! �'_ ' -i.ii+ � . `i 2_—
<br /> . i 1't,�. �" ' ''S';;`�!7�'�[' � r�`i' 4 i -.
<br /> - � . .i�,.n :._sYl.i� .,�°'. �(i' .=+_.x:.=�... .m_�e-�.:� `a:Stim - . _ �_.,.,;a= __
<br /> ---� ' !93.xo����y
<br /> paynxnn mpy no longer bo required,et�he uption oE Lcndcr,l/nwrtgago In(�urancomverogo pn tho nm:iuqt�enA'for iho pulod�
<br /> tAat I.cnGer ixqulres)providtd by en Insucer approved by Lenda Again bG�qmns avoilnflle end is obtalno�i;.nom�w•er 6na�i�y
<br /> �tw premiuma roqulrcd�o n�eimeln mong�go insurence In ctkc4 oe�o p�avtdJ a Inse rcwne,umil iho ra7pircment for monP�e
<br /> ----�� Imurana ende In eccorJsnco wiUi any wditen agrctmcnt b;twcen Oorrou•cr and Isndcr ora�pllcablo Imv.
<br /> 9�InSpectbm Lsnder or I�s agcnt nuy m�ko rcasonobto en�dc�u�n�anA ln.apectlau of�M Prop:tly,l.crMtr ehall givo
<br /> -._,-_.;:.-, Borrouer notiK at tAe�imo of or pdor to an Inspecilon specifying reamnuG6f cnuso tor tha inspec�lon. � ' . --.
<br /> I0.�ondemn�flon. Tho proaed;ot any award or cinlm for dami�ca, dircn or conssquranlel, ih oonnaUon wlth any
<br /> -- rnndemnallon or othcr iaking of wy pan of tho Propeny,or for convcy'once In Iicu of condemnallon,aro I�crc6y nssigncd end
<br />.-----' shall be p�td ro Lendec - `.'. .
<br /> .- (n�he evem of e taal taking of�he Propeny.�he proccede ahn146e nppliM ro�hc swm securcd by QdG 3xud�y Instrunxnt,
<br /> __ _—__ whether or noi�hen duc, with any excess pald to Borrower. In�ha event of a paN�l tuking of tho Pm�ny in which the f�lr
<br /> — market value of Iho Property Immedia�dy bcfore tho taking Is equnbto on grcater ihan thc emoum of�No�snma securcd by thle
<br /> ,.„„y�;� Secudty Instrument immedialely beforu tho�akfng,unless Borroworand Csnder ahe�wiro ngree In wrilingi.tBe sum�securW by
<br /> a`�� this Smdcy Instmment shall be rcduoed by the emount ofµa proceeda midtipiied by�ho Pollowing•fmnion: (e)the total
<br /> ,_r;_-_:� pnw¢nl of Uw sums savred imrnedlau�y beforc thc taking, divld�.d bq(i�)ihe fair markd valuo of IIIO Rrop:ny imnxdlately -
<br /> �•.;�;��, beforc�hc teking. Any baia�ue shall be pald ro Borrower. In-ll�a evcnt of a panial taking of�hc Propepy in which the tslr
<br /> �_u'�.�.4� market vaiva of�he Propeny Immediamiy beforc Ne taking Is Icss Ihm tite emount ot the cums socurctl;iFnm�inicly before the
<br /> ;gr teking,unlese Borcoxw aid Lender oihenvlso agnv!n wriqng on unluss applfcoble law othenviw provldCS,Iho procceda shall
<br /> ,���� ba epptied to the sum�ucured by this Secudty Inswment whe�heror nat tlio sums en ttiendue.
<br /> - ; ((ihe Propeny is ebandoncd by Borrowcr,or if, efler nmtce by Lendur�o I3ortower�hat tho oo�tmrior offere to make en
<br /> + i�i eward or sGde n claim for danugea, Bortower falls ro tespond m Lcndur wlt0ln DO dap aflcr�ha AB�p tlto notim is gfven, _.. ._.-._
<br /> '', --. Lender ie authorized ro allea end eppiy�he procceds,et ils opiinn,.ei�6er ro rcstors�ion or rcpair ot tha prop.ny or to�he wmt
<br /> ='"'t�^it securcd by thle Secudty Instmnxn4 whether or noi then due.
<br />� �``%:u-„�� Unicss I.ender end 6ortower othernise egree in w�Fltnp, eny epplicetion of pracmds to pdncipsl shall no�extend or -
<br />. -;�e�. rl�y -
<br /> �,sf,i�;_: postponz the duo dete of�he monthly payments referted to in,pnrapraphs I end 2 or cM1ange�he unwunl otsuch paymen�a.
<br />,%' i;t;��;�;� 11.Borrowev Not Rcicased;Fm•bearance Oy Lender Nnt a Walecn Gxtension of�h:Nmc for psymenl or modiflcatlon ---�
<br /> ' ��'r%?j'�y��� of emonizat(on of the sums sxurod by thie Secudty L�ummam�gmmed 6y L.cnder roeqy suaxssor in Imcrc.0 of 6orrower shall
<br /> '�.s;�-:?.,:.
