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<br /> TOUETH�R WITH All Ihc improvcmenu+now or heaaflcr erected on Ihe property,ond�li tasemema.appurtenwu�, and
<br /> 1lawrcs n�w ar hereafler a part oi thc property. AU rcplacements �rd �ldition.g ahwll alco bc covcrod by this Security
<br /> InRtmment. All oi tlx�forcg�ing is refcrrod to in this Socurily Instn�ment�.a the'Propeny."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS tiwt Harmwcr is lawfully ccfised of t6e csMrte.hereby cooveyed ard has ti�e right to grant wd
<br /> rnnvcy �IWS Praperty And thut the Pmpeny is uncncumberal. excxpt for encumbrances of recor�. !k►rrower warranta wid wfll
<br /> '' daPcnd generaily Ihe title to thc Propeny aguia�t�II clnim.g And demands,rubject ta any encumbrances of rccc►rd.
<br /> .,;� TFIIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMBNT combines unifarm covenunts fur natinnal usc nnd non-uniforrn rnvenents wlth limited
<br /> �' vuriwlione by jurisdictfon to canstitute a unifarm secu�ity instn�ment covenng�eal propeny.
<br /> '-� ' �.,.�_,,.._;: UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrrnvcr and Lcnder covenunt and egne u.�follow�:
<br /> ' 'F�� 1. PwymeM ot iMncipwl pnd Inleresti P�+cpayment And I.ntc Charg�. BoRawer shull promptly puy whcn due ihe
<br /> •�!':�`�'� ..
<br /> principAl of and interest on the dcbt cvldcnced by the Note und any prepnyment and late charges due under the Notc.
<br /> ..�';,'�`v' 2. Fundx tor Taxes and InRUrwnce. Sub,�ect ta applicuble Iaw or to a written waiver by Lender. &�rrower shall puy to
<br /> ,' ' � I.endcr�m thc day monthly payments nrc due undcr the Note,until thc Note is paid in full,a sum("FundR>for:(u)ycarly te�ccs
<br /> u:�c:::.:�:•..w.a,;
<br /> ��,.,t;,,.,��„+, and us�es�ments which muy attein priarity ovcr this Security Instrurnent as u lien on the Properly;(b)yearly leasehold pAyments
<br /> �'�-���'��y ••• ar ground rents on the Property.if any;(c)ycarly hn7ard or pr�+eny insurance prcmiums:(d►yearly iload insurance premiums,
<br /> � _ . '� if�ny; le) yearly mongagc iavurnnce premiums, if uny: und(4 any sums payani�ny Borrowc�to Lendcr. in accordunce with
<br /> ,�'; ��'.:" .� . the pruvi�i�mR oi parugrnph 8. in lieu of the paynxnt of mortgage in5urw►ce pnmiumc. These items ere called"Esscraw Items."
<br /> R: ��-�- ��-•`�j ••-•� l.ender mny, ul any time. collect w�d hold Funds in un umaunt ncx t<�exceed the maximum amount a lender fnr a faderally
<br /> .�,���.', •�`'` �:�:,�YCt��a«..�t "' rclalcd mortguge luan may requirc for 8nrrowcr'�ekmw accaunt under the fedcral Ruil Es1Ate Senlement Pr�codures Act af
<br />}t+ x,;.. , , 1974 us amended Pmm time t��1ime, 12 U.S.C. Seclion 21+�1 e�sc•y.('R ESPA"), unless unother luw thut npplies ta the Funds
<br />'� i ��^�- sets a lesser w�wunt. If s;o. Le�uler nwy,ut any time, ��llcct anJ hold Funds in an:�m�unt not tn exceed the lesser amount.
<br />� � - � - l.endcr muy estimulc thc um�wnt of Fwxl.duc un the ba,i»uf current Jatu urxi r�usc►��ublc estimatcs oT cx{xnslitunes of fuwt+e
<br /> y Esemw Itemc or othr.rwise in nccord�nce with applicAble!Aw•.
<br /> 1' � r The Funds�hnll Ik hcld in nn insti�ution whosc dcpinitx am in+un.�l by a fe�irrul agency, ins�rumcnlality, or enlity p
<br /> ,��, IitN:luding L.erulcr. if l.endcr is such un institution)or in uny F�Ylcral H�xne Loun Bank. LenJcr shull upply thc Funds ta pay the
<br /> :•;`. : E�crow Items. l.ender may no�charge&►mnwer fbr hnlding und opplyi� ihe Fund�,annually unulyzing the esrrow uccount,or
<br /> veriij�ing the Escrow Itemr,unless l.cnder puy�Borr�►wcr inti�m�t un the Fund�and applicuble law perrni�s Lender to make such ;�:�:�`r'
<br /> ,.'�: : . u chargc. Hawrver, l.endcr may rcyuirc&►�ri�wcr to puy u onc•time cherge for an indepcndent mul es�etc tax repnrting scrvice "`�'�
<br /> ,:.-,
<br /> • • u.ri.yl hy L.endcr in canncction with �hi. luan, unle�.r applicablc luw p�m�idt�. ��therwitie. Unler::an ugrecment is made or
<br /> A�IICAI/I0 law requires intere.t tn l+c puid, Lender shull not hc requind�i�puy 8urrower any intemst cir curnings on the Funds.
