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�7 �`_'� 7 .� �.1' . t__.- " _ - ...-__. . <br /> r � r..�'�:ih���v�� �u�._S.u.v �S:'��u".�:.... ._. - ._.. �y., ._ . <br /> -_--- :�"`� 9��,`lo�s�� <br /> Q. H�urd or Property tiuunnce. Bortower shalt kccp the improvunen[a now exisiing ar hereaRer eruted on the <br /> -- --- Propeny insurcd agains�loss by Iiro, hn�arAs Included within thc�crni'cr.tcndal covcrago'and any othcr hazurds, Irsiuding <br />__.___..._..� Oood�m Ilooding,tor whlch L.c�der requirca Insurence.Thia lnsumnco sliall be maln�ainal In�he emonnis end for�ho periode ___ __ <br /> ..�__ Ihat I.cnder requlres.Tha Irsurance wrricr providing�he fnsumnce shall be chosen by Borrower subJat�o Lender'R epproval <br /> whlch sAall nol be unreasonably wf�hheld. If Borrower fnits �o maintafn coverago described nbove, Lender may, nt I.ender'e <br /> -_`�l_'--�=—� optlon,oblain rovcrogo to protect LenAer's ri�m In tho Propeny in nccordance with p�ragraph Z � � <br /> �-�-_° All insurenco pollcie�und renewals shall�be aaeptabie �o l.ender end shall Include a siendard mortgage ciause. Lender <br /> _.....,.,.. <br /> �°'-_.'�;� shall have�he dght�o hold thc pollcits and cene�va�s.If Lender r.qulres,Borrmver shall promp�ly give to Lender all receipts of -� <br /> � , ., . . .------- <br /> '� paid prcmiums end renewel noqcca.In the evcn�of lose,Rorrower shall give prompt noilrn ro�hc irtsurwkc carder end Lender. <br />:"j`-.;'�`,`..�-_ I.ender may make proof of loss If nol mnde promptly by Bortowcr. <br /> Unless I.ender und Borrower otl�envise e rec in wdlin Insurxnce raceeds sl�all be a lied to restornqon or re 31r of the �� <br />�:°-;vi��f>{� 8 &. P PP P _�__.__ <br /> A �.�,. - Propeny damagcd,if the rcstora8on or repair is economically feasible nnd I.endcr's saurl�y Is not Icssencd. If the resrorotlon or w _-- <br /> � _,at i repatr is not emnonilcalfy kasible or Lender's sceu�iry wauld be Ieasened, the insuronce proxed�shall be applied to�he sunu 6Si:� � <br /> -- secured by this Secudty Instrument, whaher or no� then due. �vith any exeess patd to Borrower. If Ibrtolver ab�ndom �he �:: - <br /> �., t�,. Anpeny,or dces na enswer wi�hin 30 days a notice from Lender�hat the insurance carrier has offerod ro set0e e claim,then � - <br /> �, = Lender may rnllect the insurance procads. Lender may use �he procecds to repair or rcstoro �he Propeny or �o pay sunu � �� _ <br /> � scared by th(s Security[ncuument,whetAer or no�then duc.The 30�day pedod will begin when thc notfce is given. _ ,r� <br /> � Unlexs Lender and Barrower othernise agrce in writing, nny epplicaqon of procxds to principal shall not extend or ,� �{ - <br /> ` - �^ st no the due date of the momhl mems rekrrcd to In ara re hs I and 2 or chan c Ihc emoum of the menu. If 'Y��"��`- <br /> a-, �. M P� Y PaY P' 8 P 8 WY ,��. _. <br /> under paragreph 21 the Propeny is ecquircd by Lender,Oorrower'e right[o eny insmance policies end pracetds resul�ing hom �':� " <br /> �;� danuge ro�he Propeny prlor to�he ecquisidnn shall pass to Lender to me extem of the amns secund by Ihis Secudty Instrument �-�;� ., �-�-�-� <br /> � immediatcly prior to�he acquist�lon. <br /> _"�`�i'�-`?gl 