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<br /> r,.� J "' ' � �� . -„ '
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<br /> . i '_ __,.u.rdv..wl�cucs.lw�...alc[US.:.v-flinYY-, 6.,,...:..: ....,.,.., ...: ._. - � �
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<br /> y=� �93d so����
<br /> TOOIiTHCR WITH ell thc Improvenxnts nptiv or herraRcr crcc�ttl un�ho propctly,and ail easenunu,nppurtenentta,end �'�
<br />---- --= fixtures now on c�rwRcr a pan of the prop:riy, All rcplaccnknta ond addliione sAall alw bc �ovcrcd by this Saurity —
<br /> °= Instrument.All ot�hc fnregoing is refernd m In this.Sccurity Instrunwm as�he'Propcny.'
<br /> .-�.a� BORROWHR COVEiNANTS that[iorroxtr Is.lmvfully seised of�he cs�aio�icreby mnveycd nnd haY thc dgh��o g��m and --- --
<br /> --- _— convcy Iha Property and �ha��he Propeny Is un:�r.vmhcrM, exccpt fnr encumbmnce.+ of rccord. 6nrrower warmms and wlll _
<br /> '�"'s��� deknA gcncrally�hc�itle�o�he Pmpeny ogalnu n11�clnime nnd dcmand�,suhJM to nny cncumbrencee of nxnrd.
<br />- "��'�''� TNIS SL'CURITY INSTRUMBNT rombin:a mdfortn cvvcnanu for nntlonnl ux nnd non-unifonn wvcnania wiih Iimlted M �~
<br />_"'"�"'�ei� varlaUane by Jurisdicqon ro wnsif�ulc n unitarm sccurity inswnum cnrcdng rcal property. _--
<br /> � �.�� UNIFURM COVI3NAN7'S.Oorroxrr aM LcMCr mvcnam nnd ngrcc ns follows: ` -�- -
<br /> �:; 1. Payment ot Pdncipnl end Intereslt PrayrymeN and t.ate Cherges. Qarrower shuil promplly pny when duc the
<br /> �i i: pdncipal of nnd intercst on the debt evidem:ed by�It:Note onJ uny prepaymem and laia charges dua unAcr iho Note.
<br /> - , �� 2.FUndv for Taxas pnA G�curuntt.SubJect to applicable law m�o n wdaen waivrr by LenAer,Qorcower shnil p�y to �.-
<br /> j�„�r� Lcndcr on�hc day momhly paymena nrc due uMtr Ihc No�c,umil�ha Nme is p�ld in PoII,a�um('I'unde')lor.(a)yeady tnxee �,�X _
<br /> - �a- ^ end nssessments which nuy eunin prloriiy over ihls•&curiiy Insuunxm a�n Iien on tAa Propeny:(b)ycady Iwuehnld p�ymcNS �ov«.,•�__-----�.
<br /> or ground renu on the Property,If eny;(c)yeuly hnani ar propeny(nsurance pnmiums;(d)ycariy flood Insunnce prcm(uma, ji''�n, _--
<br /> if eny;(e)yearly mottgage insuranee prcmfums, if nny;and (�nny sume papa6le by Rurrower�o Lender, In xcordana wi�h �,"r�ys�-_;:
<br />�� �he provisiorts ot paragr�ph 8, in Ileu of�he p3ynr.nt of mnngage insurence premiums.Thesc iiems nrc called 'Fscrow hems.' �'."—�-_�y._--�
<br /> LenAcr may, al any Nnk, mllect and hold Punds in nn amount na �o excecd �he maximum amnunt a Icnder for o kdarolly " '�»�'�� ;._
<br /> rcleted mongage loan may rcquirc (or Oormucr's escrotv ecmunt undcr ihe federal Rcal Cs�n�u SeWument Procedurcs Ac� of , � �'y��eee����-----
<br /> 1974 as amended fmm tfine m�imc. 12 U.S.C.Sm�ion 2CAI e+sar/. ('RESPA').unlcss ano�hcr law�hnt applies�o Iho Punds � � � �R�`�-
<br /> 3 ute a Iesser amoum. If so. Lender may,at my tlm:, mllect and hold Funds in nn amount na �o eamvf thc letxr amnuN. � �
<br />-'-°'�T�' l.ender may cstim�ic thc amount of Funds duo mi Ihc Aasis of cvrrcnt daia :mA ralconahie a�imata of expondiNn�s of futurc ���''4"� `=-
<br /> _ - _'.� Escrow I�ems ar othenrise in eccordance aith apyUcable lao•. -_ ,.-�� - �
<br /> �^ Thc �unds shall bc hcld in an im�imiinn �e�hose de sns ere insured b � federal n euc murmnemali� or entiry �-`�<<, r,�.:,�
<br /> ..vg. ; po ' Y � G Y. ' y.
