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<br /> �°''""�J� �• '�` notltlotllon to TrusNe�nd 6�nsllcl�ry.In the w�nt�ny polloy hsnund�r Is not rsn�wed on or b�fors fllle�n(16)d�y�prlor to
<br /> � - � Its�xplratl��t�,,.T��s or B�ndlol�ry m�y proours suoh Imuana�In aecordance wlth the provlelon�of Perap��ph 7. ,r
<br /> ��•� • Tru�tor�h�I ArN � NhNlol�ry Ihe orlpind pollol��oi Insur�no� and renow�ls thereof or aopl�s of suoh potlole���d
<br /> ren�w�l�th�reof. F�Ilurs to furnlsh euch Ineurana�by T►ustor,or rsnswals�e requlred hereunder, eh�ll,at the optlon of ?' -
<br /> �.� • Bendlal�ry,oomtNute a dNu�lt.All une�rned premlums�n h�r�by�esipnsd to Trouta�ae addltlonel s�curlty,and a�ale and .�=..,����,�
<br /> �� � coevsyanoe of ths Proparty by the Trwtes�h�ll op�rats to oonvey to ths pu�ohaae�the Truetor'e Intereet I�and to all polloiee , ;:�.`�;�-
<br /> � � of Ineur�nce upon the Trost Propsny. " `��••�•'-�:
<br /> 8.T�xq�nd Assusm�nh.Tru�tor ehall p�y all tpxea and epeolal�saeaamente levled or aeesaaed apalnst,or due upon,t he . .��-,��,;e,q�y ,
<br /> � � � Props�iy betore d�llnqu�nay�nd wlll dNlvsr to Bsnsflol�ry aoplee of reaelpte ehowlnp payment of suoh taxes and spealal , , .�
<br /> . ' � ��s�sementa. -
<br /> i'�.w: '" 4
<br /> ;;�: 6,Additlon�l Ll�n�.Trustor eh�ll m�ke all peymente of Intereat and principel,and payments of ony other oharpes,feea.And i
<br /> 1�.�a�z � � �xpeneea contraated to M pald to any exlstlnp Ilan holds►e or prlor beneflelarles under eny prlor Deed of Truet,Mort�aps or
<br /> � t otMr eeou�ity�p�e�msnt,bdo�e the dde thsy ere delinquent and to pay eny othQr clalm whlch Jeoperdlzee the aeourlty �
<br /> � �'°�� prantsd hersln. •
<br /> twy � 7.Prot�ctlon of Mrnflel�ry'�S�ou�lty.Should Trustor fall to make any pAyment,fAll to do any aat ae hereln provided or il
<br /> ' �; �ny actlon or proaeedlnp ia commenced whlch materially effeata Beneliclary's loterest In the Prope�ty, Includlny,but not : -
<br /> ' Ilmited tn,eminenl domaln�Inaolvenay,arranpemente or proceedlnps Involvinp a bankrupt or decedent,then 8eneficlary a ,
<br /> . Trustee,hut wlthout oblipatlon to do ao,and wNhout notloe to or demand upon Truato�,and without relepelny Trustor from any
<br /> olbipatlon hereunder,may meke or do the same,and may pey,purchpee,conteat a compromise ony encumbrance,oherge or �
<br /> � Ilen,which In the)udpment of elthe�appeors to affeat eald Property;In exerclalnp eny auch powere,the Be�eficiary or Truatee i : �--��,��;,��
<br /> ' �� may Incur a Ilablllty and expend whaNver amounta„Inaludlnp olebureementa of reasonable ettorney's fees,which in thelr eb� ;
<br /> � solute dleoretlon may be necesaary.I�tha event that Truator ahall fall to procure Inauranee, fail to pay taxea end speclal , .
<br /> � esaesaments or fall to make eny payments to exlsitnp or prlor Ilen holders or beneflclarles,the Beneflclary may procure such • ; �;;�;��r'•.
