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/p�. :'-7 2} i1 i - . . �. <br /> .� l tj„I j •' `� - 1 F - -_, /�- . � <br /> ��..mvZ in �S4 s f � � ;N, � � `r'' <br /> , / . <br /> - ' . <br /> �--�a�ti.r'n���,_ .,�. . er�d:..�.a-.a.a.ti. .. ......._.. _. <br /> ' � ._ . -_ .___ .. <br /> � 93-�.o�s�.� <br />� _"�--�° paynxnte nwy no longer bc required,s��hc option of Lcnder, If mnngegc Insurenco covcrago(tu tlw nmount nnd(or the pedod <br /> � "'�'^'�"� th�l Lender requlree)provideJ by an Insurcr approved Ay I.ender ugoin becomea avallable ond is ob�ained.Dorcower shall pay <br /> �'i�"��''� �he pram(uma required to n�alNain mongage insurenco in eihct,or lo pmvide e loss racrve,until�he requirement for nuongage <br /> s±,{ � insurence ends In accordance with ony wduen ogrcement between�orro�ver nnd I.ender or opplica6le Inw. <br /> V^� 9. liupectiam l.e�cr or i�e agent nwy meke matonable entdes upon er.d insptt7lans of tho Propeny. Lender sh�ll gfve -- - -- <br />'�%�;��,; I3orrower notice et�he tlme of or prior ta an InspocUon apecifying masonabie ceuse far the Inspecilon. <br /> " .� 10. Condemnatlon.The procetds of nny awerd or clalm for dnmages,direct m conuqucmlal, im m�nwtion with eny _._____ __ <br /> `����''� '�,,?:� mndemnnqon or mher ixking of any pan of�he Pmpeny,or for cnnveyance In Iicu of conden�na�lon, nrc herebp�sssigned end _ <br /> �� _.s � shall bo paid to 4endcr. " ' �� �� - <br /> 1 ' :� In �he eveni of e rotal iaking of�he Propeny,tho procads shall be applied io tlu,sums scared by this Securl�y Inswmen6 <br /> `�-"'�%' �vhe�her or not then due, with any excess a�id�o Oorrowcr. In thc cvmt of a panial �aking of�hc Propeny in n�hich�he feir -- <br />--.;;2;��;.'2: i market veiuc of�hc Propcey immcdiaicly before the teking is equal to or grwter tlian the nmaum of ihc sums accured by this — <br /> :- ea •:aE � `-- <br /> '�� �+. - Securi�y inurument Immedintciy 6,�fore the Iaking,unless 6orrower and Lender othenvise ngree in�vrhing,ihe sums secured by - � <br /> Y-+ ` this Securiry Inswment shall bc rcduced by ihe emount of the proceeds multiplicd by Ihe folio�ving fmction: (a) ihe to�al -' -- <br />- °� "-- emoum of ihe sunu secur� immedlately bcFore �he laking, dlvldcd by(b)thc fuir nurket value of lhc Properly inmxdialely C�,g'r�-�� <br /> --'�=`!`�` �>` beforc ihe iakin An balance shall be �id to 6orrowcr. In the event of e rtial lekin of the Pro n in which Ihe fair -- --- <br /> ,..�..` 8• Y P Pa 8 G� Y -- <br /> � - -; nurket vnluc of�hc Propeny immediately befarc�he�aking is less�han the amount of the smns secumd fnmiedla�ely boforc @e �-_ "��' <br /> L�-� leking, unless Borrower and C.endcr oihenvise ngrce In wri�ing or unless applicable la�v o�hcrwise provides, the proceeds shall �,�r ;�e� <br /> '`� �-.� be applied to the sums secure4 by this Securi�y Instrument�vhether or nol the sumt nre ihen due. ��d�=�.ev- <br /> }r �S;r�, If the Pmpeny�is abamloncd by Qorrower,or if,nf�er notice by Lendcr to Borrower that tl�e rnndcmnor offen�o make en � =-_ --- <br /> �1,. ei�ard ar seule e claim for damages, Dorrower fnils to respond�o I.ender ai!!!in 30 days n�cr ihe daie�he nodco Is glven, � - ..