<br /> :•.'4�:.��� (including Lender, if Lender is such an im�innian)or in nny Federal Home l.mn 6ank. Lender shall�pply Ihe Funds to pry Ihe
<br /> , .� Escrow Ilenu. Lender may not charge 6ormoerlur holding end npplying tite Funds,annaaily nnal�zing tha estrow ettrount, or =°-
<br /> -.�rf���_'�-��� vedfy(ng�he Fsemw I�enu,unless Lender pays Rortower Interes�on�he Punds and applir.able low pemiils Lender w make such - �-�-'��.t=�:-
<br /> . ..�.+''t'rt +.�i' i;,..' -.
<br /> ���_'; ,, . a chnrge. Hox�erer, Lender may requirc�ormi��r ro pay a one•�ime chsrge for;tn independrnt n.�l eslale Inx nporting urvice
<br /> •'•'�>a5` used by Lender im m�ncciion «�i�h this laan, unless epplicable law provides o�henvi.u. Unless nn agrcen�eN ts made or '��1`��=����'�
<br /> `�';'������-�� e licablc law r ulres in�eres��o be aid.Lendrr shall noi be rc uircd�o a 13orro�ecr an imereFi or tamin on Ihe�unJs.
<br /> PP W P 9 P Y Y 85 -'' �''.��
<br /> -.r;� 6ortowcr end Lender may agrce in wriiing, Ih��ivvcr, �hat inten:.a shall be paid on ihe Funds. Lcndcr zM1nll gi��c to Uortoivcr, ., �_. J �h �_
<br /> withoui char6�. en nnr,ual accountins of thc Funds, shmvinc crcdi�s and dcbits m �hc Funds and �hu aumosc for�vhich cach -'�r`�.�
<br /> debit to the�unds was nbde.The Punds arc ploigad ns addi�ianzl xcurity for all sums sewrod 6y lhis Scwrily Insimmem. . . '
<br /> - If the Punds held by LenAer en�eed�hr amouNs pemii�ied m be hclJ by applica6le larv, l.ender shnll accoum to Qorrower ,�k � r
<br /> for U�o exeess Nr.ds in accordanm�vi�h�h.rap�immems af applicable law. If�he nnwmu of Am FLnds held by l.ender at any .''fi 1°.
<br /> j _", �i�uc Is not su(ficicm m pay�hc Curow Itcnn u'hcn duc.Lcndcr may so nmify Uorroxer in writing,and,in such casc O;,rtowcr �Z -sv��ya��.-_'-�
<br /> shnll pay�o Lender�he nmount nemxsary�o m3ke np �he deficiency. porco�cer xhnll mnkc up �he deficicncy in no �r:orc then ` ��'•A ��� '-_
<br /> Iwclvc momhly paymenis,et LenAer's mledixcmtion. '':,'',rt�j.��; :_
<br /> r " Upon paymen� in PoII of all sums xcurcA 6y �hix Security InswmenL l.ender shuli promp�ty rcfund m Oorro�eer uny - _;" `� ':—
<br /> Funds held by Lendee If,under parag�aph 21.Lender shnll acquirc or ull d�e Pruperty,lAnder,priur to�ha ncquisiiinn or sale � j� ��
<br /> of tlto Propeny,shall npply nny�unds held bp LcnAcr ni ihe�inu of acquisiiion or sale ax a cn:dit agninst thu smns secund by �`�'`"`��:-'t"•> .�
<br />- _ •".��"c' , �,:.�_:.