<br /> &►rn�wer anJ Lendcr muy agrce in writing. FIt1K'l'VC�.(IIAI 11114R�1 ahull hc puid im�hc Funds. Lender�hall give ta&�nower,
<br /> witMwt churgc, an unnual urcounting uf thc Fu�u1�, ,hrnving rrcdilti un�f Jcbil+.t�i the Funds an�i �he purpose for which each
<br /> -- debii i.�the i'u�i�was ma�f�.Tik f'urtid::arc plcdga!a�;„�;iticin:.!�.a:urity for a!t�ur.:�.�ureA by�this Securfty lnsttument. _
<br /> If the Fundx held by LenJer exc�w�1 the umauntr prrniiued U► hc hcli)M��„��i��:�ni�i,�w.Lendcr tih�dl account to Borrower `�`
<br /> '� y fi�r thc crress Funds in accordanrr with thc rcyuircmcnth uf appli�ublu la+v. If Ihr am�wnt af thc Fund�hcld by l.endcr ut dny
<br /> time is nnt �ufficient to pay the E�cmw Item.whrn duc. Lrnder mup k�n��tity p�muwrr in writing.unJ,in tiuch ra.e&�rcuwer ,
<br /> , , xhull puy to l.etNlcr the anH�unl ncre+tiuq� to mulc up thc dufiviunry. &►rr����cr�hall makc up thr defici�ncy in no mnt�e than '��.��,�
<br /> c
<br /> .. Iw�lve nw►nthly p•rvnxnt�.•rt Lendrr'..ule di.rretiun. .
<br /> h • U�m paynknt in fuU ��f ull �unr. ucune.l h�• �bi. Sc.urit}• Im�romcnt. Lrnd�r .h�dl prnmptly rct'unJ io &x�awcr any •
<br /> -y�;` FunJ�hcld hy l.cndcr. If,unJrr purugriiph?I. Lendrr tihull ucyuirc ur kl I thr Prc►�xrty. I.rnJcr.prior t��thc ucquiriliun or tiale �'
<br /> �y. of the Pro�xrl�•.tihall apply any Fwn1.hcld h�• Lrndcr a�U�c timc ul'��ryui�itiun�►r,ule o,a rredit uFainst the sums.ecured by , .
<br /> �� this Scrurit�•Intilrunxnt. '
<br /> ��f� 3.Applicudnn of Pa�•ments.l!nlr..:�pplicaMu la��•pn��•iJc�o�hrru�.r,all p:n•mrniti rcrci�eJ hy lAndcr und�r pur��raphs .
<br /> 1
<br /> :1.��, I unJ 2 shull Ix applic�l: lirtii. ��►��,�• rr��;►��niem cfiur�er.Jur undcr�hc N�►�c: urnnd. u�umount�puyaMc undcr puragraph 3: .
<br /> ;�• • Ihird.1��intcm.�di�r: f�ii�nh.ti�prinripal Ju.�:and la�t,tu am•I;uc rhargcti dur widrr�hr Natr. �
<br /> l 4.Cnt�rRes: I.icns. B��rm��•rr.hall pu)� all 1u1�...�„c„mriu., �h:�r�c,. linc.aixl ���,r�„���,,�,���t��n��uni� lo Ihc Pr��peny
<br /> +II'.� which muy utluin priorit} ��vcr thi.Sr�uriw In•uumrm. and I�a.�hulJ pa}•mcnl, ��r gr„unJ rrntti. il' any. &�rrnw•rr �hull puy
<br /> thc:x��hligation.in thc m�nner prn►•idc�in par.�Lr.i�+h'.�,r i(n�,��+aiJ in th:tt m:�nnrr. Harn���rr.hull puy thrm.m�inm dir�•c�ly ���•.
<br /> ti>thc�r,un u��•.�J pu�•mrnl. Burr�����r.ht�ll prurnplly f�urni,h tu LenJ�r:dl nuiirr.�,f:im��unt.tu h�ruid undrr thi�par•rgr•rph. �
<br /> If&�rr��w�er make�thr.r paymrntti diir:ll}•. Aurrna•er.h:�u�«,�„r�i� run��.i,a�Lrnder rrrripl,rvidrncing thr puymrm.. �.
<br /> �
<br /> ' , ' Borrv���•cr tihall pmmplly di.�har�r am• lirn�ehich ha�pnnrit} „�•cr thi.ti��ruri�� In.irumcn�unlc..&�rmarr. �;�1 agrrc,in �
<br /> writin�,ia the paymrm��f�hr��hli�aliun��:wrd h�• �hr lirn in a manik r;�r�rpialdc�n L�nJer:�hi r�HUC,t.in��nxl 1'aith thr lien l
<br /> , hy. ar drlcnJ. a�:�in,� rnli�rccmrnl ��I Ihi• iicn in. I�g:il rnxrcdin�, ��hich io �hr I..ndrr'. ��pini�.n nperulc tu prr�•rnt thr
<br /> t • enli►rrcmcnl of thr licn: ��r�r�,r:mc. li»m thr h�ddrr n(�hc lirn :m;�prremcnl,ati.t:�rlar� iu l.enikr�uh��rJin;ding the Gcn t�� `
<br /> ' �, . � Ihi�Srcuril� In�lrumcnt. II'Lrnd�v dru�mm�r• ih:ii am• �an ��I thr F'rc��rt� i.•uhjrr� tn a Grn a•hirli nuiy auuin pri�a•it} u�rr �
<br /> ��� , Ihi�Se�urity In.truntcnl. I.rnder ma�• �!i��� liun•���rrr:i n�viir iJrnti(yin^. thr lirn. linrn��+r� .hiill.ali.l� Ihr licn��r lakc iinc�ir •
<br /> 't} nx�re ul th�urtiiai�+�t ti�nh uhrn•c►�•ithin I11 Ja�•�ul Ihe;vti•ing�,1 n��Urc.
<br /> '. .: �' ' , Fam 30Y8 9i80 '
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