-----. <br /> ���ti�� Lc�der is nmhoriud m callec�and npply Ihc pracccds,n�i�s optfon,eitl�er�o rrs�oraUon or rcpair of�he Propeny or lo IAe smns '� <br /> ��a` securod by�his Securiiy Inslrumen�,whether or nol Ihen dua [P'�" <br /> �;t�� Unleu Lender nnd Oorro�ver othenvise agrce in �vri�ing, nny xpplita�ion of proceecls to principal ahall not exttnd or __ <br /> `. �+��'� st ne�he due da�e of�he manthl a menis refencd�o In ara re hs I and 2 or chan�e Ihe amount of such a ments. �`"'� - <br /> `;:;js...��,,.t� Po Po Y P Y P 8 P o P Y <br />- - � +� - Il. Oorro�rer Nut Releascd;I�orbexrence 6y Ixnder Not n Wniver. Lxmnsion o!Ihc�imc far payment or modlfiwtion �','>'--" <br /> �;CL "?��' of omortizatlon of�he sums secured by this Securily Insuument granled by Lender io any suceessor in interal of Rorrower sh�ll �- <br /> .: ��- <br /> nol opern�e io releuc�he liabiliry of�he original Bortower or Uortower's succcssors in interal. Ltnder shall no�be requlrcd�o ___—' <br /> ':�J;°�-';' commcnce proceedings ngains�nny succes<or in imerus� or rcfuse�o ex�end Ume for paymem or olhenvisc modify emohiza�ion "���.�-� <br />- �,',�`"�i�';�;j af the sums saured by ihix Securi�y Inswmm� 6y reason of eny demand made by �he original Dorrmver or porrowcr'e = <br /> '--�; suceessors in Inleres�. Any torbeamnce by Lender in exercising any dght or rcmedy shall no� be e�vniver oF ar preciude Ihe - <br /> �.. <br /> exercise of eny riRhl or remedy. ._ . __. � <br /> . -._ <br /> """' "' 12, Siccescorc nnH Assl ns 6ound; Jolnt m�d Sereml I.Ieblili Co•sl ners. 17�c rnvenants nnd a rcements of�hi� <br />. _.:.-n,��4 . R Yi F 6 =- <br /> }� ;,.,{�„ SMUriiy Insvumcro shnli bind and bcnefi� �he suacssors and nssigns of LeMcr nnd Dorrowcr, subject �o Ihe provisioas ot <br /> '- ;?�"" pangraph 17. I3orrower's euvcnams and agrcements shnll Be joint n� several. Any [iorro�cer who msigns �his Sauriiy <br /> .;�` .: �;.+. <br /> --{.�� Inswmeni bm docs no�cxcewe thc Note: (a) Is m-signing ihis Security Insuunxnt only �a mortgage, grant xnd convey Ihat "°� <br />- ,��-";%r�,'•p�;, Bovoircr's inreres�in�he Propeny under the�enus of�his Sccuriq•InxuumenC(b) is nm persnnnlly obliga�ed �o pay the sums �!x+aa�+r��� <br /> �"`�•"n4� searM by ihis Securiry Insimment:and(c>agrecs ihai Lcndcr and eny mher Ibrmwcr may ngrce Io extend,modify, forbear or �er�----- <br /> .:ji!,.; :i-_l.'�ti:rt_— <br /> �-� make any aawnmadaifons�vith regard�o ihe�crms of�his Security Insimmem or�he Note without�hat Barrower's mnsem. � �;,- -___ . <br /> 13. luan Chnrgea. If ihe laan setured 6y Ihis Sewri�y Insirumenl is xubjecl to a law which uts maximum loan chargea, .::;r,.t��r. <br /> - and iha� la�v is finally Imeryrc�ed sn�ha� �he imeres�or o�her Inan charges colleaed ur�o be collcaed im m�nrnion ai�h�he :�"���;�;;,\--- <br /> Inan ateed the penni�ced limits,�hen: (o):my such laln charge sh�ll hc reduced hy ihe amount neceuary io redutt�he charge --�?