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• ,, <br /> ':_� ,�_,��.�1 �„�:;__� ... <br /> . � . _ , <br /> ¢ ._ <br /> d�: �� <br /> . <br /> .. �•U`rSr'l)t <br /> � �93- io�re�o4 � <br /> � bRAND I�L1i ND <br /> �. <br /> ��°.w�.o�»u°ri�°"or��� <br /> •;� <br /> ACKNOWLEDOMEPIT TO DEED OF TRUBT <br /> 7M und�nlpn�d"Tru�tor'as Id�ntlfl�d In tM followlnp DNd of Tru�t,wh�thsr on�a more,underetwnd th�t ths doaum�nt <br /> I• I 4,�I . th�y�a about to sxecut�Is a Desd of T�u�t and not�mort�p�,and th�t th�power of wl�prorid�d for In th�ONd of Trust <br /> provldN aubstantlally dlH�rent riphta�nd obllp�tlom to th�Borrow�ra th�n a mortpape In the event ot�d�t�ult a br��ah of <br /> oblip�tbn und�►ths D�ed of Trust,Includln0,but not IimMsd to,ths B�nsflol� ' rlqht to hnve the Prop�rty Identltled In ths <br /> , followlnp Deed of Truat sold by ths Trustee wlthout �ny Judlcial procoed 0 rustor repres�nt�a wunnts th�t thls <br /> .: „'='? <br /> n of he M�d <br /> f ru�t hen�fter ut ort . <br /> � ' : „• � ''.� Acknowlsdpm�nt wYS�x�outed by them bsforo th�sx�outlo t <br /> a.1', • i2.,�:,�.'td��fA'.�1lE+° `/K� / <br /> , ,.;�,�,, ' . <br /> -,r.��. .,j... . - ,. ' <br /> '' Hoche <br /> �: ,,.;��� e ges . <br /> � ��'• ' �',�''/ . �G����L�`'�/�J�¢�Q��'- - ,��:'. <br /> ..�,�' ' .. y <br /> �' I�ary Kathryn Reeves-Hoche <br /> '•. `. , ' •, ;:;� <br /> ''''�`'�'�''�"'"�=� HOME E�UITY LIWE DEED OF TRUST <br /> ��.. <br /> �� . THIS TRUST DEED m�de thls�_d4y of Sep�ember ,19�_,b�tween eo gps A Hoche and marv , <br /> ` Kathrvn Reeves-Hoche. herelnafler aall "Trusto►",whoae maillnp address la�609 Ste ecoach� G. I. NE.68801 <br /> �� � � • Rrend R. Baack 104 N. eeler, . .. <br /> � ,Attorney ot Law,whose maillnp addees la � <br /> � , . .� � as"Truatee";and Home Federal SAVin�s and Loen Aesoalatlon of(3rand Itlond.whoee mailin�eddnsa Is 2218oulh Loaust. <br /> • " P.O.Box 1009,Qrand Islend,Nebraska A8802,as"Beneflolory". <br /> - �-------� �; Fa v�iwbfe conaider�tion,Truaior irrevoaably{�r�nis,ironefere,conveya and asslpns ta Trusise,is�iassi,wlih poxrar o! • <br /> Y�!•� sale,for the bensfit and eecurity of Beneficlary under�nd eubjeot to the terms�nd condltions of thls Deqd of Trust,ths follow• <br /> � � ' Inp desa�lbed prop�rty locat�d In Ha�l CountY ,N�braska,to wit: <br /> . All of l.ot Twenty-Two (22), Coachplace Subdivision, in the Cfty of Grand <br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska and that part of Lot Twenty-Dne (21), <br /> ` Coachplace Subdivisfon, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrask <br /> '� more completely described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner <br /> .,.. <br /> ;�, of Lot 7wenty-One (21) and running along the Westerly Boundary line <br /> �•,• . , of seid Lot 21 a distance of 17.15 feet. thence deflecting in a south- <br /> �;� ', �� easterly direction and running parallel to the southerly boundary line <br /> �'� � ' of said Lot 21 to a point on the easterly boundary line of said Lot <br /> . 21� thence deflecting in a southerly directian and running alang the <br /> .�' :�' � ` � easterly boundary line of said Lot 21 a di stance of 18.70 feet, thence <br /> • �� ' deflecting in a northwesterly direction and running along the southerly <br /> 1•�''.". boui�daay line of said Lot 21 to the point of beginning. <br /> . ,., <br /> topether with all bulldlnps,Iixturea, Improvements and appuhenpnces thereunto belonflln�, N helnp apreed that all of the <br /> , •. lwepoing ehall be herelnaiter referred to as the"Prope►!y". .