pnynu•nt. ih�•.r:�m�mm. .h�Jl Ixar intrm;t frum U�e <br /> Jule nf diKhunenknt ut Uk Nutr ra�e anJ .hull F►� pa��aMr. ��•i�h imrre,t. u��n iH+tir� t'ram l.�ndcr tu &�rnnvcr rcyuc.rting i � <br /> puynunt. <br /> � , � 8. 111ortRaRe latiurancc. If Lendcr reyuircJ murlg:igc in,ur:uir�a.a.�►ndili�m„I�making Ihc loan.ccur�J b}• �I►i,Serurity <br /> ' � • Intittumcnt. &�rn�wcr.hvll pay �hc prcmiuni. rcquircJ tu maintuin Uir m��rlga�c in.u�ancc in cttrrt. U. liir an}� rc•rs�m. th� <br /> • ' ' mnrtgu�r imurance rorrra�c requircd hy fAndcr I•rp.r,„r rra,c.ta hr in rfl'ecL H��rri,�eer ,h:�ll pa} Ihr prrmium.royuir�Kl to . <br /> � � , obwin r�wcruge sub.lanliull�•cyuivulem 1„�he nx�rtgagr inwranrr pre�iuu,h in rtiirl. :u a ru.t.uh.�antially ryui�•alcnt ta Ihc <br /> co�t In &,rro��•�r of thc murlgu�c in�ur:+ncc prc�•iuo,l� in cllrrt. Iram an ahcrn:itr nu,nga�r in.urer appmr�J hy Lcndrr. If <br /> • � , �uhslanliully eyuivalcn�nwnEu��in,ur:in�c r�n�era�c i.n�n :►�:iilahk. 13urr„��cr•hall pa� 1��LrnJer r,�ch numlh a,um ryual tu <br /> onc-tacllth af Utc yrurly man�aEc inwranrc�r��»�w„t������:+��i iy F3�,rn���cr ahrn Ili. in.ur;�nrr�o�craEc IapkJ ur rra.rJ tu <br /> , � Ix ineifcrt. l.cndcr will urrrpt. u.c anJ rriain�hc.r pa>mrnt.a. a lu., rc,enr in liru ul m��nga�c in,ur•r�ire. Lu.ti rc��n•r <br /> �t.; ; Form 3028 9/90 <br /> . �•.,.�,�.,„ , <br /> ' <br /> • �, • � . . <br /> � `'� �� <br /> ""'- �—• - - -. .. _ <br /> ' ` . <br /> . � <br /> �� <br /> t • <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> i <br /> l <br /> � � <br /> � <br />