<br />�.. �,. �i;.�:, no�opere�e to relcase the Ifabiiity o(thc odginal CWrto�vcran Durtower's snmesson in tmenst. I.arJcc�liall not ba ra�uired to
<br /> ..,,;;;_:;, mnunenee proceedings egainst eny suceessor in imorost on rofuee ro ex�end time for paynxm or othenviso modify anwrtlutlon
<br /> •�'t?=�-=; of tfie wms ucurcA by this Security Insuumen� by�reauon of eny demnnd mnde by �Ae odginel Umrower or Qorrower's
<br /> ^�'�;�`-'` successors in N�eresL Any forbearence by Lender in•examixing nny ripht or remedy shall not bo e w�Jver of or prxludo tho _ —
<br /> exercise oF any dgM or remedy. _ . _. .
<br /> - ' 11. Sumssors nnb Assigns Bound; Jolnt end�9crveral IAnbflity; Co•slgners. 'Ifie mvenants and agrcemcnu of ihls
<br /> ,G� % Securi�y Insuumrnt shall bind end Mnefit �he succcsmrv and assi�ns of Lender end Borrower, su6Joci m tho provislom of
<br />.- �+,�r�;;_.-.: paregmph 17. Dorrower's covenants and egreements shWl'6e jnim und several. Any Horrower who eo•signs lhle Securily
<br />.�-i�':+q:.-•.-, - .
<br />���`�:�rr;�;:% Dorcowcr's inleacslsl nhe Property u dcr thc tem�ofahls�Sccuriry IustirumenL(b)fs uo'1 perxon iy o411gA cd to py ihc sumee R`
<br />` � '�"�'""�r, secured by this Security Insuumenr,and(c)egrees ihm I.endur and nny o�6er Itono�cer may egree�o extcal,malify,forlxar or `'-�
<br /> �-�'S;;�i.j�:, maAe any accommodaqons ei�h regard ro the�enns of thix Security 6�smiment or the Note uilhout IhntUmm�xer's mnrenL �''�-
<br />- 13.Loan Chnrga.If�he loan secured by�Ms Senuity Iiuuvnrem Ix su6jeci m a tow which reis maximum loan charga, ��f --
<br /> _ F =-:-::
<br /> -;;:?;j•`���` and Ihai la�v is finally interyrelM m�ha��he Imeresl ar uthnr Inan chnrges rnllec�td or lo be colloctal iu rnnnection wl�h ihe C:-'w ra
<br /> ',---- loan exorqi the perminN Ilmi�c, �6en: (o)any such-lunn clm�o shnll be a�luced 6y�he nmoum neoessary m reduw�he chargo
<br /> ,`,,lt '� to the pemilttM Itmit;and (b)any sums elready callun�d fmm Ooim�rer which exar.cled pemiiutd Ilmtts�vfll be rcfunded�o s . "-�
<br /> - = '� Oorrower. Le'der may choose ta make this rcfund-by �udacing the principal a�ecd under the No�o or hy making a dirxl � ,�� ,
<br /> ft�� r h�', paymem �o Oorrowcr. If a mPond reduccs principnL tlm n,dnc�ion will hc uu7tcd as a panial prrpaymcm without eny + . -..
<br /> ��._�_.,; prcpayment char�c under thc Note. �,.,; ....���
<br /> r r ' r .� IA.Notices. Any naiice to 6orrower provfdai fin•in thix Secmiiy Insuument sA�ll be 6ivon 6y delh•odng it ar by mailing -� '., t'":-
<br /> t - ` It by Orsl Nuu mail unless applicable law rcquirca m�:af anmlter mci6�d. The no�im shail be direned m tho Property Addresa � _ a�
<br /> _ (�_�F;.; or nny o�her addracs Bartower designates by no�ice a� Lendec Any natice w Lender ilwll Ix gi�•cu by �rs� clas� null to �,r�.='-,�_
<br /> ' Lender i eddress xtnted hercin or uny o�her addnz+ Lender dc�i�nmes 6y nmice tn Burrvutr. Any noiloe provided for in�hia -
<br /> �� �� Sccuri� Insuument shall bc dceined�o hore becn iven-tu�orru�ver or Lendcr when nui u roridal in this iam m h T�
<br /> :-.'?{k't�;!.-, Y S f " P 1 S P • '.5� " -
<br /> = � �. 15.Govcrning lax�: Sererabllih�. This $ffUtiif I1161NIItW11 shnll 6c go��cmed by f�dcrel law mid tlio la�v o(�he ��::�;"::'�` .
<br /> - '�t"'%' Judsdiaion In which�he Propeny is Ioca�eJ. In�he event dun uny pro�•isiun or clauu uf�his Securiy Iniwnum or the Note
<br /> � . .
<br /> - -"- - wntlic�s�vith epplicable law,such mn0in ihall irot all'in otl�er pruvisinns nf ihix Snvritp Instrumem or the Mme�vhich can be
<br /> _..�;-_;t.. „
<br /> ��„_ r . given etfat o�i�hout�he mn0ic�ing provi�ion. To�hi+end �he pro�isiuns of i6is Sttmi�y Imtrunxm a�d ihe No�e arc declared � -
<br /> �' 'i-.= to be sererable. -�- =
<br />,•��..:}, -" 16.Dorroo�er's Copy�.Borrower shall be giren one canfamial cupy uf tiu Nnm and of this Smiriq•6uuumem. �-''- �
<br /> i�.9?: `:.j,'�_`:
<br /> !_'.l :
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