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•...r <br /> }� ,- .,• .. '��; „ .�� <br /> L�' ., : �'`�n ... .�'�it`�J'Y"n _ ,.-- <br /> � '.+t' •. •u <br /> • <br /> ' 93. so�►eo4 <br /> ot po�tpon�m�nt shul b�plwn by publlo d�ol�ratlon tMnot by woh p�r�on N th�tlm��nd plao�I��t�ppolnUCl for 1M <br /> - wl�;provld�d. If th�al�1�po�tpon�d for lonp�r th�n on�(1)d�y b�yond th�d�y d��lpntl�d In th�notla�of�al�.notic� <br /> ih�nof�h�ll b�piwn In tM artN m�nn�r u th�oripin�l notla�of��I�.Tru�tM�hdl�x�oub anb d�llwr to lh�purohas�r <br /> '.,, ^i�. p�DMd conwylnp tM Prop�rty�o sold,but wllhout any aor�rnnt or w�rnnty,�xpnf�or Impll�d.Th�noNats In th�dNd <br /> of any m�tt�ra or�ol��hdl b�oonoludw proof of th�truthful�s th�r�of.Any p�rwn,Inaludlnp B�Iloluy,m�y pur• <br /> n w.:��_.._. chat�d th�saU. <br /> • ���`��'���' (B) Wh�n Tru�1M w11�punu�nt to th�pow�n h�nln,th�TrwtN�h�il�pply ih�procMd�of th�s�l�to paym�nt of tM <br /> -- �`�''`'•�'�'�'� aost��nd�xpsnt��of�x�rcl�l�p th�pow�r of�de and ot ths a�t��Inoludlnp th�p�ym�nt of th�T►u�tM's fN�sotu�lly <br /> �..; <br /> -r;y, � .�:;:w Incwred,whlch T�wIN'�f�es�h�ll not In th��ppnpns exceW th�followlnp amount bas�d upon th��mount s�aund <br /> �;••_.; ,.. ;;:';, hsnby�nd nmdnlnp unp�ld;5 p�rc�ntum on th�/lnt i1,000 thsreol,l p�rwntum on tM balma�tlt�t�of md tlan to tM <br /> �,. '• " � Items In subpar�p��ph(C)In tM o�dsr t��re�Ut�d. <br /> _ w . • .. . <br /> �• �� (C) Aiter p�ylnp the Items spsolfl�d In�ubp�np�aph(B)If ths sple Is by TrustN,o►th�propsr coun and o1h�r coets of <br /> � + �t foreolosu�a and ul�If th��al�It punwnt to Judlald forealosuro,th�proaNd�of al��h�ll M applNd In the ord�r�lat�d <br />�x,, � � �•~:�',.�`""`� to ths payment of: <br /> �;���'„ � �"� � .�� (1) Cost of wny widencs of tltls proour�d In oonneotion wlth suah��I�and of�ny nwnw stampa; <br /> •.•,• .� ,�w..., ':.: <br /> � ,.� .�,,. ` (Iq All sums the a�oured h�reby; <br /> .. ' pll)Ths rsmalnder,If any,to the peroon lepally entllled theroto. <br /> .�:• " • '" �� 13.Outla�od Obllwtlom of Trutl�a.(a)Ths dutlee and obllpotlons of Trustee sh�ll bs dstermined sotNy by tM expreas <br />� !''"' : 1" p�ovlslana o1 thla Oe�d of Trost,and Trustee ahall not be Il�ble excspt for ths perform�nce of euoh dutls�and oblip�tlons as <br /> �''`'�' ;, a�e apeoNically aei fonh herein,and no implled covenante or obliqatlor.s ehell be Imposed upon Trustes;(�No proWslone of <br /> ���•: ° thle Deed of Truat shall requlre Truetee to expend or�lek Its owe funde,or otherwlse Inour any flmnol�l oblip�tion In 1h�par- <br /> '•" ' formanae ot any of Ila dutle�hereunder,or In the exerclae of any of Its rlphte or powe►,If It ah�ll h�ve�rounds for bellsvin� <br /> ,1�.;, <br /> that!he rep�yment of auch funds or adequate Indemnity apalnat euoh rlek a Ilsbllity Is not ��aaonably aeswad to It;(c) , ,;�,. <br /> �� � �' T�uatee may coneult wlth couneel of Its own chooelnp and the advioe of such counsel ahell be full and complete outhorizAtlon <br /> % �.,. ,, , and protectlon In the reepeat of any ootlon taken or auffered by It hereundar In pood falth end rellance thereon;(d)Trustee � ,.,. <br /> ' ehall not be Iloble for Any aotlon taken by It In pood falth and repeonably bsllsved by It to be�uthorized