6.Occufuncy,PresentiNon,M1falntmnnm and Prolecqon of Ihe Properly; I3orroe�er's Lonn Applicaflon; I.eaxholdv. �i�:"n"'-_;._. <br />'� ;.d��;;' ': Oorruwer shall occupy,esiablish,end use�he Propeny as f3orrower'e principal ruideMC wi�hin sixry days eRer the execution of - � <br /> - "��'-, Ihis Securi� lnstrumenl nnd shall mntfnue lo ottu the Pro n es Qortox•cr's dnci y � �� -— <br /> Y PY P� Y P P� �idence for at Ieast one ear aRer ,.:,a':.,'•'�•~+� <br /> �ho date ot occupancy,unless Lender oihenvise egrecs in writing,which mnsent shall not be unressonably wi�hheld,or unlese �`='^�;j;;,�':��'�� <br />. - extenualing circumstances exist �vhich arc Ixyond Uorrower's control. Uanower shall not desiroy, damaga or impalr the � s ��- <br /> , `�`.,��s ';�;;;��`_Ir-- <br />_ .-..��. �: Property, ellow the Propeny to deiedora�e, or mmmft wastc on�he Propcny. I3orron�er shall be in dcfault if nny forfeiturc �,- .:,E.;,. ._ <br /> _.-�s`, actlon or procecding,whciher civil or cdminal, is begun that in Lender's gad fni�h Judgnxm rnuld result in farfei[ure of p�e ' ii = <br /> • ,' Propeny or o�hcrnise maiedally impair�hc Iien crcated by this Sccurity Instrumcni or l.cndcr's sxariry inrercst. 6ortower n�ay �-t,;, --- -= <br /> �' -f,� wre wch a default and rcinsmte,es provided in paregrzph I8,by causing�he eqion or proceeding w be dismtucd wi�h e ruling " -= <br /> A'v<yj{j` tfia4 in Lendcr's goad tai�h detcrtnirtiation, precludes todciture of tne Gorrowcr's imtres� in tnc rroyerty or o�hcr material �:�`s , 1 <br /> - impalm�ent of the li<n created by this Secariry Instmmem or Lender's securiry interest. Oonox�er shall atso be in de(auit if �.�.�,,.�"�y r,,,:�,-- <br /> ,�.� I3ortowcr,dudng ihe loan application procect,gave materially fetse or inaccu�aie intomuilon or s�a�ements to Lender(or feilcd W",y���if� , '�-- <br /> ro provide Lender with any matedal infom�alion)im m�rccUon wi�h�he loan evidenced by�he Note, Including,but no�limited ' �d��A� ` �`�,-_-, <br /> ro,rc re.sentation.g mncernin Oorrower's acu anc of the Pro n as a nnci I resiArnce. If this Securit Instrumem is on o ''�' ' <br /> - . „ P 8 P Y P� Y P � N Y ��`ft�' . .� ;,` <br /> `�:?'-E:��'-;' Ieasehold. Uorrower shall mmpty �vith all �he provislons of�hc Ienae. If Bovower ocqufrcs fee ti�le to ihc Propetly, �he %�r;ro�.;1:�;���!.;?j�:S'�' <br /> 5`� leaschold and Ihe fec liqe shall nol mcr e unless Lendcr n rccs�o�hc mer cr in�vritin . <br /> 6 S 8 8 � . .J:'—�- <br /> _ 7.Protection of I.ender's Righis In Ihc Properly.If Dorrower feils w perfomi�he mvenants and egrccmcnts wmaincd in .,.��,�;i;�. , : :>f�_� <br /> this Secudty Inslrumem, m�here is e legal proceeding lhot may stgnificantly affect Lender's dghis in�he Propeny(such es a ;f a�;•'„ '" � <br /> ` �f '�� <br /> -- ptocttding In bankruptcy,probate, for mndemnation or forfcimre or�o enforce Inws or regulatlons), then Lender may do end +s4 t .:- <br /> --f�;- pay for whatever is necessary ro protea �he value of the Propeny nnd Lender's rights in the Pmpeny. Lender's uctlons may ``� ' ' vt��<.- <br /> - " � include paying any aunu ururcd by n lirn which hu priori�y over �his Securi�y InsirumenL nppcaring In rnutt, paying ��="� �'"�"' �' �>% <br /> f.