<br /> �Ma Securi�y Ins�mnxm.
<br /> -' 3.Applicnl�on of Payments,Unlrsc applicable Imv provides oihenvise, alI paymemn nceived by Lender under p�ragraphs - ,
<br /> __ �.+.�..'.�"s 1 nnd 2 shall be npplicd: firs�, to xny prepa��ment churgn Jne nnder�he No�e:semnd,ta emoums p�ynble under pamgnph 2; ;;;r:'';,��.,•;-:-.-.±:;
<br />. -.;,�'-'��`- �hird,ro intcrest due;(ounh,�o prin.ipal dut:and lu6 m any latc charges Jue undcr�he No�e. '°':`'•'�;i'%%°'
<br /> �. '"n::1N� 4.Chn ce; I.lens. Oorrmver shall �'�y��.r.�"ti.'�= >�.�
<br /> L__ �6 pay all�axes, assessmems,charge., fine.nnd fmposi�ions auribmable m�he Property . , .
<br /> � � - -7�' which may auein prinrity uver�his Securiry� InsvumenL anJ Ieasehold paymem� or gmmd rcnts, if uny. Rorto�eer shall pay ='����- g•.;i•;.`�.
<br />-�-•Fil'AY.^��9; these obligatlons In thc manner prnvided in pamgroph 2,m if no�p�id in�h:�t manncr.Ilorm��rr shall pay tl�em on thne dirccqy �" `�ti'r?�'?�S;,">:ii-`
<br /> -., F :
<br /> �)�.�-;�-- �o�ha person owed paynxm. 6onoorr shall promp�ly furnish to Lender all notices of�moums to 6e paid under this paragraph. .<�:'__ j�1;�''•"
<br /> i ' ;-`'� If Qorrowcr m�k�re thcsc paymcros directly,(iovmccr xhall promp�lp furnish�n Lc�dcr rcccipts cridcncing�hc paymcnts. -- ;?� ;
<br /> 3 5 ,j� Qorro�vcr xhall promp�ly diichar@c any licn which ha�prinri�y ovcr ihi.Scturi�y Instrumcm unless fiorrowcr.(a)ugrxs in - ` t ..
<br /> . _ - ,: wriling lo thc paynxm of lhc obligatian snvrcd by�hc licn in a manncr acccp�ahlc lu 4nder.(b)rnntcxls in goad faitli�hc licn "'^�' �1+� i��..
<br /> s : _ s?; 6y, or dzfende ngains� en(orcenkm of iht lien in. Icgal procc.�Jing. �rhich in �he L.ndcr's opinion operatc�u prevm� the � -�d3pa ��ir ,"
<br /> cn(armment of�ht Ifcn;or(c)sccures from�hc hnlder of�hc lien nn agr.rment v�ii.fac�nq•io Lcnder subordinaiing�hc lien �o - � `�
<br /> '.sdr,,..__..r,:.�
<br /> „�_.:���.'_ this Sccuriq• Inswmcnt. If l.endcr dctcrmints�ha�any pan of�he Propcny i�whjcct w a licn whivh may aunin priorily ovcr
<br /> - this Sccurily Inswmcnt.Lcnder may givc Dotmwcr a noticc iJcnlifying Ihc licn. Uurro�rcr shall siti.fy Ihc licn nr Iakc onc or � �•i;�ct'.'�;;;;�;--�
<br />-_-���' •:r:' more of thc actions sel fonh abore ailhin 10 days o(�he giving of noti�r. := �j," � "' -
<br /> -.:t;:... i�;�( �•
<br /> _ r cta r+i-.
<br /> Pam 3028 8/80 - v�
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