=.'i �--� <br /> ^` to the permined limit; nnd(6)any sunu alreaJy coliec�ed fmm �nrroacr�vhich exceeded permi�ted limits wlll h reRtnded�o i:�'7 - _ <br /> -- ���� Borrmver. Lender may CIIWSC 10 III�I(l` llll\ rcfund by �ttlucinF Ihe principal uwed under �he No�e or by nuking a direcl -�'� � <br /> ��" - � �ymem m Ootm�eer. If a rcfund mluccs princip�l. ihe reduc�ion �vill he vcatM as a par�ial prepayment �vithom nny f�r .Yy <br /> ����'"�� prepayment chprge under Ihe Nu�c. `. --?' S -y�t� ���_ <br /> 4 � <br /> t f'y - , 14. Ratkes.Any no�ire to Iiorroicer pro�iJed for in�his Securi�y Insuumrn�shall be @iven by delivering It or by nuiling ,t.s," < "�t�,� ;;`;._. <br /> , r{i�}, ii 6y firs� class mail unless appli�a6lc Lm rcquircc u+c ni anoihcr mcthod. "I he nnlicc shall 6c Jircc�ed to�hc Property Addrcss .}i , �x� . ;_ <br /> �h or any other address �orro���er Jesignates by notice lo Lender. Any irotice to I.ender shall Ik giren by fircl clnss mail to ; Si�t��f <<sr�+ <br /> !A".}� Lender's addre.a smicJ hercin or any uthcr adJrcss lAnder designa�tx hy no�ice�o Dorrmrcr. Any nolice provided for in this -�::�-y.,�,� ;t�•. ���,- <br /> �- "�� Security Innrumem shall be dcaned w have bmn giren in Oorm�rcr or Lcndcr uhen gircn as providcd in�his p�ragr�ph. --�'° ` t`: <br /> � I5. Coserning Ln�r; Sercrubliftr. This Sccuri�� Insuumem .hall be Fnrcmcd U� fcderai law nnd �hc L�w ofthe '-•` ' ."`"` <br /> � � jnrisdic�ion in which�he Propeny is lu.a�ed. In�he crent ihat any prmision or clauxe nf�his Sewri�y Insuumem or the Nrne -�', �j3�--. .. <br /> ` - con0ins wi�h applicable la�r.,uch conllict chall not a(fect o�her prrn� ihiti Security In.trumem or�he Note�rhich ran be . �`� +�£i'�,f� <br /> � <br /> ` ,;. gh�en effec��vi�hom the con:licling prnrision.To thiti enJ�he prorisinns nf thi.Securily Imlrumem and Ihe Nnle afe Jeclnred -`' ' .��a.i___'. <br /> � _a,, �o be severabie. .t,;� .' - ;y. <br /> 1+ - 16. Borroxer'a Cop��.U�vrmrer shall Iw gi�rn one confornted cnpp of Ihe Nme anJ o(Ihis Securily Imlmnunl. � _ <br /> ". . <br /> `r4��q�� Fa�m3028 W80 --•+� 74r . <br /> y....- VKll�WU �� 1�������y� <br /> ' 1�.:. .i%:'c� �:ii . <br /> J/.1 <br />.. .. _ _ 1'C� - . <br /> - ' l�(ih <br /> t `. .> . 1- �'��;y-_^"�` ��ya_..'_°'�i.�l. .�t�.._.�____"'."`7? _ - <br /> _ _ t' � ' .�� -}.S • !' t _ <br /> _. - ' },:•�- 1! r . fj _ l .. .. <br /> '. _-_ . "- ._- L__ _> _ — _ — __ _ <br /> n - �• .-:' - : �-'t_ :-- �-:�� - .- i� - . . <br /> .-3�. . : <br /> '-..r � '- - -'. .. � .7-. . .�._-. �-t • � i ' :� ' <br /> _ - ... .- .. .v . <br /> r--.e .. n- -<< .:i, � �f�•�� .r-• + <br /> . . } .', 5 .-Y - ` - - . <br /> f � � "f <br /> ..t��� .. . __ .. . .: . <br /> � <br /> -LkY.* 1. ' . . _ " ���_ � ��._ <br /> � t _ < <br /> -_' r. �. _ ' �. . 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