o�wlthin tha dleantlon <br /> , or�iphts and powere conferred upon It by thle Dead of Truet. <br /> 14.AddNloml SeouNryl ImtrunNnt� Ita expense,wlll exeaute and dellver to the Truatee,promptly upon demand, <br /> 1;i; '��." ;�:. auah aecurJty Inetrumente ae mey be�equired by Trustee,In fam and substance eatlefaotory to Trustee,coverinp any of the <br /> '��;,, �'',;;� . Propeny comeyed by lhle Oesd of Trust,whloh aecurlty Instrumenta ahell be�ddltion�l sscurlty tor Trustor'e taithful pe►for• ,�., <br /> _- �____= mancw of a11 of�he�erme,csovsn�nts and conditlone of thls Oeed of Trust,the Loan Agraement,any promissory notet aecured �°''�_'`"�' ' <br /> ;;�` � hereby and any other security Inatrumente executed in connectlon wlth thls trane�ctlon.Suoh ln�troments shsll bs recorded <br /> ; or flled,and re�recorded�nd reflled,at T�uetor's expenee. • ' : • ' <br /> •; 18.MbwNan�ow. ,... .'' <br /> ,..,,;.s::'!.,• <br /> (A) In the event any one or more of the provlslone contained in the Deed of Truat, or the Loan Apreement or eny prornlesory , ..,d;°.. <br /> note,or any other eeaurity Instrument piven In oonneotlo�with this transactlon,ehell tw any reaeon to be held to be In• ' <br /> � , valid, Illepal or unenforceoble In any respect, euah Invalidity, Illepallty or unenforceabillty ahell, et the optlon of ► ���� <br /> � Beneflolary,not affeot any other provl8ion of thls Deed of Tru�t,that this Deed of Truat ehell be conatrued ae If suoh In• , ,. <br /> �� valid, illepal or unenforceable provlelon had never been contelned herein or thereln. F �� �l�. <br /> � z.. <br /> J �B) This Oeed of T►uat ehell be const�ued accordlnp to the laws of the 3tate ot Nebreaka. � '"�d'• <br /> ;+,�; �� (C) The Deed of Trust ehall ineure to and bind the helra, legeteea,devleeea, odminiet�ators,executore, aucceaeors and j �,�: <br /> n � asalpna of the panles hereto. ! � <br /> � (p) Truetor ahell pay all taxes levled upon thia Oeed of Trust or the debt secured hereby,together with any other taxea or : <br /> ' '. aeeeeamente whloh may be levled egelnst the T�ustee o�Benetiolary or the leqal holder of the Loan Agraement on ac• <br /> ' � count of the Indebtedneas evidenced thereby. i - <br /> . (E) Whenever uaed hereln,the sinpuler number shell Inolude the plural,the plural,the alnpuler,the use ot any pender ahall be <br /> � epplicable to all gendere,end the term"Beneticlery"ahall inolude eny payee of the indebtednesa hereby eecure0 or eny � <br /> trensfer thereot,whether by operatlon of law or otheMrlee. � <br /> 18.8ucC��sorT�wtN.Beneflclary may from tlme to time aubstltue a successor or successors to any Truatee named hereln � a <br /> ` or actlnp hereunder to execute thls Truet Oeed.Upon suah appofntment and without convenyance to the auccessor Truatee, , 3, ,-. <br /> .. the latter ahall be veated wlth all iltle,powers and dutles conferred upon any Truatae hereln nemed or actlnp hereunder.Eaoh <br /> • auch appointment end euDstltutlon shall be made by wrltten Instrument by Beneliclary,contelninp reference to this Deed oi ' <br /> r Truet and Ite plece of record,whlch when recorded In the offlce of the Re�leter of Deede o}the county or countlea In whlah � <br /> eold property Is aftueted,shell be concluslve proof of proper