<br /> Insurance and make auch payrt�enls.All aums Incur�ed orexpended by 8eneflalary or Truatee In eccordanae with the provl• • �:�'� �
<br /> , slons of fhe Oeed of Trusf are eecured hereby and,without demand,ahall be Immedlately due and payeble by Trustor and ahall � ' ' x
<br /> '! bear Interest at the rate provlded for advances under the Loan Aqreement; provlded, however, that et the optlon o1 the � • ".�
<br /> � Benetlolery or Trustee,such sums mpy be added to the prinalpel balance of any Indebtedneae aecured hereby and ehall bear :
<br /> Ibe eame Interest ae such Indebtadness end shall be payable ratably over the remeinlnp term thereof. 4 '"'
<br /> � 8.Aulpnm�nt of R�nU.Beneflclary sholl heve the�ipht,power and autho�lty duri��the contlnuance of thfs Oeed of T�uat to ;_.._
<br /> colleot the rente, leeuea and profite of the Propehy and o(any personal prope►!y loceted thereon wlth or wNhout takinp � �
<br /> � poaeesnlon of the PropeAy affeated hereby,and Trustor hereby abaolutely and unconditlonally aasipns all such reMa,leaues � �� ek
<br /> .r...�. UE.
<br /> - _ __ 'i and profits io 8eneiiaiery. 8eneilel�ry, howevar,i�ireby ear�sents to ihe Trustor's collacilon and relart!!on ot such renla, � __ = ���a
<br /> � leaues end profita aa they accrue end become payable eo lonp as TNator Is not,at auah time,in detault wHh reapect to pay , , ��.���'��
<br /> ment of any Indebtedness securad heteby or in the pe►formance of any apreement hereunder. Upon any such default, � :�;� �y
<br /> � Beneticlary mey at any tlme,elther In pereon,by apent or by a recelver to be appolnted by e court,wlthout notice and wlthout s� �
<br /> . re��rd to the adequpcy of any aecurlty for the Indebtedness hereby secured:(a)enter upon and take posaession of the Proper• ` �,
<br /> ty or any part thereof and In Its own name sue for or otherwlae collect such renta,isaues and proflte,includlny those past due
<br /> � and unpald,end apply the eame,leas costa and expenses of operatlo�end colleotlon,Includinp reaeonable attorney fees,
<br /> upon any Indebtednese aecu►ed hereby and In auch order as 9eneflclary may determine;(b)perform auch acts of repalr or p�o- � �
<br /> teotlon�s mey be neceasery or proper to conaerve the velue of the Properly;(c)lease the same o�any part hereof for such ren• �
<br /> ,�*. `� t�l term and upon euch conditbne ae lts Judpment may dlotate.Unless Trustor and Beneflclary apree otherwlae in writinp,any
<br /> ��"� . oppllcatlon of rente,lasuee or profite to any fndebtedneas aecured hereby ahall not extend or poatpone the due dete of the in• � �
<br /> , etalknent paymente as p►ovided In the Loan Agreement,and the appllCatlOn thereoi as aforeaald Shall not walve or oure any w
<br /> � defAUlt or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pureuant to such notice.Trustor also aeslyna to 8eneilolary,
<br /> as}urther securlty for the pe�formance ot the obliqatlons aecured hereby,all prepald rents and all moMes whlch may have
<br /> been or may hereafter be depos{ted wlth sald Trustor by any leasee ot the Property,to aecure the payment of any rent,and
<br /> � upon detault In the perforamnce of eny of the provislons hereof, Trustor agrees to dellver auch renta and deposlta to the
<br /> •� � Boneficlary. Dellvery of wrltten notlee of Benelficery's exerclse ot ihe rlghta granted herwln to any tenant occupying eald
<br /> premlaes ahall be sufllclent to requlre said tenant to pay sald rent to the Beneficiary untll further notice. •
<br /> 9.Cand�mn�tlon.If tltle to any pert of tho Propeny shall be taken In condemnatlon proceedln�s,by right of eminent domaln
<br /> or slmilar ectlon,or shall be aold under threat of condemnatlon,all awards,damages and proceeds are horeby assipned a nd
<br /> ehall be pald to Beneficlary who shall apply suoh awa►d,damaqes and proceeds ta the surns secured by the Deed of Trust,
<br /> with the excess,If eny,peld to the Trustor.