�. <br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURINO performance of each ayreement and covenant oi Truator herein contAined and the ppy <br /> � � ' mentofthepNncipelsumof_IhfT�Tho�and and_no�10p---------------------Dollars�t 30.Q00.00 1, �„ <br /> as evidenced by a Home Federel Home Equlty Loan Ayreement between Trustor and Beneflclary(the"Loan Ayreement"),pur• <br /> suant to which Beneflclery wltl edvence funds to T�ustor from tlme to time at the Intereat rates end upon the terms p�ovided � <br /> • � ' thenln,tapether wlth eny aum or sums of money wlth Interest thereon whlch may herealter be pald or advanced under the <br /> t ; � . terme oi thle Deed of Trust,bath principal aum end Inte�eat thereon belnp payable acCOrdinp to the terms set forth in the Loan <br /> Apreement,reference to whlch la hereby mede,af the oftice of the Beneliclary in(i�and Island,Nebreaka, or at such other <br /> � . plece es Beneficlary may dealynafe In wrNlny. <br /> � ; ,� TRUSTER AND BENEFICIARY COVENANT ANO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br /> , 1,W�nMty of TNI�.Truator Is law(ully selzed of the P�operty;has goad rlght and lewful authorNy to sell and convey the Pro• <br /> � � . perty;the Prope►ty le free and ciear of all Ilens and encumberances except Ilena now of record;end Trustor wl ll warrant and de� <br /> ' • , . tend the tltle to the Propehy unto the Trustee and its succesaors and as�igna forever egalnat the cleima of all persons, <br /> �� �,, ,�,,. •. � 2.P�ym�nf of Princlpd�nd Int�nst.Truator shall punctually pay the principal of,and Inierest on,all advancea under fhe <br /> __;._ .: ' Loan Ap�eement end wlll punctually perform all apreements,conditlona end provislons of any other security Instrument ylven <br /> �- �--��-,` ' � In conneotlon wlth this transaction. <br /> � � � 3.P���rv�tlon and M�InNn�nc�of Propariy.Truator wfll not commit any waste upon the Property et wlll,at all timea,maln• <br /> � �: tain the same In pood ader and conditlon and wlll make,lrom time to time,all repairs,renewals,replaceme�ta,additlons end <br /> Improvements whlch are reasonebly requlred to prevent weste,impelrment,or deterloration of said property.No bulldlnp or <br /> k= � Improvernent now or hereaRer erected upon the PropeNy ahall he altered, removed or demolished wlthou4 the prior wrltten <br /> � , 1 � aonaent of Beneflclary. <br /> 4.In�ur�.Truetor,et Ite expense,will malntaln with Inaurers epproved by 8eneflclary,Inaurance wlth reepeot to the Im• <br /> j ; ' �� � proveme�ts and pereooal proerty constltutlnp the Property ayalnat loas by fl�e,Ii�htnlnp,tornado and othe�perlla covered by <br /> ;, � , ; standard extended coveraqe endorsement In an amount equal to at least one hu�dred percent of the full replecement value <br /> � thereof,�nd Ineurance apalnet suoh other hazards and In euch amount ea Is customarlly cerrled by owners and operators of <br /> �j • • � slmllar prope�tles and ae Beneflolary may requlre for Its proteetlon.Truetor wlll eomply wlth auch other requiremente as <br /> ' �• Ben�flclary mey from time to tlme requeet for the protectlon by Inaurance of the Interest of the respective panies. All In• <br /> : , surance poticlee malntalned pursuant to this Deed of Trust ahall name Trustor a�d Beneflclery as Insureds,as thelr reapective <br /> , Intereata may appear and provide that there ehall be no cencellatlon or modlficatlon without flfteen (1S)doye prlor wrltten f <br /> � � <br />