appolntment of the suocesaor Trustee.Tho fo�epoinp power ot <br /> subatitutlon and the procedure therefor shall not be exclusive ot the power and procedure p►ovided for by lew for the subetitW <br /> ' � tlon of a Trustee or Truatees In the place of the Trustee or Truateea named hereln. <br /> i • i � t7.ForMnanc�by B�n�flcl�ry or TruslN NOt�W�IYK.A forbearance by Benef iclary or 7rustee in exe►clsing any ripht or <br /> . remedy hereunder�or otherwise afforded by appllceble law ahall not be a welver ol or preclude the exerclee of any rlflht or <br /> � remedy hereunder.Llkewise,the walver by 8ene(Iclery o�Trustee o}any default of T�ustor under thla Oeed ot Truat ehall not be <br /> , deemed to be a walver of any other or almiler defeults subsequently occurrinp. <br /> � � .18.Trustor Nat iid�a�d.Extenslo�of the tlme for payment or modlficatlon or amortizatlon of the aums secured by the <br /> ' � ' Deed ot Truat pranted by Beneficlary to any auccessor In Intereat ot Trustor shall not operpte to release,in any manner,the <br /> � �• Ilabllfty of tAe orlpinal Trustor and Trustor's aucceseor In Interast.Benefiolary shall not be requlred to commence proceedinga <br /> ' � � ' apalnet euCh 8uccee8or or refu8e to extend time lor peyment or otherwise modlly emortizetlon of the suma secwed by the <br /> �+- Deed of Trust by reaeon of any demand made by the oriqinol Trustor end Truator's auccessors In Interest. <br /> �_ _ 19.Optlon to Fonolou.Upon the occurrence of any detault hereunder,Beneflolary ahell have the option to forecloae thls <br /> F�" � �'� Ddetl of Truat In the manner providecl by law for the foreclosure ot mo►tpapee on real property. <br /> ;� 20.Trustor'�Rlphb.Abs�nt DHault.Untll a�y default in the peyment of Indebtednees hereby secured,or untll the breach of <br /> , any covenant hereln contalned,the Trustor,its succeaeors and asslpns,ahell poeBesa and enJoy the property end recelve the <br /> � , rents end profita therefrom.Upon payment of all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust,Beneflclary shall request Trustee to <br /> �i reaonvey the properly and ahall surrender thfs Deed oi Truet end all notea and Loan A�reements evidencl�p indebtedneas <br /> R secured by the Daed of Trust to Trustee.Trustee ahall reconvey the property without warranty and without cherqe to the per- <br /> � ,. sona lepelly entitled thereto.The(3rantee In eny►econveyance may be described as"the person or persons entitled thereto", <br /> � end the recifels thereln of any matters or fecte shall be conoluslve proof of the truthfulneas thereof.3uch person or peraons <br /> � i shell pey all coata of recordlnp,If any. <br /> �� �' 21.Tnnshr of fM Prop�rty;As�umptlon.If all or any peR of the PropeAy or an Interest thareln Is sold or transferred wlthout <br /> ' Beneticlary's prlor wrltten conaent,except aa othervvlae provided by law,Beneficlpry may,at Beneficlary's optlon,declare all <br /> ' the eums aecured by thle Deed of Trust to be Immedlately due end payable.Beneficlery ahall have walved such optlon to ac• <br /> ; ; celerate ff,priur tv the aale or tranafer,Beneflciary and the peraon to whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach <br /> Hs�o�s nAO� I <br /> � � <br /> , � <br />