<br /> , 10. Futu��Adv�no�a.The Loan Apreement provldea for advences from time to time to Truator by Bene�iclary as provided
<br /> � therein.In eddltlon,upon request of Trustor,Beneflclary,at BeneNclery's optlon,prlor to reconveyance of the P►opeRy to the
<br /> � Truator,may make additlonal future edvences to the Trustor.Such futu�e advences,wlth interest thereon,shall be secured by
<br /> � thls Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes stating that sald notes are secured hereby;provided thaf at no tirne
<br /> : ahall the secured principal and future advances,not Including sums advanced to protect t�e secu�ity,exceed one hundred per•
<br /> � � cent(100%)of the oriylnal principal emouMS secured hereby.
<br /> ' � 11. R�mNll�s Cumulallv�.All remedies ptovided fn thls Deed of Trust are distfncf and curnulative to any other right or
<br /> rernedy under thls Oeed of Truat or afforded by law or equity,and may be exerclsed concurrently,independently or successlve•
<br /> , ly.
<br /> ' 12.AccN�rallon;R�m�dla;S�1e.A default shall exisl In the event of:
<br /> . (A) Any iraud or mlarepresentatlon by the Trustor in connectlon with the Ilne of credit which this Deed of Trust secures;
<br /> •, 1 � � � � (B) Any failure on the part of ihe Trustor to meet tAe repayment terms In reapect to ihe Loan Agreement and any other ad•
<br /> .• � r• ; vancee under this Deed of Trust hereby secured;and,
<br /> � ,: •
<br /> ; •� ' ' (C) Any ectlon by the Truator prohlbited by the terms of the Loan Apreement or thls Deed ot 7rust or any fellure of the Trustor
<br /> _�.._ .�......e sa.....ee.,�.
<br /> — T='` 'tO aci as requireri oy ine Loan iigreemeni or inis ueeti vi TruBi,nuci�vi wi�ia,i�TiuSiu���o�o..�a'y:oo...�..•....^....•..•......•
<br /> �t . ' fect on the Benef{clary's aecurtty for the line of credlt establlshed and the rlghts of the Beneflclary in such securlty,
<br /> : � and upon the happening of any such event of default.Bene(Icfary may declare all sums secured hereby Immedlately due and
<br /> ' , � payeble by delivery 1�7rustee oi wrftten declaratton of detault.The Trustee shall have the power of sale of the Property,and N
<br /> , ii BeneHclery desfres the Property lo be sold, It shall deposlt wlth Trustee thls Deed of trust and all promissory notes and
<br /> � dncuments evlqencing expendllures secured here�y and shall dellver to Trustee a wrftten notice of default and election lo
<br /> : � cau�e fhe Prnperty to be sold,and the Truatee In tum shall prepare a notice In the form requf red by lew,whfch ahell be duly f II•
<br /> ed for record by Trustee.
<br /> ! (A) Aiter the lapse of such tlme as may be requlred by law followlnp the recordetlon of sald notice of de(ault,and notice of
<br /> �. default and notice of dale havin9 been ylven as requlrod by law,Truatee,wlthout demand on Trustor,ahall sell fhe Proper•
<br /> • •� • ty on the date and at the tlme and place desl�nated In sald notice of sale,et publlc auction to the hlphest bldder,the pur•
<br /> � i chaee prlce peyable In Iawlul money of the United Statea et the tlme of sale.The person conductfng the sale may,for any
<br /> I cause he deema expedlent,postpone the sale trom tlme to tlme untll It shall be completed and.In every such case.notice
<br /> � NF�O��11�i0� �
<br /> i
<br />