�:.-: .� �T- _ X �,.'• <br /> ...,, rcasanable n�tomcys'fees and cntering on�he Propeny io makc rcpairs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ion under this paragreph �.• ��- ._ <br /> - 7,Lendcr docs no�havc to do so. ;,u�ji� y ' -_{+:-: <br /> ��[ �_ Any amounls disbur,cd bp Lender urder this pa`agraph 7 shall betome additianal dcbt of 6orro�ecr secured bp �hiz �,.F�. ��__: <br /> Securi�y InswroeN.Unless Dorrower and Lendcr agrw�o oihcr�crms o(paymcnt, these amoums shall bear intera�(rom thc �� + � <br /> ; � date of disbursement et the Notc ratc and shall be payablc, with inlercsl, upon notice from Lendcr �o Borrowcr requcsdng �i^:; � r ��ry��. �: <br /> �` paymcm. �f,}�f�_, 7.� ra�..=� :- <br /> � 8.INorlgoge Insurance. If Ler.der nquircd mongage inxuranm as a mndi�ion nf making U�e loan securcd by�his Sxuri�y �yi;{3i> ��'A'-�';��-� <br /> i��i y Insuument, [iomowcr shall pay the premiums requircd lo maimain Ihe morlgagr inwrancc in effcet. If, for eny rcason, the '�SLfr ���t_: � <br />- �-�-��- � : morlgage insuranee mverage required by Lender lapses or ceases�o be in effen,Borto�rer s6a11 pay�M1e premiums rcquired to '`'i-�s :'��¢v�X�."-.> <br />� obtaln mvcragc substantiaily cquivalent tu�he mm�gagc insurance pn:viously in cffec�,ai a ms�substamiall uivalem ro�he �`��•'{ '���"� � <br /> - 5��.i Y� �•��<:�:,Yi-�' <br /> ��iia%-•-.,- msl to Dortower of�hc nwngagc insurance previously in effect, from an ulicmate nangagc insurer approred by tAndcr. If <br /> ��� substantially equivalent mongage insurance corerage is�ro�avnilable, f3orruwer shall p�y to Lender cach month a smn eqnal to �% ="���+ •� <br /> '''�",� one-I�vellth of 1he yearly mortgage insurance prcmium 6cing paid by Qorrower��hen�he inmmnec mverage lapsed or ceaud to .�"��:.`,`� <br /> n.,... <br /> - _ bc in will accept,usc and rciain thesc paymems az a losx resen�c in licu of mnngage insurantt. Loss rcurve �;:;.��': '":`����;;:-� <br />. ��t�,''`. �• - , <br /> _ -� Form 302D 9100 ��� <br /> ='.Yt�,.��.�e � . _ <br /> ..".:i. %�� . <br /> -i,e.r '7 a - <br /> iy 1 • <br /> �l � 'f�3R�C�la���.i.�..���f ^�wfn"T� ' - t9�' . <br /> /- / '.. l� £ - '. �3i- ". -(f�'•. . t f <br /> v�xC:..+'I,.. _?K . . .� !}��-<1 "" . . .�- . .,� - <br /> -.-. .. . - -_ — _ _ _ _ __ _' <br /> a..r---d"rr .. _ �_.. _ ._.i .�h ° p �_ �` �-�_ � -�._ ... '-- . , � <br /> _��� .,-... d ,� : � ���t - : 1.: . '' . .:__ <br /> 'cnc ``�• � � _ 1 . ��i .' . .. - i'_ . . <br /> - .aC� .. .�. - '�- :'J <br /> i <br /> _ ,K t <br /> �- � . . . y. " ' :� : - <br /> � T , F <br /> - r�y '_ __ ' " " <br /> .-- � y '�';�r t]x'i ' � . - ' �� _' . � 1 b t - .. <br /> ; <br /> .. �_u�y.'��Y3+. r .,2- .� � ., . - � _ <br /> • . <br /> — _ ` " .t. " � " <br /> . . -- -��1�y���� �t )r c y .':� y . �y�_ � .. '9� <br /> � '�k� ti.�= � -i.,, •�, '.� - d_ i .. '.^'r�. v' _ t � � - . <br /> _'-,ab��w,.w]+.� � Y � - - �,� <br /> 4 k4� <br /> r <br /> � <br /> � =�NLS 'Y�1:L n .>t 1 � J .:T, � . '. <br /> _ -. �- :-{�'�`�- Luj !� 4„ `- �I j _ � � " <br /> _ t �i- S!)f � '4:. 'a J . • � t - . <br /> ___._ .�_.._--� � , i\i � . .. . a.- -5_ _ . <br /> — = .. /e... ... . . �. m . , ._�' r.v.b. . . .. . �' ' - <br />